It was another busy day in Princess Celestia's court. The sun the princess rose shone all around her as she sat upon her royal throne, flanked by members of her Sun Guard. The royal clerk stood dutifully close, watching while the nib of Celestia's quill quill moving carefully, but swiftly over the official papers she was required to sign. A stack of official papers.
A very large stack of official papers. Dull, but necessary. Not everything a member of royalty did was glamorous.
Regardless, she was getting bored. She didn't let her face show it, but she was silently wishing to be anywhere right now other than here. Shining and Cadence had just returned from a month of being on their honeymoon and while she had been there to greet them as princess, she would have preferred to sit down, have a nice cup of tea and talk to them properly.
She would have anything just for something to break up the sheer monotony of her task. When that something did appear, she had to confess that she never would have expected it.
She had just placed on her signature on a form approving a loan to the new leader of the Changeling Swarm when the doors to the throne room burst open. One of her Sun Guard, looking rather harried, rushed up to the foot of the throne as fast as he could.
"News from Northern Equestria! Uh, your highness," he added, bowing his head.
Celestia looked at him, vaguely acknowledging the clerk leaving with the forms she had been signing.
"Yes?" she asked.
He pulled off his helmet, bowing a little lower. "I am simply to tell that… it has returned."
The princess gasped. Normally, the North was a very uneventful and quiet place. Apart from suffering violent snowstorms and the occasional report of a stray windigo, not much really happened. The Warden very rarely sent any reports of note, much less anything like this.
But with a message of such urgency and reports of a return, it could only mean one thing.
"Find Princess Cadence and Shining Armour," she ordered the guard on her right.
"Yes, your highness," he bowed, galloping out with his two comrades.
The moment the door closed again, Celestia levitated her quill again and a fresh piece of parchment. At the same time, she reached out across the link she and her sister shared, touching her mind briefly while she was in the dream world.
"Arise, Luna. You are needed."
She didn't have time to listen to her response, returning her focus to the letter. Time was of the essence and they needed to act quickly. Hopefully, her sibling would realise that.
She didn't have long to wait for just as she was about to sign the letter, the doors opened once more and the Princess of the Night rushed in, folding away her wings. Apparently, she had partially flown to get here.
"I came as soon as I could, my sister," she said, a little breathless. "What has happened? What news had distressed you so?"
"The best and worst kind," she replied. Now, she found herself hesitating.
Some old wounds were about to reopened here. Very deep ones at that. To tell Luna would be to put her through memories she wasn't sure wanted to put her through again. Considering what had happened on the day they happened, it would be understandable to conceal them.
But this was a very big development. Luna knew it, for her elder wouldn't have called her for anything otherwise. To attempt to conceal this from her would be futile and might be worse than just telling her outright. Luna had made it very clear that she didn't like being excluded from major events, especially after the incident with Ray a month ago.
Her hesitance didn't escape younger princess. "Well? Speak, sister. What news is so important that you would disturb me from my rest?"
There was no easy way to tell her this, so it might as well be done in its simplest form.
"I have just received news from the North," she said finally. "It has returned."
"It? What is…?" Comprehension began to dawn on Luna's features. "No… you cannot possibly… the Empire…?"
Celestia nodded. "Yes. The Crystal Empire has returned."
A dead silence descended on the throne room. Luna didn't appear to even breathe, much less speak. Her pupils had shrunk, her eyes faintly shimmering as they widened in shock. A range of emotions flickered across her face. Surprise, disbelief, confusion… pain.
When she next spoke, it was in a low whisper, laden with dread.
"Do we know if… if he has returned with it?" she asked.
Celestia shook her head solemnly. "We cannot be sure yet. The report hasn't be very exact in detail. We only know the Empire has returned, not if its inhabitants have. Or its king."
Luna lifted her head. Her expression was one of determination, fuelled by a sense of desperation and pain.
"Then I shall be sure to find out," she announced, making moves to leave.
"Luna," Celestia said sternly, "I know what you must be thinking-"
"Then you will know that it's pointless to try and stop me, Celestia," she snapped.
"No," she continued. "I know that you're smarter than this."
"Don't presume to tell me what is wiser for me to do!" she shot back. "I know my course and it is to the North!"
"I already intend to send Cadence and Shining to the Empire."
"Why? Do you not think I am capable?"
"Far from it. If the king has returned along with the Empire, then it will need protection. Cadence and Shining's magic are the best bet of protecting the Empire from his influence."
"Then I can assist them!"
"We were the ones who imprisoned him to begin with. Do you really think that our presence there would help the situation?"
"Regardless, there is another reason why we cannot venture to the Empire." She considered her next words carefully. "I think that this is the test that my student should undertake."
"Twilight?" She looked sceptical. "Do you think it wise to entrust her with something as important as this?"
"I know she is capable, my sister," Celestia replied with complete assurance. "Her time is close now and this will help us to determine if she is ready. Cadence, Shining and her friends can help her, but in the end this is something she has to figure out on her own, without our help. It must be done. You know it must."
The raw emotion that had dominated Luna's actions before was now replaced with reluctant consideration. She glanced at Celestia, then at the door, then gazed out of the window for a very long while.
"Your point is… well made, my sister," she murmured. "Very well… if it is what you think is best, then I shall… concede."
"Thank you, my sister," Celestia said sympathetically. "I know this is difficult for you, but it is for the best."
"Yes…" She looked at the letter Celestia had been writing. "You are about to send that to her?"
"I was. Why?"
"I would ask that you give me a few moments to compose my own message," she answered. "To tell Dusk that I too wish to speak to him on the matter."
"Of course," she nodded. "Might I ask why?"
"You have your tests," Luna said, turning to leave, "and I have mine. Let's leave it at that."
"If you insist. And Luna?" She paused at the door. "I'm sorry. Truly, I am."
Luna just stood there for a long time. Her head shifted slightly, glancing back at Celestia. Then, with a heavy heart, she left the throne room, her hoofsteps weighing heavily on the ground.
Celestia watched her go and hung her head as she shook it. Even after the Nightmare Moon incident, it seemed that she still failed to do right by her sister. Perhaps, if she was right for what her sibling intended, her student… her friend would.
She didn't have much time to dwell on these thoughts, for the doors opened once more and the newlyweds rushed towards her.
"Celestia, we came as soon as you sent for us," Cadence announced.
"What do you need from us?" asked Shining urgently.
"At the moment, an answer to a question. Have you two unpacked yet?"
They were a little confused by this. It was Cadence who answered.
"No, we were just about to start. Why do you ask?"
"Because you might not want to just yet," she answered. "I'm sending you both on a trip to the North. I have a special assignment for you."
She felt numb. She was barely aware of what was around her, of the ponies who stood aside to let her past, not even of the action of returning to her room. Luna's body was moving on instinct, automatic, while her mind wandered to other places. Places she hadn't ventured to for a very long time.
She was like this until she returned to her room, making sure the doors were locked behind her. Her numbness left her now and her feelings began to float to the surface. She bowed her head and closed her eyes, an icy chill piercing her heart as her mind fully absorbed what her sister had told her. The Crystal Empire. After all of these years, it had returned.
And she knew that he had too.
She felt something in her being, a magic that ponies were known to experience at a time like this. Like music. And like with any music, there was only one way to truly relieve it. She drew in breath, let it fill her up and… she sang.
I was prepared for any news
For any crisis you might choose
For though things seemed quite amiss
I was not prepared for this…
She found herself travelling back so far. In the aftermath of Celestia and her performing their duty. One of the worst things she had ever done…
A thousand years have passed since that day
When I felt so great a pain
And even now, it still persists
How could I be prepared for this?
But a new idea entered her head, one that provided a spark of light in the darkness.
But through doubt, is there hope?
I can’t be sure
My heart was dark, my hate ran deep
But now is pure
Oh, could he have the same chance
So we might once more share our dance
But no, I wasn’t…
Oh no, I wasn’t…
No, I wasn’t prepared… for this.
She was already levitating a sheet of parchment as she felt the magic leave her. Dipping a quill into an ink pot, she began to trace the words across it. She barely even noticed when her tears splashed onto it…
Been waiting for this
Someone downvoted this story within a half hour of its upload.
Moving on....foreboding. Lovely and well-written. Time for us to get back into gear. LET'S DO IT!!!
And so it begins...
...Could you excuse me for a moment?
*Walks away*
*Comes back*
I'm looking forward to this.
Hot damn. Here we go.

Alright! More Dusk for us happy readers! A bit late for Christmas but all good things come late, don't they?
Okay! I really loved Luna's version of the failure success song. Great work, Alpha! Can't wait for Chapter 2!
Dusk is back! Yay!!
This is so awesome, I love it already. I'm really excited to see how you go about the Crystal Empire's return. I also really enjoyed Luna's version of the Success/Failure Song (Is it Failure/Success Song? Oh well, same difference). Keep writing! 
OH MY GOD IT'S FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY, THANK YOU ALPHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mournful Luna in the sky,
Seeking shadows in the night,
Why your heart must be so dark,
At the thought of past delight?
But I guess that time will tell,
How a grim present can end well,
And maybe then we'll see at last,
That flame you sparkled long past.
Dusk is back? So is Sombra? And we're soon going to see if Dusk will be an Alicorn along with Twilight? ALL ABOARD, PEOPLE! THERE ARE NO BREAKS ON THE HYPE TRAIN!!!!!!