Ray hadn't exactly stayed at the window, staring dumbstruck at the scene that was unfolding before him. There wasn't that much that could shock him, he liked to think, but the stunt Dusk had just pulled had him staring for at least a few seconds. Then, he'd regained his senses and bolted out of the room to the stairs as fast as he could.
Then, he remembered his abilities and teleported the rest of the way, appearing back on the same floor as the balcony. He galloped out to it, practically barging past some of the other ponies that were already gathered there.
"Well, that was just rude!" huffed Rarity. "Honestly, that's just the kind of behaviour I'd expect from a ruffian like you."
"Rarity, I really don't have time for this right now!" he replied. "Man, and I thought Rainbow pulled some crazy stunts. What in the hay does he think he's doing?!"
"Wasn't he with you?" asked Applejack. "Didn't y'all try an' stop him?"
"He didn't exactly give me much warning. He just bailed out the window before I could stop him. If I'd known what he was going to do…" He shook his head and turned to them. "What about you? What are you all doing back here?"
"Well, we needed somewhere to hide from the Crystal Ponies after they discovered the Heart we had was a fake," explained Rarity. "We tried to keep them distracted, but Cadence's spell is on its last legs now. We couldn't exactly keep their attention when Sombra began to get back inside."
"Yeah, we were just about ta start the joustin' too," put in Applejack. "Rainbow ain't happy we didn't get 'round ta it, but we got bigger issues right now."
"I'm glad you're safe though," put in Fluttershy softly.
"You too, Flutters. What about Twilight?" asked Ray. "Any word from her about finding the Heart?"
Shining shook his head. "I've been doing what I can for Cadence, but she really can't hold on much longer. For all our sakes, I hope Twily's on the right track."
Ray could see where his worries were stemming from. The magic in Cadence's horn was a mere flicker now, matching the state of her barrier. The alicorn herself looked just about ready to pass out, just barely keeping her eyes open and being supported by her husband.
"What about you and Dusk?" Shining brought up. "Did you find anything in your search?"
"We found something, not sure how much help it'll be, but then we noticed the state of things out here. While we were at the window, Dusk just said he knew what to do and told me not to follow him. Then he just jumped." He shook his head again. "Honestly, I didn't see that one coming. I don't know what he's thinking though…"
"You didn't hear then, did you?" Rarity nodded down to the sight below. "He's challenged Sombra to a duel. He must be trying to buy Twilight more time to find the Heart."
Ray looked. Dusk appeared to have finished talking with Sombra and the king had forged two swords from the crystal he created for them to use. They held the blades in front of their faces and bowed to one another, then settled into stances of readiness. Well, Dusk did, Sombra just looked like he was waiting for a bus with how casually he stood.
"Then he's not doing this alone. Hold on, Dusk, I'm coming!" He was about jump down and teleport when he was stopped.
"No! You can't help him!" Shining looked quite clear on that. "It's a one-on-one duel, as according to the ancient rites of combat. If invalidate that, if you try to step in and help him, Sombra automatically wins and then we have nothing to stop him."
"So, what? We're just going to sit here, twiddling our hooves and let him fight that monster on his own?" Ray demanded.
The captain wasn't alone in this. "Sugarcube, we don't like this anymore'n you do. Ah'd be right there with ya if ah could, but Shinin's right. This is somethin' Dusk has ta do by himself. Least it can do is get us some more time ta sort this mess out."
"Yeah…" Ray turned his gaze down to the two unicorns. "But what's it gonna cost us?"
Nopony answered him. They all just watched as the duel began.
Dusk returned his focus to Sombra. He had heard Ray's declaration of coming in to help and had seen the king smirk on hearing it too. He knew what it meant if anypony else tried to step in alongside him. But it appeared as if Ray had been dissuaded. Dusk was to be left on his own to duel Sombra.
Not that that made him feel much better. While he had experience in battle, he'd never used a weapon like a sword before. Unicorns could use them because of their magic, but he'd never been trained with one. He'd read about sword fights in stories, but what good was that going to do him here? Sombra no doubt had the training since he'd selected how they duel. Just how long was this going to last?
He did his best to suppress those fears and levitated the blade before him, swinging it experimentally and mentally answering his own question. For as long as he could manage.
"So, you've left your friends to face me alone." Sombra smirked. "How very selfish."
Dusk couldn't help but frown. "I… I don't understand. How is this selfish?"
"Because…" Sombra raised his blade and bared his teeth in a grin. "Suicide is the coward's way out."
Dusk felt his blood run cold. As much as he tried to suppress his fear, he couldn't stop his mind imagining that blade piercing his flesh. He'd never been stabbed before… how much would it hurt?
"Since I am feeling… generous, I shall let you have the first strike." He continued to stand casually. "Give me your best. I shall not strike back, you have my word."
"H-How do I know you'll keep it?"
"Because if I really wanted to just kill you, I would have responded to your challenge by tossing you aside like a cyclone would a house," he replied. "That must say something about my honour, mustn't it?"
He gulped again. He raised his sword. It was difficult to judge where to strike at Sombra. His armour obviously protected his chest and his legs. While his sword hung almost lazily in the air, he didn't expect him not to use it. He would block his blows, but how good was he?
His thoughts were interrupted by Sombra laughing. "Come now, Dusk. I assure you, this isn't a permanent offer. If you keep me waiting long enough, I shall withdraw it and return to my business. I have an Empire to rule."
Dusk snapped at that. As fast as he could, he brought his blade to slice down at Sombra's head. The king swiftly blocked it with the edge of his own, barely moving a muscle while he pushed back Dusk's attack. Recovering, Dusk tried again, this time to push against his sword through his defence. Sombra held it easily and forced him back again.
He was almost knocked to the ground from that. For Dusk, this was testing what his opponent was capable of. For Sombra… he could see the smirk that played on his lips.
Dusk stepped a little closer. Sombra withdrew, but not out of fear. Just to provide more space. Dusk repeated the action, trying to make it look like an attack and make him react. Sombra just stepped back again. On the third time, Dusk delivered a strike, going high but quickly feinting to a lower blow at his legs.
Sombra reacted fast, not even moving his blade to block his feint and parrying his low blow. Dusk desperately swung his sword, trying to land a hit anywhere on his opponent. Sombra blocked every single one of them without moving so much as an inch.
"This is really quite dull," remarked Sombra. "My turn."
Sombra's blade flashed as he too began an offensive. Even Dusk was hard pressed to keep an eye on the sword's path and raise his own to defend himself. A few times, he felt it whistle close to his skin as he only just managed to dodge the blow. High, low, to his side, to his head so he needed to duck and then jump when he tried to hit his legs.
Despite this, Dusk still didn't think the king was putting his all into the fight. Sombra appeared to read his mind.
"Don't worry, I don't think this will last long and it has been a while since I have been challenged." Dusk had to step to the side when he tried to thrust the sword through his chest. "I might as well enjoy it while I can. Let's hope you can keep me amused before I grow bored of you."
Dusk didn't reply. He kept trying to defend against his blows and tried to hit him when he could. He started to think Sombra would sometimes intentionally drop his defence and let Dusk try to hit him. It didn't matter. He just had to keep him busy, keep his attention focused on this fight and not on the Empire.
One attempted strike ended with Sombra locking his blade in place, twisting and jerking it out of his aura, sending Dusk's sword clattering to the ground. He only just managed to dive aside to avoid the next swing and levitated the sword back, rounding to block another attack. His sword was shaking, so he quickly pulled back.
"Not bad, for an amateur," commented Sombra. He continued to advance, occasionally swinging at him. "You've seen combat before, I can tell. Your stance is adequate, yet your form is sloppy. You've fought, but never with a blade. A shame, really. If you had, you might actually be a challenge."
Another sudden strike broke Dusk's magic and once again sent his sword to the ground. Sombra was already preparing another attack.
"But I doubt it," he finished. "I shall make your death quick. I admire your courage, if not your foresight."
The tip sped towards his heart. Dusk didn't want to have to do this, for he didn't want to prompt Sombra to respond in kind, but he had no choice.
Reacting instinctively, he shone a light flare at him. Sombra yelled and his sword missed when Dusk rolled to the side, getting his sword and his hat, which had come off as a result. He straightened the latter and raised the former, just as Sombra recovered.
He was still smiling. "So, you know a few tricks then. So do I. Here, let me show you…"
The ground rumbled beneath him, suddenly turning a lot darker. Acting again on instinct, Dusk's hooves flashed pink and he bounded into the air. A pointed shard of black crystal sprang up from the ground he had been standing on seconds before.
He landed on a colour cloud, jumped off it and intended to slice down at Sombra. The king saw the attack coming, blocked it and spun, kicking Dusk hard in the chest and shooting him back into the sky. Rising on a crystal, he took after him.
Dusk had to take a few seconds to recover. That kick had knocked the wind out of him. He saw Sombra, leering at him while he rose towards him. He created another colour cloud, but had to jump to a different one when Sombra tried to impale him again. A distant rumbling warned him of a similar attack.
Taking advantage of an opening, Dusk started a bombardment of colour pellets. They had the effect of distracting Sombra so he couldn't finish his next attack. He tried blocking with his sword and leg, but most of them got through. He growled in annoyance from the attack, since it obviously wasn't doing much to hurt him.
A larger chunk of crystal appeared before Dusk, obscuring Sombra from his view and blocking anymore pellets. Dusk directed his cloud to fly around, but was met with Sombra's iron-clad hoof hitting him square in the jaw and knocking him off his magical platform.
His mouth numb from the pain, Dusk managed to recover and bounded off another crystal with pink hooves. He applied a quick healing spell to his jaw as Sombra floated down to meet him. He was no longer smiling.
"This dog knows more than a few tricks then." He raised his blade. "But now, it's time to put you to sleep."
He darted forward. Instead of running, Dusk ran to meet his charge and locked blades with him. His fiery pits burned into Dusk's emerald depths. He didn't flinch. He didn't look away.
"You should know, Sombra…" Dusk could see a faint glow of orange in the corner of his vision. "Never corner an animal. They can still bite."
Sombra glared, but reeled back from the punch that Dusk hit him with. Before he could recover, he landed another punch, then swung his blade around. Sombra reeled so much that it only scraped him across the face. It was enough to leave a mark but instead of blood, slivers of shadow trickled from it.
The king pressed a hoof to his cheek, momentarily stunned. He pulled the hoof away, looked down at it, then up at Dusk. His teeth bared, but it wasn't in a grin. With a loud roar, he jumped back into the fray and their blades clashed.
They continued to duel inside a ring of crystal, their blades dancing and singing together like a symphony. Dusk wasn't as skilled with a sword as his opponent, but he managed to find ways to improvise in the duel, almost providing a match for Sombra.
The king swung at his head. Dusk ducked and fired a few pellets at his chin. Sombra growled and slashed down. Dusk rolled to the side and kicked him under his legs, dehoofing him. He stood to stab down, but Sombra blocked it and leaped back to his hooves, pushing forward at the same time and jabbing quickly three times. Dusk blocked two and sidestepped the third, countering with a feint then a slash that managed to scratch his armour.
"You learn fast, young one," growled Sombra. He went for his chest. "I am almost impressed."
"Thank you." Dusk felt it whistle past and forced it to the ground with his sword. "I'd say you have years more experience than me."
"Without doubt," he replied, forcing aside his lock. "Still, I haven't fought anypony this skilled for a long time."
Dusk lunged. "High praise, I'm sure."
"It isn't." Sparks flew when their blades met again. "I just haven't fought anypony for a long time. I've been stuck as shadow for the past thousand years, so I'm a little out of practice. I'm grateful for the exercise."
"Happy to help." Dusk jumped over his next swing and landed behind him. "I'm grateful to you too for providing me with a new experience."
"Then, allow me to give you another." Sombra blocked his strike and spun to face him, swinging at the same time. "Let us see how well death becomes you."
Dusk bounded backwards and stood in a defensive stance. "Not today."
"Perhaps a chance to show you what I've learned from you then?" He created a swarm of small, black crystals. "I am a firm believer of teaching being a two way exercise."
The sharpened tips glinted and they shot towards him. Dusk countered by capturing them in his aura, turning it purple for the added strength. He unconsciously gripped his necklace half and stopped their advance. Some, he let drop to the ground. Others, he sent right back at their master.
"I can see why," Dusk called, Sombra creating a wall of shadow to dissipate them.
Sombra didn't look amused. "Learn from this then!"
His solid form vanished and became shadow once more. Within seconds, the entire area was shrouded in his darkness. Dusk was blinded, he couldn't see. Even the glow of his magic barely penetrated the suffocating shadow. But he didn't allow himself to panic. First, he surrounded himself with a yellow shield, just in time to block the blade that clanged off it.
Now, to act before Sombra could strike again. Dusk sent out seven orbs of light into the dark and allowed them to flare all at once. It not only dispelled some of the darkness, but he also heard a cry from somewhere to his right. He sent out one more in that direction and darted forward at the same time as it flared.
The spell of darkness lifted as Sombra lost his concentration and while he managed to deflect Dusk's sword, he didn't have time to block his punch. He fell backwards and smacked against one of his own crystals.
His expression was livid. "Impossible! How did you do that?!"
"Because I already learned," answered Dusk. "You're not the first one to use that trick on me and she did a much better job of it than you."
"She?" His expression faltered. "But… the only one who… no, no it can't be…"
"I had to learn my tricks from somepony, just the same way you learned yours," Dusk continued, letting his voice soften. "Do you really think this is how she'd want you to use it? Do you think this is the reason she taught you it? Think, Sombra. Would Luna-?"
"NO! DO NOT MENTION THAT NAME TO ME!" he screeched. "I am done with this game! Die now, Dusk Noir!"
His body dissolved away, but his crystals didn't. They actually increased, wicked spikes of them shooting up from the ground and working their way inwards towards Dusk. Responding in kind to the king, he too became formless, a spike of crystal passing harmlessly through him and flew after Sombra.
The instant he made contact, their essences merged and tumbled together in a continued battle. A plume of pure darkness against one that worked in harmony with light. Now and again, parts of their bodies would appear from parts of their twisted forms. A hoof, a leg, a head, battling furiously with each other.
But Sombra had spent a millennia like this. Seconds in, Dusk was already feeling exhausted from his efforts. He was still getting used to that. He couldn't maintain it. His body became solid and was spat out of the cloud of shadow like a bitter pill.
Dusk hid the ground hard, skidding across it and smacked his head against a jutting crystal. His skull felt like it would burst. He caught a glimpse through his blurry vision of the palace being surrounded, the crystal ponies backing away. Faintly, very faintly, he could hear his friends calling out to him from the balcony, waving towards him.
A towering, immovable form blocked his vision. He stared up into Sombra's red, burning eyes. He saw something glint next to the king's head. It darted forward and Dusk screamed from something cold that bit into his shoulder.
He lifted his head to look. Sombra's blade had found its mark. Dusk's lay what seemed like a mile away, useless. He tried to reach it with his magic, but screamed again when Sombra twisted the sword inside his shoulder. Warm blood trickled down his side. He was laughing again, empty of warmth and laden with cruelty.
Just like Doom's…
"I know this hurts you." Sombra leered over him and slowly turned the blade. "Where are your tricks now? Your clever retorts? Your fawning praise? What good does it do you now?"
Dusk grunted and raised his head, trying to blink away the stinging tears. "More… than it's done you."
"We shall see." He leaned in closer. "I'm going to kill you, Dusk. There's no doubt of that. But first, I'm going to make you suffer. I'm going to ensure that, when you leave this world, you shall be screaming and begging me to end it. And I shall provide."
"I know… it's a cliché but…" Dusk looked right back at him. "Do your worst."
"As you wish." Sombra's horn glowed, magic burst from it and Dusk's vision flashed white.
He opened his eyes. He felt strangely light, though everything around him seemed solid. His surroundings came into focus, a hiss of steam sounding somewhere near him. He whirled around and was more confused than when he initially arrived.
He was at the train station outside of Ponyville. But… he had been in the Crystal Empire with everypony else, battling Sombra. How had he gotten back here so quickly? Why was it all such a blur to him?
"Hadn't you better get on?" a stern voice asked. "You're going to miss your train."
"Twilight? Twilight!" He saw his marefriend and hurried to embrace her. "Oh, Miss Sparkle, you have no idea how happy I-"
"Get your hooves off me!" she snapped. "Don't touch me! You don't even deserve to be near me!"
"W-what?" He recoiled. "Twilight, what is it? What's wrong?"
"Don't play dumb with me, you know what's wrong!" She prodded him hard. "You messed up, that's what's wrong!"
"I… what? I… I don't understand…"
"Oh, I think you do," she replied harshly. "You failed in your task. You didn't find out why the Empire had returned. Worse, you didn't find out anything useful at all! No wonder Luna said you could no longer continue your studies. I'd have done the same thing."
"B-but… how can that be?" he stammered. "I… I tried my best, I did, b-but I… I just-"
"Your best wasn't enough!" she cut off. "Not only that, but because of you, we failed to save the Empire. Your stupid stunt didn't work and he got the Heart back before I could reach it. We were lucky to even get away!"
"No! No, how can that-?"
"Even worse, Celestia said I can't continue in my studies anymore either! I've got nothing now and it's all your fault!" She pushed him hard. "So, go on! Go on back to Canterlot or anywhere that's not here! You don't belong in Ponyville anymore. In fact, I don't think you ever did."
"But I… how could we…?" Hearing all of this was too much. He broke down in tears. "Twilight, p-please… I did my best… don't send me away, I-I love you…"
"Well, I fail to see how I ever did. Have faith, what a foolish concept," she sneered. "Look where that faith got us. You're lucky I'm here to see you off, the others all said it was a waste of time. They're not even here! Doesn't that tell you anything?"
"No… no, please, no…"
"Oh, stop that crying. You're pathetic, Dusk! You always were. I never loved you, I pitied you, we all did, but we're at the end of it now. You had your chance and you blew it. I hope you're proud of yourself."
Dusk couldn't even respond now. He just lay there on the ground, weeping uncontrollably, barely able to take it all in. He had lost everything. It was stupid to think he could ever be worth anything. Thinking otherwise had now cost him his friends, his home, his life… if he even had one to begin with.
What would he do now? Where would he go? How was he even supposed to live without the ponies that mattered to him the most?
"Are you just going to sit there all day? Stop crying and get on the-" Twilight's voice suddenly deepened. "What?! No! That is mine!"
Ray saw Sombra look away from Dusk, who stood there in a daze, dark magic flowing from his eyes while he stared directly ahead. The king turned his eyes to the palace, to the very top and he saw them narrow while his fangs glinted wickedly. There could only be one reason he was looking there, with such desperate anger.
Twilight had found the Heart. His theory was confirmed just a few seconds later when Spike called to them.
"Hey, up here!" The dragon was holding something, a bright blue jewel. "I have the Crystal Heart!"
But Ray had a bigger concern. Whatever Sombra had done to Dusk, he had to find a way to stop it. Now that the shadow king was distracted trying to get the Heart back, he took a chance and teleported right next to Dusk, so that he could whisper in his ear.
"Dusk? Dusk, buddy? It's me, Ray," he hissed urgently. "Look, I don't know what it is that Sombra's doing to you, but you have to fight it! Come on, this isn't the first time some dark force has tried to get inside your head. You should be a pro at this by now! Twilight's almost there, she's almost made it. You just need to hold out a little longer. Do it for her. For us." He patted his shoulder. "Have faith, bud. We all have it for you."
"Interloper!" He whipped around to see Sombra, baring down upon him. "You shall pay for your interference!"
"And that's my cue to leave," remarked Ray. "Fight the power, Dusk!"
He teleported away just as Sombra delivered his blow and back to the balcony.
"Ray, what the hay were ya doin'?!" demanded Applejack. "Don't ya remember what Shinin' said before?"
"I don't think that Sombra has much set aside for the rules right now," he countered. "Besides, I think my work has been done."
Dusk blinked out of his stupor. Ray had just been here and told him all that was happening wasn't real. He had seen him faintly, but heard his voice very clearly. He had to go soon afterward, sounding urgent, but he had gotten the message.
All he was seeing here wasn't real. It was all a product of Sombra's magic. He cursed himself for not recognising such an influence before, but it had seemed so real… so vivid…
Now, the illusion was failing. Twilight flickered between her appearance and Sombra's, who looked livid. He was beginning to fade away too. Was he leaving his mind too? Was he going to try and get the Crystal Heart?
Ray said he needed to hold him off for just a little longer. That was what he intended to do. Doing the first thing that came to his mind, he galloped at Sombra and grabbed hold of him.
"What?! What are you doing?!" he demanded. "Get your hooves off of me!"
"Once again, Sombra… trying to fight me in a way one before you did much better at," he remarked. "You should have known not to come into my head."
"Get off me!"
"But since you've had the privilege of seeing in mine…" Dusk's horn glowed. "Time to return the favour!"
He pressed his horn against Sombra's, mimicking the spell that Twilight had used on him when he had been corrupted. Sombra's cries were drowned out while Dusk travelled along a river of shadow, riding it to his destination.
It only got darker the further he travelled.
Sombra was about to turn away, when Dusk's eyes flashed open. Shadow and light whirled around inside them and the glow of his horn intensified, keeping Sombra in place with the bride of magic between their horns. Sombra resisted only for a moment before he too was frozen in place, eyes staring straight ahead.
That was one problem out of the way. Now, just for-
"Spikey wikey!" Rarity screamed.
Ray whipped his head up. Spike was falling, still holding the Crystal Heart. Sombra's shadows were rising to meet him, the king himself still stuck with Dusk in whatever they were doing. Even with that distraction, Sombra was still in power.
They almost had the Heart. He might be able to teleport and grab it before Sombra could. He was just about to, when he glanced behind him and blinked.
"Shining… what are you doing with Cadence?"
Crystal. Crystal everywhere. The same black, corrupting substance that was now spreading across the Empire was all that contaminated Sombra's mind. It was like a forest, shrouded in a blanket of shadows through which no light could pierce.
Dusk tried and could hardly see two feet in front of him. He glimpsed something in the dark. A flash of grey, barely visible. Slowly, careful not to injure himself on the crystal shards, he made his way towards it.
What he found was a pony, trapped by a wall of crystal. But it wasn't what he found that shocked him… but who.
"I knew you would come."
There were some similarities. Same build, face, mane and fur colour. But this stallion didn't have the same curved, red and black horn, just a normal one. His cutie mark was a trio of red crystals rather than grey. He lacked the armour, the robe, the helm of the one who had been threatening them since they arrived.
That wasn't all. This stallion have any of the same superiority or malevolence the other had. He looked like somepony who had lost everything and who wanted nothing more than to have just have something back. Yet the guilt that lingered in his eyes told Dusk that he didn't feel he deserved any of it back. He deserved what he got.
With this in mind, he was almost hesitant to ask.
"King Sombra?"
He barely stirred. "Half right. I am Sombra, but I do not deserve that title. And you… you are Dusk Noir."
"How do you know that?" he asked, though he already knew the answer.
"Though the King has imprisoned me down here, that doesn't mean I am ignorant of all that happens," he replied in a dead voice. "I see all he sees…"
"And you feel like you do all that he does, no matter how much you might not want to," finished Dusk. "Trust me, I know…"
Sombra nodded. "I knew he sensed it within you. The same darkness that flows through my body once did the same with yours. Yet there is a difference."
"What do you mean?"
"You were Dusk. Your darkness made you take the name Doom. I am Sombra… yet he is too." He lifted his head. "What does that say to you of me?"
He sounded so hopeless, so lost. Regardless of what he thought of himself, Dusk couldn't leave him here, trapped by his own mind.
"If that's the case then, why are you down here and he's up there?" he asked.
"He's only interested in strength. I'm the part he doesn't need," he replied. "Sympathy, compassion, pity… none of these are needed for one who rules."
"I don't think you really believe that, otherwise you wouldn't still be here," countered Dusk. "Kindness and compassion don't make you weak, Sombra. Sometimes, it takes strength just to stay kind."
"Then I am weak!" he snapped. "I let my cruelty, my anger, my ambition take over in his form! I deserve to rot here, for letting him loose upon my Empire. My only hope is that when the Crystal Heart is found and used… I'll be destroyed along with him."
"You can't give up now!" insisted Dusk. "If you were going to give up, why did you have me find your journal? Why did you tell me where to find it?"
"Because then I might be able to do one good thing before I am gone," he said in a hollow voice. "I might do some good, if only a little. I suppose I should tell you all that I can now, before-"
"No, you can tell me after we get out of here!" He set about trying to destroy the crystal imprisoning him. "Come on, Sombra! I need your help!"
"What's the use? Even if we did succeed, what would I return to? An Empire that I subjugated? Subjects that fear me? History that hates me…" He hung his head. "There is nothing left for me…"
"I don't think that's what Luna would want to hear." Dusk saw him flinch. "He was right, you know. She was the one who taught me, just like she taught you."
"And see now how I have twisted her teachings, betrayed her love," he growled. "She would be glad to see me rid from this world. She deserves better…"
"That's not what she thinks." Dusk kept talking, even though Sombra was no longer looking at him. "Do you know what happened, after she sealed you away with Celestia? I had to check the date for this in your history books, but on the last recorded page of history, the date it happened… just a day after, she went down the same road as you. Darkness corrupted her too and she tried to reign eternal night across Equestria as Nightmare Moon."
"W-what?" He looked genuinely surprised at this. "Why…?"
"A few reasons. Jealousy for her sister, the Entity that poisoned her like it did with you and I, but I think what pushed it was that she lost you. You understood her in a way that nopony else did, not even her own sister. In your own words, you two were the same. She hated what she had to do to you, just as much as when Celestia had to imprison her in the moon for what she did."
"What?" Sombra shot to his hooves. "That witch! I'll-!"
"But she's back now," continued Dusk. "She's back and the darkness that corrupted her has been purged. How do you think she sent me here to find out how the Empire returned? How you returned."
Sombra appeared to be lost for words. Dusk pressed this advantage.
"She never forgot you, Sombra. She never found anypony else, how could she? She could barely say your name without bursting into tears and now you're back, she can barely believe it. She doesn't want to lose you again. She wants to believe there's hope for you that you can come back, just like she did… just like I did." Emerald eyes were locked with ruby. "I know it's not going to be easy, Sombra. But you can give her that hope. If you're willing."
Dusk thought he saw something begin to shimmer in his eyes. A spark that was steadily becoming a flame. He didn't lie back down behind the crystal like before, he didn't cower. He began to stand straighter, that fire burning ever brighter…
"There you are!"
Dusk leaped aside just in time to avoid a shard that almost hit him. He stood ready to see what could only be the Sombra. This one had the horn, the eyes, the armour… the evil.
"My, my, haven't you come far for one so small." The crystals around Dusk began to creep towards him. "Now, you shall stay here. Your body will be an empty vessel while your mind is trapped inside mine!"
Dusk backed away, but felt a sharpness prod his back. The dark shards were already beginning to entomb him. He was going to be trapped in here, just like part of Sombra's mind. Just like Doom had done…
"I think not!" A huge collection of red crystal burst forth and struck aside the King. "You shall not harm him, nor anypony else again!"
"What?! NO!" The King stood defiantly as Sombra approached. "You were beaten! You gave into me! I am stronger than you could ever be!"
"Not anymore! I have dwelled in darkness too long!" Sombra declared. "Come, Dusk! Your light and my crystal, together!"
Dusk didn't need to question what he meant. Calling upon his magic, he blasted a beam of light at the crystals that Sombra created. It travelled up the facets, ruby-red light spilling in every direction. The King recoiled and roared as the light hit him, his crystal dissolving away.
Dusk stood by Sombra's side, keeping up the spell as the two were engulfed by a white void.
Dusk had a sharp intake of breath. Partly from the sensation of returning to his body, but also from the wound that was in his shoulder. The blade was still stuck in it and he wasn't looking forward to trying to pull it out.
He looked around. There was still shadow and black crystal everywhere, but there was a new light shining underneath the tower. What had happened? Had it worked? Was Sombra free?
"Allow me," a now familiar voice offered. "This will hurt, but the wound could have been worse."
"SombrAGGGGGH!" Dusk screwed up his eyes and held back the tears, but managed to smile gratefully. "Thank you…"
"It is the very least I can do." He stood there, his helm and robe discarded. "Although, we still have a slight problem."
He gestured to a towering mass of darkness. The curved horn and the glowing eyes of King Sombra emerged from the top, looking livid.
"How… how do we-?" Dusk hissed from his injury and gave up trying to stand.
"That will no longer be a problem. Behold, Dusk, the power of the Crystal Heart!"
Now, he saw what that light was. A glimmering heart made of the brightest crystal was shining brightly between two points under the palace. The crystal ponies were all bowing to it, their coats now matching their names and their home. The streets below them flowed with the same blue magic the Heart generated.
King Sombra was panicking, demanding that they stop, but they paid him no mind. The magic continued to spread throughout the entire Empire, the streets lighting up in the shape of a snowflake. The energy returned back the Heart and it began spinning, faster and faster until it was a blur.
The magic burst forth as a sphere of energy, growing ever brighter. It passed over Dusk and Sombra and he looked in amazement to see their coats also become crystal. Even his hat took on a more crystalline appearance and he could have sworn the glow in his necklace half was stronger than it had ever been. Even his wound was healed by the wave. The magic was destroying all of the corrupting crystal, wiping the streets clean of dark influence.
When it hit King Sombra, the effect was immediate. The shadow pony gave one last scream of defiance before his body was taken apart, destroyed by a light no shadow could ever darken. The entire palace now started to shine like a star and the magic gathered towards the top. It spread out as ribbons of light, dissipating all of the remaining shadow and letting clear blue skies take their place. The ribbons continued to travel away from the Empire, across all corners of the land. He doubted there would be anywhere in a hundred miles that wouldn't see them.
Dusk looked at Sombra, who gave him a grim sort of smile. They had done it. The Crystal Empire had been saved.
and almost shocking, seeing the real Sombra inside the evil King Sombra, and... That's Awesome!!! 
That... was... Awesome!!!
I wonder how Luna will react when she see's Sombra
3711836 It'll be Shocking, I Can Tell.
WHY ISN'T THIS STORY MORE POPULAR!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Why does my gut say that this is far from over?
Somna or Lubra.
What a weird ship combo but one of the more interesting ones.
Oh and do you plan on having AJ and RD as another ship to have almost all the main characters in a relationship?
I can answer this for him.
I believe it has been hinted at, multiple times, that Rainbow has a developing relationship with one of the OCs named Phoenix Wing.