
Okay you know how this kind of story starts. A guy bought something at a Convention from a certain Merchant and gets thrown into some version of Equestria. Problem though for our Human here, there is just NOTHING exciting happening. The World seems to be completely at peace. Well Equestria is at least.

Chapters (1)

H-hi. My name is... Lily Pad. I've, um... I've read a lot of stories about people who get stuck on desert islands. I really like the one about the pirate girls who make friends with all the animals on the island, and then the animals help them rebuild their boat and escape. I guess I thought, if I were ever stuck on a desert island (o-or, I guess, a deserted island, since ours has a, erm, jungle) it would be something like that. This uh, this really isn't at all like the stories I'm used to.

Sunset Shimmer and me, we... we're not really sailors, and we certainly aren't pirates. We haven't made friends with any of the animals on the island, either. Also, in most stories about islands, the heroes get shipwrecked or stranded, but we have a good boat, and I guess, technically, we could leave whenever we wanted.

It's just that there's nowhere else to go.

Written for the 2024 Tropical Post-Apocalyptic Story Contest in the Island Group. For which, by my estimation, it was submitted about an hour too late. Oh well.

Chapters (1)

Inlight Dust, in order to rejoin his tribe after whole life being an outcast, participates in the Proving. After the attack on the Proving, he leaves his homeland to the princessdom beyond to find the assasins, and uncover the mysteries of the world he in: filled with war, hunters, and machines.

Chapters (3)

After collapsing in class, Scootaloo is sent to the hospital, where she hears heart wrenching news.

Chapters (1)

Having been exiled along with her two closest friends by the High Council of Skyros after they had enough of the trio's destructive, chaotic, and bedlam-inducing escapades; Midnight, Grogar, and Cosmos decide to leave their home realm for good and begin anew in another.
Fortunately, with their combined knowledge in reality-warping and magic, they may be able to find a way to access an alternate reality.
Unfortunately, it seems that this alternate world doesn't seem very keen on letting the three of them live peacefully.
Join the Forger of Stars, the Embodiment of Oblivion, and the Avatar of Impossibility as they attempt to not get roped into Ponyville's (and by extension Equestria's) shenanigans!

Chapters (2)

(Loosely based on "Too Much Detail" by EbbySharp on DeviantArt.)

Pipp Petals learns of a threat made against her life ahead of one of her upcoming concerts. Her mother's consistent nagging about it thus forces the popstar princess to hire an official bodyguard to be on her security detail.

Hitch decides to volunteer Sprout for the role after hearing of how bored his former deputy is. Sprout, for his part, is not thrilled in the slightest to be spending considerable time with a pegasus, especially one who stills harbors some resentment towards him.

Neverthless, Sprout will try his hardest to protect Pipp's life. Now if only she would listen to him about the dangers in crowds and other potential threats.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Day Out With Dad

Sequel story to the Tell Your Tale episode “Emotional Rollercoaster.”

Sometimes one’s insecurity can manifest itself in horrible ways if not dealt with properly. Misty knows that all too well. After yet another night of failing Opaline and being senselessly berated for it, she learns just what happens when you bottle up your feelings for too long….

A/N: Episode 8 of the G5 Supplementary Universe. Rated T for mentions of and attempted suicide. Featured on Fimfiction’s List of Stories On The Homepage: July 24, 2024!

Sequel: Coming Soon

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Hollow Pony

The world is burning.

What once was a small, tropical island in the sacred heart of the dragonlands is now an inferno. The oceans are boiling, the trees have been reduced to ash, the beaches are melting into glass, and the very air itself is aflame. All life on the island has been annihilated. Even the bare stone of the island has begun to liquify into lava.

And yet, one shadow remains, under the unyielding sun.

* * *

A standalone side story to Hollow Pony. No prior knowledge of Hollow Pony or Dark Souls is required; if anything, readers familiar with the story are likely to be more confused.

Story image is a picture of Mount Etna erupting, taken by CNN.

This is also my entry to the Tropical Post-Apocalyptic Story Contest, though I was actually already planning to write this story. That contest just gave me a good reason to push it up in the schedule a bit.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to It's Time For Chaos

Discord was sure whatever Bezel was planning wouldn't work. He hoped he wouldn't see the Embodiment of Time again for some time. Perhaps never again. Unfortunately, Discord was wrong on multiple accounts. That includes what exactly Bezel was all along.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Accessorizing with Rarity

Twilight Sparkle (the book-horse) is sitting on her throne.

Pinkie Pie, with a glowing (flashing) cutie-mark enters the throne room, passing Twilight on her way to the gate.

Pinkie steps through the gate, soon meeting Twilight Sparkle (the book worm).

Twilight accepts the book Pinkie Pie is offering her, whereupon she is taking the proffered book with her into the library (her sanctuary) and starts reading the book.

Twilight Sparkle immerses herself in the book, wherein she is experiencing adventures she had never been prepared for.

“Why did Pinkie offer me this book?” Twilight ponders, as she continues her reading adventure.

While Twilight is swallowed up, by the Adventure; she is swept up, ending up taking her sister to the summer camp: Spirit Horse.

What will the camp entail, and how will she and her sister make it?

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Illustrated by: N/A

Written by: Kentavritsa

Edited by: Kentavritsa

Re-edited by: N/A

Aproved: Automated

Rating: Teen

Status: Incomplete

Password: From one, to another; a Lavender Camp.

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Intended Sequel: Musings of a Bookhorse

Actual Sequel: Accessorizing with Rarity

Prequel: Camp: Running Deer

Prequel: Camp: Sitting Bull

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Psl: Sorry; this story can only have one official Prequel, so I had to make a tough decision here. With that said; I chose: Accessorizing with Rarity over the story: Musings of a Bookhorse from which the main theme is derived.

Chapters (2)