"Twilight, I don't think we should be doing this," Dusk said nervously.
"We knew we had to do this sometime, Dusk," she replied. "It might as well be now."
"I suppose… but how exactly should we go about it?"
"I would have thought you would just slide it in, nice and easy."
"But are you sure I can? How do we know it'll even fit? It looks like it'll be a tight fit."
"It is rather big, isn't it? Here, let me give you a hoof with it."
"Are you sure that's okay? I could try it myself…"
"Considering this was my idea, I think it's only fair I help get it going."
"As you wish, Miss Sparkle." He let his magic surround it. "Right, on three. One… two… three!"
With the combined effort of their levitation spells, they managed to heave the Magical Compendium, volumes one through thirty-six, onto a shelf large enough accommodate the massive book. Even then, they had to move all of the other books and slide the Compendium in behind them in order to make the necessary space for it to fit.
"Whew," breathed Dusk. "I didn't think we'd ever manage to put it away."
"Oh come on, it's not that heavy," giggled Twilight. "It's not like it's your first time doing it."
"I know, but it doesn't really make it any easier," he returned.
Dusk glanced around to see Spike. The baby dragon looked like he had just come in from the kitchen and was staring at them both in a peculiar way. Three faint scar lines were visible on his chest, a sight Dusk was still getting used to.
"Something wrong, little brother?" asked Dusk.
He looked from one to the other. "What were you two just doing?"
"Reshelving a book, what else?" answered Twilight.
He blinked. "Really? That's it? Nothing else?"
"Nothing else," confirmed Dusk. "Why? What did you think we were doing?"
Spike's cheeks went faintly. "Nothing uh… nothing. I'll uh, just put these away then, shall I?"
He hurried over to the books they had moved to make space for the Compendium and started to put them back on their shelf. Dusk noted that the redness in his cheeks hadn't really left and he seemed to be making an effort not to look at them. Dusk looked to Twilight quizzically and she merely shrugged as an answer.
Perhaps it was best just not to question the issue further.
"Well, don't spend too long putting those away, Spike," said Twilight. "I need you to be ready to take notes for when Ray gets here."
"You got it." He looked relieved about the change of subject. "I don't really see why we need to keep this up. I'm pretty sure that if the spell Celestia put on that necklace stopped working, we would know about it by now."
"We can't risk taking that chance, Spike," insisted Twilight. "You remember what happened last month. If Wrath were to escape again, here in Ponyville-"
"Okay, okay, you've made your point." Spike shuddered. "I don't even wanna think about that happening."
"Which is why we have to do this," said Twilight decisively. "Besides, it also gives us a little more of an opportunity to learn more about this creature. It's kind of fascinating, how he's managed to live with it inside his head for so long, how it's so ancient yet it's still so strong. I almost wish I could experience it myself to find out."
"Do you really?" asked Dusk quietly.
She gasped when she caught his meaning. "Oh, Dusk, I'm so sorry! I… I didn't mean that I…"
"It's alright, Miss Sparkle," he assured. "Just be careful what you wish for. Some things aren't worth finding out."
"Of course, but I really am sorry. You'd think I'd be a little more sensitive about this, considering…"
She frowned sadly, an expression that Dusk had come to think as rather cute, next to her nervous smile which she usually reserved for Princess Celestia when waiting for a result back on one of her tests. Just recently, she had done it for him when she took to wearing a new accessory in her hair, in the form of a hairclip that looked like a lilac and had asked him if it looked alright on her.
His answer to that was just about the same as the one he gave her now: a reassuring smile, a small kiss on her lips and a gentle tone.
"It's fine. Don't worry about it."
It usually worked to help stop her worrying and fretting like she did and thankfully, this was no exception to that. A smile replaced her frown and a faint blush came to her cheeks at about the same time his did.
"Okay." She smiled softly. "Thanks."
"Anytime, Miss Sparkle." He managed a smirk. "It's not like it's your first time."
"I know… but it doesn't make it any easier," she echoed.
He smirked at her. "Good thing I've had plenty of practice calming you down."
She giggled. "Oh, come on, I don't worry that much."
"At least you didn't knock me out this time."
"You're never letting that go, are you?"
"Just like how I'm never letting you go."
"Aw, you…" That earned him another kiss.
"Ugh, I really wish something would break this up," groaned Spike. As if somepony had heard him, he suddenly sucked in his gut and belched out a letter. "Well, somepony up there likes me."
"A letter from the Princess? No wait," she added, "from both princesses."
Dusk saw that indeed, Spike had belched up two letters. One bore Celestia's seal of the Sun, the other sealed with Luna's crest. Rarely ever did the Royal Pony Sisters send letters both at the same time like this addressed to them separately. This was evidently something important to do with their individual studies.
He didn't need to ask which letter of the two was for whom. Twilight took Celestia's letter while Dusk unfolded Luna's. He noted how her writing seemed a lot more uneven compared to Luna's usually neat style and even had a few blotches in places. Like water had been dropped on them. Or tears.
My dear student
Recent events have brought to light a new truth in our kingdom. Your presence is required in Canterlot forthwith, for I have a special task for you that concerns this new truth. I cannot write more than this. All will be explained when you arrive.
Please, make haste.
Princess Luna.
He had to read it a few times to make sense of it. Luna was usually more straightforward and clear than this, but this letter was bordering cryptic. What new truth? What kind of task? What had happened that demanded such secrecy?
He didn't have much time to ponder these questions for Twilight let out a loud cry that almost made him drop the letter. He whipped around to see her eyes had widened to the size of dinner plates and there were early signs that she was about to start hyperventilating.
"What is it, Twilight?" asked Spike. "Changeling attack? Incoming disaster?"
"No, worse!" she cried. "Much worse!"
"What could be worse than that?" put in Dusk.
"It's Celestia! She wants me to come to Canterlot as soon as possible to take a… a…" She gulped. "A test!"
Spike frowned. "A test?"
"But not just any test!" She waved the letter in their faces. "According to this, it's a very important test, a very important development in my magical education!"
"Luna's sent me something similar," remarked Dusk. "Apparently, she has some kind of special task for me and she needs me in Canterlot as soon as I can get there."
He didn't think it was possible for Twilight to look even more panicked. Somehow, she managed it in the wake of this news.
"You too?! Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no!" She teleported randomly around the library before appearing directly in front of him, shoving her muzzle in his face. "Well, don't just stand there! We need to prepare! Spike, get a bag!"
The dragon hurried to comply, hurrying off and coming back one. Dusk could see where this was going. He was about to answer when the door to the library opened and their friends arrived, a grinning stallion at the head of the pack with green fur and a messy silver mane.
It had been quite an eventful month for all of them, but especially for Ray Strike.
When they'd all gotten back to Ponyville, they'd been greeted by a great reception from all of the townsfolk in celebration of their efforts in stopping the Changeling invasion. Of course, there had been others from Ponyville who had fought just as hard as they had, but for some reason they were all receiving special recognition for their actions.
Ray had been left out of this, which had been confusing until they all remembered that none of the other ponies knew about what exactly Ray had done. This was probably for the better; they'd later discovered that the effects of Ray's apparent battle with Chrysalis had been felt in Ponyville as well, and to a much greater extent than in Canterlot and Cloudsdale. Seeing more examples of the destruction his rage had brought certainly hadn't done anything to help Ray's attitude at the time, but like always, he managed to quickly shrug it off and continue smiling with the rest of them. None of the others knew about his secret. And they'd be keeping it that way.
Life for them all had pretty much settled back to normal after that. It was surprising in a way, how quickly everypony went back into the routine of things. Perhaps it was a testament to how willing they all were to move on and forget about what had happened, or perhaps to how used they were getting to conflict. Dusk didn't really like the implications of the latter...
They couldn't forget though. They had to remember in order to try and prevent such tragedies from occurring again. It was their duty, as normal ponies, residents of Equestria, and as the Elements of Harmony. Besides, there was one particularly big reminder that they saw every day.
Ray. The revelation of what he was, what was inside of him, had been... shocking, to say the least. A monster, the incarnation of Wrath, sealed away inside of his body, in the form of a burning, blood-red beast of pure energy. One that had apparently been responsible for a great deal of destruction and death in the darkest days of Equestria's history and who had almost been unleashed once more during a battle with Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings.
Not exactly the best way for the happy stallion for this aspect to be revealed. While Wrath had been loose, he had killed Chrysalis and very nearly all of them, before Celestia managed to bring him back under control. Even then, it was hard for all of them. Knowing that such a monster was now in their midst certainly wasn't easy. But they'd all made a vow, to some degree. Ray was their friend, and they wouldn't be abandoning him, no matter what kinds of demons he may be holding inside of his head.
So, just as they'd all settled back into their usual routine, Ray had done the same, trying to get back into the swing of things. Even now, the stallion expressed his usual, easy attitude. His relationship with the others had changed, of course, but not necessarily for the worse.
"Hey Dusklight!" Ray greeted enthusiastically. "How's my-"
"Hold on. Dusklight? The hay is that?" Applejack asked, cocking an eyebrow at him.
She was an example of the change. He still had his job at Sweet Apple Acres with Applejack, who had let him keep it in spite of all that had happened with him. She herself had since recovered from the burns she'd suffered during the battle, quite quickly in fact, and was back to working alongside him and her family.
According to her, he now and again threw himself at his work with more vigour than usual, but that was to be expected. Sometimes you just had to vent out your frustrations, and Applejack was understanding of it. After all, she was more worried for Ray than anything else, knowing what she knew about him. Not about Wrath, but about his past; knowing that he'd gone through his entire life without friends or family. For somepony like her, who was so tightly knit with her family, immediate and extended, her feelings were understandable. She couldn't imagine what it would be like, having to grow up without any loved ones. For that, she felt a special obligation towards Ray to help him cope however she could.
Except in support of this new phrase, it seemed and it looked like she wasn't alone.
"Yeah. I know it's you, Ray, but sounds like a pretty weird thing to say, even for you," put in Rainbow Dash.
She was a bit of a concern at first. Like AJ, she had fully recovered from her injuries not long after arriving back home. But that wasn't the issue. Before all of this had happened, she'd gotten along with him arguably the best out of all of them, save maybe for Dusk. But after they'd gotten back to Ponyville, she'd initially distanced herself from him. The others understood, even if they wished that she would be more considerate of Ray's feelings in the wake of all this. Fortunately, after about a week of this, for some reason or another they suddenly stated talking again. Maybe something had happened between them, or maybe Rainbow had just needed some time.
Either way, they were now back to being friends like nothing had ever happened. Well, not quite. Rainbow sometimes surprised them by openly mentioning Wrath and that battle with him at odd times, despite it being a rather sensitive topic for the rest of them. Ray didn't seem to mind though. In fact, sometimes he actually seemed glad to be able to talk about it, however odd the conversations sounded at times. Maybe it really was better to just let something like that out in the open rather than beating around the bush all the time. In any case, he and Rainbow could now often be found hanging out together for something or other, sometimes accompanied by another member of the group.
"Silly Dashie!" piped up Pinkie. "It's a thing for couples! You put both of their names together and say them together, because they're together! It's the cutest thing ever!"
Rainbow still scoffed. "Of course you'd get behind something like that, Pinkie."
"Yes indeedely!" she affirmed brightly.
Dusk smiled a little. Her relationship with Ray seemed to have changed the least out of all of them. She was still her bubbly, hyperactive self, and that didn't change one bit in the wake of recent events. With Ray, she was still happy, bouncy, and random, just as always. He still went over to Sugarcube Corner every now and again to help out, though now he said it was to help pay off the cannon that he... Wrath had destroyed. Pinkie of course told him not to worry about it, but he seemed insistent on making it up to her. Even if she supposedly had a large reserve of extra party cannons hidden somewhere in Ponyville...or possibly elsewhere.
When Dusk thought about it, maybe that was how she always managed to pull it out of nowhere whenever she needed it...but it was still best not to think about that. Pinkie was Pinkie, after all. Either way, she nonetheless appreciated his help around the bakery, even reporting that he'd managed to stop lighting the oven on fire. And in return, she continued to provide him with laughs and smiles, again as though nothing had happened with him.
"You're just snippy because you didn't think of it first," remarked Ray. "Anyway, how's favourite couple doing today?"
Spike groaned. "Like I don't have to put up with enough of that around here."
"Well, I think it's rather sweet," said Rarity. "Foalish, but sweet."
"Thanks, snob."
"My pleasure, ruffian."
Rarity had also developed a change in behaviour around Ray, though much like Applejack, it was of the more positive kind. She was more sensitive around him than she normally would have been, as well as kinder and more open-minded, though she'd still displayed brief hints of fear in his presence, such as whenever he popped in out of nowhere around them or displayed even hints of annoyance at something or someone. Ray had noticed this, and at some point had sat down with her and talked about the issue. He didn't want her to behave any different around him than how she used to, nor did he want her to be scared of him at all. Since then, she'd loosened up considerably around Ray, though it still showed on her face sometimes. Hopefully she'd overcome it with time.
In any case, regardless of all this, those two had undoubtedly become closer as friends. Dusk wasn't sure what had happened between those two before the fight in Canterlot, but it had definitely been beneficial for their relationship. Of course, they still called each other "snob" and "ruffian" with regular frequency, but there was no hostility in it. They both had their own way of expressing their friendship for each other.
"Ooh, ooh, what about Flutterstrike?" asked Pinkie eagerly.
Both Fluttershy and Ray blushed furiously. The former hid behind a lock of her mane while the latter began to stammer and stutter. Was it his imagination, or could Dusk see faint smiles on their faces?
Fluttershy, too, had begun acting differently around Ray... though not in the way any of them were expecting. In Canterlot, after they'd all learned of Wrath, Fluttershy had more-or-less holed herself up, not really interacting with any of them. Dusk knew why, as he'd spoken with her about the issue himself. She'd been scared. Not only that, but she'd felt a little betrayed as well. Despite this, Dusk had encouraged her to go and speak to Ray rather than hiding from him. And now, after the wedding... when they'd gotten back to Ponyville, they'd expected her to still be hesitant and upset about the subject. But instead, she went right back to smiling and spending time with her friends, even Ray... especially Ray.
He and Fluttershy were spending more time together now, and she'd never show any signs of fear around him. It was stunning, really. Where she was normally the most shy and timid of them, here she was now, being braver than any of them, even in the face of possibly the greatest monster any of them had ever encountered. She was showing a new kind of strength, all her own... and it honestly made Dusk proud. He knew it wasn't his pep-talk that had brought out this change in behavior. When she'd gone to speak to Ray, something must have happened between them, he reasoned. Something that had put her fears to rest, while simultaneously making the bond between them stronger than before. Ray, needless to say, was happy about this turn of events, and had taken to spending time with Fluttershy without fear of anything going wrong.
It was easy to see that something was going on between them... and to be honest, Dusk was okay with it. He may have felt negatively about it at first, but that had been due to feeling protective of his little sister, much like how Shining had been protective of Twilight. He was past it now. Now, he was willing to see how their relationship would continue to grow.
Fortunately, they were spared having to answer by a frantic Twilight, who was now hurrying around the library in a panic.
"We don't have time for this! Where are all my quills?"
She ran to her desk and shot the quills with such force using her magic, that they pierced holes in the bag that Spike caught them in. Dusk tried to get her attention, but she pushed past him to a shelf and started to levitate down a series of books, her eyes rapidly scanning their covers.
"No, no, no, no, no..." She growled in frustration. "I need the Magical Compendium volumes 1 through 36! Where is it?!"
"Um… where we just shelved it?" reminded Dusk.
"Of course!" She levitated it down with Spike preparing to catch it, only to be crushed by the sheer weight of the book.
"And we just reshelved it…" murmured Dusk, lifting the heavy book off of his fellow assistant.
"Um, did we miss something?" asked Rainbow.
"Ah think ah gotta pretty good idea," murmured Applejack.
"Flash cards! I should make some flash cards!" Twilight decided, taking out whole stacks of them. "Spike, I'm gonna need you to quiz me. On everything. Everything I've ever learned. Ever." She thought for a moment. "That isn't going to be enough cards. Dusk, help him out with that."
Spike finally managed to say what Dusk had been meaning to say. "Twilight, calm down. It's just a test."
"Just a test? Just a test!?" And now, he was glad he didn't. "Princess Celestia wants to give me some kind of exam, and you're trying to tell me to calm down because it's just a test?!"
"Uh..." Spike reached across and placed on his armour, composed of a helmet and a belt of pillows. "Yes."
Twilight's horn started to glow and her eye began to twitch.
"Ah'd say she's handling things pretty well, considerin'," remarked Applejack.
"Twilight!" Dusk darted forward and placed his hooves on her shoulders. "You need to calm down."
"But how-?!"
"Listen to me, Twilight, I know this is stressful, it's understandable, but you need to calm down," he repeated firmly. "You remember what happens when you let your emotions get out of control?"
"So… so does my magic," she said, her voice lowering a few octaves now and her horn's glow receding.
"So does your magic," confirmed Dusk. "Let's just gather what we need, calmly and rationally, without losing our heads. That's not going to be any help to anypony."
"Yes… yes, you're right." Her twitching was practically gone, as was the glow from her horn.
"It's said he's the only one who can do that and survive," Pinkie whispered to the others. "What a brave soul!"
"That's it," Dusk continued soothingly. "Deep breaths, soothing thoughts…"
"Soothing voice helps too," she murmured. "Okay, okay… calm now…" She smiled warmly at him. "Thank you, Dusk. I needed that."
"It's what I'm here for," he said brightly. "It's going to be fine, you'll see. We're going to be fine."
"Exactly!" piped up Ray. "I mean, it's not like it's a test that could change the very nature of your magical education and be unlike any you've ever taken before, right? Right?"
Twilight's eye began to twitch again. Her horn flared with energy. Dusk only had time to glare at a very bemused Ray.
"Good work, Ray," he deadpanned just as the library exploded.
Fortunately, the magic of the tree the library was built into was enough withstand the sudden burst of magic and the only damage was that all the books needed to be sorted back onto their shelves. Dusk had just sorted away the last one when Twilight grabbed his hoof and dragged him to the train station, hopping on the first train to Canterlot. Well, teleporting on it just as it was leaving the station was perhaps more accurate.
He had to take a few minutes to both catch his breath and recover from the sensation of magical molecular rearrangement. As much as he loved Twilight, her tendency to worry about this sort of thing was something that even he could be pushed to his limits to put up with and to keep under control.
That being said, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous too. Though they were friends, Luna was also his teacher and she had shown that she wanted him to succeed in his studies, just as Celestia did with Twilight. It was rather unnerving that they had both been summoned for this similar reasons involving a task or test. What form would it take? Would he be up to the challenge? What would happen if he failed?
Not only that, it would be the first time he would be in the royal city since… last month.
He urged himself to put those thoughts out of his mind. The last thing they needed was both of them panicking. He pushed his worry deep down and tried to smile reassuringly at his marefriend. When she cocked her head curiously, he looked at his reflection in the window and realised how much he was shaking and nervous his smile looked.
"Heh… guess we're both a little nervous then," she remarked.
"Indeed," he murmured. "Sorry…"
"Don't be. Like you said, it's only understandable to be nervous, right?" she asked, with a nervous giggle.
"I suppose." He tried to smile. "B-but, between us, I'm supposed to be the calm, r-reasonable one."
"Oh really? And who was it that got upset because he dropped a stack of books on his first day on the job?" she countered, smiling now.
"That was only once!"
"Apart from when you did it again from listening to a conversation that you weren't even part of and got the wrong idea from," she went on.
"As opposed to knocking me out?"
"That was months ago!"
"And blowing up the library?"
She faltered. "Okay, you have a point. Let's just agree that we can both let our emotions run away with our heads at times."
"But you more so than me, I think."
"I don't know." She teleported in front of him and planted a kiss on his lips, leaving him staring in shock. "I'd say it's fairly even."
While the rest of the journey passed a lot more easily after that, it was evident their nerves returned by the time they pulled into Canterlot station. The royal city appeared as it always did, majestic and beautiful. The only differences were signs of new building materials worked in with the old and an increase in the number of guards patrolling the streets. The only evidence of what had happened here last month.
It was strange to see everything to relative normality after seeing both the streets and the sky swarming with changelings. To see ponies calmly going on their way, rather than sprinting through the streets to the sounds of battle, of clashing hooves and steel… of screaming. Like the kind that diamond dog did when he fell off the cliff, Dreadwing fighting for Luna, Cliffjumper being swarmed by all of those changelings…
And the beast, its roars echoing in the mists of his memory, those rage-filled pits staring into his very essence.
He flinched and actually cried out from the hoof he felt on his shoulder. Twilight quickly retracted it, but her sympathetic expression.
"It's okay, my Dusk," she soothed. "It's all over now. It's done."
He only now realised he was drawing in short, sharp breaths and that he was shaking. And it was nothing to do with Luna's task.
"Yes… yes it is," he muttered, trying to ignore the strange looks from passers-by. "Thank you, Miss Sparkle. I needed that…"
"It's what I'm here for," she replied.
"It's just… I…"
"I know," she said, gently leading him on. "It's hard to forget when it's so easy to remember."
He managed to take comfort in her presence and leaned into her side. What would he do without her?
All too soon, they had reached the palace, making their way to the throne room. The guards stood at attention and let them pass. Together, they walked through the hallways and arrived to see the royal sisters gazing at the window erected in remembrance of the Invasion of Canterlot. They appeared to be deep in discussion and didn't notice the arrival of their students.
It was Twilight who cleared her throat and got their attention. She smiled that nervous smile of hers at them, while Dusk tipped his hat and inclined his head.
"Trust me, little sister," Celestia said to Luna, who began to walk towards them.
Dusk looked to Twilight, who dropped a bead of sweat while straining her smile and started forward to meet her teacher. Dusk waited patiently until Luna had arrived and shut the doors behind them.
"It's good to see you, Luna," he said honestly. "How have you been?"
"Fine," she said curtly. "Come, there is much we need to discuss."
Dusk winced a little at her tone. "Of course. Is there something wrong?"
"No, now enough questions!" she snapped. "Time is of the essence."
He decided to play it safe and not say anything else, taken aback by her mood.
As emotional as she could be, Luna had always demonstrated that she managed to keep the same countenance as Celestia did. What exactly had happened that had apparently was causing her so much distress?
Luna turned to look at him. She seemed to be using all of her effort just to maintain a composed expression. Even then, it was evidently strained.
"We have received news that is of significant importance," she told him, her voice shaking a little. "The Crystal Empire has… has returned."
"Crystal Empire?" Dusk thought for a few moments and frowned. "I'm sorry, Luna, I can't say I've ever heard of a Crystal Empire."
"You would not. Very few remember its existence, even the knowledge my sister and I have now of the Empire is limited. In some areas," she added with a murmur. "Listen carefully and I shall explain."
Dusk complied and remained silent while Luna told her story. Long ago, there existed a kingdom in the Northern Region of Equestria, a kingdom made entirely of crystal. Even the ponies that inhabited it had coats and manes of shimmering crystal because of a powerful magic that flowed through its very essence. She and Celestia had some dealings and a treaty with the Empire, but they existed without conflict and generally left each other alone.
Until the day their king, Sombra, became consumed by darkness and turned the once peaceful Empire into Tartarus on Equestria, enslaving his subjects and forcing them to mine magical crystals so that he might further increase his power and set his sights on the rest of Equestria. He was defeated by the sisters, turned to shadow and banished into the very ice his kingdom was built upon. But not before he managed to place a curse on the Empire, causing it to vanish along with him.
Dusk felt something stir in his memory. When they encountered the Doctor and the living statues, he had been in the old castle in the Everfree Forest, in that magical vault. There had been crystals in there, that he had looked into and seen a city inhabited by ponies that all looked like they were made of crystal. He had wondered if they were some sort of forgotten civilisation. It looked like he was right.
Then, there was Luna. Throughout the whole explanation, she struggled to keep her voice from shaking. Whenever she mentioned Sombra, she seemed to almost choke on his name, like speaking it hurt her physically. Dusk would try to ask, but she would glare sharply at him and press on as quickly as she could.
Knowing it was best not to anger her, Dusk didn't press the issue and kept the conversation on safe ground when Luna was finished.
"Is this why Twilight was summoned too?" he asked. "Celestia has some kind of test for her."
"This is true," she answered. "My sister intends to task Twilight Sparkle with finding a way to protect the Empire, so that Equestria might benefit from its magic."
"That's quite a test," he murmured. Protecting an entire empire… he could only imagine the enormity of such a task. "But why exactly has the Empire returned now? And what's the task you want me to do?"
"Those questions have a similar answer. You are to accompany Twilight and the rest of your friends to the North, where you will join with Princess Cadence and Shining Armour. We sent them ahead to assess the situation."
"I see… and you want me to help find a way to protect the Empire?" he asked.
"No. Your task is a different one," she replied tersely. "In light of the recent attack on Canterlot, the fact that the Empire should return now is something that does not sit well with me. Therefore, Dusk, you are to ascertain why it is the Empire has returned now, of all times. You have proven yourself at investigative affairs before, I expect you shall do so again."
Dusk nodded slowly. "I understand, but how should I do that? Where should I start looking? And why are you so-?"
"You are intelligent enough," she cut off. "I trust you shall find a way to begin somewhere without needing to be spoon-fed the answer."
"Yes, but I still-"
"Enough questions!" she declared. "I have explained to you your task, now go! In the name of your princess, go forth!"
"But Luna-"
"YOU QUESTION?!" she boomed in the Royal Voice.
Dusk gulped and tried to ignore the ringing in his ears, sinking into a low bow. "I… I won't let you down, Luna."
"See that you do not." She turned her back on him, gazing resolutely at the wall. "Now, go."
Dusk didn't need to be told twice. With another respectful bow and a lingering look at his teacher, he left her. Just as he closed the door, he thought he could hear her sobbing faintly in the darkness of her quarters…
...those first lines...I thought that..
...people have dirty minds.
OH WELL!!! At least I can laugh at myself for my foolery.
2 chapters in one day? Alpha, you've given us a late, but very awesome Christmas present. THANK YOU!
Oi, bugger off!
No! It's you!
Yeah, now get out, Fangasm!
Fine, fine! I'm going!
Sorry about that, what did I miss?
...JUST F-!
Those first few lines had me nervous for about 10 seconds, until I realized that you were just messing with us. HA HA.
I loved hearing that Ray and Fluttershy have gotten closer, and how she's warmed up to Ray even more now. Flutterstrike... as Pinkie said... is getting closer and closer to being official!
Princess Luna's behaviour is understandable as the Empire showing up is clearly upsetting to her for some reason. But I'd never expect her to speak to Dusk like she did. Dusk needs to rip her a new one again.
And I love how Dusk and Twilight just keep bringing up their past adventures together. It's quite refreshing. Especially her knocking him out and stuff.
I'm loving how you keep doing these chapters, Alpha! Keep it up!
End of season three:
Dusk: O.O
But in all seriously, Love it.
3694993 I hate the fact that you know things that I don't.
Spike knows what's going down.
Isn't it
Sound of mourn has come to pass,
From the seasons this life has,
But what is worth when being immortal,
The shade of thought it casts of all.
So venture forth to face the day,
Dusk valiant colt now if you may,
To ease the pain of nightly sways,
And save a memory from decay.
For all the annoying copying of events from the show, such brilliance:
Since there’s finally new chapters coming out, I was rereading the whole thing from beginning and damn, I’d completely forgotten about Ray Strike! Wonder what you’ll be doing with him in the future…