• Published 27th Dec 2013
  • 3,416 Views, 301 Comments

A Ray of Dusk - AlphatheGriffin17

The changelings are gone, Canterlot is safe and the fighting is finished. Little do Dusk and his friends know that the battle is far from over and the war is just beginning.

  • ...

The Pony Trap

"Thanks for having us around, Granny Smith," said Twilight sincerely. "I think we both needed a bit of a break from the library."

"Eh, think nothin' of it, young'uns," she said fondly. "Always nice ta see friends-a Applejack comin' 'round ta call. Sorry ya didn't get the chance ta see her."

"That's perfectly alright, Miss Smith," said Dusk politely, tipping his hat to her. "We understand that work here on the farm keeps you all busy. We appreciate you taking the time to host us though."

"Anytime, dearies," she smiled, waving them off. "Ah'll tell Applejack an' Ray you two said howdy!"

"Thank you!" called Twilight. "Come on, Dusk. I want you to dictate Conundrums and Curses to me while I take notes."

"Why do you need me to dictate? Can't you just read it yourself?"

"I like it when you read things out. It makes your voice sound professional and I like it."

Even with her fading eyesight and occasionally poor hearing, Granny Smith was able to make out Dusk's blush and Twilight's giggle from the front porch. She smirked herself, reminded of her own romantic escapades when she was their age. She let out her own little chuckle at the thought and went back inside.

It had been nice of them to drop by. Twilight had said that Dusk had been preoccupied with some bad news lately and they needed a change of pace from the library. Granny had been happy to oblige. It had been nice to have some guests stay for a bit and she was touched by how much Twilight cared for his well-being. The poor fella had looked a little shaken before she'd sat them down and yammered at them for a while.

Not that she'd done all of the talking. She'd listened about what had been going on their lives, regaled with the same tale Applejack and Ray had told her on their journey to the Crystal Empire. She'd watched while Twilight had told the part where Dusk had duelled the evil king, sounding torn between proud and exasperated the whole way through, while Dusk sat in a rather shameful silence, rubbing his shoulder.

She'd smiled, not so much from the story, but more so from how the two of them acted around each other. It was the subtle little things, how close Dusk sat to Twilight, how her voice took on a protective tone when she discussed him and she'd thread her foreleg possessively through his. It always was a special sight to see love blooming between two young ponies.

"Hey Granny!" She looked to see Applejack come in to the house. She took down a couple of mugs from one of the cupboards. "Jus' gettin' me an' Ray a lil' cider 'fore he heads home fer the day."

"Go ahead, hun. Ya jus' missed two-a yer friends, they jus' came by."

"Thought ah spied Dusk an' Twah headin' back down the road." Froth bubbled over the rims while she filled the mugs. "Shame they didn't stay a lil' longer."

Poor dear, Granny Smith thought. This had to be hard on her, all things considered.

"Now, Applejack," she said tenderly, "ah know ya had a soft spot fer that young stallion an' that this thing with young Twah'light is fairly recent, but ya can't jus' be hangin' on like rot on an apple on the feller."

Applejack looked confused. "Uh, Granny, he an' Twah have been tagether almost a year now…"

"Ah'm not gonna lie, ah'da been happy fer ya both, but ya have ta accept the fact that he's moved on and ah don't think things are gonna be endin' anytime soon."

"Ah know that, Granny an' how many times do ah have ta say it? Ah only like Dusk as ma friend."

"Ah know it's not exactly been easy fer ya since things didn't work out with that flyin' feller, but ya can't jus' be hangin' on hopin' he'll take ya back. Ah think there really is somethin' special between them two an' it jus' wouldn't do right by 'em ta try an' end that."

"Ah wasn't gonna try ta!"

"Good, 'cause ah raised ya better'n that." She placed a hoof on her shoulder. "Promise me, Applejack, that yer gonna let this go."


"Promise me?"

Applejack opened her mouth, closed it and sighed in exasperation, but Granny knew she was just trying to sound like she was annoyed so she'd look stronger. What a trooper!

"Ah'll try, Granny."

"That's ma girl." She patted her and smiled. "Now, you git along now an' enjoy yer cider. Nice-a ta bring some fer Ray too."

"Ya know ah don't leave ma friends hangin'," she said proudly. "Even if we work tagether, it still takes it outta us how much we gotta do."

Working together… those words triggered something in Granny's head. Didn't Dusk and Twilight work together in the library in town? Wasn't that how they met? And Ray… he worked pretty closely with Applejack… could those two be…?

"Hey, Granny?" Applejack frowned curiously at her. "Ya okay? Ya seemed ta zone out there a lil'."

Poor dear, she thought. So caught up in her previous failures, she didn't even notice what was right in front of her. Well, that was what she had her family for. But she couldn't let on that she'd noticed anything. These two had figure it out.

Well, with a little help, of course.

"Eh, don't mind me, Applejack," she dismissed. "Jus' caught up in ma thoughts, is all."

Her granddaughter watched her for a few more moments before smiling and nodding.

"Okay then. Well, ah better get Ray this cider 'fore he heads on home fer the night," said Applejack. "See ya in a few, Granny!"

"Take care now," she wished. "Hey, would ya mind sendin' yer sister an' yer brother in here fer a second? Ah gotta talk to 'em about somethin'."

"Sure thing, Granny," she said immediately. "Big Mac's jus' in the next field an' ah saw Apple Bloom runnin' around outside. Ah'll round 'em fer ya an' send 'em on in."

"Thank ya kindly," the elderly mare replied.

She smiled as she watched her granddaughter go. Even if she could be stubborn and proud to boot, there was no denying how proud Smith was at how Applejack at turned out. Probably because she was much the same at her age. The kind of hardworking, good and honest pony that anypony would be proud of. Except for one thing.

While Granny liked she always had a good work ethic and her dedication to the business, like everypony in their family, it usually meant that she didn't set her sights far beyond the farm. She had her friends, but Granny couldn't help but think that she might be a little happier if she had a nice stallion in her life. She'd had that little fling with that Pegasus fella, but that didn't last very long and even though she tried to show she wasn't bothered by it, Granny could tell there were times when she was disappointed about it. Especially recently. She was hiding it well, but it was there.

It was high time she changed that, which was why she met Apple Bloom and Big Mac as soon as the two of them entered the kitchen, beaming eagerly while she told them her thoughts.

"Wow!" Apple Bloom was beaming now too. "Ya really think so, Granny? Ya think Ray an' Applejack might be each other's special somepony?"

"Darn tootin', pint size!" she answered proudly. "They might need a lil' pokin' an' proddin', but ah reckon that if we do our best ta help 'em along a bit, they're sure to know it too."

"Ah never thought about it. Wow!" She bounced up and down excitedly. "Ya can count on me fer help, Granny! If anypony deserves a special somepony, it's those two. They're perfect fer each other!"

"Glad ya think so. What 'bout you, Big Mac?" she asked. "You in?"

The burly stallion responded with an exasperated, "Ai-yup."

She and Apple Bloom exchanged a look and shook their heads. Just like a stallion to shy away from matters of the heart.

"Okay, what's the plan, Granny?" asked Apple Bloom eagerly.

"Well first, young'un, we're gonna wait till tommrow. Ain't no sense in tryin' anythin' since the day's almost done and Ray's about ta head on home," she reasoned. "But when they get ta work in the mornin' tomorrow, ah want ya ta see if ya can't help along a lil'. Ya get what ah mean?"

"Roger, Granny!" She gave a little salute.

"But none-a that magic mumbo-jumbo, ya here?" she warned. "This here's gotta be natural an' from the heart."

"Oh, don't worry, Granny." Apple Bloom caught the look her brother gave her. "Ah learned ma lesson last time."

Apple Bloom lurked in a nearby bush while she watched Applejack and Ray having a brief chat. She couldn't really tell how into each other they were right now, but once she was done talking to them, it was bound to be the sweetest and most romantic thing ever.

But she had to wait first. They'd never admit to anything while the other was standing there and listening to it. She'd have to wait until they were on their own and it wouldn't be long for that. Ray was working part of the east orchard today, while Applejack focused on the north. Then, she'd make her move.

It was happening. Applejack gave him an affectionate punch on the leg while Ray laughed at something and they went their separate ways. The stallion teleported off while Applejack just walked. Now was her chance, before she started working and it would be impossible to get anything out of her that was more than a one-word response.

"Heya sis!" she greeted cheerily, scampering up to join her.

"Apple Bloom!" She practically jumped. "Unless yer tryin' ta get a mark in scarin' ponies, don't sneak up on me like that. On second thought, not even then."

She cast her eyes to the ground. "Sorry, didn't mean ta."

"Don't fret, ah'm sure ya didn't," she replied lightly. "So, what brings ya out here?"

"Ah, nothin' much," she shrugged. "Ah jus' saw ya talkin' ta Ray an' ah jus' felt like comin' up an' sayin' hi ta ma big sis."

She smiled, but she didn't see any other reaction. "Well, that sure is mighty nice-a ya."

"Ray sure is a nice guy, ain't he?" she asked.

"That he is," she agreed. "He can slack off a lil' at times, but that's why ah'm here ta keep him in line."

"Ah like having him around," she went on. "He's really funny and nice and funny…"

"Ya said funny twice."

"That's 'cause he's twice as funny as he is nice."

She let out a small laugh. "Yeah, ah guess that makes sense."

"Whaddya think of him, then?" she pressed on.

"Uh, pretty much all ya said there," she answered. "He's a nice guy, he makes ya laugh an' he usually does a good job. What else is there ta say?"

"That's it? Nothin' else?"

She thought a moment. "Well, ah guess his magic can be pretty handy at times. Ah'm all fer an honest days work, but it sure does make things go a lot faster when he can jus' magic down a few apples or zap a basket back ta the house without havin' ta walk."

Apple Bloom gritted her teeth. This was starting to get a little frustrating.

"What about how he looks?" she asked. "Ah think he's kinda handsome."

Applejack looked surprised. "Ya do?"

"Yeah, yeah!" she nodded eagerly. "Don't ya think?"

"Ah suppose he is," she said slowly. "Dunno, ah never thought about it much. He sure is a looker, ah'll give him that."

"Ah think so too!" Apple Bloom said, latching onto this. "So, ya like him then?"

"A-course ah like him," she said at once. "He's ma friend. Ah like all ma friends."

"No, no, ah mean do ya like him?" she pressed.

"Yes… ah thought ah jus' answered that."

"Ya did but… ugh!" she moaned. "Ya jus' don't get it!"

"What else do ya want me ta say? What's with all these questions 'bout Ray, anyhow?" she asked, with a small smirk. "Is there somethin' ya wanna say, Apple Bloom?"

"No, but there is something ah'd like you ta say," she growled under her breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothin', nothin' um… ah jus' remembered ah gotta be somewhere. Catchyalatersisbye!"

She sped off before Applejack could say anything else or try to stop her. She hid behind a tree, caught her breath and calmed herself down. That was a close one. She almost blew her cover! Worse, she didn't get anything out of her.

She started to make her way to the east. Maybe she'd have better luck with Ray. Any stallion would see how great her sister was.

Sadly, she was met with more of the same result.

"Yeah, I agree, she is a great pony," he said, bucking some apples down with a couple of kicks. "I mean, it's thanks to her I even have this job. Sure is one of the better ones I've had."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," she said impatiently. "So, ya like her then? For how kind an' nice she's been to ya?"

"Of course I do." He paused. "Well, even if she does get on my case a little bit. Just because I fell asleep under that tree one time. Or maybe a little more than once. But it was only ever for a few minutes."

"But other'n that, ya like her, right?" she persisted.

"Other than that, yeah." He frowned. "How come you're asking me all of this anyway?"

"I um, uh… um… tryin' ta get a cutie mark in uh… um… worker evaluation!" she said quickly. "Yeah, that's it! Ah'm askin' ya all of these questions ta um... evaluate ya an' stuff…"

He cocked an eyebrow. "But, aside from your family, I'm the only other worker."

"That's why… it's so important ta evaluate ya! Gotta make sure yer happy!"

"And aren't you a little young to be performing something like this?"

"Yes. Yes, ah am." She felt sweat start to trickle down her neck. "Anyway, ya passed with flyin' colours! Keep up the good work, bye!"

And for the second time, she darted off back to the farmhouse. To her relief, Ray didn't try to teleport after her and ask her further questions. He just shrugged it off as kids being kids and got back to work.

She didn't stop running until she was out of the orchard and back in the living room. Her guardian was there waiting and hurried to meet her. Well, as fast as she could manage anyway.

"Well? How'd it go?" asked Granny when she got back.

"Not great," she reported. "They seem ta like each other, but ah couldn't get anythin' solid. These two are gonna be tough ta crack."

"Eh, don't worry 'bout it, Apple Bloom," assured Granny Smith. "We got plenty-a hours left in the day. We'll think-a somethin'."

Before Apple Bloom could add anything, they were interrupted by a small sigh. Big Mac was standing across the room, not really involving himself much in the conversation. While his face didn't look all that much different from usual, Apple Bloom thought he looked a little troubled by something. Granny seemed to pick up on it too.

"Somethin' on yer mind there, Big Mac?" their guardian asked.

He was silent for a moment. "Ah dunno, Granny. Ah'm jus' thinkin' if it's possible those two don't like each other in that particular way."

"Hmm…" Granny rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "Ya might jus' be on ta somethin' there, sonny."

He smiled approvingly. "Ah'm glad ya think so."

"Ah do. Those two mus' not be sayin' anythin' ta each other 'cause they're both workin' an' bein' hot an' sweaty from kickin' trees all day ain't the sort-a place ta be findin' yer special somepony, else ah'd probably have a few dozen more grandkids!"

"Wait now, hold on, ah didn't mean it like-"

"Yeah, ah get it!" nodded Apple Bloom. "How can they like each other in that way? It's all wrong! Ah bet if those two went out an' had a lil' fun, they'd be way more relaxed and realise how much they like each other!"

"Ah meant that in a completely different context!"

"Ya catch on quick, pint size! Now, let's see here… what's a good way ta get them two ta come clean…" She thought for a few minutes. "What about if they went ta see one-a them movin' picture things? Ain't that what all the kids are inta nowadays?"

"Ya mean a movie? Great idea, Granny!" agreed Apple Bloom. "In a romantic settin' like that, they're sure ta see how much they really love each other!"

"Jus' what ah was thinkin'! But how do we make sure that it works?"

"What if ah went along with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle? We can spy on 'em an' see what happens?"

"Ah'm not sure that's a good-"

"Good thinkin'! We jus' gotta get 'em some tickets, you an' yer lil' friends watch 'em like hawks and they're a shoo-in!"

"Now hold on, ah'd jus' like ta say-"

"That you'll go get the tickets?" Granny shoved some bits into Big Mac's chest. "Thank ya kindly, sonny! These should be enough ta buy 'em an' whatever ya do, make sure it's sweet an' romantic. Perfect fer them two lovebirds!"

"But ah was gonna-"

"Well, don't jus' stand there, Big Mac!" Though he was much bigger than them, the combined determination and strength of the two mares were enough to shove him out of the door. "Go on, time's a wastin'!"

He tried to open his mouth again, but the door slammed shut behind him. In the end, he sighed and let off a reluctant 'ai-yup' before slinking off to town.

And he thought the whole love poison affair had been bad…

"Ah'm still not sure 'bout this, Ray," Applejack murmured, looking at her ticket as if it had insulted her hat. "Ah still don't think it's quite right, doin' this."

Ray just chuckled causally. "Oh, come on, AJ! The farm's not going to collapse because we've taken one day off!"

"Don't y'all go makin' jokes like that!" she chastised. "Ah don't expect it to, but there's still plenty-a work ta be done that we've practically jus' dumped on the rest-a the family! It jus' don't sit right with me…"

"Better get used to it, since we are going to be sitting for the next couple of hours." He nudged her leg light heartedly. "AJ, do you really think Big Mac wouldn't have given us the day off if he didn't think he could handle the work?"

"Believe me, ah thought ah could handle a lotta work on ma own too, once," she muttered. "You weren't around fer it, but it didn't exactly turn out well."

"I'm sure it wasn't that bad."

"Ah sent Rainbow Dash flyin', some animals stampedin' through town an' got about half the ponies here sick."

Ray blinked. "Wow. Really?"

"Do ah look like ah'm lyin'?"

"It's easy to tell when you are."

"It's not just that," she went on. "Don't tell me ya didn't notice how jittery Big Mac was actin' when he gave us these?"

"Yeah, he did seem kind of nervous," he agreed. "Maybe he was worried that his little sister would buck him in the face for even suggesting that she take a day-off."

"Maybe ah shoulda." She frowned. "Ah dunno though, he really was actin' kinda off…"

"AJ, stop worrying so much. We get enough of Twilight's panic attacks and Rarity's dramatics without you adding to it as well. Look at me. You don't see me worrying about taking a day off."

She snorted. "Yeah, like you'd be the one ta complain 'bout gettin' a paid day off."

"Exactly my point," he said triumphantly. "I respect your work ethic, but you gotta learn to take a break once in a while and not just when your sick in bed and can't do anything anyway."

"Jus' you try an' stop me."

"What do you think I've been doing?" he countered. "Look, they already paid for the tickets, we're on our way there, so what's why are you stressing about it? It's a nice thing they did and they'd just be going to waste if we said no."

She faltered. "Ah… ah guess ya got a point there."

"Yes, I do," he said brightly. "Now, stop worrying, relax and enjoy yourself. You, of all ponies, deserve it."

"Right… okay then… relax…" The tension in her body dissolved away gradually and she sighed. "Yeah, this actually feels kinda nice. A day off, yeah… why not?"

"Now, you're speaking my language," he chuckled. "Maybe we should try and do this more often."

"Don't push it."

"Okay, okay, I know my limits." He paused. "Mostly."

She let out a reluctant laugh. "Right then, let's git along an' see uh…" She looked at her ticket. "Nightlight: New Moon. Huh. Ah ain't much of a moviegoer. Know anythin' 'bout this?"

"Not really," replied Ray. "I hear it's pretty popular with some ponies. There's meant to be vampires and equine-wolves and stuff in it, so it might be good."

"If that's yer thing. New Moon, huh… what was wrong with the old one?"

"I think that's just a subtitle to indicate it's a sequel," answered Ray. "Dusk mentioned to me about taking Twilight to see it for their first date."

"An' what did they think of it?"

"Um… he wasn't exactly talking in favour of it, let's say. But hey, you never know, maybe this one'll be better."

"Jus' so long as yer not workin', right?"

"Precisely," he said with a grin.

They continued into town, cutting through the market place to save some time. As they made their way past the many ponies selling their wares, they came across a sight that to Ray appeared distinctly similar to another time he'd come here and in different company. Fluttershy was at one of the stalls and heading up to the seller.

They watched as a stallion attempted to cut in line while she reached into her bag for some bits. Before he could, she stuck her hoof out to block him. She looked him dead in the eye, shook her head and gestured to the back. The stallion faltered in surprise, but did little else. He complied, looking a little disgruntled.

Applejack exchanged an approving nod with Ray at the sight and waited until she paid for her vegetables.

"Now that's somethin' ah never thought ah'd see. Way ta stand up fer yerself, Fluttershy," she said proudly.

"It's nothing that special," she mumbled. "I just couldn't let him cut in line like that. He needs to be more considerate of others."

"Good thing you were there to remind him of that then," noted Ray. "I'd say that was something special."

She blushed. "You… you really think so?"

"I really do," he nodded. "A long time ago, you would have just let him cut in. You might not think it's much, but it shows that you matter. Which is good, because you matter. A lot.

"Oh, um…" Her blush deepened and a smile tugged at her lips. "Um… thank you, Ray. That's uh… nice of you to say so."

"No problem," he replied, his cheeks turning faintly pink too. "I um… I mean it."

The two of them missed the knowing smile that wormed its way onto Applejack's face while she watched.

"So um, what are you both up to?" she asked. "I thought you would both be working on the farm around about now."

"We would be, but we've been given the day off," Applejack said. She said the last part rather awkwardly, as if it tasted strangely on her tongue.

"An alien concept to this one apparently," continued Ray. "We're just off to see a movie together."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "R-really? A-a movie? Um… together?"

Her eyes slowly turned to the ground and the blush returned. If they thought her reaction was rather strange, they didn't comment on it.

"Yep, pretty much," confirmed Ray. He handed her his ticket. "Big Mac just came up with these and said we could have the day off. How about that, eh?"

"Hmmm…" She examined the ticket carefully and began to give Applejack a bit of an odd look.

This time, Ray picked up on it. "Hey, you wanna come with us, Flutters? I've got money, so I don't have a problem getting another ticket for you."

"No, thank you," she said, almost thrusting his ticket back at him. "I wouldn't want to be a burden." There was a new underlying tone to her typical excuse. Almost… sour. "If you would excuse me, I'm a little busy."

Without another word, she flew off out of the market. A pony in her flight path had to scurry out of her way when she didn't try and move past him.

They watched her go and looked at each other with similar expressions of confusion.

"What in the hay was that all about?" wondered Applejack.

"I don't know," replied Ray. "Has she ever acted like that before?"

"Not ta ma knowledge." She looked at her ticket. "Maybe she already saw it an' didn't like it."

"Yeah…" His gaze lingered on her fading form before turning around. "Oh well, we'll find out later. Let's get going."

"Not sure why we need ta hurry. If it looks like we're gonna be late, we can jus' have ya teleport us there," she remarked.

"You can't always be looking for an easy solution, AJ."

"You look fer easy solutions to ya work all the time!"

"And it's a lesson that you taught me that I shouldn't. You should hold up your own ideals if you want others to learn from them."

Applejack just rolled her eyes and laughed, resuming their journey to the theatre. Even so, Ray still had part of his mind lingering on Fluttershy's reaction, that look she gave Applejack and that sudden attitude change when she heard what they were doing.

He mentally shrugged again. Mares, who really understood them?

They arrived there in good time and Applejack waited while Ray went to buy them snacks. After giving their tickets to the usher, they proceeded to their seats, though Applejack had to help Ray a little when he spilled a little of their soda and popcorn.

"We should have just brought these at the market," he murmured. "They almost cost more than the movie itself."

"It's yer own fault fer buyin' 'em in jumbo-size. Hush now," she added, silencing his retort, "movie's startin'."

He bit back his response and sat back silently while the farm pony began to hungrily munch on her popcorn. Within about a minute, she had eaten about half of her own jumbo bucket and he could see her eyes glancing towards his barely touched bucket. He drew it a little closer for good measure.

At first, Ray's thoughts were that it would have been better for them if they had seen the first movie because they would have to spend time figuring out what was going on with established characters and themes. As it went on, he came to the conclusion that it wouldn't have helped. It would have just made it worse.

"Your brother has a very interesting preference in movies," he whispered to her.

"Ah'll say," she replied. "Ah ain't seen a lot a movies but ah can honestly say that this is… awful."

"I concur." He thought for a moment. "Say, you wanna just leave this one and go into a nearby theatre room with a different movie. You know, what that'll be good."

"Aren't we supposed to pay for another movie to do that?"

"It's fine, I do it all the time. I leave when a movie is done and I head into another one with no hassle," he said nonchalantly.

"Ya sure that's not against the rules?"

"If it was, there would be guards and specific pathways to ensure people don't do that," he countered. "Besides, do you really think we should pay for another one after seeing this?"

"Good point," she said immediately. "Let's get goin' then. Ah don't think ah can take much more-a this."

They swiftly moved towards the exit. Just as they reached it, a very faint sound reached their ears. A whispered sound of a few ponies saying 'noooooo' from somewhere nearby.

"See, even they think it's bad?" joked Ray. "What say we take them at their word?"

Applejack didn't even need to reply. In truth, she actually made sure they got out of their even faster.

Apple Bloom's expression was practically identical to those shared by Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo as they trudged back to the farm late that afternoon. Despite the results of last time around, she was almost tempted to use the love poison again from how their efforts had been going at this point.

Granny Smith was asleep in her rocking chair when they re-entered the living room. The three of them had to yell all at once in order to wake her up and even then, she opened her eyes in a rather bleary sort of way.

"Ya know, if you three wanted ta talk so bad, ya shoulda tried harder ta wake me up than that," she remarked.

"We did," they replied dryly.

"Anyway, enough-a that. How did it go?" she asked. "Did it work?"

They shook their heads sadly, Sweetie Belle reporting. "They left twenty minutes in to the first movie to go and see a different one that wasn't even remotely romance related."

"I dunno," shrugged Scootaloo. "I'd have much rather seen Power Ponies: The Movie than Nightlight: New Moon."

"We weren't able ta see what happened ta them after that 'cause we got caught an' thrown outta the theatre," finished Apple Bloom. "Sorry, Granny."

"It's alright, girls, ya tried yer best," she comforted. "Right then, if that didn't work, looks like we ain't got much choice."

"Whaddya mean?" Apple Bloom asked.

"We been playin' nice so far but now, ah'd say it's time ta break out the big guns," she said decisively. "If this one don't work, nothin' will!"

"Alright!" Scootaloo cheered. "Now this, I like the sound of!"

"Glad ya think so, 'cause ah need you three ta help me." She gestured them to come closer. "Now, this here's what we do…"

Ray let himself smile at the sight of his house after walking home. Even though he could have teleported there and save himself the time, it was nice to do things simpler for a change. He was about to decide whether or not to just teleport inside or use his key when he happened to notice something.

A letter was in his mail slot. It was bright pink and decorated with love hearts, which had the added effect of sprinkled glitter on them.

Intrigued since he wasn't expecting any mail that day, he grabbed it from the slot, headed inside and plopped himself on the couch before opening it. The paper matched the envelope, as did the decorations on it.


I want to see you. Come meet me at the lake at sunset. I have a surprise for you.

Your secret admirer.

"What?" He read it again. "What?!" He read it again. "What?!"

He stared at it in bewilderment, completely unsure at how else to react. He'd honestly never experienced a situation like this before.

Thinking about it, maybe it made a little sense. Obviously, after the whole Doom incident and, to a lesser extent, the Changeling conflict, his name was much more well-known around town. In a good way this time, unlike what he was used to in the past. That would explain the very real possibility of a secret admirer somewhere in town.

Still, except for Dusk and the girls, and some of their other friends like Gentle and Nightfall, the latter of whom Ray met by chance after accidentally teleporting/breaking into the observatory once, Ray never really interacted all that much with the usual ponies of the town...

Another thought crossed his mind. What if one of the girls had sent him this? An image of yellow and pink flashed in his mind, but it was so brief he pushed it out and barely noticed it. Now, since his curiosity was peaked. Though he was friendly with them all, it would be kind of nice if one of them was interested in him like that.

Unless it was Twilight, then he had a feeling he might just see Dusk's worse side come out. And if it was some other mare, then what was the harm in meeting her? Besides, this would probably keep him up all night if he didn't go.

With that in mind, he got up and headed back out again. Walking away from his house, he didn't notice two small shapes peer out from near one of his windows. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle gave each other a triumphant high hoof and followed Ray down the road at a distance.

Fluttershy nervously wrung her hooves, her teeth grinding in rarely experienced frustration while she hurried to her destination. She knew it was late and she didn't want to be a bother, but she really needed help with what she was going through. She was so confused and aggravated that she'd even been lashing out at her own animal friends a little because of it.

Her mind played the events over and over again. Whenever she thought about Applejack and Ray telling her they were going to see a movie together that was what started it. Seeing the name of the movie printed on the ticket had just made it worse. Because she knew it was a romantic movie. It shouldn't have bothered her. They were friends after all and yet…

It was a romantic movie. Just the two of them. Together. For some reason, the thought of it caused some very unpleasant feelings to well up in her. Feelings that made her feel angry at Applejack and resentful towards Ray, yet she had no idea why. Why was this bothering her so much? She'd never felt anything like this, especially not towards her friends.

She had been content to try and figure this out for herself. Ray and Applejack were going to be having a nice time and there wasn't much point asking about it to any of the others. Now, she had become so frustrated with not being able to figure this out that she was going to the only pony she could for help. The only one who might understand, since she suspected it was to do with these other strong feelings she had for Ray.

Even so, she still lingered for a little on the doorstep of her big brother's modest home before she knocked on the door. It wasn't a very hard knock either.

"Hello?" The door opened and he emerged, his glasses propped on his nose. "Fluttershy? What brings you here?"

"Hello, Dusk," she murmured. "I um… I'm sorry I bothered you, i-if you were busy…"

"Not at all. I was just doing some a little reading before going to bed."

"O-oh, I'm r-really sorry I bothered you. Never mind, i-it's not important, I'll… I'll just go…"

"Fluttershy, it's fine, I don't mind." He gave her a concerned look. "Is something the matter, little sister? You seem troubled."

"I um… uh…" She gulped. "I… I need to talk to you. I… want to ask you something…"

"You do?"

She nodded. "It's um… it's about Ray."

"Ah, I see." A smile played on his lips as he stood aside. "Come on in, little sister. Make yourself comfortable."

"A-are you sure i-it's no trouble?" she asked.

"Not at all," he insisted. "In fact, I think I know exactly what's troubling you. But why don't you tell me about it?"

The lake at sunset was a very peaceful and tranquil scene. The birds sang quietly in the trees, adding a pleasant backing to the sound of the water gently lapping on the river banks. The surface of the lake shimmered in an orange glow while Celestia's sun began to sink from the sky, almost like it had been dropped into the watery depths.

Applejack had to admit that it was a very pretty sight, emerging from the path while looking around curiously. Even so, it was a strange set of circumstances why she was even here. Then again, this whole day had been a little strange.

She'd had a rather nice day with Ray. They'd returned to the farm earlier that evening, Ray acting the gentlecolt and escorting her home, despite knowing the mare was fully capable of walking through town on her own. She'd appreciated the gesture and they'd said goodnight before he headed off home. She had a little talk with her family, just stuff about asking how the day was, nothing unusual and was about go out and buck a few more trees before hitting the hay.

At that point, Apple Bloom had stopped her, telling her something came for her in the mail. It was an envelope, nothing unusual about that either. Well, apart from the fact it was pink and adorned with love hearts and glitter. Upon reluctantly opening it, she read it was from somepony who claimed to be her 'secret admirer', asking her to meet her by the lake at sunset. That was the unusual part.

Granny had commented teasingly about it and Applejack immediately asked if any of them knew anything about this, leaning down muzzle-to-muzzle with each one and looking them square in the eye. They'd all been acting kind of strange all day and her gut told her this was the cause of it. Apple Bloom had begun to stutter, but Granny told her to back off and stop harassing her sister. Applejack did, but adding she didn't feel like going to see this so called admirer.

Several torturous minutes of relentless teasing and encouraging later, followed by a few minutes in her room to get herself ready and she was off down the road, though not before casting one last suspicious glare over her shoulder at them. Now, she was here and it looked like she was finally going to get to the bottom of this strange affair.

She heard a rustling from the nearby bushes. She looked up as the pony emerged, shaking leaves out of his fur and mirroring her movements.

"Where is…?" Ray suddenly stopped when he saw her.

Shock registered at the same time on each other's faces. Confusion came shortly after, as they both put two and two together. Quite literally, in this case. Then, it finally dawned on them. And they burst out laughing.

"Lemme guess," she began, once it subsided, "ya got yerself a letter too?"

"Yup," he confirmed, holding his up. Completely identical. "And I have a sneaking suspicion as to who might be responsible for this."

"Yeah... sorry 'bout that." She chuckled sheepishly. "Ah know mah family means well, but sometimes it gets jus' a tad ridiculous, if ya know what Ah mean."

"Judging from this whole situation, I think I do," he agreed. "You know, thinking back on it, I think they've been going at this all day."

"Tryin' tah get us together, ya mean? Yeah, lookin' back, Ah kinda wanna smack mahself for how obvious it is. Firs' Applebloom in the orchard this morning..."

"Wait, she went to you too?"

"Yes, she did. And now Ah know that she chatted with you as well. Nosy girl..."

"Then there was Big Mac in the afternoon..."

"Ah knew he was actin' funny, I jus' couldn't put mah hoof on it!" She smacked her hoof on her forehead. "He don't just up and give me days offa work like that, especially when there was so much tah be done! An' then how he acted when he was givin' us them tickets. He's even worse of a liar than Ah am sometimes. An' I probably woulda figured it all out sooner if ya hadn't been all 'Don't worry about it, AJ, just relax and enjoy yourself for once'."

He shrugged. "I'm still not complaining. Paid day off is a paid day off. But yeah, I get it. My bad there."

"Slacker," she chuckled. "So, whaddya think they got in store fer us now?"

He pointed. "I'd say there's the answer to your question."

She looked and walked with him, seeing now the picnic basket and the paddle boat waiting for them on the bank. She looked out at the lake and frowned.

"Do they really expect us ta go all the way out there?"

"I dunno." He examined the contents. "It'd be a shame to let a perfectly set-up picnic like this and I don't really feel like eating alone."

She giggled. "Mr Strike, are you tryin' ta get me alone out on this here lake? If ah didn't know any better, ah say ya actually were interested in courtin' lil' ol' me."

"Sorry to disappoint," he returned, smirking. "Come on, we might as well."

"Ah guess yer right." She offered Ray her hoof like Rarity might, matching his smirk and let him take it while they climbed into the boat. "How very kind-a ya, Mr Strike."

"My pleasure." He placed his hooves on the peddles. "Allow me."

"Thank ya kindly." She sat back in the boat. "Ah might not be inta all that fancy stuff, but ah can see why Rarity is at least. It's kinda nice havin' somepony else do the work for a change."

While she sat, her eyes drifted back to the shore. For a moment, she thought that she saw five pairs of eyes watching them go from a bush not too far from the bank. She blinked and they were gone. She put the thought out of her mind, though she had a sneaking suspicion as to who it might be.

Once out a good distance into the lake, the two started eating and talking. The conversation quickly turned once again to the situation at hand, and how to deal with it. In the end, they both agreed that it was best to simply confront her family on the matter and tell them that they just weren't interested in each other that way.

Though Ray did note that it might be easier said than done considering how Applejack could be (Applejack reacting in mock offense), they decided to give it a go anyway. It was better than having to put up with anymore of this nonsense, she thought.

Not long after, the conversation turned to personal romantic topics and a question that Ray had for her.

"You know, AJ, I'm kind of curious," Ray remarked. "How come your family are trying to get us together if you're already into that Soarin' guy?"

"Ah thought ah told ya what happened?" she noted curiously. "Ah definitely told ma folks."

"Yeah, well, I haven't heard anything." He cocked his head. "Why, what happened?"

She shrugged. "Nothin' much. We jus' didn't work out."

"Oh." He looked shamefaced. "I… I'm sorry, I never knew."

She shrugged again. "Don't get yerself worked up about it. It's not yer fault."

"I still feel like I should have noticed," he replied. "Mind if I ask what happened?"

"Like ah said, nothin' much," she repeated. "We went out a couple times, he was a nice feller, but we jus' didn't connect much, if ya get what ah mean. He meant well an' he was real sweet, but ah jus' didn't feel much. Ah told him an' he was disappointed, but he respected ma wishes that maybe we were better off as friends."

Ray hissed. "Ooh, friendzoned. Poor Soarin'."

"Friend-what now?"

"Never mind," he dismissed. "I'm sorry it didn't work out, AJ."

"Thanks." She sighed. "Gotta say, ah was disappointed too. He really was a nice guy, but… maybe that's jus' how it is."

"How what is?"

She hesitated a moment. "Well… after what happened with Soarin' an' seein' Twah an' Dusk an' Rainbow with that Phoenix feller ah jus' wonder… am ah ever gonna find the stallion fer me? Ah mean, ah'm not exactly gonna drop everythin' ah have an' go off lookin' but… it'd sure be nice, is all."

"Hey, come on. Don't get yourself down because of one setback," encouraged Ray. "I mean, you're one of, if the single strongest mare I've ever met and I don't just mean that physically."

She'd be lying if she said she wasn't a little surprised. "That so?"

"Is so," he nodded. "Plus, you're compassionate, caring and honest, that last one coming in spades. On top of that, as a stallion, I cannot tell you how many guys out there would appreciate a mare who is so casual and doesn't fall into the same category of confusing emotional habits that most girls are known for."

"Ya mean like Rarity?"

"Exactly," he nodded. "Dudes like Spike may go for things like that, but a lot of guys are put off by excessive "lady-ness" or girls who are basically dramatic emotional hurricanes waiting to be unleashed."

She couldn't help but laugh at that. "Thanks. What about you then, Ray? You got yer eyes on anypony special?"

"Oh, um uh…" He began to rub his head. "Um, you know, not um… not really uh…"

"Get a hold-a yerself, sugarcube," she soothed. "It's okay, ah'll keep it a secret. It'll jus' be between me an' you, ah promise. 'Sides, ah think ah gotta pretty good idea already."

She wondered if she caught the knowing tone in her voice. The stallion was quiet for a little longer and took a few breaths before clearing his throat. His hoof still rubbed absently at his head.

"Okay… if you really wanna know, um… I think… that I may be interested in… in…"

"In…?" she prompted.

"In… interested in…" He coughed again. "In Fluttershy."

He practically blurted out the last part and physically cringed while he waited for her response. Applejack just let a self-satisfied smirk grow on her face and she leaned back in the boat.

"Ah thought so," she said simply.

"Y-you did?" He looked shocked. "B-but… how in Equestria could you possibly know that?"

"Ta be honest, sugarcube, it is kinda obvious," she answered kindly. "It ain't hard ta miss how happy ya can be when yer around her, not ta mention how defensive ya can get. Even enough ta let old beastie boy a bit ta save her," she added, rapping his head.

The stallion fell silent again. She could have sworn his cheeks went from jalapeño to red pepper in seconds. When he didn't say anything else, she did.

"Ray, ah gotta ask ya somethin'. If ya know how ya feel an' it's so hard fer you ta hide it, why don't ya jus' pull yerself tagether an' ask Fluttershy herself 'bout it?"

"I think you know," he murmured glumly, tapping his head on the spot that she had done. "What kind of mare in her right mind would want to be with a stallion with the power to end the world stewing away inside his head?"

"Why shouldn't she? We didn't stop bein' yer friends," she returned. "'Sides, there's a lot more to ya 'sides ol' Wrath. Ya got a good heart, Ray. Yer funny, supportive, light-hearted, talented, protective an' ya ain't too bad to look at either."

A ghost of a smirk grew. "I thought you said you weren't into me like that."

"Don't mean ah can't appreciate a looker when ah see one," she countered. "Ya got all-a that an' a ah know that Fluttershy cares about ya a lot. We've all seen it, Ray. We don't say nothin', but we have." She suddenly laughed. "Ya know, ah jus' got that weird feelin'… ya know, the one where it feels like ya seen somethin' 'fore?"

"Déjà vu?" he suggested. "How come?"

"Jus' 'cause me an' Twah had this same conversation a while ago, askin' about weird feelings she didn't understand an' didn't have a book ta turn ta," she recalled. "It was a while 'fore they ended up tagether, but ah don't think it was all that long."

"You don't say," chuckled Ray. He looked a lot better now. "So… you think I might have a shot with Fluttershy then?"

"Ya jus' might, Ray," she said without a shred of doubt. "Ya jus' might."

"Hey, look guys! They're comin' back ta shore!" announced Sweetie Belle excitedly.

"Awesome! It looks like it worked!" agreed Scootaloo. "And we didn't have to spike their drinks this time!"

"Come on, let's go meet 'em!" suggested Apple Bloom. "Come on, Granny, hurry!"

"Now, hold on their, pint size!" she called, shuffling after them while they sprinted off. "Ah ain't as spry as ah used ta be!"


"You say something, Big Mac?"


"That's what ah thought."

The two ponies had just set hoof back on dry land when the three fillies arrived, followed shortly by their elderly guardian and stoic companion.

"Well now, fancy meetin' y'all here," remarked Applejack. "Almost like you were waitin' fer us."

"You're back!" Sweetie Belle said excitedly. "So, what happened?"

"Did you guys kiss?" asked Scootaloo.

"Am I gettin' a new brother?" added Apple Bloom eagerly.

That prompted heavy blushes and facehooves from both of the supposed love birds.

"Now, don't git ahead-a yerself there, young'un," said Granny. "That'll come later."

"Do y'all mind?" Applejack put in. "Look, ah'm sorry ta disappoint all-a ya, but Ray an' ah jus' don't see each other as bein' any more than friends."

"Now, Applejack, ya don't need ta be-"

"It's the truth, Granny," said Ray. "I'm not saying your daughter isn't a nice mare, if anything she's great. But I'm really not that into her or vice versa. We appreciate you trying to do something nice but-"

"Can ya stop?" finished Applejack. "Ah mean, it was weird ta begin with, but now it's gotten kinda silly."

Granny looked positively shocked. "B-b-but ah… ah was sure that… ah thought f-f-fer sure that…"

"Don't blame yerself, Granny." Big Mac stepped up to the plate. "Ya had good intetions, but it seems pretty clear ta me that Applejack an' Ray only share a platonic relationship an' nothin' more'n that. Ah maself thought as much when this whole thing started. Jus' because a stallion an' a mare are close don't mean that they have ta be romantically involved with one another. Ray's heart belongs ta another an' there are plenty more apples in the orchard for our Applejack 'fore she finds her special somepony. We all jus' have ta accept that an' move on with our lives content in that knowledge."

There was a drawn out moment of silence as everypony stared at Big Mac, completely dumbfounded.

Ray was the one who broke it. "Well, if I wasn't convinced before I wasn't into Applejack, I definitely am now."

"An' how," agreed Applejack.

"Wait a sec, ya said ya knew all along? Why didn't ya jus' say somethin' sooner and save us all-a this fuss and bother?" asked Granny crankily.

"Ah did."

"Ya did?"


"Oh. Well, speak up then."

Big Mac merely sighed and said nothing further.

"So… ah'm not gettin' ya as a big brother, Ray?" asked Apple Bloom.

He chuckled. "As great as that would no doubt be, no, you're not. Sorry, AB."

"It's okay," she said brightly. "Yer still fun ta have around the farm anyway."

"Wait… Big Mac just said your heart belonged to another," realised Sweetie Belle. "So, do you have a special somepony, Ray?"

He flushed and Applejack smirked.

"Um… maybe…"

"Oh, really?" Scootaloo's expression became devlish. "Wanna tell us who it is then?"

"And on that note, I suddenly have to go," he announced. "Thanks for the picnic, it was great. Seeyoutommrowbye!"

In a flash of light, he was gone.

"You're not getting away from us!" called Scootaloo. "We know where you live!"

"Come on, girls! Looks like we still got work to do!" cried Sweetie Belle.

"You bet. CUTIE MARK CRUSADER MATCHMAKERS!" they chorused before running off back down the road towards town.

Big Mac raised an eyebrow, Granny Smith babbled incoherently and Applejack kept her knowing smirk while she laughed.

It wouldn't be long now. She could feel it…

Author's Note:

Sorry it took a while for this one. I was delayed due to exams.
Well done to my partner for providing the basis for the plan of this chapter and the ideas he had were great.
And will I ever stop ripping on that franchise? No. No, I won’t.