• Published 2nd Sep 2013
  • 9,262 Views, 386 Comments

Traveler's Exile - Niaeruzu

A changeling goes to Canterlot to investigate a serious theft. Though in the past year and a half, Canterlot has changed in a very peculiar way...

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Chapter 2

#5 sighed in relief as the train pulled into the station. Finally, Canterlot.

It had taken him quite a while to get there. First, he had to walk all the way to a town with a train station, and from there, he lied and cheated his way into a free train ticket. Currently, he was disguised as a cream-coloured unicorn stallion with a blue mane and tail, brown eyes, and a fairly generic horseshoe as cutie mark. He was still wearing the Garb of Shame like a scarf, though he’d taken extra care to mask every other trace of his being a changeling.

His stomach loudly protested as he stepped out of the train. He hadn’t consumed any love lately, and it’d be quite hard to get any feeding done while he was on his mission. That would prove problematic, but it had to be solved later.

First order of business was to find a lead. Well, a better lead than ‘royal guards did it’, because that doesn’t tell a changeling a whole lot. Anything regarding the Evershifting Stone was top secret, so there had to be a leak somewhere. A spy, or a mole.

However, as #5 left the train station, squeezing past some ponies, he forgot all about that for a few moments. The streets of Canterlot looked nothing like he had imagined.

Sure, it had the large, white-and-golden buildings. Of course it was brimming with ponies, from everyday families to fancy higher-ups. What #5 hadn’t expected was the sheer number of changelings walking around.

There weren’t that many of them, but it was blatantly obvious, as these changelings didn’t even have a disguise! Every single one of them looked a little bit different, with some changelings having recoloured their tails, eyes or carapace, while some wore accessories, or even having wildly coloured and styled manes and tails. But they were undeniably changelings, even a pony could tell.

So why were these changelings walking around and talking to ponies like it was the most normal thing in Equestria? From what #5 could hear, the conversations were… incredibly boring. Subjects ranged from things like the weather to some kind of nonsensical rumour.

#5 blinked a few times. “Am I going crazy?” he mumbled. He shook his head and quickly blinked a few times again, but the changelings remained. Either this was all some big, hunger-induced delusion, or the rumours were true.

Both options made #5’s stomach churn. The first one because, well, he was hungry, and the second one because it made absolutely no sense whatsoever to him. “It… How…?” he muttered to himself. Changelings. Ponies. That combination should not be possible. Had these ponies somehow forgotten about the Canterlot invasion? Didn’t these changelings need the ponies as prey, to steal their love?

It made his brain hurt. Obviously, standing around wasn’t going to give him any answers, but this new information did open up a new possibility: whoever had come up with this, whoever was in charge, probably had something to do with the theft.

As he headed towards the castle, #5 snorted. If he were to change back into a changeling right now, noling would make note of it, even though he was wearing a white scarf. Maybe he’d get a few raised eyebrows, but nothing more. Though if he did that, someling might recognize that he was wearing the Garb of Shame, and right now, every changeling in the city was a suspect.

With every step he took, the air smelled sweeter and sweeter. It wasn’t very surprising, seeing as Canterlot was filled with ponies who loved each other, but #5 had never smelled such a strong scent. He didn’t know where he was headed, but the scent seemed to be especially strong in that direction.

#5’s stomach protested once again. He was hungry, and the sweet scents weren’t making it easy for him to ignore his hunger pangs. If he didn’t take some time off his mission soon, to get some love, he’d starve.

After a few minutes, he reached the marketplace. The smell was incredibly strong here, almost overpowering, and it made #5 drool. Still, he couldn’t ignore his mission. Or maybe he could, for just a couple of seconds.

An especially powerful scent, or rather, collection of scents, came from a small stand. It was a rather simple, wooden stand, with a white and pink tent set up to cover it. There was a chalkboard saying ‘Sweetheart’s Sweet Hearts: 24 bits for one’ stuck to the side, and displayed across the stand were a large number of hoof-sized, heart-shaped crystals, all in various shades of red, some even with differently-coloured hues or splotches. The owner was nowhere in sight.

#5 paused for a while to take a look. These were emergency rations, pieces of crystallized love, which provided enough energy for a changeling to feel full for at least a day. Not every changeling knew how to make them, and they were pretty rare at the hive. You had to work hard for a month or two, sometimes three, before you could even consider asking for one.

According to a quick count, there were well over thirty crystals on the stand. And with such prices, the owner wasn’t likely to make a living. Sure, they were expensive, but not nearly expensive enough to make up for their rarity.

The odd thing was, #5 had never seen such a diverse selection of crystals. Each one had a different smell, something he’d never even imagined. Whoever made these must not be very good at crystallization magic. Still, it was crystallized love, something #5 really needed right now.

He looked left and right. There didn’t seem to be any ponies or changelings looking at him. The owner of the stand wasn’t in sight either. It was almost criminally easy to just steal a crystal. It wasn’t like the Queen would reprimand him for this, as these changelings didn’t even belong to her. He checked his surroundings again, then reached out for one of the crystals.

“Hi!” came a voice from the stand, causing #5 to jump backwards and yelp.

A female changeling with an obscenely pink, slightly curly mane popped up from behind the stand. “Sorry, I didn’t see you there! I was setting up some stuff. My name is Sweetheart, how can I help you?” She sounded unusually upbeat, for a changeling. In fact, if it weren’t for the characteristic buzz in her voice, she sounded just like any other pony.

#5 took a few heavy breaths, staring at the changeling. Sweetheart? Wasn’t she supposed to have a number, not a name? Canterlot was making less and less sense with every step. “Uh, I…” he said, realizing he was staring. “I was just looking at your…” He glanced at the crystals. “Wares.”

“Nice, aren’t they? Being a pony, you can’t smell them, but I assure you, these are the sweetest of the sweet!” Sweetheart said. “I’ve got many flavours, like strawberry, banana, chocolate, and a whole lot of more complex ones. D’you want one?”

Multiple flavours? #5 stared at the crystals for a while. He wasn’t aware they came in more than one flavour.

“And what’s more,” Sweetheart said, “they’re made of a hundred percent pure love, and since you’re a pony, it’s got absolutely zero calories! They’re perfect as snacks, or as candy for kids!”

Snacks? Candy?! “But you only have a few of these,” #5 said. “Surely, you need these for your own kind.”

Sweetheart raised an eyebrow. “Only a few? You kiddin’? I got loads of boxes of the things.” She reached under the stand and pulled out a rather hefty-looking box, showing it to #5 before putting it back. “My whole stand is full of these, and I got more at home.”

#5 sighed. “Well, I don’t have any money. I can’t afford any.”

“Oh, that’s okay,” Sweetheart said, sliding one of the crystals in his direction. “Here, it’s on the house!”

Free? Well, #5 wasn’t one to complain about that. He quickly swiped the crystal and put it in his mouth. It was very sweet, but not as sweet as he’d thought. It also had a few small differences from the crystallized love back in the hive, but he couldn’t tell exactly what they were. Though that didn’t really matter, as free food was good food, and it’s practically impossible to mess these up anyway. “Aren’t they really expensive?”

“What? Nah,” Sweetheart said. She looked at her sign. “Oh, whoops. Forgot to finish it again.” She took the chalkboard down, then grabbed a piece of chalk and added a word. “There, that should do it.” She put the sign up again. Now, it read ‘Sweetheart’s Sweet Hearts: 24 bits for one box’.

“So how many are in one box?” #5 asked. “Two?” It couldn’t be more than that. Twelve bits would be ridiculously cheap for these. There were a lot of crystals in this one stand, but it was likely that it was the only place in the whole city that sold them. She’d have to keep the prices high to make sure changelings did their jobs. If they even had any, being in a pony city.

“No,” Sweetheart said. “I can’t keep up with the competition with those prices. One box has twelve hearts.”

#5 gasped, swallowing his crystal in the process. Two bits for one piece of love crystal? Competition? How much crystallized love did they even have in this city?!

“You alright, mister?” Sweetheart asked. “My prices aren’t that bad, are they?” She leaned over her stand, giving #5 a concerned look. She then briefly glanced over her own shoulder. “I’m sorry, but I can’t get ‘em any cheaper than that.”

“I, uh… I… Never mind,” #5 said. It took him a few seconds to realize that he had accidentally swallowed his meal. Just when he was enjoying the taste so much, too. At least it still had the required energy for him to keep going for a while. “So, changelings, huh.” He cleared his throat. “What’re you all doing here? Where’s your queen?”

“Oh, we don’t follow Queen Chrysalis anymore,” Sweetheart said. “But the boss should be in the castle, like always.”

“Your… boss?” #5 raised an eyebrow. It made sense for them to have a leader, but this leader being at the castle was a surprise. Intriguing, to say the least.

“Yeah, the ambassador!” Sweetheart said. “He’s the best. He’s super smart and super nice. He knows everything about…” She paused for a moment. “A lot of stuff!”

“Oookay,” #5 said, turning away. “I’ve got to go now.”

“Have a nice day, mister… Uh…” Sweetheart tapped a hoof on her chin a few times. “I don’t think I ever got your name.”

“Me?” #5 asked. “I’m just a traveler.” No need to give out false info to ponies or changelings he wasn’t planning on meeting again. He didn’t have time for nice conversations, he had to get to the castle.

“Okay, have a nice day, Mister Traveler!” Sweetheart said, waving at #5. From the tone of her voice, it was really difficult to tell whether she was being sarcastic or genuinely thought it was his name.

#5 rolled his eyes. Great. If this kept up, he’d be stuck with a really stupid name for his disguise. He just hoped his charade wouldn’t get more complicated than this.

Not much later, #5 reached the castle. As expected, it was an enormous building, coloured white and gold, just like the city. The castle was very well-kept, the floor being so shiny you could use it for your morning routine, if you had one. Any pony would call it beautiful. But since #5 wasn’t a pony, he wasn’t fond of it. Why did they have to make everything white? Couldn’t they go with a more stylish black? At least that would look somewhat appealing.

Not that he’d be there for very long, anyway. It was easy to get inside the castle, as it was open to visitors, so he only had to find this ambassador pony. At least, he assumed it was a pony. If there really was a changeling ambassador, it should’ve been known in the hive.

But how, exactly, was #5 going to find this ambassador? The castle was big. Really, really big. Plus, most of it was off-limits to tourists. He’d have to ask, probably at a reception of some kind, but that presented another problem of its own: he would need to come up with a very good reason to meet with the ambassador as soon as possible, and the required credentials to go with it, completely fake of course.

No, it was probably better to find some dimwit who could lead him there without asking any questions. At least one of those had to be around here somewhere. #5 decided to skulk in a corner of what he assumed was the lobby, keeping a close eye on every single pony who happened to pass by.

Almost all of them were well-dressed, classy nobles. Snooty, annoying, monocle-wearing nobles. The kind that would ignore #5 if he went up to them, so he let them pass, even if the condescending looks made him want to set up slightly elaborate schemes to embarrass them. Now was simply not the time to have fun.

One particular pony, a rather large, white unicorn stallion with a blonde mane and tail, wearing a fancy suit gave #5 a look of absolute disgust and disdain. He mumbled something under his breath as well, and judging from the tone of his voice, it couldn’t have been a compliment. #5 made a mental note to return to Canterlot after he was done to wipe the smug look off this pony’s face.

After a while, a changeling passed by. He wasn’t particularly impressive: he was rather scrawny, and the only thing on him was a large, grey cloak, with a black sun where a pony’s cutie mark would normally be. The cloak seemed rather heavy and dragged on the ground a little. The changeling didn’t seem to mind, as he was so lost in thought that he nearly bumped into several ponies.

Deciding that this changeling would have to suffice, #5 went up to him. “Hey, I need you to tell me something. It’s urgent.”

The changeling stopped and looked at him for a second. “Urgent?” He raised an eyebrow. “What’s the matter?”

“I need to find the changeling ambassador’s office,” #5 said. “Where is it?”

The changeling looked at him for a few seconds again. “Uh, okay. You can follow me.” As he continued walking, he said, “It might take a few minutes. I’ve been here for a while, but I still get lost sometimes.”

#5 followed after the changeling, choosing to remain silent. Though he was very busy rolling his eyes. Yeah, the hive hadn’t really lost any important changelings when this one decided to leave. And it was one less mouth to feed, so it was more of a win.

The trip took them a few minutes, and the whole time, #5 couldn’t stop noticing just how… strange this changeling was. He walked around with a slight spring in his step, and every time they passed a window, he’d glance outside, looking at some part of the city, and smile. When #5 looked outside, he couldn’t see anything even remotely worth smiling at. There were only the white and golden buildings, and the ponies and changelings walking around between them.

Eventually, they reached a set of double doors, flanked by two changeling guards. Unlike the sets of blue and green armour worn by changelings from the hive, these were wearing silver sets. They looked a lot less intimidating as well, mainly because they smiled and nodded at #5 and his escort, even going so far as to open the doors for them.

The room they went into was fairly impressive: large, high, and the tall windows provided an grand view of the city. It was almost completely empty, save for a desk, two chairs, two small bookcases filled with books and various pieces of junk, and a suspiciously unused coat rack, for some reason. There was a glass cage behind the desk, but #5 couldn’t see what was inside.

The changeling went up to one of the chairs and pulled it in front of the desk, motioning for #5 to sit. “Sorry for the mess. Have a seat! I’d offer you one of the luxury pillows, but there aren’t any here.” He then went to the other chair, put it on the other side of the desk, but didn’t sit down yet. He took a few books and papers out from under his cloak and haphazardly stuffed them between the other junk in the bookcases. “So, how can I help you?” he said, sitting down in the chair he put up earlier.

#5 obliged and sat down. “I need to find the changeling ambassador. Where is he, or she?”

“You’re looking right at ‘em!” the changeling said. “I’m Suncloak. Or I guess it’s His Excellency, Ambassador Suncloak of Equestria, blah blah blah. I prefer Suncloak.”

#5 stared at this… Suncloak character, his jaws slowly parting in a gaping chasm of utter surprise. This scrawny, dimwitted excuse for a changeling was their ambassador? This was their great, intelligent leader? Had the entire Equestrian government gone mad?!

“Uh, are you okay?” Suncloak tilted his head a little. “I can get you a glass of water, if you like. My assistant has a week off, but I’m sure I can find my way around the castle without going in circles.”

“No, no, I’m fine,” #5 said. “I just expected…” He held one hoof above his head. “Somepony taller.”

Suncloak gave him a deadpan look. “Yeah, I get that surprisingly often. You spend a lot of time at the castle, and suddenly they all expect you to be some sort of giant. But anyway, how can I help you?”

“Oh, right,” #5 said. “I had some questions, regarding changelings. What are you doing here, in Canterlot?”

“We live here,” Suncloak said. “Simple as that. Instead of being parasites and stealing love, we’re living together with ponies, earning love by being friends with them.” He stood up and went to the glass cage, opening it. “Excuse me for a second.”

A white moth with bright green wings flew out of its confinement. It darted around the room for a little bit, then settled on #5’s horn. “Hey, get off!” he protested.

“Sorry about that,” Suncloak said, narrowing his eyes. “Hey, Emerald, leave him alone. It’s not polite to perch on strangers’ horns.”

The moth gave a little shrug of annoyance, then flew straight back into its cage.

“Guess you’re lucky,” Suncloak said, closing the cage. “She doesn’t like ponies, so she usually has a good reason for even getting close to someling.”

“Fantastic,” #5 said. Woohoo. He already felt like a bonafide insect whisperer. “I didn’t know that this many changelings were living together with ponies.”

Suncloak sat down again. “That’s odd.” He raised an eyebrow. “There are changelings all over Equestria, from small towns to large cities.”

“I’m from a very tiny town, very far to the south,” #5 said. “So tiny, it doesn’t appear on most maps. There aren’t any changelings there. I decided to leave and become a traveler.”

“Right,” Suncloak said, slowly nodding. “So why did you need me, exactly?”

“I just wanted to ask those questions,” #5 said. “I’ll be out of here as soon as possible. I can find my own way back.” He stood up and headed for the door. This would be the perfect opportunity to snoop around the castle, see what he could find.

“I’m afraid not, Traveler,” Suncloak said. “Sit down and drop the disguise.”

#5 paused and turned around. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said as calmly as possible. How did this ladybug see through his disguise? He’d done everything he could to mask his identity!

“Of course you do,” Suncloak said. He pointed at Emerald’s cage. “Remember how I said she doesn’t like ponies? She won’t go near them. Ever. What she does like, is every single changeling who comes in here. Regardless of how they look.”

#5 growled. Foiled by a moth. He had to admit, that came out of left field. “Okay, great. You got me.” He changed back to his usual changeling form and sat down again. “What now?”

Suncloak stared at #5’s white scarf and raised an eyebrow. “Is that… the Garb of Shame? You’re an exile?”

“None of your business,” #5 sneered, baring his teeth.

“It is,” Suncloak said. “About a year ago, Queen Chrysalis very clearly threatened me and every changeling living in Equestria. She wouldn’t go through the hassle of exiling someling now, so she must have a very good reason.” He scowled. “And whatever that reason is, it’s probably not in Equestria’s best interests.”

#5 frowned. This Suncloak character was more clever than he looked. Not that it meant all that much. “Like I said, it’s none of your business.” He stood up again. “I’ll be leaving.”

Suncloak stood up as well. “We can do this two ways. Either you walk out of here, and I send the guards after you. If I mention you’re an agent of Queen Chrysalis, and that you’re here on her orders, they’ll go the extra mile to catch you, and either throw you out or lock you up. Or you just tell me why you’re here, and I promise I’ll do the best I can to help you.”

#5 stared at Suncloak. Being chased by guards certainly wouldn’t make his mission any easier. Canterlot was crawling with them, and being on the run would complicate things. And there was no reason to trust the ambassador to stick by his words, what with him being a changeling. “Those are both horrible options.” He snorted. “Either I get chased, or I explain everything and I get chased anyway. You’re a changeling, and one who’s against the Queen at that. Why should I trust anything you say?”

Suncloak sighed. “That’s not how I work anymore. Sure, I don’t like Her Highness, but I don’t want her as an enemy. If it’s possible, I want to help. Honest.”

“Honest?” #5 snorted. “What are you, a pony?”

“Yeah, sometimes I think and talk like one,” Suncloak said. He smiled and shrugged. “You’d be surprised, living here can do some weird things to you.” With a slight grimace, he added, “Some pretty painful things too.”

“That’s nice. But I’m still not telling you anything,” #5 said. Regardless of how stupid Suncloak was, he was still one of the prime suspects. Unless he could somehow prove he was so phenomenally insane he couldn’t possibly be involved.

Suncloak tapped a hoof on his chin a few times. “Why don’t I show you around?” He walked to the door and opened it. “I’ll show you how much we differ from changelings back at the hive, and what we’ve accomplished. I’ll show you we can be trusted, as strange as that may sound.”

“Sure,” #5 said. It’d be a completely useless activity, but at least it would give him some time to think and plan his next move. Plus, he could gain some more information.

“Then let me show you the magic of friendship,” Suncloak said. As he stepped outside, he paused for a second. “That sounded a lot more impressive in my head,” he said as he continued walking.

#5 rolled his eyes and followed. Admittedly, he was kind of eager to hear how such an… interesting changeling became an ambassador.

Author's Note:

Man, how stupid do you have to be to come up with the name 'Suncloak'?