• Published 2nd May 2013
  • 328 Views, 3 Comments

Call Of Pony: Darkness Missions Two - ilikepie56

The new Hayarch game is out. Call of Pony: Darkness Missions Two. Just like always, Rainbow and Applejack form their team to try and win the tournament that goes on every year.

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The Game Comes Out

Call of Pony: Dark Missions 2

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” Rainbow Dash squealed as she threw off her covers. The giddy blue pony raced to the window and looked over to Sweet Apple Acres.

“I can’t wait to get the team back together to show everypony what we got!”

Rainbow Dash flew out her door and straight towards Sweet Apple Acers. Once she got there she flew in circles around the barn, screaming:

“Applejack! Applejack! Applejack! Applejack! Applejack! Applejack! Applejack! Applejack! Applejack! Applejack! Applejack! Applejack! Applejack!”

The sleepy orange pony opened up her window.

“Rainbow! It’s 6 A.M in the morning! What in tarnation do ya want!”

Rainbow Dash flew around the house several more times then came to a grinding halt about a hoofs length away from Apple Jack’s face.

“Check your calendar!” Rainbow Dash screamed with a huge smile across her face.

“Okay, okay, I’m checking if that will make ya happy.”

Applejack turned around and started walking very slow to the other side of her room.

“Oh my gosh! This is taking too long,” yelled Rainbow Dash. She flew inside of Apple Jack’s room, ripped the calendar off the wall and shoved it into her face.

“Look!” She yelled.

Applejack’s eyes met with the current date, and what was a tired look slowly transformed into the same face that met Rainbow Dash earlier that morning. Earlier that morning as in like five minutes ago.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” Applejack squealed. “Today is the day! Today is finally the day!”

“So now do you finally understand what this means?” Rainbow Dash yelled. Both ponies looked into each others eyes and said in perfect unison:

“Call of Pony: Dark Missions 2 comes out today!”

The two super excited ponies moved around in excitement, yelling and screaming. They did this for a good 10 minutes until Rainbow Dash stopped and said:

“What the hay are we doing! Lets get the game!”

Rainbow Dash took off in an instant, almost instantaneously causing a sonic rainboom. Applejack followed her by jumping out the window and running down the road, following the trail of rainbow that Rainbow Dash left behind. Applejack started thinking to herself.

“Sweet Celestia this is excitin’. We’re finally going to get the ol’ gang back together. It’s been so long since COP: Dark Missions. I remember when we first started playin together.”

Applejack thought back two years ago, at the start of COP: Dark Missions. She was in a public match of Seek and Explode under the ponytag RedDelicious. Of course, she was leading her team by about 15 kills, then ended the game with an across the map Tomahawk, making this her 25th consecutive win. A new personal best! Of course, in the lobby, everypony started to leave so more ponies could go get beat down by the legendary RedDelicious.

One of these new ponies went by the name 20Percent. Applejack paid no attention to this ponytag that is until this particular mare gave her an actual challenge. 20Percent killed her entire team, and Applejack killed hers, so it was a standoff. Thinking she had this in the saddle, Applejack ran forward, but was quickly killed. This happened the other 3 rounds.

“What in tarnation,” she said quietly to herself. “Who is this pony?” Applejack sent 20Percent a message. She sent this to the mysterious pony:

“Hey, you’re pretty good. It was nice to finally have a challenge!”

Not 5 minutes later, 20Percent responded back saying:

“You too Applejack! I didn’t know you played this!”
Applejack was shocked to know that she was beaten by one of her friends!. She invited Rainbow into the party and they started chatting away. One thing led to another, and one of the best Call of Pony teams was formed. Team Apple Dash! They went on to play in almost all of the tournaments. They even got into the Call of Pony Ultimate Showdown tournament, the tournament of the best of the best of the Call of Pony players.

They made it all the way to the final rounds. Sadly, a mysterious team that goes by the name of The Flying Worm beat them. The same thing happened when Modern Marefare 3 came out. They got to the finals, but were brutally beaten down by The Flying Worm. What made things worse is that The Flying Worm team remained completely anonymous.

“Things will be different this year,” Applejack though to herself. “We’re going to practice much harder to beat those gosh darn Flying Worms.”

Applejack made it to the store and saw that Rainbow Dash was all ready inside. Applejack slowed down and walked in on a conversation.

“Any news on my long lost twin brother?” asked the cashier.

“Nope, sorry Gamer Joe,” said Rainbow Dash with a frown.

“Alright then. I’ll meet him eventually. What do you need, Rainbow?”

“One copy of Dark Missions Two please,” said Rainbow Dash, flowing with energy again.

“Coming right up. That will be 40 bits.”

Rainbow Dash tossed a sack of bits onto the counter and picked up the bag with her mouth. She walked over to Applejack and gestured towards the counter. Applejack walked over to Gamer Joe.

“I’ll take one of them Dark Missions,” said Applejack.

“Coming right up A.J,”

Gamer Joe put the game in a bag and handed it to Applejack. Applejack tossed a sack of bits onto the counter.

“Thank ya kindly,” said Applejack as she picked up the bag and walked towards Rainbow Dash. They looked straight into each other’s eyes, nodded, and both ran off, or flew off in Rainbow Dash’s case, in different directions.

Applejack raced home as fast as she could. She passed Big Macintosh on the way up to her room. She tried to tell him what she was doing but what came out of her mouth was a bunch of excited grunts and gasps. Not to mention she was carrying a plastic bag in her mouth. Big Mac just looked at her with a blank expression on his face. After a few more seconds he said “Eeyup!”

Applejack smiled and ran up to her room. She opened up the case and put Dark Missions Two into her Pony Box 420. She plopped down in her comfy chair, put on her Tortoise Deserts and started up the game. A few seconds after she started the game, she got a party invite from 20Percent. She joined the party, but it was silent for a few seconds.

“Applejack?” asked Rainbow quietly.

“Yea sugarcube?”

“Are you ready for this?”

“You know I am, Rainbow.”

“Alright then,” said Rainbow. In unison, they both said:

“Lets do this!”

Author's Note:

This is an idea I had a few days ago. Tell me what you think and if you like it or not, and I will write more! Thanks!

Comments ( 3 )

Before I start to read this, I think you forgot to add the tag "Crossover" Mate.

2517203 (Replying my own comment, wtf.)

It's nice. I quite liked it, but it sounds like a bit rushed, if you want a pre-reader of the chapters before you publish them, to avoid mistakes such as grammar, repeating and punctutation stuff, you can PM me, the idea itself is good. Good enough to fav.

But still, it's missing the slice of life tag with crossover if it'll continue by only telling this.

Flying worm is flutter shy and twi

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