One day, Twilight and her friends are transported to a desert island, cut off from the rest of the world by a magical bubble. They are the lucky ones.

written for the 2024 Tropical Post-Apocalyptic Story Contest

Chapters (13)

A young griffonness has taken residence atop of the schoolhouse, keeping herself quite secluded from most everyone who attempts to interact with her. Few know why. Fewer know if she's doing okay there. But she has so far resisted any offers of help.

Gillian, after all, is determined to take care of herself.

An entry in the 2024 Non-Pony Writing Contest.

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle wants to show she's a real wizard! Real wizards have familiars, the book said so, and thus it must be true. She begins the ritual to call a spirit into being to serve her and help her magic grow.

Done entirely randomly for nobody but myself.

Chapters (1)

For over a millennia, Nightmare Moon has always wanted to have attention. She was never satisfied with how the ponies frolicked in the day, yet slept through her night. She desired their love, their undying attention, their respect, and their servitude to none other than herself.

When she got it...she quickly learned how much of a chore it was to live in the limelight, the universal dream.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Girls: Escape from Cyberspace

Several months after the events of Escape From Cyberspace, the Shadowbolts are spending some time together at Indigo's place, for the summer, Indigo decided to show them her new gaming room.
Sometime later, a stream of magic seeps into Indigo's place, and another virus starts to infect her computer, with another virus that sucks the rest of the Shadowbolts into cyberspace!

Meanwhile, another virus is planning to avenge the previous virus that was once defeated by the Rainbooms, Trixie, and Starlight Glimmer, and wants to take over Cyberspace! With the help of old friends, Sci-Twi, new powers, weaponry, and new high tech Cyberspace armor, Can they stop the virus and save Cyberspace before it's too late?

This is loosely inspired by my art, and ShopperBrony90's including TylerAJohnson352.

Co-written by ShopperBrony90

Chapters (8)

A lone pony sits by the beach.

She does not speak, for she had nobody to speak to. She only thinks, wondering how things would be if they could have gone better. If she had been better.

entry for tropical post-apocalypse contest

focuses more on the 'post-apocalyptic' than the 'tropical'. Just in case.

Featured: 2024 July 26

Thanks to Zalmax for pointing out some errors

Chapters (1)

Okay you know how this kind of story starts. A guy bought something at a Convention from a certain Merchant and gets thrown into some version of Equestria. Problem though for our Human here, there is just NOTHING exciting happening. The World seems to be completely at peace. Well Equestria is at least.

Chapters (1)

"The Lunar Hook, a colossal feat of futuristic technology, has redefined the logistics landscape. Its towering carbon nanotube structures reach skyward, a silent sentinel of the new age. With the grace of a celestial dancer, it moves cargo between Equestria and the Moon, transforming what was once a laborious endeavor into a ballet of efficiency. The Hook's presence is both a bridge and a barrier, a conduit for progress that simultaneously obstructs the old order. As it slices through the heavens, it asks not for accolades but for a reevaluation of what we deem possible, leaving in its wake a trail of innovation and the unspoken question: What will we achieve next?"

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash was punished for a racist attack. Twilight has an epiphany.

I wrote this story as a sequel to that one. But it can be read as a standalone story.

I'm just silly and like to fool around :ajsmug:

Chapters (1)

Since Hitch Trailblazer first saw ZIpp storm, they fell in love with each other. It had been 3 years since their marriage. Wanna now what’s going on with them now?

Chapters (4)