Sombra received more than his fair share of wary and fearful looks as he and Dusk made their way to the palace. The Crystal Ponies were all cheering at the end of their trials, but the moment they saw their old king, they all went quiet and kept their eyes on him until they passed. Like a wolf in the midst of sheep.
Sombra didn't pretend not to notice the looks they gave him. He closed his eyes and hung his head in shame. He didn't so much walk as more drag himself along, the pride and arrogance he once had completely gone. Though his darker side was now gone, Dusk wasn't really sure how much good it had done him.
In his eyes, it was better to live in regret of sin than to live in pride. But he couldn't honestly say it was any easier.
By the time he reached the balcony, Dusk wasn't sure how the others would react, so he told Sombra to wait while he prepared them. Regardless, he was greeted by a very warm reception.
"Big brother!" Fluttershy barrelled into him with a hug. "Thank goodness you're safe!"
"You too, little sister." Dusk hissed a little from her grip. "Careful… shoulder's still a little tender."
"Oh, sorry." She pulled back. "W-when he s-stabbed you I… I…"
"We all did, Fluttershy," said Pinkie gently, but still with a bright smile. "Still, you're okay now, right Dusk?"
"Indeed. The injury is still a little sore, but I'm sure it'll pass," he replied.
"See, no problem." She hugged him too, careful of the wound. "When we get back home, I'll make you a special cupcake for what you did."
"Pinkie, I don't think that's necessary."
"Yeah, you're right. A cupcake's too small. You deserve a whole not-cupcake for that."
"Dusk, come on, you got stabbed. I mean, actually stabbed." There was a hint of admiration in Rainbow's voice. "That's pretty hardcore. You deserve something for it."
He sighed, but smiled. "If you insist then. I suppose it would help, considering…"
"Then that's settled! A special cake, just for you. Ooh, ooh and Spike too, since he saved the day. And Twilight, since she found the Heart!"
"Hey, don't I get anything?" asked Ray. "You know, since it was obviously me that gave Dusk the strength to fight back. Again."
"Ya can have a slice sugarcube, ah'm sure," assured Applejack.
"Quite frankly, I think the biggest achievement you've had is that your mane is the neatest I've ever seen it since the Heart's magic was cast," put in Rarity.
"I know!" He ran a hoof over it. "It's weird. Hope it isn't permanent."
"How can you say that?" Rarity looked herself over. "I look magnificent! I hope it never ends!"
"You all did great work," praised Shining. "None of this could have been done without any of you."
"You helped too," reminded Cadence. "I wouldn't have even been able to get the Heart if it hadn't been for your quick thinking."
"Yeah, but I'm not the one who got the praise for it, Crystal Princess," he returned, nuzzling her neck.
Cadence giggled. "And they should know that I'd be nothing without my Crystal Prince."
"I'll always be the wind beneath your wings, dearest."
"Aw, come here you…" Their lips met in a passionate kiss.
"Okay, seriously, do they have to put Crystal before everything?" repeated Ray. "If you guys do end up running this joint, put up some kind of naming committee or something. Some variation would be nice."
"We'll consider it," chuckled Shining. "But again, great effort from all of you. You should all be proud of what you did here."
"Thank you, Shining." Dusk inclined his head. "Probably wasn't a completely wise decision though."
"Oh, you can say that again!" came the voice of his marefriend, her expression livid. A few of them moved to intercept. "Out of my way, let me through! I'm gonna kill him!"
They quickly hurried out of her path. She halted before him and Dusk winced, ready for what she would punish him with. She glared at him for a while, seething under her breath.
"There are times... I think I know you," she hissed. "Then, you go off, pull stunts like that and I wonder why I even bother."
"Um... I don't suppose saying I'm sorry might help?" he tried.
"You... you...!" He winced once more, but ended up being surprised when she hugged him. Very tightly. "Once again, I'm torn between wondering if that was the bravest thing you've ever done or the most foolish."
"Another talent of mine it seems…" Dusk trailed off when he saw Twilight's crystal coat. "My goodness, Miss Sparkle… you look incredible."
"Flattery isn't going to save you this time!" She paused, blushing. "Really?"
"Really," he said sincerely. "Although, you look beautiful with or without a crystal coat, my love."
"Dusk..." She blushed, came closer and flicked his nose. "That's for trying to take on Sombra on your own!" She pulled him in for a kiss. "That's for coming back safely."
Dusk took a moment to recover from the sensation of the kiss and how funny his nose felt.
"Thank you." He rubbed his nose. "Although, was the nose flick necessary?"
"Think of it as a reminder," she said. "Every time you think about doing something stupid, you just call that to mind."
"Duly noted... On the subject of the former king, there's somepony here that I think you should see." He looked behind him. "You can come out now."
For a few seconds, nothing actually happened. Then, slowly, Sombra emerged from the shadows, though not completely. A few of the girls cried out in surprise and fear. Shining, Applejack and Rainbow looked ready for a fight. Twilight stood defensively at his side, but Ray looked rather calm. Like he expected this.
"What is this?" Shining demanded. "I thought the Crystal Heart destroyed him!"
"Only part of him," replied Dusk. "But as with Nightmare Moon and Doom before him, he's free now of his dark influence. He's not our enemy anymore."
"He speaks the truth," Sombra said. "I do not expect you to trust my word, but I promise that I mean none of you any harm."
None of them moved. Gradually, very gradually, they relaxed. They continued to watch Sombra warily. The former king didn't keep eye contact with any of them and remained distant.
"If you say so, Dusk," murmured Twilight. "But how did you know he was the same as you and Luna?"
"A combination of research, encouragement and a little bit of faith," he replied, glancing at Ray. "I suppose I needed to realise there's more than one solution to a problem and there's more than one way to go about solving it."
"A valuable lesson indeed," agreed Sombra. "Though I think that, for now, my problem only has one solution." He turned to leave.
"Wait, where are you going?" asked Dusk. "Nopony said you had to leave."
"They don't need to," replied Sombra. He barely glanced back. "The reactions of your friends and those of my former subjects only show me that this world is not yet ready to accept me. I no longer deserve to be king and it is clear there's one here who is more than an adequate replacement. Therefore, the only course available to me is to leave."
"Where will you go?" asked Ray.
"Into the wastes," he answered. "I shall remain in the mountains, far from the Empire and anypony else I might do harm to."
"You don't have to leave, Sombra," Cadence said gently. "You could stay here. If the Crystal Ponies see me as their princess, I could grant you asylum."
He looked surprised at her offer. "Even after I threatened you, you would still have me here?"
"It's only right," she said simply. "Regardless of what you've done, I can't just let you go out there alone."
"I… I appreciate your offer, but… I cannot accept," he said heavily. "You are this Empire's new ruler now. I doubt you would be able to keep things civil among your subjects when they know the tyrant that terrorized them remains in their midst. I'm sure your husband would agree."
Shining nodded grimly. "I don't think they would be very receptive knowing that, as harsh as that sounds."
"Shining, we can't just-"
"Fear not, I understand completely. This is my choice and I feel I must act upon it."
"You could always come back with us," offered Twilight. "Once we explain the situation to the princesses, maybe they could find some way to accommodate you."
Once again, Sombra was stunned. "You… you as well? You would do this…?"
"Yeah, don't think we wouldn't be keeping an eye on you, Sombra," warned Rainbow. "But yeah, I figure we could work something out."
"They keep me around, knowing what I've got inside me," put in Ray. "I know you don't exactly have a demon inside your head, but it's kind of the same thing."
"And I already told you that Luna and I managed to find redemption after what happened for us," finished Dusk. "Like I told you, there's a chance for you too, Sombra."
The unicorn king was almost moved to tears. Dusk thought he was going to accept their offer. But he didn't.
"Your kindness is… remarkable and what you've told me does give me much needed hope, but…" He shook his head. "I cannot."
"But why?" persisted Dusk.
"There are still some… tender memories, even outside of the Empire. I cannot, in good conscience, remain in the Empire nor anywhere else. Not after what I have done…" He looked out to the wastes. "Perhaps, in time, I will return. That is the hope you've given me. For now, this exile will serve as my penance. It is no less than what I deserve."
"What about Luna?" asked Dusk. "Don't you want to see her again?"
"More than anything. But when I do, I want to feel that I am worthy to stand in her presence again," he said sadly. "Right now… I don't think I could stand it."
It was Applejack who asked. "An' that's yer final decision?"
"It is, good farmer," he answered.
Dusk didn't want to just let him give up like that. But it was clear that they weren't going to change his mind. After all, he understood what Sombra was going through right now. He had to come to terms with this in his own way.
"If that's what you want, Sombra, we won't try and stop you. But on the day you do decide to return, my door will be open to you," he promised.
A single tear trickled down his cheek. "It seems I can never hope to repay the debt of gratitude I owe to you, Dusk. But I think I can start with one thing I can do for you."
"What do you mean?"
"You came here seeking answers, to complete a task, correct?" he surmised. "I cannot pretend to know all of what you need to, but I can tell you as much as I can. It's the very least I can do."
In the midst of all that had happened, Dusk had almost completely forgotten the original purpose he'd come here for.
"I appreciate it, Sombra," he said sincerely. "You know the task I'm here for. Please, tell me all that you can."
Luna waited anxiously, her eyes fixed on the door to her private chambers while her hoof twitched. She had just received word that Cadence and Shining had returned from the Empire with the Elements, Ray and Spike. She had mentioned giving the Empire to their niece to rule over, given events that had happened over there, but that was something they would discuss in more detail later.
Right now, she was waiting for Dusk to arrive. Not just to see if he had completed his task and learned anything though. She remembered how hurt he had looked from the way she had acted towards him on arriving. She was going through a difficult time, but that didn't excuse the way she had treated him.
Though a small part of her did hope that he would bring some welcome news.
She almost jumped with anticipation when she heard him knock. She took a moment to collect herself, but even then she was faintly shaking.
"Enter," she commanded. Even her voice was quivering a little.
Her student stepped inside. His disposition was rather nervous too. He sunk into a low bow as soon as he entered.
"Princess, I-I bring you news," he stammered. "I have completed the task that your highness sent me to do and-"
"I'm sorry," she blurted.
He paused. He looked up. "I… beg your pardon?"
"I… I said I'm sorry." She sighed. "I know that I was short with you when I sent you to the Empire, Dusk. I would not have been, it is simply that… well, I was reminded of some rather tender memories, shall we say. Regardless, this does not excuse my behaviour and I apologise for how I treated you. It was wrong of me, as your teacher… and your friend."
He looked momentarily surprised, but became much more relaxed in the wake of her apology.
"Apology accepted, Luna and you don't have to worry," he added. "I understand what you were going through."
She laughed bitterly. "Forgive me for saying so, Dusk, but I don't really think you that you do."
"I do though." He considered for a moment. "I know about Sombra."
Luna froze. "B-but… how could you…?"
"I did a lot of research into finding the answer to the task you assigned me," he answered. "It was one of the things that came up."
"Oh… I see…" She wasn't exactly sure what to say now.
"Like I said, don't worry about it," assured Dusk. "It was a difficult time in your life, but I don't blame you for how you reacted when it came back like this. I can see why you loved him. You two really are much alike, even in your eventual fates."
She nodded absently. "Indeed… falling to darkness, becoming feared by our subjects, being imprisoned…"
"Then being released and being freed from that darkness for another chance," he finished, smiling.
It took a moment for those words to sink in. When they did… Luna smiled. She smiled for the first time since this affair began.
"You mean this? Truly?" she dared to ask.
"I do." His smile grew along with hers. "I freed him, Luna. Just like you and I were."
Now, she laughed. She could barely contain the happiness that spread throughout her entire body. Caught up in it, she ran to her friend and embraced him.
"Dusk, you absolute wonder! I had my hopes that he might have returned and that he might be saved but…" She trailed off in another fit of laughter and planted a kiss on his forehead. "You did it, you actually did it!"
"It was my pleasure," he said, with a slight blush. "But I have to tell you something…"
"Oh, your report can wait, Dusk. I must greet him at once!" she announced. "I assume he returned with you and the others. You must have him waiting somewhere so that you might surprise me. The thought is appreciated it, truly."
"Go to him. Tell him I shall receive him momentarily, I must make myself a little more presentable." She rushed over to her mirror. "Hm, I don't really have the time for a wash, but I think I look fine. Perhaps I should wear something. It has been a while since I've had cause to. Should it be grand, moderate or am I fine as I am?"
"Princess, please."
"Hm?" She caught his firm tone. "Oh, my apologies, Dusk. I'm just a little caught up, that is all. It's been so long since I've seen him. But speak, say what you need to."
He looked uneasy again. A creeping suspicion began to work its way into her mind, souring her ecstatic thoughts, but she tried to pay it no mind. Until Dusk confirmed it with his next words.
"He didn't come back, Luna."
He explained Sombra's personal views and how he had exiled himself. Luna felt her mood drop like a stone into a lake, sinking into the murky depths. She felt disappointed with his choice, angry at Sombra, upset because she had to wait even longer before she could see him again. If she would ever see him again.
But overall, she was still relieved. He was back now. There was still a chance that she would see him again. That managed to keep the smile on her face, along with what Dusk told her next.
"But he does have a message for you, if you'd like to hear it."
She nodded. "You may proceed."
"Who said that I would be telling you?"
Dusk's horn glowed and his magic began to take shape in the air before her. The shape was crude at first, but details soon worked their way in. After only a few seconds, were it not for the faint twinkle of magical energy, Luna would have been convinced that her love was standing in the room with her.
Even more so when his rich voice filled her ears.
"My stars and moon. Many a cold night has passed since the last time we met. In that time, much has happened and much has changed. But there is one thing that has not and it is my love for you. During those years, trapped in my own mind, my only thoughts were of you. You were my beacon of light in that dark place and your student ignited it like a fire for me to escape. As I say, I do not yet feel worthy to stand in your presence again, but there is one thing I can promise. We shall meet again, Luna. I don't know how long it will be, but I do not intend to leave this world without my eyes beholding your beauty once again.
"I love you, Princess Luna and I always will. Until we meet again, my stars and moon."
"I love you too, my crystal king," she murmured involuntarily. "Please, come back soon…"
The form smiled faintly and dissolved away. In its place was the hopeful smile of Dusk that she soon matched.
"I hope he returns soon," he said sincerely.
"As do I," she agreed. She wiped away her tears and hugged him again, more gently. "Thank you for bringing this to me, my friend."
"I would have done nothing less," he responded. "That wasn't all he told me though."
"I see…" She pulled away. "What did your search yield then?"
"You were right to suspect, Luna. The Empire didn't return on its own and your spell didn't wear off. Somepony used their own summoning spell, one just as powerful as the magic you use, to restore the Empire and Sombra. From what he told me, the one who did it was seeking some great power that he needed Sombra's aid to retrieve. He promised his help, but only after he reclaimed his kingdom. Another good reason we acted when we did, it seems."
"I concur." She almost didn't want to ask the next question. "Did he give you a name?"
"He gave me two. One was, as we suspected, Test Tube, but he wasn't directing it. He was only working with the one who was, the third member of the group you received reports on. Chrysalis's unnamed ally."
"And he is?"
"Fallen Soul. It looks like it wasn't just a story then." It was a statement, not a question.
"No, it wasn't." She turned her gaze out of the window. "And I don't know if this one will end well."
"And you are certain that this artefact exists?" the unicorn mare asked across the table. "You will have to forgive Trixie if she is a little sceptical of your promise."
Doctor Test Tube nodded. "I assure you, Miss Lulamoon, that the artefact of which I speak is as real as you or I."
Yes, it was easy to reassure and lie with words, Trixie thought to herself. But it would only be a matter of time before they were uncovered, as she knew too well. Not that she wasn't eager to cease working on the rock farm and leave this hovel of a house they'd given her. This scientist was the kind of miracle she'd been hoping for.
But Trixie had had her dreams built on promises crumble before. She had to be sure.
"I see," she replied slowly. "How is it that you came across this information?"
"My uh, employer has his methods," he answered. "He would prefer not to disclose them until we are sure you can be relied upon."
"Forgive Trixie for saying so, but you are not the only one at this table with issues of trust," she returned.
"Understandable of course, Miss Lulamoon," he said evenly.
"Then how do I know you're telling the truth?"
"It's simple really. Travel to the bazaar in Canterlot and confirm what I have said for yourself. If you find the Amulet, it is yours to keep. If not, you can return to your uh, delightful home here with no harm done."
Perhaps they might dock my pay a little for taking a small day off, she thought, but kept it to herself.
"And it truly is as powerful as you say?" she asked.
"That and more," he assured. "You will have access to abilities only dreamed of by common unicorns. You can become as Great and as Powerful as you wish and beyond."
"Indeed..." She would be lying if she said it didn't intrigue her. "And what would I do with this power?"
"Whatever you wish. As I understand, it is due to a certain individual that you are where you are to begin with."
Trixie hissed. "Sparkle..."
"That's the one." A ghost of a smirk appeared on his face. "This would help you to earn a little compensation for your predicament."
"Yes and him as well," she murmured. "Her little coltfriend, the one who showed me up at the Magic Contest. He will get his dues as well." She glanced at the jar next to her. "From both of us."
"Yes..." He held his gaze on the jar too and muttered something under his breath she couldn't hear. "Anyway, I have the funds that would be required to acquire it. You needn't worry about that."
"And what would you have of Trixie in return?"
"My uh, employer would be interested in meeting you. Both of you," he added, glancing at the jar again. "When your uh, business is complete, he will find you and extend another offer. If you'd be interested enough to take it."
"What kind of offer? And who exactly is he?"
"All in good time, Miss Lulamoon. First, you must both prove yourselves to show that you have earned the privilege to know such um... sensitive information." He smirked a little more. "Do you accept?"
Trixie tore her gaze from the stallion and looked at the jar. The contents within, a dark effluvial substance with a dash of bone white, writhed as if it were alive. She stared at it for a while, interpreting what it... he was saying before responding.
"We accept. We'll depart to the city tomorrow and see for ourselves. In advance, you have either our thanks..." The substance writhed again. "Or our displeasure."
"Noted." He stood to leave. "Well, the best of luck in your endeavours, Miss Lulamoon and to your uh, companion."
Trixie took another look at the contents. A different colour flashed across the surface. A jade green, that appeared to take the shape of a pair of eyes. She let herself smile at it and she knew that he was smiling back.
"As if we have need of it."
Crystal Empire saved: check.
Luna and Sombra's relationship set in stone: check.
Ominous foreshadowing at the end: check.
Awesome chapter! What a fantastical way to end the Crystal Empire arc...And on New Year's Day no less! Hooray, Alpha. Hooray indeed.
3716409 Oh. Forgot about Pheonix.
Love to see what Alpha has in store for AJ though.
It's actually more of what I have in store for AJ. Being Alpha's partner and all, I can do this kind of stuff!
forgot about that.
My bad
Things are heating up
When is a door not a door?
When it's ajar.
When is a Doom not a Doom?
When it's a jar.
We're all doomed!
Alpha, when has waiting for another chapter not been worth it for us?
well now im all caught up,
and the next chapter should be 'to many pinkie pies', correct?
oh boy.
Why does it say chapter 6 came out on the 30th when it actually came out after that date?
Because reasons.
Seriously though, the website just acts weird sometimes.
So... much... cheese... Yet so awesome...
Wait...what's in the jar?!
3773614 The question is... not what's in the jar, but why is it in the jar?
Did I seriously NOT review this chapter... or the preceding chapter...? AUTO, YOU DUMMY!
The sword fight between Sombra and Dusk was amazing! And Dusk is lucky to be out of there with just a shoulder wound.
I like how Ray showed up and saved Dusk from believing that Sombra's little "worst fear trick" about Twilight breaking up with him and them both failing their tasks. RAY STRIKE SHOULD BE CANNON TO THE REAL SHOW! (I would add Dusk to that, but I've said that pleanty of times and don't want to be repetitive, but seriously DUSK SHOULD BE CANNON TOO)
Now that Sombra's no longer evil, and Twilight and Dusk... "turns out they were prepared for this"... passed their tests. It's interesting to see what is in store for Twilight and Dusk(we already know about Twi, but still...) in this series later on.
That bit with Trixie at the end of Chapter 6... gearing up for one of my most favorite episodes of MLP of all time... Magic Duel..... in a few chapters. I wonder why Test Tube gave Trixie the "Doom in the Jar"... oh well. We'll find out.
My OC and I are looking forward to seeing Dusk, Twilight,(and Ray maybe?) put a stop to Trixie later on!
But until then, ready for Too Many Pinkie Pies and whatever else befalls us between now and then.
Keep up the good work, there, Alpha!
Ah, Luombra, one of my favorite ships.
*Ding!* Roll credits!