
Viewing 1 - 20 of 28 results

My thoughts on "School Daze" · 9:50pm Mar 26th, 2018

Glad to see MLP returning, and boy, There's definitely new territory to explore.

And it's official, the movie is canonized. Glad to know. I'm really curious on what Tempest and that annoying hedgehog are gonna look like in the show.

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Report Godiswithus3 · 313 views · #School daze

Okay, on the new episodes... · 5:02pm Mar 26th, 2018

Okay, here I'm just going to take a stab at the new season premiere and share some theories and thoughts I have. Just short little ramblings.

The new students of the School. I wonder, are they being set up to be the new Mane Six and CMCs? I mean, before you rant and rave at me, hear me out.

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Season 8 School Daze Episodes kinda screw me over, but also gave some pretty cool ideas · 5:00pm Mar 24th, 2018

Hey everobody!

Have you seen the new episodes yet?! They were awesome!

If you haven't seen them yet, minor spoilers ahead!

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Report AniMun · 374 views · #S8E1&2 School Daze!

My Thoughts on School Daze (Season 8 Premier) · 4:42pm Mar 24th, 2018

Note: I try to avoid too many spoilers, but just to be on the safe side, I'm putting a page break here.

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Finally saw the Season 8 premiere. · 6:53pm Mar 27th, 2018

Some spoilers below the break.

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MLP Season 8 "School Daze" Thoughts · 9:19pm Mar 24th, 2018

Man, I completely forgot that S8 of MLP started today. Plus the fact that Season 8(!) of Pony just sounds unreal in itself. I don't think I have to summarize the plot, because everyone reading this probably saw it and many others already do this. So, going straight to the point, I liked it. Season 8 definitely has great potential. Behind the break more in-depth and random thoughts on the two-parter.

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Report Marwile · 397 views · #Season 8 #School Daze

School of Hard Sucks [episode spoilers!] · 7:16pm Mar 24th, 2018

Last night, I dreamt I watched the MLP season 8 premiere.

Except for some pre-announced reason that I had forgotten, it was actually the new Hearth's Warming episode. And it was god awful.

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Help! My Heart is Full of Pony! - Learning · 3:31am Jan 29th, 2021

School Daze marked a fundamental shift in the show for myriad reasons, and not just the obvious ones.

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Short MLP Review: School Daze · 7:24pm Mar 24th, 2018

Overall, this is a good episode. The characters show promise, though Neighsay isn't going to be everyone's favorite (despite his voice actor being Maurice LaMarche; the voice of Brain from Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain). Twilight "following the book " is one of the few flaws I had with the episode. Still, good episode.

Report HMKv2 · 247 views · #season 8 #School Daze #review

School Daze Thoughts · 4:30pm Mar 25th, 2018

Just watched the season 8 premiere. I hadn't watched the trailer or read the episode summary so I came in blind. Initially, I was kind of surprised they did such a direct tie-in for the movie, but given the impact it had it makes sense. I liked that they brought in all the different creatures... But I was kind of puzzled they didn't bring in other creatures. I mean, in earlier seasons we've had buffalo, zebras, and donkeys! It just seems like if they wanted to be getting across the

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Site Post » S8E1-2 - School Daze · 2:47pm Mar 24th, 2018


1. When the Cutie Map expands to areas beyond Equestria, Twilight Sparkle decides to open up a school.

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Report knighty · 9,496 views · #season 8 #s8e1-2 #school daze

Thoughts On S8 Opener · 8:12pm Mar 29th, 2018

Prof.Fluttershy, why do I want that name in the next Pokemon game? Anyways I just saw Applegeek's let watch of the opener to season 8 and while I still have a tiny bit of a virus, feeling OK enough to write. This opener was........................well, different. I heard some weren't impressed by it, I can see that as in all honesty I'm not entirely sure how a school arc would go.

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Back to school...again. · 2:08pm Aug 10th, 2017

Yep, my Junior year in High SChool started today. And it's off to a great start. I'm only three hours in, but two of my teachers that I've met so far are awesome. Plus, one of my friends ninja-swatted a fly in second hour, got a round of applause. (Note-my US History teacher hates them.)

Anyway, expect multiple updates today. For my unpublished Spiral Knights story, For Honor, Pokemon, and The Division.

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Thoughts on S8:E1 + 2 "School Daze" · 5:59pm Mar 24th, 2018

"Gee Chancellor, what are we going to do tonight?"

"The same thing we do every night Pinkie. TRY TO TAKE OVER EQUESTRIA... (via its educational system)"

They're Pinkie and the Neigh,
YEs Pinkie and the Neigh.
One is a genius, the other's insane.
They have equine looks.
They do things by the book.
Where's Dinky?
It's Pinkie and the Neigh, Neigh, Neigh, Neigh, Neigh.

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S8E1 and 2 School Daze Review · 12:31am Mar 25th, 2018

Hype train, all aboard!

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Random Thoughts: School Daze · 1:43am Mar 25th, 2018

Warning: Spoilers abound. Proceed with caution.

Well, I planned to write this post tomorrow, but the movie my brother and I planned on seeing was sold out (note to him: must remember to buy tickets in advance next time). So, here we are.

Honestly, I usually don't have this much to say about season openers. But, it appears MLP will continue to surprise me in new and curious ways. So, follow me below the break, and let's see if Season 8 is putting its best foot forward.

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Mystic Mind Analysis: School Daze and Overcoming Prejudice · 10:30pm Jun 9th, 2018

Greetings, one and all! Welcome to Mystic Mind analysis; my irregular critiques of MLP episodes.

I am the Mage of Mind, reminding you as always that even a Cheeseburger can be deconstructed to its original source.

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First FimPressions: "School Daze!" · 7:55pm Mar 24th, 2018

It's good to be back! Another year, another MLP season. Following on from the (mostly average) movie and all the world building of previous seasons, Twilight and Co. progress into being teachers of friendship, and all the trappings that come with it.

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Season 8 Episode 1&2 the Friendship School · 4:41pm Mar 24th, 2018

We all know that the King of Ducks is going whine about how evil the new season of MLP is being and how much better Starfleet would be. Because you know: The Alicorn nazis from outer space have been known so much so far about how well their education system works. Being able to not even identify a simple robot when it attacks a place or lacking common sense.

Anyway, lets talk about something fun. The new season opener. Which in my opinion was overall okay.

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Regarding STDL · 7:52pm Aug 22nd, 2023

STDL=Sometimes Things Don't Last.

Truth be told, this story was just more to get out my feelings, but upon reading the comments, I’m taking it in a direction I wasn’t going to before.

It was originally going to end bittersweet, and while there still may be a bit of that, there’s a distinct rise in the sweetness.

Things end happily, but they’re also different.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 28 results