• Published 16th Dec 2013
  • 15,608 Views, 743 Comments

Daughter of Darkness - Tatsurou

Scootaloo introduces her parents to Ponyville. Hilarity ensues.

  • ...

Family Night

Alucard carefully tied the half-Windsor knot in his pitch black tie. Against the red dress shirt and black suit jacket and pants, he made quite the frightening and imposing figure...not to mention delectable, according to what Luna had told him a thousand years back. Tonight was, after all, a very special night. It was the first anniversary of their wedding that he and Luna were able to spend together, mostly since the first thousand were spent with Luna in the moon, and Alucard had been in the deep sleep for the last one. Besides that, Scootaloo was going to be along as well.

Thinking of her, the little filly came running up. "Hey Dad!" she said happily, skidding to a halt. She tilted her head in confusion. "What's with the suit?"

Alucard smiled. "It's a special night, kiddo! Your Mom and I are celebrating our wedding anniversary tonight!"

Scootaloo tilted her head. "I thought it was Nightmare Night?"

"Same diff! Why do you think it became a national holiday in the first place?"

"And the costumes?"

"We and the guests were all in costume at the wedding, so Sunbutt couldn't track us down and crash it during the 'anyone objects' part."

Scootaloo nodded. "And...the candy?"

"Well, we kinda dispatched a whole bunch of ghouls, goblins, and other night beasts to swipe enough grub and decorations to make it a nice wedding."

"And the offering to Nightmare Moon represents the wedding presents?"

"And Luna complains about your grades!" Alucard replied proudly, leaning down to ruffle Scoot's mane.

Scootaloo nuzzled into his hand. "So what are you dressed as? I can't think of anything scarier than who you normally are."

Alucard smiled widely. "I'm going as something as far from my normal self as possible...a civilized human being."

Scootaloo shuddered. "That is scary."

"What? Humans aren't all that-"

"No. You trying to be civilized."

Alucard let out a deep belly laugh. "That's my little hellspawn! So where's your costume?"

"Right!" Scootaloo said happily, dashing off to another room. There was a brief rustling of cloth, followed by a resounding crash. "Uhh...little help?"

Alucard headed into the other room to see what the fuss was about. There he found Scootaloo on the floor, bundled up - practically hogtied, in fact - in his red trenchcoat, with his fedora sitting over her entire head and all the way down to her wings. "I think those are a bit big for you, kid!" he managed to get out through his laughter as he started to untangle her.

"Aw, man!" Scootaloo pouted. "But I wanted to go as the scariest thing to ever live: my Dad!"

Alucard thought about that for a bit. Little Scootaloo, grinning eagerly as her body was covered with a properly sized red trenchcoat, a red fedora resting on her head, and her eager purple eyes peeking out over the yellow mirrored sunglasses...

It was at that point Ponyville heard the most terrifying sound it would ever hear, a sound that echoed across the countryside. Alucard squee'd. "That would be just too precious!" he cried happily.

"Aw!" Scootaloo pouted. "I don't want to be precious! I want to be terrifying, dressed up as a fuck-mothering vampire!"

Alucard chuckled. "Well...I think I can help you there. How would you like to go out tonight as a fuck-mothering vampony?"

Scootaloo squeed happily. "You've got a costume like that ready?"

Alucard chuckled. "Actually, for you, it'll be more like taking a costume off."

"Huh?" she asked, confused.

Alucard smiled widely. "Sun Protect: Off," he intoned, snapping his fingers.

Scootaloo hunched over as she felt magic coursing through her body. Her orange coat slowly faded in color until it was a moon pale white from muzzle to rump. Her purple mane and tail darkened to red, and then even darker until it was almost black, with a few shifting white specks appearing here and there within. One might poetically describe the image as a pool of blood drained of color by moonlight, reflecting the stars of the sky. Alucard found it somewhat closer to the color of the magical energy they shared, speckled with Luna's stars.

Scootaloo's teeth, flat for her lifetime of chewing grains and vegetables, slowly grew and sharpened until each and every one came to a razor sharp point, fitting together in her mouth like twin saw blades. Her violet eyes darkened to the crimson of rubies as red as blood, and her pupils narrowed to slits.

Groaning a bit, Scootaloo spread her small wings. Her now white feathers became softer and fuller. Then without warning, the bones of her wings erupted outward as she grunted, reaching the full length of normal wings. Skin and muscle quickly spread to cover the bones...and then webbing spread between them. The upper half of her wings was feathery like an avian, while the lower half was webbed like a bat.

Scootaloo slowly flapped her larger wings a bit, getting a feel for them. Turning, she saw herself in a mirror. "Wow," she breathed. "I look awesome!" She blinked. "Wait, how come I have a reflection? Aren't I a vampony?"

"Half vampony, actually," Alucard pointed out. "Your vampirism you get from me, and it is pretty powerful, but the living magic you get from Luna is just as strong. Technically, you're a damphir: all the strengths of a vampire, and only the sun weakness because both parentages draw from the dark and the moon."

Scootaloo grinned widely. "Sweet! This is going to be totally awesome!"

Alucard only grinned down at his daughter, pleased to see her in her true form at last. Pity he'd have to replace the sun protect come morning. She was still hyper sensitive to sunlight because of her mixed blood, and she would likely burst into flame if she went out unprotected. That and the sun would likely blind her night adjusted, light sensitive eyes.

"So is Mom going to be joining us?" Scootaloo asked eagerly.

Alucard nodded. "She will, she will. She just wants to make her traditional flashy entrance, then we can spend some quality family time together. In the meantime, I promised Pinkie Pie I'd help chaperone the little tykes around to collect candy." He leaned down. "Don't tell her I said this, but that pink pony freaks me out. ...she also gives me an awkward boner, but don't tell your mother that."

Scootaloo nodded. "What's a boner?"

"It's when a stallion stares too long at a mare and his junk pops out of the sheath," he explained bluntly.

"You mean like how every stallion reacts when they look at Fluttershy when she doesn't know she's being watched?"

"To paraphrase the other big red guy: Eeyup!" He chuckled. "Personally, she's not really my type. Far too gentle. Although I'd love brushing that mane of hers." He paused. "Don't tell Mom."

Scootaloo nodded. "Triple scoop," she added.

"You little extortionist you!" He ruffled her mane again. "Let's go join the others."

The two headed to the door, and Alucard opened it.

"Well it's about time you two got ready!" Pinkie complained, tapping her hoof. Alucard wasn't entirely sure how to describe her costume beyond confusingly awesome.

"And...what are you supposed to be?"

Pinkie giggled. "Isn't it obvious, silly? I'm Michael McDoesn'tExist."

"Wah!" Alucard replied, throwing up his arms defensively.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "Dad, you're embarrassing me."

"Of course I am! That's a father's job!"

The other fillies and colts giggled at these antics. Meanwhile, Apple Bloom - dressed as a marewolf - and Sweetie Belle - dressed as a mummy (Rarity had commented it would be good for her to have the bandages handy, given her track record with her friends) - marveled at Scootaloo's new look. "That's a really awesome costume!" Sweetie spoke up. "How'd you get it to fit so well?"

"Did ya actually dye your coat?" Apple Bloom asked.

Scootaloo shook her head. "This is my natural appearance, actually. What I normally look like is the result of a spell to protect me from sunlight."

"Whoa!" the two fillies said together.

"Cool!" several nearby colts added.

"Well what are you ponies waiting for?" Pinkie called out. "Let's go get some candy!"

"YEAH!" the group called out excitedly, following Pinkie. Alucard took up the rear, keeping track of all the young ones. While he wouldn't normally care, he had made a promise, and those he took seriously, no matter how childish.

When they started to pass a house without going up, Alucard called out, "Hey! How come we aren't going there?"

Pinkie sighed. "That's the Rich residence. Filthy never gives out candy. It's not very nice, but it wouldn't be nice of us to impose if he doesn't want to participate."

"Rich, Rich...that sounds familiar..."

"It's Diamond Tiara's dad," Scootaloo commented.

Alucard grinned widely. "Really?"

Scootaloo nodded. "Really."




"Dad, that's getting old-"


Pinkie glanced at Alucard nervously as the young ones gathered at Filthy's door. "Are you sure about this?"

"Don't worry, Pinkie," Alucard replied as he lowered his hand from the door bell. "I've got this."

Filthy Rich opened the door, and the children began the traditional chant.

"Nightmare Night, what a fright,
Give us something sweet to bite!"

Alucard added his own embellishment.

"If you don't, I don't care
I'll put a metal slug in your derriere."

As the fillies and colts giggled, Filthy Rich frowned. "What do you want?" he demanded.

"Isn't it obvious?" Alucard asked. "You're supposed to be giving the kids candy."

Filthy's frown deepened. "This candy is imported from Beargium, and is for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon! Diamond's sick and can't participate in tonight's festivities, and Silver Spoon was kind enough to forgo her own revelry to keep her company!"

A quick magical look through an upper story window revealed the extent of Diamond's "sickness" was staying in her room so she could throw water balloons filled with paint or other substances at other fillies and colts while Silver egged her on.

Filthy continued his tirade. "I must insist that you leave my property at-"

"I said..." Alucard began, swinging his hand up to point his middle finger between Filthy's eyes. The stallion lost all vehemence as his eyes glowed red. "You want to give these kids that candy."

"I want to give these kids this candy," Filthy intoned, beginning to pass out the candy.

"And you want to discipline Diamond Tiara because she's a spoiled little bitch."

"And I want to discipline Diamond Tiara because she's a spoiled little bitch," Filthy replied.

Alucard grinned. "See Pinkie? I can make him say anything. Watch this!" He cleared his throat. "Dusk's Dawn was amazing."

"Dusk's Dawn was amazing," Filthy intoned.

"And he believes it, too!"

"Eeyug!" Pinkie replied, flinching back.

"Oh! Oh!" Scootaloo bounced up and down, beckoning.

Alucard leaned down, and she whispered in his ear. He looked down at her. "Really? You really want me to make him say that?"

Scootaloo nodded. "Diamond hates them, and if he believes it, he'll make her read and watch them."

"You sneaky little devil!" Alucard said happily. He cleared his throat again. "Urgh...Twilight was the best romance story of all time," he intoned. Damn, I feel dirty saying that.

"You're full of shit," Filthy replied in the expected monotone.

Alucard blinked, noticing all the candy had been passed out. "Huh," he said as Pinkie giggled. "Even my power can't save that train wreck. Who knew?" He grabbed Scootaloo and ran off yelling, "Whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop!"

The others followed him, and once he set Scootaloo down, laughing, they continued their candy hunt. Meanwhile, the sounds of a petulantly shrieking Diamond Tiara were music to most of their ears.

"Say Scootaloo," Snips asked, "Luna's your Mom, right?"

"Yeah," Scootaloo replied, worried this would be the start of her feared your Mom's a Princess so let us worship you phase.

"Does that mean we still have to give her candy?" Snails asked.

"Of course it does!" Alucard replied. "Last time I saw Luna get denied her sweet tooth, she ate the goblin that took the last slice of cake." The colts and fillies all shuddered. "Course, it was our wedding cake, on our wedding day, and she was pregnant with Scootaloo at the time...but do you really want to take that chance?"

As some shuddered, Pipsqueak laughed aloud. "Your Dad's fun!" he told Scootaloo. "He's scary, but fun! Just like your Mum!"

"I'll show you scary butt fun," Alucard said wickedly.

"Really?" Pipsqueak asked, eager and not recognizing the intonation.

"When you turn 16," Alucard added. "Before would just be weird. Besides, it wouldn't fit."


"Dad's kinda like Pinkie Pie, too," Scootaloo pointed out. "Whatever he says or does, just...don't question it." She grinned widely. "Besides, if we don't tell Mom what he said, he'll buy us ice cream!"

"Ice cream!" all the colts and fillies - and Pinkie Pie - shouted happily.

Alucard chuckled. "Ice cream!" he screamed just as happily as they stormed the ice cream shop. The proprietor - Adderson, Earth Pony, special talent chemistry - screamed and fainted at their charge.


Alucard walked alongside the group of kids he was responsible for - well, he was more responsible than Pinkie anyway, barely - as they all enjoyed their ice cream. "So," he began, "having fun, kiddies?"

"Yeah!" they all shouted together.

"Neat! So what happens next?"

"Now we go to Zecora so she can tell us the story of Nightmare Moon," Scootaloo replied with a frown. Ever since learning that Nightmare Moon was her Mom, the story had lost its appeal for her.

Alucard snorted. "Really? Want to hear the real story?"

All the colts and fillies sat as Alucard had their complete attention.

Alucard grinned. "Mood swings."

There was silence for a time. "Huh?" they all asked.

He pointed to a slightly older unicorn colt. "Do you have an younger sibling?"

The colt nodded. "My little sister turns 1 next month."

"Remember what your Mom was like when she was pregnant with her?"

The colt snickered. "Dad couldn't sit down for an entire month."

"Imagine that sort of thing with a mare who controls the moon and the dreamscape. That's Nightmare Moon in a nutshell."

All the youngsters eyes widened in fear. Scootaloo sighed. "I think I prefer Zecora's story," she commented. "At least it's fun."

"And more than two words long," Apple Bloom complained.

"Well, I could lengthen it by telling the story of Scootaloo's conception," Alucard offered.

The gathered youngsters let out a concerted, "EWWW!"

"Aw, you're no fun anymore!" Alucard complained. Lightning flashed as clouds gathered. "Oh! Luna's here!"

The storm cloud's briefly gathered as lightning flashed. The chariot passed by rapidly overhead before Luna leapt from it, her cape dissipating into a thousand bats as she spread her wings, gliding into land softly. As she landed, she raised her head. "Citizens of Ponyville!" she cried out in the Royal Canterlot Voice. "Rejoice! Your Princess has arrived! Let the celebration of this most wonderful of nights be-YIPE!"

Towards the end of her speech, Alucard had made his way over to her side from out of her line of sight and slapped her right on her Cutie Mark. "Hey, sweet cheeks! Miss me?"

Luna glowered at him. "Continue such behavior in public and I will insist on you wearing the collar in public."

"Kinky!" Alucard replied.

Luna glowered more intently. "And nothing else."

"Even better!"

Luna sighed, rolled her eyes, then wrapped a foreleg and wing around Alucard in a tight embrace. "I've missed you, you incorrigible maniac." Alucard returned the hug silently.

"Mom!" Scootaloo called happily, tackling Luna in the side, leaping over Alucard's shoulder to reach her.

Luna squee'd happily, quickly wrapping Scootaloo in a tight embrace. "And there's my dear, sweet little Night Angel." She kissed Scootaloo on the forehead. "Have you been a good filly for Mommy?"

Scootaloo rolled her eyes at the baby talk, but didn't complain. "Yes! And a very bad one for Daddy!"

Luna rolled her eyes as Alucard chuckled. Luna then took a sniff of Scoot's breath. "...neoponitan," she said calmly. "You don't like to mix the flavors, so that's a triple scoop."

Scootaloo nodded. "Yup! I got my hush cream!"

Luna glowered at the widely grinning Alucard. She knew she'd never learn what it was, but she did know there was something to be angry about. "I'll punish you later," she told her husband firmly.

Alucard grinned widely. "Will you use the cat-o-nine-tails this time?" he begged.

She rolled her eyes. "Only if Scootaloo's at a friend's house."

Scootaloo didn't really understand what her parents were talking about when they talked like this, but they were happy, and that was enough for her. She danced off towards one of the games, and Luna and Alucard followed her happily.

After a time of walking, Alucard pulled out a necklace with a curiously configured black gem as the centerpiece. "Happy anniversary," he told Luna, hanging it around her neck.

She smiled as she gazed on it. "Do I want to know what the gem is?" she asked.

"I'll tell you later, but your sister's probably better off not knowing."

Chuckling, Luna tilted her head up, and Alucard lowered his face towards hers.


At the sound of Scootaloo's pained shout, both parents spun away from their kiss. Alucard's right arm morphed into a red and black cloud filled with angry eyes, waving like a serpent as it sought a target. Luna herself energized her horn as lightning flashed around her. "Who dares bring harm to our precious offspring?" she demanded, a sphere of white light crackling with electricity floating at the tip of her horn, ready to be thrown and obliterate whatever had earned her ire.

"I tripped throwing the spider and landed on my wing!" Scootaloo complained. "Geeze! Over reactive much, Mom? No one hurt me."

Luna dispersed her gathered magic and quickly scooped Scootaloo into her forelegs. "Don't worry, Scootaloo. Mommy will make it all better." Leaning in, she kissed Scootaloo's wing, leaving a touch of healing magic with the kiss. "Better?"

Scootaloo stared at her Mom flat eyed for a time. Then she sighed. "Wrong wing, Mom." Chuckling, Luna repeated the procedure on the other wing.

Alucard glanced around. "You mean I don't get to consign someone to a few moments of agonizing torment before draining them dry for hurting you?" He dispersed his magic as his arm returned to normal. "Way to get my hopes up, kid."

Scootaloo could only chuckle. Sure, her parents might be strange, but they loved her very much, and she loved them. As she bounced off with them to enjoy the rest of the night, she knew she wouldn't have it any other way.