
Viewing 1 - 20 of 48 results

Paul Asaran gave me (almost) an entire issue of his review! · 3:05am May 19th

Late Thursday evening I checked my fimfic notifications. There were... a lot of them. And the first 9 were comments on my stories, all by PaulAsaran, all saying "You can has review!" He spent 9 of his 10 story slots this week on me.

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Report Bad Horse · 246 views · #Bad Horse #review

Bad Horse Survery, has your data been absorbed. · 7:36am Dec 16th, 2016

Just finished it. Probably one of the best surveys I've ever taken. Only a small handful of questions where I couldn't find a choice that I liked.

I took it. So should you. Data collection analysis is fun and good for society!


The Funniest Story Ever Posted to this Site · 2:11pm Aug 6th, 2012

This is the funniest story ever posted to this site. Bad Horse is a genius.

Behold: The Saga of Dark Demon King Ravenblood Nightbalde, Interior Design Alicorn


Bad Horse Blog Index · 9:17pm May 30th, 2014

This index to not-bad blogs will always be on my user page. Each list is mostly in chronological or reverse-chronological order.
I've added a few good blog posts by other people.
I put a '*' in front of the ones I think are most-important.

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Report Bad Horse · 6,264 views · #Bad Horse #blog #index

Tales of the Sun · 4:50am May 25th, 2019

The Ministry of Image, a group of Russian bronies who print hardbacks of famous pony tales, is coming out with a great new anthology of stories about Celestia: "Tales of the Sun".

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Report Bad Horse · 1,050 views · #me #Bad Horse #Celestia

My Books and How to Get Them · 10:01pm Jul 11th, 2019

I recently finished 2 books:  The Worst of Bad Horse (described here) and Stupid Unicorn (a picture book).  Both will be available both at Bronycon, and by mail (which costs more because shipping).  (I might possibly have copies at Trotcon or Capclave this month, but I won't be selling them in the dealer's room.)

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My Trotcon talk is at 7:15pm Friday · 11:30am Jul 13th, 2022

Derp. I forgot to post that my talk is "The Structure of Fimfiction" in Salon A ("Reverie") at 7:15pm Friday.


More proof that I'm Celestia · 7:38pm Aug 23rd, 2021

Back in 2013, I learned that my name means "peaceful god, lover of horses".

This year, I learned that my Chinese zodiac sign is the Fire Horse.

Report Bad Horse · 600 views · #me #bad horse #celestia

Bubble Clicking Simulator 2016!! · 9:51am Dec 14th, 2016

Bad Horse is spreading around this fanfiction survey.

It'd be really cool if we could get some people to click his bubbles. Thankies. :pinkiecrazy:


You're all opinionated. · 2:19pm Dec 14th, 2016

And I know you love sharing your opinions too.

So, Bad Horse has put together a nifty survey that you should all go take, so we can hear your opinions loud and clear!

If you're game, make a blog post to spread the word, we're trying to get as many folks as possible onto this thing.


Trotcon, Columbus, OH, USA, Dec 17-19 · 10:49pm Dec 15th, 2021

Trotcon rescheduled its cancelled summer convention to December without telling anybody.

I've attended Trotcon for years, and they have my email and my address, but I got no notification that the con was being held, but moved to December. Just found out a few weeks ago. Forgot to post anything on fimfiction because I don't do much on fimfiction lately except check my notifications once a week bcoz knighty made notifications disappear after a week. Sorry!

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Cosplay Fail · 2:04am May 1st, 2019

I went to an anime con last weekend & cosplayed a character from a famous anime.

Do angled photos make me look like a 1960s Batman villain?

Not one person at the convention recognized the character.  Do you? They called me "horse guy" all weekend.

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Ponyfeather Publishing Overstock · 6:00pm Aug 6th, 2019

BronyCon was a lot of fun, and most titles in the bookstore (not just PFP titles -- everybody's!) sold out.

Direct purchases will be available soon, but for the following two titles, we need to unload the remaining bookstore stock before we can make their direct purchasing links live.

The Worst of Bad Horse

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Ghost's Vigilante Footnoting Service 1—The Remarkable Facts Regarding Stéphane Mallarmé · 10:41pm Apr 15th, 2017

In case you weren't aware[1], Bad Horse does these amazing posts regarding the history of art and criticism leavened with insightful leaps from one field of study to the next. They are great fun and not one hundredth as dry as you might suspect. He was recently laboring on this amazing post regarding the

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The Worst of Bad Horse: Table of contents · 8:41pm Jul 8th, 2019

The Worst of Bad Horse
Thanks to the tireless work of RBDash471, and to me being unemployed, I'm coming out with a big book at Bronycon.  It's 730 pages, with 54 stories, scripts, and poems. You've seen all these before, except for:

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Stylo, darf, and NTSTS · 12:36am Jul 20th, 2016

darf recently made public that he is also NTSTS, so I can finally show you this tree I made using stylo back in 2014 of some fimfic authors:

Look closely at the darf / NTSTS entries:

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Just in case everypony hasn't already herd... · 4:27pm Dec 14th, 2016

Bad Horse is doing a thing for fandom research purposes and you should totally contribute! It's fun! :pinkiehappy:

Super Happy Funtime Wow Fanfiction Pony Survey Thing!!!

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A New Dotted Line Story · 12:43am May 25th, 2016

...but not from me. Bad Horse made an absolutely gorgeous story featuring Dotted Line: The Gathering. It's absolutely wonderful in all the best Bad Horse-y ways and also wonderful in Dotted Line-y ways and wonderful in a few ways all of its own. It's quite, quite short and will, guaranteed, make your day better. I ask humbly that you give it a read as soon as you can: you won't be sorry you did, and it will

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A non-pony recommendation: Jo Walton's Thessaly · 4:06am Oct 25th, 2016

Note: collateral to the story discussed here, I was drawn into some of the online offerings of historian Ada Palmer. Consider this also a recommendation of her stuff, staring with her series on what led to Machiavelli writing The Prince and in the process inventing modern political science and consequentialist ethics, her "Sketches of a History of Historical Skepticism," and her

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I CAN'T HEEEAR YOUUUU--okay why are you shouting? · 6:29pm Aug 8th, 2015

I work with ex-military types, retired Master Chiefs mostly. And to deal with them you just gotta--I dunno how to describe it. They're not bullies (mostly), but they're forceful and their sense of humor is rough and you don't just have to be able to take it, you have to dish it out, too. At least a little. Not too much, because they're in charge. But if you can't give as you get then they won't respect you.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 48 results