While every pony else was doing normal pony things and enjoying the day, a pink pony was cleaning up the mess of blood in the basement of Sugar Cube Corner. Pinkamena was thinking about who should she kill next. She dug her hoof into a jar of numbers and picked one out.
"Number 43, Rainbow Dash. I guess I'll be paying Rainbow and Solar a visit. I hope they had a good honey moon". Pinkamena thought to herself as she grabbed her cloak and went towards their house.
Solar and Rainbow were returning back to Ponyville after a month on there honeymoon. They got to the home and relaxed to watch a little TV. They cuddled up on the couch and watched a movie. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door.
"Can you get that, dear?" Rainbow asked
Solar went to answer the door. As he opened it, he didn't even see who it was until WACK. He was hit on the head with a baseball bat and passed out. A cloaked pony entered the house. Rainbow ran to see what the noise was, she saw Solar on the ground not moving with the hooded pony next to him. She gasped.
"Solar! Rainbow yelled". The hooded pony looked to her and she saw the bat in her hooves.
"Who the hell are you and what do you want?" she demanded.
The cloaked figure toke one step towards her as she started to back up. The pony backed against the wall.
She lunged at cloaked figure, but Rainbow was hit over the head with the bat and passed out. The hooded pony dragged her over to her husband's body.
“That was easier than I thought it would be." Pinkamena said, she looked back at Solar. She went to a dresser and found a small piece of paper and pen and wrote something on it. She then folded it up and placed it by Solar's unconscious body. Then she grabbed Rainbow Dash and dragged her back to Sugar Cube Corner.
20 minutes later Solar came to and looked around, finding the house empty he start to panic.
He soon found the note on the ground, he picked it up and opened it to rea.
" Dear Raven,
Rainbow is my next victim that I picked to kill, but I'll be nice and give you and the others three days to find her. You beter hurry. Times a ticking, Times a ticking Solar".
“Oh no! Rainbow!" Solar cried and tears falling from his face.
He ran out of the house and ran towards Twilight's library.
Minutes later he got to the front door of library and knocked.
Twilight opened the door and gasp as she saw the bump on Solar's head.
"Rainbow was... she was!" Solar said breathing heavily from running as fast as he could.
"What happened?" Twilight asked as she helped Solar in the library. As they entered, Solar saw a pegasus mare with a black coat with blue primary feathers and a blue stripe in her mane. Her aquamarine eyes were looking towards the door.
"Are you okay, Solar?" asked the mare, whose name was Sirocco.
Twilight layed him down on the couch.
"Sirocco, get some ice for his head.” Twilight said.
Sirocco walked to the freezer and grabbed a bag of ice and brought it to Solar.
"Is that better?"' Twilight asked.
"Yeah." Solar replied.
"Now tell us what happened to Rainbow.” Sirocco said.
"Rainbow was kidnapped." Solar said as Twilight and Sirocco both gasped.
"We were on the couch watching a movie and there was a knock at the door. I went to answer, I didn't even see who it was before I was hit over the head and passed out. When I woke up I found this letter."
He pulled out the letter and gave to Twilight.
After Twilight and Sirocco read the letter tears fell from there faces and they both hugged Solar.
"We are gonna find her, I promise." Twilight said.
After a few minutes, they broke the hug and Twilight told Spike to write a letter to Celestia and they to get Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie and Rarity.
Ten minutes later after Twilight told the others about what happen to Rainbow. Fluttershy was helping Solar and they noticed that some pony else was missing.
"Has any pony seen Pinkie"? Twilight asked.
Fluttershy nodded at the question.
“I saw her heading back towards Sugar Cube Corner about an hour ago. Maybe she's still there.” Fluttershy said, trying to hide behind her mane.
“Thanks, Fluttershy. It's worth a shot to check. If she's not there, perhaps the Cakes know where she is.” Twilight responded. She broke into a gallop heading towards Sugar Cube Corner, with the rest of her friends close behind.
Pinkie went downstairs a while ago. Said she needed to get some ingredients for cupcakes, but she hasn't come back up yet, and it's getting late.”
Mrs. Cake said, moving over to a spot on the floor. Two handles where sticking out of two floorboards. As the Earth pony pulled on them, the doors opened, revealing a set of stairs. Looking down the stairs, one would see a dark corridor leading further into the basement.
“You can look down there. We're about to close up, but take as much time as you need. If Pinkie comes back and you don't find anything, I'm sure she'll be happy to have you all over to sleep over.”
Twilight nodded to the Earth pony.
“Thanks Mrs. Cake, even if we don't find anything.”
Mrs. Cake nodded in return, then headed of to finish up cleaning and preparation for the next day.
The smell of must filled the nostrils of the ponies (and wolf) standing at the entrance to the basement. The basement looked rather chilling compared to the bright, happy interior of Sugar Cube Corner. Twilight looked at her friends behind her, as if to reassure her. With a deep breath, she and her friends started down the stairs.
As the party continued down the stairs, Solar could feel the temperature decrease as they continued down the stairs, despite his fur. Since the basement lights didn't provide enough light, Twilight and Rarity had since illuminated their horns, providing the light the actual lights didn't. Even with the added faint glow of purple and blue magic, Solar still felt unsure. If Pinkie wasn't down here, she could be anywhere. And worse still, where was Rainbow Dash? They needed to get to the bottom of this.
Sirocco's voice shattered the silence.
“Hey guys, check this out.” she said, pointing to a note on the wall with her left wing.
As the group approached the Pegasus, she read the note out loud.
“You're close.”
She squinted at the note, as if looking for something else. “That's all it says.”
Twilight levitated the note over with her magic. She looked at the front, then turned it over to look at the back. There was nothing but those two words written on that small piece of paper.
“Maybe it means we're closer to Rainbow Dash?” Solar said, thinking that was what it meant.
Twilight nodded slowly. “If that's true, then she must be somewhere close by, and Pinkie might be as well.”
The group turned back around. Before them where three corridors, each leading in a different direction. One lead off to the left, another to the right, and the third one continued before them.
“Alright gang, we're going to split up. We can cover ground that way. Fluttershy and Applejack, you go to the left. Rarity, do you think you could go by yourself?”
The white unicorn nodded.
“Alright, then you can go right. Solar, Sirocco and I will go straight. If you don't find anything, we'll meet up back here in about half an hour. Does that sound good?”
Everyone else nodded.
“Then let's go.” Twilight said, and the groups split up in the darkness.
Twilight, Solar and Sirocco were walking down the dark basement. Twilight glanced over to Solar with a concerned look, she can see how worried he was.
“Are you aright Solar?” Twilight asked.
“Umm..” Solar answered
"I can't stop thinking about her, Twi. I love her so much. What if she already....” Solar started sobbing.
Sirocco stopped and hugged Solar tight. She let him cry in her mane. She looked into his eyes.
”We'll find her, don't worry.” she said, trying to give him hope. She kissed him on the fore head.
“Thank you Sirocco, Twilight. I'm glad I have friends like you.” Solar replied, starting to clam down.
Twilight and Sirocco smiled and they continued walking down the path.
Fluttershy and Applejack were walking down there path as AJ broke the silence.
“Fluttershy whats on your mind, sugarcube?”
I'm worried about Solar. Did you see how sad he was? Solar is one of the toughest wolves I've ever met. It takes a lot to break him, but..” tears started to fall from Fluttershy's eyes.
“I know. I'm worried about him too, Shy He is one of the bravest wolves I've ever met. It hurts me to see him like this." Applejack responded, though her voice was quivering.
“What if umm. we don't find her in time?” Fluttershy said softy.
“Don't say that, we are gonna find Rainbow and Pinkie.”
Rainbow woke up and couldn't move, her head hurt. The room was dark. “Solar, were are you?” Rainbow asked. There was no answer.
“Solar's not here, Dashie.” a familiar voice came from the darkness.
“Pinkie, is that you? What's going on? Is this a prank or something?” Rainbow said, her voice filled with fear.
“Sadly, this is no prank, Dashie.” Pinkie said, a smile spreading across her face.
“What did you do to Solar? Where is he?” Rainbow yelled, tears falling from her eyes.
”Solar, are you alive?” Are you ? I need you... I love you.” Rainbow cried.
“Now, now, Dashie. You wait here. I've got some...ingredients to collect.” Pinkie said, galloping off into the darkness.
Rarity was walking down her path and thinking to herself. Poor Solar, I can't imagine what he's thinking. He just got married, and now his wife gets kidnapped.
It was unfortunate enough that Rainbow had gotten kidnapped, but Rarity herself wasn't doing any better. While her horn kept the narrow hallway illuminated, it was rather dusty, moldy, and just frankly looked like it hadn't been cleaned out in a long time.
But that wasn't what kept Rarity on edge. While she was waling down the dank hallway, her mind was starting to play tricks on her. That least, that's what she would have preferred to have happen, anyway.
It all started when Rarity had thought she passed what looked like bloodstains on the wall. Shrugging it off, she continued forward. A while later, however, it just got more disturbing than simple bloodstains.
The first message that Rarity saw read.
“You can't save her,”
Written on the dry wall in what Rarity was sure was blood. She stopped a moment to investigate it. Lifting a nearby piece of broken wall with her magic, the unicorn levitated it over to the wall. She placed the wall piece under the words and collected some drops of the liquid on it.
No sooner than Rarity had lifted it closer to her face, she threw the piece with such force it shattered when it hit the wall. It was indeed blood. Rarity felt her forehead with her hoof. She felt cold, clammy, and downright unpleasant. She needed to get out of here and warn the others... Turning around, she returned the way she came.
Moments late, Rarity found Solar, Sirocco and Twilight.
“Rarity, what's wrong? asked Twilight. Rarity hugging Solar and crying in his fur.
Solar used his paw to lift her face to look in her eyes and she looked in his.
“Rarity, did you find Rainbow?” Solar asked as more tears started to fall.
"Oh darling, I'm so sorry, I found a dry blood stain over this wall and there was something written with it".
Solar gasped.
"What did say Rarity?" asked Sirocco
“You can't save her.” Rarity said.
She hugged Solar tighter and cried in his fur again.
“Lead us to were you found it.” Solar said.
They followed Rarity to were she saw to blood.
They soon found the spot of blood and Solar smelled it to see if it was Rainbow's. The three mares looked at him, hoping it wasn't.
Solar sighed in relief.
“It's not Rainbow's.” Solar replied.
The three mares sighed.
"How do you know"? Twilight asked.
"I rather not say".
“Who's is it then?" Rarity asked.
“I'm not sure.” Solar replied
”The blood is too dry to tell.”
“We should meet up with the others and get some rest.” Twilight said
They went to go find Applejack and Fluttershy. After a while of searching, they found AJ and Shy. They got a small fire going. Twilight was sitting by Applejack and Fluttershy, Rarity and Sirocco were cuddled up against Solar's warm fur.
“Twilight, You know these caves go on for miles under Ponyville. Thank Celestia it's not that dangerous, though.”
“How do you know this, darling?” Rarity asked, turning her head to look at him more directly.
“I've read stories when I was little. It's said that these caves are haunted." Solar replied.
Fluttershy let out a yelp, Applejack and Twilight rolled their eyes.
“Haunt-haunted?” Fluttershy said softy.
"Yep. I'll tell you the story that I heard about these caves.” Solar replied.
Rarity and Sirocco cuddled up with Solar to listen to his story.
“Well along time ago, these caves use to be mines. Hundreds of ponies came from all over Equestria to mine to make a living off of the ore.
But one day, one of these ponies went crazy and killed every single pony in the mine."
“How many did he kill?” asked Applejack, shaking in fear and hugging Fluttershy, who looked like she was about to pass out.
“At least 13 Miners.”
They all gasped.
“What happened to the killer?” asked Rarity.
“Well, The miners that managed to escape from him saw him jump to his death. It is said that in the middle of the night you can hear clinging of the ghost miner's pick axes still working. And you might see the ghost of the crazy miner”.
Everyone was shaking, in fear. Fluttershy was shaking the most.
“It's just a story, girls.”Twilight said.
“I think we should get some sleep. We have two more days to save Rainbow and Pinkie. Let's make them count.”
Rarity and was cuddled up with Solar in his warm fur. The others had seemed to have fallen asleep despite the cold. Rarity looked up.
“Solar darling?”
“Yes Rarity?”
“You're so warm, dear.”
She looked in his eyes and he blushed.
"Thank you." Solar replied with a tear.
"Don't worry daring, we are gonna find her. Also, I'm wondering how did you get that scar on your eye, if you don't mind me asking.”
Solar looked away and didn't respond.
“Oh, I'm sorry dear, I didn't...”
She was cut off by Solar's paw.
“it's alright, Rarity".
“Why don't you like it darling? she blushed at her next words. “I think it makes you look sexy.”
They both blushed and she smiled and looked in his eyes.
“Rarity, you know I think you're beautiful". Oh crap, what am I doing?
He was cut off by a white hoof.
“It's alright darling.”Rarity whisper in his ear and kissed him on the forehead. “Good night dear.”
"Good night Rarity, and thank you."
Rarity yawned and laid her head on Solar's warm fur and fell asleep.
He smiled and kissed her on the forehead and covered her up with the blanket she brought and he fell asleep. Meanwhile, somewhere in the caves, a pink earth pony was watching a certain blue Pegasus sleep. Rainbow Dash had stopped struggling hours ago and had since fallen asleep. Pinkamena smiled.
“Soon, my Dashie, you'll be mine forever. And even if your friends find you? I have plans for them too.”