Could Rainbow Dash be Colorblind? · 2:00am Dec 19th, 2020
Could Rainbow Dash have some form of colorblindness?
Like she could have trouble seeing certain colors like red and green, how ironic would that be right?
Could Rainbow Dash have some form of colorblindness?
Like she could have trouble seeing certain colors like red and green, how ironic would that be right?
The Equestria Theory
By: Parker Daniel Bryant
Part 1
The location of “The Magical land of Equestria”
My little pony takes place in the land of Equestria, the magical land of ponies. Now since this is “the magical land of ponies” which isn’t a place that sounds like it couldn’t be a place on earth, there are a few variables to consider. For example, take a look at the map of the known world Equestria by Vikonaut on deviant Art shown below
I've been thinking a bit about Applejack's Parents and I've come to the idea that Ma was from the Apple clan, meaning that Pa would have had to have been an Orange. I came to this decision because of the dress Big Mac wears in Brotherhooves Social.
One theory that I've always been a fan of was the theory that Equus (The Planet Equestria resides on) is Earth from an Alternate Universe/Timeline.
I basically improvised most of this lecture from memory when talking with DannyJ yesterday, but then I thought, why not blog this, should at least be food for thought. It’s not directly pony-relevant, more like a general topic of discussion which one needs to meditate on when writing fantasy – but that includes ponyfic, so you might be interested.
Assume that you wish to portray a magic system in your fantasy world.
Let's say that, hypothetically, I was working on a sequel to Inexcusable. Would anyone, hypothetically, be interested in checking it for typos and such?
I'm not interested in doing any major rewrites or anything, just minor polish. I would only need one or two people. If this story were to actually exist, of course.
All this is purely speculative.
(Yeah, I know I said I'd be doing a post-movie review thing, but it wasn't that inspiring, so for now you get this random thing I could have done last year. Hey, at least it's original rather than another T>B, right? If anyone even reads these...)
So some friends and I have been working on a rather complex fan theory about how the events of FoE transpired into g5 and the loss of magic all the way around through division. Basically, the pegasi closing off the sky was the long term catalyst for this theory in that it paved the way for division of the pony races. Granted this is heavily based on Kkat and Somber's fantastic works, along with all coinciding 'purist' FoE crossovers, but the sad thing is it feels like it holds water.
You would think that such a fear is ridiculous, but I thought up a valid reason for it.
She seemed more focused not on the quesadilla itself, but on the fact that there was too much cheese. Meaning, it's the cheese that she feared, not the quesadilla itself.
From how infinity was described to me as a child, I was told it was like an endless line of string that neither had a beginning nor an end. Although there are two obvious issues with that description, the first being that it never started, and the second assuming that the action we perceive as infinite has enough momentum or energy to sustain itself indefinitely.
Night and day; the comple opposites and yet you can't have one without the other. The light cannot shine so bright if there is no darkness to contrast it. And Equestria seems to believe that to be the case. The rule of the Royal Sisters has been a topic of disscussion within the fandom for quite some time now. One side states that New Lunar Republic is neccessary while another side advocates the rule of the Solar Empire. My stance on this issue should be pretty clear by title of the blog alone,
Frisk never had the ability to SAVE and LOAD until they fell into the Underground, right? As far as we know anyway. And we also know that somehow, without a body or soul, Chara is still hanging around after being pretty much erased from existence in all conventional ways.
We know Determination can cause living things to persevere through almost certain death in high enough quantity, and isn't that what Chara's doing?
I'm trying to catch up on 150 years of literature and literary theory. Now I'm listening to the Teaching Company audio course, Literary Modernism by Jeffrey Perl. It uses a division by Frank Kermode of modernists into paleomodernists (TS Eliot, James Joyce, Marcel Proust, Ezra Pound, DH Lawrence, the late Yeats) and neomodernists (Gertrude Stein, William Carlos Williams, Marianne Moore, Wallace Stevens, Virginia Woolf).
So I came up with this theory while talking with my friend and fellow author JWolfSilver. We were talking about the scene from the first Equestria Girls movie, just before Sunset’s transformation into a demon. We were talking about how visually powerful the image her crying as she transforms is. You can tell that as soon as she has all this power she immediately regrets it. It’s like she realizes way too late that it’s too much for her to handle and the extent of all her actions to get to this
Hello, followers.
As anyone who watched the Season 9 trailer can tell you, the big moment was Celestia and Luna allegedly announcing their retirement as rulers of Equestria, and passing the job over to the Mane Six.
As per the norm for the fandom, multiple theories have sprung up regarding this. When all the options are narrowed down, the choices are thus: A) the Princesses are not retiring, or B) they really are.
I just had a thought
What if Celestia, Luna, Twilight and Cadence already had kirin traits?
My theory is that Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker could be the nirik personas and I'm assuming that Alicorn Twilight could also turn into Midnight Sparkle. Though I do wonder if Cadence has a dark persona.
Since the nirik persona is brought out through negative emotions and NM, DB and MS are also based on negative emotions, it kinda adds up according to me