The Faire looked like it was in full swing when they passed through it. The girls had really outdone themselves for the Crystal Ponies and it looked like it was working. Whether it was drinking some crystal nectar, petting lambs at the zoo or trying on one of Rarity's hoofmade hats, the change from complete misery to happiness for the first time in a thousand years was evident when their coats and manes magically brightened.
Were it any other time, Dusk would have stayed with them and helped them in their efforts. Ray no doubt would have too, his gaze lingering on Fluttershy at the petting zoo. But they passed the stalls without pause, offered friendly smiles to any of the girls they saw but didn't stop to talk and let the Crystal Ponies go about their celebrations.
Their path took them away from all of that, to the outskirts of the Empire and the threshold of the shield that protected it. Through the blue field, Dusk could see the swirling mass of shadows that surrounded the entire perimeter hovering like a lurking beast, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.
And here they were, practically stepping into its waiting jaws.
"Yeah, starting to think this isn't the best idea you could have had."
"You've said three times on the way here, Ray," replied Dusk. "I wish there was another option, but it looks like this is the only one open to us."
"Yeah, I get that," he said quickly. "It's just I know looking through all of those books was dull, but at least they didn't have total conquest and hostile takeover on their minds."
"You said yourself there's only so much they can tell us. Unless something else comes up, this is our best chance to accomplish what Luna sent me here to do."
"Kinda wishing something else would come up now," he said in a would-be casual voice. "Okay, so how do we get the attention of his royal growliness?"
"He's not the only creature of shadow here." Dusk's horn began to glow. "Let's see if he wants to talk to a kindred spirit."
Reaching into the darkness with his magic, Dusk probed the lurking shadows mere feet from them. He didn't exert total control over them, mainly because he couldn't. The second he tried, he encountered a great resistance that disrupted his focus and his ability to manipulate them. While he couldn't control them, he could act with them in such a way that he'd be able to get Sombra's attention.
Another reason was that they needed Sombra to talk to them and they needed him to be aggravated as little as possible. He didn't exactly seem to be the type open to talking, but they had to try. It would be better for their efforts if he wasn't angry. At least, more so than he already was.
His thoughts were interrupted by a low growl directly in front of them.
"Who dares disturb me? Who dares approach King Sombra?" a deep, gravelly voice demanded.
The shadows before them gathered together and from them, a stallion emerged. His fur was as grey as the clouds of winter, the darkness of his mane and tail blending nearly perfectly with the shadows that amassed behind him. He was garbed in a royal blood-red robe with a white trim that billowed in the wind and iron armour that covered his legs and chest. Even the crown he wore, pointed at the tips, was made of the same metal. As cold and cruel as he was.
His features were strong, his muscles making him quite intimidating alone. But his face would have made any stalwart warrior tremble in fear. His teeth had been sharpened into fangs that were bared as he growled like a beast, his horn was red and tinged with black, curving and menacing. His eyes burned red, a fierce green magical glow in place of the whites behind them. His dark magic even manifested itself at the corners of his eyes as purple vapour, flowing endlessly.
He glanced at Ray, then Dusk. To him, they were insignificant specks against his glory.
"You are the ones who sought me?" he pondered. "You have influence of the shadow? How is this possible?"
Dusk had done plenty of reading into Sombra's personality. He was a very proud ruler and usually welcomed those who held him in high regard. It was time to see if he'd gotten any better at acting.
"I confess, my king, it was I who sought you." Dusk sunk into a low bow. "I do possess control of shadow, but it pales in comparison to the dominion you hold over them, King of Crystal. In your presence, I am but a novice."
"What's with the Shakesmare act?" hissed Ray.
"I'm playing to his ego," Dusk replied out of the corner of his mouth. "Kindly keep quiet, let me do the talking."
His response seemed to pacify Sombra. "Yes, you would be. Still, the fact you have the ability intrigues me. Speak your name, stallion."
"I am Dusk Noir, mighty Sombra, son to Abacus and Chord Noir. I am little more than a historian of sorts, one who is here to witness your return to the throne and the restoration of this great empire," he responded respectfully. "When a new reign of shadow and darkness sweeps across Equestria, I wish to be among the first to see it."
"Uh… me too, I guess," ventured Ray unsurely.
The king glanced at him again. "Who is this one?"
"Pay him no mind, he is nopony of consequence," said Dusk as dismissively as he could.
"Oh, right thanks."
"Nopony of consequence," Dusk repeated, a little louder. "But he too has come to see you in your malevolent glory."
"I see…" His lip curled. "You would seek to serve me?"
"If your majesty allows it, I would be used as an instrument your will, in whatever way you see fit. As would my companion."
"Um…" Ray hesitated. "Depends on the instrument?"
Sombra appeared to consider. "If that is so, then I have a task for you both. Seek out the source of this… obstruction and destroy it. Do this and I shall promise you great rewards for your service to your king."
"Um…" Dusk had to think quickly to counter this. "I uh, do not believe that will be necessary, my king."
"You dare to second guess me?" he rumbled.
"No, no, perish the thought, great one," replied Dusk quickly. "What I mean to say is that the… the alicorn who casts this spell has done so for a long time. Her strength is waning and her power lessens every minute that passes. There will be little need for our intervention. Soon, very soon, the spell will be gone and you will be able to enter at your leisure."
As if by some stroke of luck, both good and bad, the shield chose this moment to flicker for a few moments. Sombra started forward, but stopped when it returned to its former strength and he withdrew his hoof with a hiss.
Through that though, he managed a smirk.
"So, they have not found the Crystal Heart," he murmured.
"What was that, my king?" asked Dusk.
"Nothing that concerns you. It appears you are correct, Dusk," he remarked. "I await eagerly for when it fails completely. I have been away from my subjects for far too long."
"As do I, your imperial highness," agreed Dusk, a little surprised his deception had lasted this long. "My king, may I be so bold to ask you something?"
"Lessers should look to their betters for guidance." Sombra nodded. "Ask then, Dusk. I shall relieve you of your ignorance."
"Your highness is as merciful as he is powerful. I only wish to know, master, how it is that you achieved this miracle," he said with as much reverence as he could. "How did you return to Equestria after being gone for so long?
"That answer is a simple one. The princesses were fools. They thought that their pitiful magic could contain me, when all it did was hinder me," he said arrogantly. "I merely had to wait and gather my strength. Now, I have returned, more powerful than ever before and soon, they shall learn how it feels to be imprisoned! Especially her!"
Dusk would have asked who exactly 'her' was, but he already had a good idea and he had more pressing matters. This could just be down to Sombra actually speaking the truth, but he had to know for certain.
"I have no doubt of that, my king. I should have known that it would only be by your will that you should return to us."
He thought he saw Sombra shift a little. "Indeed. Though it may not be inaccurate to say that I had some assistance."
"Assistance?" Dusk looked up. "From whom, my king?"
"Another who sees as I do," he replied. "And one who has proven himself with more than just words."
Dusk didn't like the sound of that. "Your majesty?"
"Remind me, Dusk, you and your companion claim you have come to serve me? You wish to devote yourself to my darkness?"
"B-But of course, mighty king," answered Dusk.
"Then why do I also sense a light in you?" Sombra's eyes narrowed. "A light much like the one that struck me down and that I have felt from the moment that you reached blindly out for me?"
"My king, I don't know what-"
"SILENCE!" he roared. "Did you think I was so naive? I have let you prattle on thus far because it has amused me, but I grow weary of your display. You may possessed the same darkness that I do once, but now… you are not fit to stand in my presence with your feeble excuse for shadow magic."
"You looked in a mirror lately?" Ray called. "You're not exactly better off yourself."
"And do not think I have forgotten you." Sombra turned his full attention to him. "I thought I felt a much greater darkness when I sensed you two, but it was not from your fawning friend."
Ray's expression hardened. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"But you do," Sombra went on. "I know what you are, Demon Vessel and what resides away inside of you. Such a Wrath you hold inside you, I daresay that it dwarfs my own."
Dusk's mouth dropped open. "How… how do you know?"
"I know," responded Sombra curtly, still focusing on Ray. "I also know what your future holds. You can try to hold back the storm, but it is still coming and when it does… let's just say that what I would do to Equestria would not even begin to describe it."
Ray's body stiffened and he gritted his teeth.
"Yes, that's it," growled Sombra. "You can try to be defiant with your anger and your quips, but it shall all be for naught. You shall all be turned to dust and I shall be the one that will watch as it blows away on the wind. What say you to that?"
Ray only stared back at him. Then, he smirked in the way he did. Even Sombra seemed a little surprised at the response, especially the one he followed up with.
"You look like you're wearing mascara."
"Hmph, pitiful," snorted Sombra. "I have wasted enough time with you both. Begone with you now. Rest assured, I shall deal with you soon enough."
"But Sombra, please," begged Dusk. "You have to tell me, who-?"
"I said BEGONE!" he bellowed. "This exchange is over. The sight of your grovelling disgusts me."
Dusk would have persisted, but Sombra's form was already dissolving away. He was back to focusing his efforts on getting past the barrier. Even if he wasn't, it didn't look like they were going to be getting anything else out of him. At least they'd gotten something out of it.
He would have thought about what he'd told them, especially concerning this outside help that he was meant to have had. Could that be Tube? Or perhaps even that mysterious third member he was meant to be travelling with? Was there a chance that one of the Crystal Ponies might know something more if he asked?
He would have pondered further… when he noticed that the barrier was flickering a lot more now. And it wasn't getting any better.
"I'm gonna go right ahead and say that's not a good thing." No sooner had Ray said that, the shield flickered once more and died. "Yeah, definitely not good."
"It seems that you were truthful about one thing, Dusk." Dusk whipped around to see the king become one with his shadow again. "My empire will be mine again sooner than I expected."
Dusk started to back away. "And you were correct about something else, Sombra. I do have a light inside me and existed long before my darkness. Here!"
He flashed several light orbs at the gathering mass and galloped away, with Ray not too far behind. He heard Sombra roar in frustration at the attack, but glancing back saw him recovering swiftly. He was right on their heels and gaining.
He tried to keep ahead of the gathering darkness, but he could feel the ice cold shadows licking at his hooves feet away from him. He could even hear Sombra's cruel laughter while he gave pursuit. It didn't matter how fast they ran, he would soon be right on top of them.
Something grabbed him, but his cry was cut off when he felt the familiar, unpleasant sensation of teleportation. In the blink of an eye, they were much further inside the empire than before and Sombra had fallen very far behind. Even better, he could see the barrier was reforming.
Panicking, Sombra tried to get inside, but only his horn made it past the threshold. He roared as it went right through it and sliced it off like a knife through butter. It landed right at the entrance to the empire, but that was as far as it looked like the king was getting.
"I'd say that concludes negotiation," remarked Ray, helping Dusk up. "You okay?"
"As well as can be expected," said Dusk. "You could have given me a little warning before you did that."
"Oh, I'm sorry about that. I didn't think it would be of much importance," replied Ray pointedly.
"You're not going to let me forget that now, are you?"
"Not for a while, no." He looked back at the roiling mass. "So, we learned lots from that."
"Not as much as I would have liked." Dusk sighed. "Come on, let's get back to the others. Maybe something's come up there."
"Sounds good to me," agreed Ray. "Maybe next time, we shouldn't hang around the edge of a shield that looks like it could fall at any second with an evil dark force waiting to get inside. Just saying."
Just as they turned around to return to the Empire, Dusk felt it again. When he'd first seen Sombra, out in the snow, he had felt something else inside all of the hatred and anger. He hadn't been sure, but it was there again, very faintly.
And it was touching his mind.
"Go to my quarters in the palace. By my sight will the way be shown to you…"
It was there only for a few seconds. By the time Dusk acknowledge it and tried to respond to it, it was already leaving like the night fleeing from the day. He looked back towards Sombra. There was no change in his movements. He was still out there, waiting to get in. It was strange. The voice had sounded like him except it was somehow…
Different. Less cruel, less callous. But it had been there for such a brief period of time, he wasn't even sure if it had been there at all.
"Dusk? You okay?" He blinked at Ray's question, realising that he'd been stood still. "Something wrong?"
"I'm not sure…" Dusk thought about bringing it up, but decided against it. For the moment. "Come on, let's get back. And Ray? Perhaps it might be best if the girls didn't know where we've been."
Ray nodded and made a zipping and locking motion with his mouth. Added to that, he also pawed at the ground with his hooves, mimed making a square shape and opening a door. He grinned though it became more awkward when Dusk gave him a quizzical look.
"Heh… just something Pinkie showed me once," he said as an answer, rubbing the back of his head. "Anyway, point is, I won't say a word."
"If you say so…"
When they did arrive back at the Crystal Faire, things still appeared to be going well. The ponies all looked happy and the festivities were in full swing with the girls all on hoof to do what was needed to keep the citizens of the Empire happy.
That was what he thought until both he and Ray were met by a worried Applejack who stood in front of something covered with a cloth.
"There ya are!" She glared. "Where in the hay have you two been?! We've been rushin' round lookin' for ya!"
"Ah…" Ray rubbed the back of his head. "See, we uh-"
"Never mind, it don't matter now," she dismissed quickly. "Right now, we got an even bigger problem. Ya know how we read this Faire is meant ta renew the spirit-a love ta protect the Empire from harm? Turns out it ain't enough."
"Why? What are we missing?" asked Dusk.
"It's not just the Faire and the spirits of the ponies that protect the Empire. We need somethin' called the Crystal Heart, 'cause that's what they power with that spirit ta protect the Empire!"
"Okay, sorry, I have to say here," interrupted Ray. "I get that it's kind of their thing, but these guys really have a fetish for crystals. Crystal Empire, Crystal Ponies, Crystal Heart, at least come up with something a little more original than just putting crystal before everything. It's like their version of the singing thing."
"Ray, I think we have bigger concerns right now," Dusk replied. "Do we know exactly where the Heart is?"
"Not right now. Twilight's gone ta look fer it, reckons it's part-a Celestia's test ta find it. Our job is ta keep this lot happy so they can still have the spirit ta power the Heart when we actually find the darn thing."
"What are you doing then?" Ray motioned behind her. "What's with the cloth?"
"That's another thing. See, we read that the Heart is part-a the Faire, but we didn't reckon that it was an actual artefact 'cause Sombra tore the page out detailin' it. This here is one that Twilight carved with her magic an' then we went an' told the Cryrstal Ponies we had the real deal. If they find out that we ain't got it then… well, ah'm jus' makin' sure that it doesn't happen."
"I got it. What do you want us to do then, boss?" asked Ray.
"You two can help us out here. Get on one-a the stalls, sell 'em food, do a jugglin' act, sing a song, whatever it takes," she ordered. "We jus' gotta keep the ponies here happy til Twilight gets back with that Heart."
Ray saluted. "Gotcha. We can do that, right Dusk? Dusk?"
Dusk had fallen silent because of two thoughts that had crossed his mind. Applejack seemed to anticipate one of them and smiled comfortingly at him.
"Ah know yer worried about Twilight, sugarcube an' ah don't blame ya one bit," she said gently. "But ya know she can look after herself. This is somethin' she's gotta do by herself. We gotta respect that an' do what we can here."
"Of course, I just…" He sighed. "I'm sorry, I can't help but worry."
"Like ah said, ah get it. Now, how 'bout ya give us a hoof an' hop on one-a these stalls? Ah think Pinkie Pie set up a puppet show not too far from here, bet you'd be great at that."
"Actually, Applejack, I rather wanted to-"
"Hey, didn't Sombra say something about a Crystal Heart before?" Ray brought up.
Applejack frowned. "Whaddya mean?"
Ray clamped his mouth shut. "Oops… probably shouldn't have said that."
"Applejack, it's nothing to worry about-"
"No, ah reckon it is. Whaddya mean 'before'? How do ya know Sombra even said anythin'? Last ah checked, he wasn't exactly the talkin' type."
"That's because we didn't really try before," answered Dusk after a while. There wasn't much point in concealing the truth now. "Ray and I have just been for a talk with him. That was why you couldn't find us before."
Applejack looked incredulous. "Lemme get this straight. Ya went out there, ta the very edge-a that barrier, the only thing that's keepin' us safe right now mind you, ta talk to a stallion who'd like nothin' more than ta clap ya in irons and make ya his slaves?"
"Yes. I realise that it probably wasn't the safest of options but-"
"Ya got that right it wasn't! Not the safest and certainly the stupidest!" she snapped. "What the hay were you two thinkin'?! We almost lost the barrier before! What if he'd caught ya?! Or worse?!"
"For the record, it wasn't my idea."
"Thanks for having my back, Ray," deadpanned Dusk. "I'm sorry, Applejack, but I needed answers and it looked like Sombra was the only one who had them. If there were any other options, I would have taken them, but there weren't. I'm sorry, I should have told you, but I didn't want you worried."
"Guess what, we worried anyway!" She slapped a hoof on her forehead. "Ugh, you stallions. Ah think ah see what Twilight means now. She's gonna lay inta ya when she finds out about this."
Dusk chuckled awkwardly. "I'm trying not to think about that. But it did give me a lead, something I can look into."
"Really? I didn't think we got that much to go on," noted Ray.
"Not at first, but I got another message from him after the barrier came back up. I'll explain later, but it told me to check his private quarters for the answers I'm looking for," he explained. "I was about to go and investigate right now. I'm not sure how long it will take, but I'll try and be as quick as I can. Then, I'll come back and help you at the Faire."
"Least yer tellin' us about it this time." Applejack groaned, but conceded. "Fine. Do what you gotta do, but be sure yer quick about it. These ponies are startin' ta get more nosy'n Gabby Gums."
"You got it!" saluted Ray. "We'll be there and back in a flash. Literally, given my talents."
"You still want to come along?"
"Are you going to try and stop me?"
"Are you going to be better at keeping your mouth shut when asked?"
"No promises. Good luck with the Faire, AJ."
"Ah'll get Rainbow ta send word 'round that you two are okay." She smirked at Ray. "Fluttershy was gettin' pretty worried about you too, ya know."
"Right… sorry…" Ray blushed before quickly saying. "Okay, let's get going then, eh buddy?"
"An apt suggestion," agreed Dusk. "First, let's go and see Cadence and Shining. I need to confirm something."
"Alright then." Ray placed a hoof on his shoulder. "Hold onto your lunch."
"Wait, are you going to-" A flash of light and a moment of stomach churning later, they were standing right in front of the ponies in question. "You know, a word of warning wouldn't go amiss."
"I was gonna say the same." Shining relaxed from a fighting stance. "You've gotta be more careful when you pull something like that."
"We needed to get here quickly and if there's one thing I do, it's quick," replied Ray.
"As opposed… to just taking the stairs?" asked Cadence.
"Stairs are for ponies with no imagination," returned Ray. "Besides, Dusk here needs to ask you both something."
"I do," he confirmed. "This is something that may help not only my efforts, but possibly Twilight's too."
"Well, we know how important that is. What do you need?" asked Shining.
"Do either of you know where the royal bedroom is?"
Shining flushed while Cadence giggled weakly.
"I didn't think… you'd want to help Twilight… in that kind of capacity, Dusk," she joked.
"Cadence, please."
"Okay, I'm sorry, couldn't resist. It's on the sixth floor, at the end of the hallway on the left. Not that either of us have… well, slept in it yet. Why?"
"Hopefully, to get some answers." Dusk placed a hoof on Ray's shoulder. "Thanks for your help."
"Hey, Dusk?"
"Yes, Ray?"
"Teleport." It happened the instant he said it and they were standing in front of the door Cadence had directed them to. "There you go, word of warning."
"How good spirited of you."
"I thought so too." He cocked an eyebrow. "You don't think they'll get the wrong idea that it's just the two of us in the bedroom, do you?"
"I'm going to choose not to answer that," replied Dusk. "Let's just see what this search yields."
The bedroom was without doubt a royal one. Large formations of crystal decorated the door on either side that shone and provided light when they entered. A king-size bed lay directly in front of them, draped with sheets of the darkest red and curtains of the deepest black. Instead of traditional wood, this too appeared to be made from crystal, though the bed itself didn't look slept in, as Cadence had said.
There were a few other pieces of furniture scattered about also made from crystal, with the exception of some stone busts of pony heads on marble plinths. A large wardrobe big enough to step inside, an elaborate chest of drawers, a writing desk complete with a mirror, an ink well and a slot for quills and a large carpet that bore Somrba's mark. A formation of black crystal, bathed in shadow. Dusk couldn't blame Cadence and Shining for not sleeping in here. He knew he wouldn't have felt comfortable with it.
When Ray asked what exactly they were here for, Dusk explained as best he could what had happened on their way back from their meeting with the king. While he appeared a little sceptical suspecting either misdirection or some kind of trap, he took Dusk at his word and joined him in searching for anything that might stand out that could help them, like the voice had told him. There had to be something here.
After a few minutes, nothing really jumped out at them. There was nothing in the wardrobe filled with expensive clothing or the drawers containing various items from jewels to horseshoes of gold. Nothing hidden under the carpet, nor the busts, nothing near or on the bed.
"Okay, I'll bite, what exactly are we meant to be looking for?" Ray asked after nearly half an hour. "Don't suppose that mystery voice was a little more specific, was it?"
"I'm afraid not," replied Dusk. "All he said was that the way would be shown by his sight and that it was somewhere in here."
Ray groaned. "What is it with these higher power types and the need to code everything in a riddle? What's wrong with just a straight-up yes or no?"
Dusk didn't answer that and put his mind to work on figuring it out. Sombra, he assumed the voice was Sombra, wanted them to find something in here. If it wasn't in plain sight, it must be hidden somewhere, by methods that would only be known by Sombra himself.
Dusk happened to focus on something. One of the busts on the opposite end of the room. It was stationed directly opposite of the mirror on the writing desk. Placed so that the blank, stone eyes of the statue were looking directly at it. By my sight will the way be shown…
He reached into the coldness of the shadows and made it so that they coiled around the base of the statue. Of their own accord, the dark mist suddenly strengthened and travelled up the length of the plinth until they reached the statue itself. It slithered into its eyes, making them seem frighteningly alive. Out of a reflex, Dusk forced himself not to blink.
But the bust didn't move. The shadows in its eyes narrowed and shot at the mirror. Instead of reflecting off it, the glass seemed to melt away as it was bathed in darkness, revealing something hidden beneath.
They looked. It was a book. A red, leather-bound volume with aging pages. And Sombra's mark emblazoned on the cover.
"What do you think this is?" asked Ray. "Did Sombra keep a diary or something?"
"Apparently," replied Dusk, scanning through some of the pages, "he did."
"Wow, really?" Ray laughed. "I was only kidding. I didn't think he'd be the type."
"You never know for certain, do you?" murmured Dusk. "This is definitely his. Looks like some of those history books were right, he wasn't exactly the most pleasant of individuals before he became a complete tyrant."
"Yeah, talking about fawning nobles, denying royal aid to some citizens by talking about being harsh but fair, reminding the people know who their king was, talking about strength and dedication…" Ray shook his head. "Glad he wasn't my monarch."
"Indeed, though he was probably under quite a bit of pressure."
"And I know I wouldn't be talking nicely about any nobles if I were king," remarked Ray. "Hey look, it mentions Luna in this passage."
Dusk looked where Ray's hoof pointed, found the passage and read aloud:
Something unexpected today. It was the time of year to renew the treaty the Empire has with the kingdom ruled by the Royal Pony Sisters. That treaty… as if they think I am some dog that must be kept on his leash, lest I savage anything in my sight without it…
Usually, it is Celestia who comes to the event, but this time she sent her sister. This was a surprise to me. She had mentioned her on occasion, but I knew little of her until now. I confess that it was not an unwelcome surprise. She is as much a sight to behold as the stars she brings and the moon she raises.
It was the usual routine: the formalities, the signing, the feast afterwards. Usually, I am eager to see these over and done, but that was with Celestia. Always smiling and humble, yet behind her eyes her arrogance burns as brightly as her sun. With Luna, I saw something different. She would attempt to remain composed, yet I could see a battle being waged upon her features between various different sides. Impatience, frustration, a simmering anger.
I know this. It was the same battle I waged every day. We were the same, I knew it.
Yet she seemed blind to it. I tried to engage her in pleasant conversation, complimented her radiant beauty, did all I could. Yet she was as unreceptive as a statue. She barely held my gaze, kept glancing at the sun's progress across the sky. She just wanted this to be over. Yet I never wanted her to leave. Towards the end, I even asked her outright if she would consider staying a little longer in the Empire with me. As thanks to me for being such a gracious host.
That was when her composure fell. She rounded on me with an expression that would rival a thunderstorm in its ferocity. In her powerful voice, she told me exactly what was on her mind. She did not think of me as gracious or kind. She told me, in front of my entire court, she saw me as a vile, leering, thoroughly unpleasant excuse of a monarch and the time for her to depart could not come soon enough. With that, she rose from her seat and stormed out of the banquet hall. The silence in her wake was deafening.
I was angry, I admit that. She had made a fool of me in my own palace! Yet another part near rivalled that anger. She was no masked diplomat like her sibling. She had a passion inside her, a fire that burned as brightly as my own. A desire, a need to be appreciated, a drive to stand out of the shadow cast by those beside us. Or before us.
I am decided. No matter what it takes, no matter what I must do, I will win her. We are the same… I know it.
"Real lady killer this guy," commented Ray.
"By the looks of things, his efforts started to pay off." Dusk read on. "Most of this just details his efforts to win her over now. At first after she returned to Castle, he just tried to shower her with gifts or send her romantic poetry, but that only annoyed further. Then she came back to the Empire, apparently at Celestia's request so that they may attempt to further strengthen their diplomatic bond. Then, on that night, they started to be a little more… open with each other."
"Open how?"
"Apparently, he came across her while crying in her guest room," recited Dusk. "She tried to cover it up, but he actually asked her what was wrong. He asked her while she was trying. She told him… 'Even here, they hide away from the night. They always dance in the sun, yet shy away from the moon.'"
"That was the angle he was working with, right?"
"Exactly." Dusk felt a little sad himself. "They were both seeking appreciation they never seemed to get, no matter how much they tried. Despite their best efforts, it never seemed like it was enough. That was what he told her that night. And it worked. She started making visits to the Empire a lot more after that, enjoying her time with Sombra, actually finding somepony who understood her. It looks like she even taught him a little shadow magic too."
"Didn't Luna tell you something about that once?" asked Ray. "That if you're careful with how you step in shadows, they can consume you?"
"In essence, yes. She helped him control it, but he dabbled in it a lot more when she wasn't around, thinking he could handle it. He keeps talking about the power he could have with mastery of it, combined with his own affinity for creating crystal. And not in any pleasant regards. But here's where it all seems to go wrong," he noted. "When Sombra took a trip to the Castle with Luna, with the intent that he will announce he wants to marry Luna."
Ray looked confused. "Isn't that what Celestia wanted though?"
"I thought so too. It seemed to have started well, there's a little bit here about tasting some unusually bitter wine given to him by the Captain of the Guard at the time then…" Dusk read directly from it.
Curses to you, Celestia! Curse you, curse you, a thousand times curse you! I come to Equestria as her guest, in good faith of our treaty and she accuses me of enchanting my stars and moon, that the only way she might love me was by force! She would deny us our love!
She thinks I have my sights on conquest, that if Luna and I were wedded, Equestria would be added to the Empire. If that is what she believes, who am I to deny her? I am through acting the virtuous to that two-faced witch of a mare! My subjects, this empire, this whole land will respect me and they will fear me!
Then, Luna and I will have the respect we have always deserved. Have no fear, my love. We will be together soon enough. With you by my side as my queen, we shall cover Equestria in the darkness of my shadows and the light of your stars, extinguishing the sun with their brilliance.
"Guess we know what happened then. What about after?"
Dusk turned the next page. He frowned, then turned the next one. And the next one. He flipped through the rest of the pages, right to the very end, but got the same result.
"They're blank," he said hollowly. "There's nothing else after that entry… it's all blank."
"You sure?" Ray looked for himself. "Yeah, you're right. I guess he didn't see much point in keeping anymore entries after that one. His reign wasn't exactly long lived after that."
"But… but that can't be it," stammered Dusk. "Maybe… maybe he concealed more with his magic."
"Why would he conceal entries in his own journal?" reasoned Ray.
"It might be." Dusk tried, but got the same result. "No, no there's nothing… but there can't be, there just can't… the answer, it has to be here."
"Dusk… I don't think there is," Ray said. "You've seen for yourself. There isn't anything else in here.
Dusk began to feel a sense of bitter disappointment, of failure every time he read the last passage. He scanned it and the rest of the blank pages, there had to be more to it than this. There had to be. But there wasn't.
It was all pointless. There wasn't anything detailing about the curse Sombra used and its effects, about his further experiments with Luna's magic and his own. Nothing. The answers he was promised weren't here…
"But this doesn't make any sense. The voice that spoke to me, it said that I would find the answer here. But this still doesn't tell us how Sombra and the Empire are back after all of this time. Everywhere we've searched and it's all proven fruitless!" He slammed the book down on the desk. "Where are we supposed to look now?"
"Whoa, hey, calm down, bud," placated Ray. "Dusk, maybe it is just like Sombra said. Maybe he is just back because he's had time to gather his strength."
"No, that can't be it! There has to be more to it, there has to be!" he cried out in frustration. "Luna's counting on me to find out, I can't let her down! I won't!"
"I know you don't, buddy, but you need to cool it if you want to do what you have to," he placated.
"And what exactly is it that I need to do now?" He thrust the journal in front of him. "How does this help explain the Empire's return?"
Ray looked like he had a retort ready, but held it back. "Have you ever thought that there's more to it than finding out about the Empire?"
"Yes, but if I wanted to read more about Sombra, I could have gone back to the library," said Dusk impatiently. "How is reading this any different?"
"Because none of those were written by him," answered Ray. "This shows us something much more different than any historical writing."
"I know, but how does that help?"
"Well, don't you think this all sounds familiar?" asked Ray. "This guy, with all of these pressures on his mind, he tries his best to cope with them and do the best he can, but then he eventually lets them all out. All because of one bad day. Remind you of anypony?"
Dusk felt himself stiffen. "What does that have to do with it?"
"I'm just saying. There was a chance for you when it happened. Maybe there's one for him too. Maybe that's what he wanted you to find. He did say by his sight the way would be shown. This might be it."
"But what does that mean?" Dusk asked desperately. "What is the way meant to be?"
"I guess that…" Ray frowned. "Hey, is it just me or is it getting darker outside?"
Dusk glanced out of the window and saw what Ray meant. In that instant, worries about how the Empire was back were pushed out of his mind because it looked like they were about to lose it. Cadence's shield was flickering a lot more now, with clouds of darkness creeping ever closer. They hurried to the window and stared out of it.
Even from this distance, Dusk could see it. Chunks of black crystal were creeping steadily towards them and corrupting any crystal structure that stood in their way, fuelled by the dark magic of the pony who controlled them. All of it stemming from the entrance of the Empire, where the tip of Sombra's horn had fallen.
He was weakening Cadence's magic. He was going to get in. He could hear the Crystal Ponies begin to panic below them. Had Twilight even found the Heart yet?
Ray's gaze was on the barrier. "That's not going to hold much longer. We need to do something and fast."
"Yes, yes, but what? What can we…?" Dusk stopped himself. His friends were in danger. The Empire was under attack. Twilight needed more time. He knew how to get her it. "Ray, find the girls and stay with them. Don't follow me."
"What do you mean don't… Dusk, why are you climbing onto the window?" Ray asked worryingly. "I don't think the situation is that- DUSK!"
The unicorn ignored the cry of his friend as he jumped from the window and fell to the ground. He could feel his stomach rushing before he slowed himself with a colour cloud, jumped off of it and ran towards the head of the shadow storm that was raging towards the palace.
Perhaps this wasn't the best idea, there might even be a better one. But he didn't have time to think of one. He needed to buy Twilight time, however he could. Even if it meant this.
He stopped in its path and tried to control his shaking. "That's far enough, Sombra!"
The storm paused. The head of the king formed out of it. His expression was one of contempt and mockery.
"What is this?" He laughed openly. "Is this all that stands in my way now?"
"I-It's enough…" He gulped, but stood his ground. "I won't let you go any further! This isn't your Empire anymore?"
"Oh, really?" The shadows coiled and he stepped out of them, fully armoured and ready. "Is that what you think?"
Dusk gulped again. He nodded.
The king chuckled deep in his throat. "And how do you intend to stop me?"
Dusk racked his brains. While Luna had trained him well, there was no way his magical skill could compete with Sombra. He'd already managed to fend off and cripple Shining Armour, he could very much do the same to him. He wasn't open to negotiation or compromise. He wanted his kingdom back, nothing more or less. He was a king from the ancient times, his pride and his malevolence would never allow him to let go.
His pride as a king… based on ancient standards… perhaps…
Dusk looked up at him and his boldest, bravest voice declared, "I challenge you!"
"You would seek to do battle with me?" He laughed even harder. "On what terms?"
"That if I am victorious, you will abandon your attempts to retake the Empire and confine yourself to the frozen wastelands for the rest of time."
"And when I win?"
Dusk hesitated. "Then… the Empire is yours. None here will oppose you. You… you have my word on that."
Sombra snorted. "What is to stop me from simply brushing you aside and taking what is rightfully mine?"
"I would have thought you would know the ancient rules of combat, Sombra," he retorted. "Once a challenge has been issued, it cannot be withdrawn and has to be taken up by either the one it's issued to or any of their supporters. As it stands, you appear to be lacking in the latter on those two options."
"And you really think you can defeat me?" he taunted. "What challenge could one such as you offer me? I could crush you with barely a thought."
"Then this should present little challenge for you," countered Dusk. "Unless of course you're not as confident in your abilities as you claim to be?"
He growled. "Guard your tongue if you wish to keep it, peasant."
"You accept my challenge then?" asked Dusk.
The king bared in his teeth in a snarl, which became a grin, the growling deforming into laughter. His horn glowed and two chunks of black crystal rose before them. Embedded in each one was the hilt of a sword made of the same material.
While Dusk regarded his blade with some caution and apprehensiveness, Sombra drew his own and held it before him.
"Very well then. I accept." His fangs glinted like his blade, his grin widening. "This might be entertaining."
Twilight is going to be so mad when she finds out
Damn it, Dusk!
YOU GOT THIS DUSK!!!!!!!! GET SOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To sum Chapter 4 up in a few words: King Sombrero angry, Dusk gonna fight him to bide Twilight some time, Princess Luna back story, Ray thinks Sombrero wears mascara, Ray is of little importance, FLUGEL HORN, Cadance insinuating...., Applejack is raging, and boy is Twilight gonna be mad....
Over all, I loved the chapter, can't wait to read chapter 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This chapter deserves
Who are you, son of whom?
Who are you, daughter of whom?
Brave the crystal and shadow,
For the night that has been hung on a gallow.
For the past hast still lashes to quip,
Of light and shadow, of sorrow and love,
The memories that now provoque rage to ship,
Above clouds of shadow, that will never move.
Did I ever mention how much I love this series? No? I guess I'll say it now then. I LOVE THIS SERIES SO MUCH!!!!!

Ok, i have pretty much given up on writing a review for each chapter at this point.
It's really hard.