• Published 29th Jan 2014
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Spike's Fans - JusSonic

Takes place after 'Lorcan's Wrath'. Spike has got himself a lot of fans and unfortunately those same fans won't leave him alone.

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Chapter 1

My Little Pony: Spike's Fans

Time goes by in Ponyville ever since the fall of Lorcan, his evil dragon army and the bad guys' defeated. Equestria is recovering from the events are moving on. Of course, every so often, there is some trouble or happening...especially when it involves a certain little dragon who is the brother of the enemy.

Spike was carrying some groceries back to the library when Lyra and Bon-Bon rush to him, the former exclaims eagerly, "Hey, it's Spike, our good pal and hero!"

"Well, I wouldn't say hero, Lyra." Spike said with a chuckle, yelping as Bon-Bon grab some of the groceries.

"Here, let me help ya with those." Bon-Bon said happily. Spike looks a bit surprised and flattered.

"Well, thanks, Bon-Bon. I appreciate it."

"Hey, Spike, buddy!" Caramel exclaims as he rush up, giving an apple to Spike, "Got an apple for ya."

"Yeah, thanks, Caramel. How are you often?" Spike asks Caramel with a slight chuckle.

"Doing fine!"

Spike is thrilled but got more thrilled as some ponies are giving him more attention, giving him favors, the whatnot. The baby dragon used to not like this due to the trouble that it gave Twilight during the Gala ticket incident. But recently, he was given a whole new level of respect.

Not every ponies are impressed. Diamond Tiara, the one who makes the mistake of mocking Spike at his funeral, frowns at the dragon who remarks, "Gotta say. I must be the luckiest dragon ever...though I have been receiving a lot..."

"Get over it! What bout me," Diamond Tiara snaps to Spike in annoyance.

"What have you done that means you should be praised?"

"I have a cutie mark, duh!"

"For what; being a spoiled brat? You're just jealous, later!" Spike taunts Diamond, laughing as he leaves the filly, who growls angrily at him. How dare he insult like that. Still, Filthy Rich promised his daughter that she behave herself this week, she will take him to the theme park in Cloudsdale so Diamond Tiara has to behave herself...unfortunately.

Spike goes inside the library, smiling. Twilight and Ben is at work when they are saw the dragon. The stallion comments, "You seem to be happy. I guess being a celebrity in Ponyville must be good for ya, huh?"

"Yeah, I got a whole lot of fans like you did!"

"Yeah...too much; It's good to have fans but you remember how too much of a good thing can be a pain, right?"

"Yes, not to mention too much favors. Reminds me of when ponies offer to do some for the ticket." Twilight remarks with her tongue, sticking out. "You better be too careful because too much attention is still too much attention!"

"Yeah, but I haven't gotten so much attention...it should cool off, eventually." Spike said with a slight chuckle as he looks in a mirror, smiling eagerly. "So whatcha think? I'm planning of hanging out with Rarity later."

"You look nice. But...you should be careful out there. Sometimes fandom can be a bit troubling than its worth as you have seen before hoof."

"I will be fine, Twi. Gotta go! Rarity's waiting."

Ben shakes his head as Spike leaves the library, ready for some fun time with Rarity. The stallion remarks, "Looks like he's about to learn how difficult being a celebrity is, just like I did."

"I know, Spike will learn, like it or no." Twilight remarks with a chuckle of amusement. "So....tell me, do you really think I look cute with wings someday?"


Spike hums a bit while walking through town. The baby dragon can't wait; he has waited a long time to hang out with Rarity. The white unicorn agrees to close down shop for the day to do so but only as friends. But it's a start for Spike.

"Hey, Spike!" Daisy, Lily and Rose calls out, smiling as they surround him.

"Oh, hey Daisy, Lily, Rose," Spike said, rubbing the back of his head. "Listen, can't chat; Gotta go somewhere."

"Come on! We will carry ya, let us do so!" Lily giggles eagerly.

"No thanks, I will walk by myself, thanks."

Spike tries to get away but some ponies appears, Cloud Kicker appears, pushing some clouds while saying, "Got some clouds for some shade or if you wanna ride later!"

"Thanks, but the weather is fine." Spike said, getting a bit uneasy. The attention may be getting a bit too much for him.

"Hey, I can clean your scales!" Noteworthy offers, holding up a wag.

"Oh, oh, Spike, over here, over here," Bon-Bon exclaims eagerly, waving over to Spike.

Spike gulps a bit as he tries to get away but more ponies are surrounding him, some ask for doing favors, some ask him various questions about the war. The dragon is getting uneasy, he likes the attention and favors...but too much is too much.

"Come on, guys, I got to see Rarity. Can you all back off?" Spike asks the ponies, pushing his way through until he got an opening. "There, now..."

Suddenly foals appear, waving out papers while calling out, "Spike, Spike, autographs, please!" Spike yelps in more worry. That attention may be Rainbow's territory, but now...

"Perhaps Twilight is right...this attention thing did get out of hoof...one thing to do..." Spike mumbles then he jumps off and zips off in mid-air, "RUN FOR IT, ME!!!"

Spike was now running from his crazy admires, but they just wouldn't stop.

"Ah man, hah...I gotta figure a way to run fast enough to get away, if only I could fly, then..." As Spike was complaining, he suddenly had a surprise face, and felt like slapping his forehead in realizing; his escape maneuver. "Dugh Spike, you received some trying from your grandpa, you know a move for this! Flame Step," The baby dragon completely forgot the move that he learned when he fought Lorcan and now's the time to use it.

Without delay in jumping from the ground, Spike was soon skipping across the skies while leaving a flame trail from his feet pressing off in the air, performing some jumping distance from the crowds below.

"Yes, that should, whooh!" Spike was almost about to say, but yelped in seeing a large flock crowd of Pegasus and even unicorns using their magic to levitate off the ground, some Earth ponies even rode in balloons to follow this guy. "Ah man, so much for an easy escape route!" He complained off with a groan, the dragon thought that he had an edge, now it's gone.

So without delay, Spike was soon zipping off as fast as he could with his technique through the air while the pony stampede was coming from both the ground and the air.


The scene shows us Tough Apple's part of where he lives, as he does what he usual does ever so often. Work around Apple Farms, polish his pee-shooter, rest in his hammock, and play's his banjo called Joe to relax himself and keep his temper under complete control.

Tough Apple is singing 'She'll Be Coming around The Mountain When She Comes' while working, "She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes, (when she comes). She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes, (when she comes). She'll be coming 'round the mountain, she'll be coming 'round the mountain; she'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes, (when she comes)."

"Pss..." A quiet voice was heard from someone that distracted the stallion.

"Hugh...who goes there; somebody on myahproperty," Tough snaps to his attention, who was making the noise while interrupting his singing.

"Tough, it's me!" The voice sounding vaguely like Spike responded.

"What the," Tough Apple looked below his deck porch, only to see that Spike was hiding underneath the dark spot where the light didn't shine much...unless he poked his head out from the open cracked hole side. "Oh Spike, fancy seein' yew there. Speakin' o' which, um...wha 'are' ye doin' under mah deck?" He asked off in seeing the baby dragon doing something a little...odd to be seen.

"Hiding; I've become so popular, that ponies aren't giving me time to rest! Too many photos, too many questions, too many requests, it was fun for a while, but I need a break." Spike explained his situation as best he could to the tough stallion.

"Shoot, sounds rough." Tough spoke off in hearing that statement, must be rough being a big-time celebrity.

"Over here! He musta went this way!" A sudden voice cut in-between the two chatters as over the hill were more crowds of Spike crazed fans.

"Oh no; they've picked up my trail, you gotta cover me!" Spike yelped for fear to duck back into his new hiding spot under Tough Apple's deck.

"Wit' what," Tough asked in being confused by the cover him part, almost like giving him a blanket'

"I don't know, just make them leave!" Spike rolled his annoyed eyes before issuing what Tough can do.

"Well Granny said Ah shouldn't shoot off mah mouth...or rifle when folks wanna know something & ain't trying 'ta annoy me," Tough spoke off in recalling to no snap his temper at folks coming to speak with him and especially with his rifle too.

"Please...Yipe!" Spike begged for mercy with the guy, but then yelped to duck further in the darkness so to keep himself from being seen.

Soon the crowd of ponies approached Tough Apple's spot, some most remembered this particular stallion, but weren't threaten from Tough's past actions.

"Tough Apple; Have you seen Spike?" Caramel asked off in where the baby dragon was.

"We lost track of him, but some say he came this way." Golden Harvest stated about losing sight of their favorite celebrity.

"Hmm...Spike, Spike...give me a second." Tough held his chin in trying to ponder for a second. "Is he 'dat fella 'dat's small, scaly, purple baby dragon?" He described in what Spike was suppose to look like.

"Yeah..." The crowd responded that the first description was true.

"An' him being 'de one that works at 'de library wit' Twilight Sparkle & friends wit' 'de rest o' me family?" Tough spoke off in trying to remember another fact connecting it to Spike.

"Yeah..." The crowd once again, agreed to what they heard was true.

"An' him being 'de one 'dat beat 'de stuffin' out o' Lorcan an' saved us all," Tough Apple spoke off in proclaiming the major fact in what made Spike be famous for defeating his evil older brother.

"YEAH," The pony fans of Spike cheered in agreement, that was the Spike they were seeking.

"Nope; haven't seen him since yesterday Ah'm afraid!" Tough shook his head off to sadly pretend to say that he never saw Spike.

"Awww..." The crowd signed with some disappointment while the hidden Spike signs with some relief that Tough helped him out.

"You sure," Lyra asked off if Tough was certain that he never saw any signs of Spike at all.

"Do Ah look 'sure' enough fer ye'al 'ta notice?" Tough spoke off in pointing to his tough expression that was almost annoyed, if he says so, it means so.

"Well we better go, any longer and we might make him lose his temper." Bon-Bon spoke about letting Tough Apple be, if Spike isn't around, then they'll have to try somewhere else.

"Very well, good day to you Tough Apple," Caramel responded off in agreement before saying farewell to the Tough Apple Member.

"Good day 'ta ye all too," Tough Apple spoke off in watching them fans leave, and when it was clear, he whispered. "Kay; them be goners now." He spoke under his floorboard to give the okay which Spike came out of hiding.

"Few, thanks Tough, you saved my life there!" Spike wiped the sweat off his face; that was a close call for him. "And..." He was almost about to say something, however...

"Don't mention it, an' seriously, don't start neither," Tough Apple boldly spoke off in stopping where Spike was about to say. "Applejack once told me how yer dragon code whatever o' helping out, was kinda overdoing it, an' trust me, mah temper control is a bit more in need to be control than hers." This guy doesn't want Spike to owe him which may lead to trouble far worst then it ever did with Applejack.

"Oh, right, well, see ya!" Spike rubbed his chin in seeing that point, before waving goodbye to the pony.

"Good luck! And be careful of the attention, Ah knows, Ah've been there!" Tough Apple shouted off from seeing Spike leave off pass the hill. "Shoot, 'dat boy could fight off evil dragons an' his own evil brother, but when it comes 'ta crazy fans, wooo-weee, he rather face them enemies all over again!" Tough spoke off in feeling that the poor fella rather faces enemies and foes than hard to get rid of fans chasing him.


Rarity was in the Carousel Baroque, smiling as she gets ready for her picnic prepared with Spike. The little dragon deserves some time off.

"Yes, this is perfect, a quiet day." Rarity said with a sigh, ready for a quiet day with her friend Spike. "No business or trouble, just..."

Suddenly the door slams open and close as Spike came in frantically. The baby dragon remarks, "Rarity!"

"Oh Spike, I was worried that you wouldn't make it. Where..."

The door was heard knocking loudly. A pony is heard exclaiming eagerly, "Spike, come out! Come on!"

"Rarity, I would love to spend some time hanging out...but those ponies...they won't leave me alone!" Spike exclaims with a groan. "I like it more better when I was ignored or an unknown now than this!"

"Oh, this nonsense again? Oh, allow me, Spike." Rarity said sternly as she uses her magic to move Spike aside then grabs a hose nearby. "Stand back..."

Spike move aside as Rarity opens the door. The fans and ponies are eager to see their celebrity...but got sprayed with a bunch of water from the hose, making them yelp and push back a bit. Rarity a few seconds later turn the water off once she is satisfied that all of the fans are wet.

"How dare you! Why, have you forgotten when you pester poor Fluttershy or Ben Mare?!" Rarity snaps to the wet fans sternly. "Spike may be a celebrity but he is still a friend, not someone you should pester non-stop!"

"But...he is big news...he saved us from Lorcan, Rarity." Rose said to Rarity in concern.

"Yes, we are all grateful but you were not giving the poor one time to rest. You were harassing him, invading his personal space when Spike wanted to spend time with his dear friend me. You all must be ashamed of yourself."

"But don't you enjoy attention yourself?" Caramel asks Rarity in concern, recalling how the mare also likes some attention for stardom.

"Yes, but for now, I wish to spend a quiet day with Spike. So unless you want me to call friends who won't harass him or the Royal Guards, you will leave Spike alone." Rarity said sternly. "Why, you are his friends too, why must you harass him?! If he wants the favors or attentions, then let him have time to do so. Until then, give Spike some private time!"

The ponies look down, feeling guilty. They did it again, harassing someone for their celebrity status just like the ponies did to Ben Mare and almost made him leave forever. After giving out their apologies and promises to try harder to give Spike privacy when he wants it, they all disperse, leaving him alone with Rarity.

"Rarity...thanks for doing that for me." Spike said to Rarity with a smile.

"You're welcome; you are a good friend to me, Spike. I would never dream of seeing you get harassed like this." Rarity said to Spike, nuzzling him gently.

"I guess it's true, there is such a thing as too much attention. I was so thrilled to be getting it that I have forgotten how crazy it could be. Perhaps it's best to just be a nobody."

"Oh, now, now, not a nobody all the time, darling. You can still be someone but not someone for ponies to go crazy for! Still, even if you aren't getting attention...you are still a celebrity in my eyes."

"Thanks." Spike said with a slight chuckle as he goes inside, coming out with the picnic basket. The dragon held out a claw, "Shall we?"

"We shall," Rarity giggles as she takes Spike by the claw, the two heads out to head to the park for their picnic. The craziness is over; at least the two can hang out like true friends...

Though Spike still wish it to be more.

The End

Cast list
Cathy Weseluck: Spike the Dragon
Tabitha St. Germain: Rarity
Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle
Jason Marsden: Ben Mare
Scott McNeil: Tough Apple
Stephanie Anne Mills: Lyra Heartstrings
Chiara Zanni: Bon-Bon
Peter New: Caramel
Chantal Strand: Diamond Tiara
Andrea Libman: Daisy, Rose

Author's Note:

And thus, another fic done. Looks good, eh? Now then, time for another MLP: FIM story. And it's time for another AU fic...this time, it's time to get it on as next time is another Ponies on Celebrity Deathmatch fic!

"Ponies on Celebrity Deathmatch 4: Still more carnage from Equestria, though this time with a slight Transformers crossover: Match-ups: Jack Silver vs. Optimus Prime, Dr. Lizardo vs. Smaug and Garble and his goons vs. the Diamond Dogs vs. the Changelings!"

Looks good, eh? Hope to see you all again next time. Read, review and suggest.

This chapter has references to one of the episodes of the third season.

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