In a investigation to the murder of a stallion named Werson, a young mare starts her journey as a murder detective to solve the case, but the murder is more like a homicide, then a regular murder.

Chapters (4)

When Rainbow is late for a meal with her friends at hay burger she decided that it would be fun to sneak up on them and scare them but oh how she wish she hadn't. On top of that her world begins crumbling around her.

Chapters (2)

Someone once said, "the past makes the person of the present and shapes his future".

201-C is the patient whose memory is lost in the shadows of the northern forest. The lightning and the sound of rain are its unique tracks he has of what happened the day he arrived at the hospital now calling prison. And liberty his only goal, isn't it?

Chapters (2)

Solar and Rainbow have been married for a month. Pinkamena has plans that will test there love dfor each other. Solar starts having nightmares and something dark with inside him tries to break free. . Solar finds out the only way he can stop the darkness from consuming him he must get help from the enemy who destoryed his family.

'Collab with Sakura' thank you for helping me with ideas

Chapters (4)

Firestarter Dazzle (Son of Adagio Dazzle) has been bullied because of his pyro abilities and the fact that well he's different from everypony else and Nurse Redheart wants to take care of him as if he was her only son.

This is my own real life personal experience so please forgive me if this story gets too emotional

Chapters (4)

Everything was all smiles and giggles when Pinkie learned she was pregnant. But that quickly changes when she learns a devastating fact about her foal to be. What will Pinkie do? Will Twilight be able to use her magic to make things all better, or are some problems more complicated to solve than that?

Author's note: This story is a comedy first and foremost, but it does touch on an adult topic that some people are touchy about. If you are easily offended, you may not want to read this one.

11-2-2014: I added some more jokes and scenes to the story, in preparation for the sequel. If you liked this improved version of the story, be sure to leave a thumbs up!

Chapters (1)

In the HiE group, someone wished for

"Looking for a story where a human gets sent to a Equestria with an orb that’s let them shoot lightning is raped found and healed"

As usual, a human chooses poorly.

Chapters (1)

Based on LupiArt's comic on Deviantart In the original version Chess is the one at fault. But in my version it's the father ( Joe) who is at fault and everyone are human pony hybrids with wings and horns. After Chess comes home from school she's upset to find out that her parents and little sister left to see the Wonderboltz show without her. In an act of rebellion she tosses her homework into the fire place and in doing so causes the whole house to set fire. But was it an accident? Or is someone out to get her?

Chapters (7)

Nothing could’ve prepared us for what happened. Millions died in a matter of weeks in Equestria alone. Billions, across the world. Equestria was devastated. Nowhere was spared. Without food water or power, cities like ours became wastelands. We were just an ordinary family but pretty soon we realized if we wanted to survive then we needed to leave the city. We thought we were leaving the worst behind us, but we were wrong.
P.S. It will take a few chapters for all main characters to be introduced into the story.

Chapters (1)

Seizing Sweetie Bell for the project, Rarity caught up in her mania as soon as her sister comes home from school, Sweetie Bell is cajoled into weaving together the most intricate matrix warp of threads Rarity has ever produced with her magic.
Sweetie Bell has only seen that look in Ratity's eyes before, in a dream.
Rarity, apparently oblivious to the burden she has placed on her sister.
The agonizingly long hours.
Homework neglected.
The sun rising, a stolen night!
Rarity isn't listening,frustration is rising, and Sweetie Bell is tired and can't seem to care.
Exhausted Sweetie misses one shuttling in the warp of the weave.....

Chapters (1)