
Viewing 1 - 14 of 14 results

Writing Pet Peeves · 10:34pm Nov 15th, 2020

Okay, I suppose it's high time I made a list like this. Like, I just want to list and if possible elaborate on certain pet peeves, AKA things I hate or just am annoyed by in Pony stories. Or in general, actually. This is all 'your mileage may vary' and I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but these are the things that irk me personally from a writer's standpoint.


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Report The Bricklayer · 417 views · #Writing #Pet #Peeves

Dustin's Pet Peev Blog #1: Twilight casting spells without reading warnings · 4:14am Dec 3rd, 2015

I have read many, many stories where Twilight casts a spell without first reading what could possibly go wrong or how certain conditions might affect the outcome/effectiveness of said spell, and it really bothers me.

Why? Because she went to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns!

What is the first thing you think they would teach at a place like that? Safety! That would include knowing all possible outcomes and side affects of any spell a pony is going to cast!

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Dustin's pet peev blog #2: Elements of Harmony need to charge up · 8:45pm Feb 18th, 2016

That's right people! I'm still alive!

Head on below the page break for more!

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Some Pronunciational Pet Peeves · 7:31pm Aug 3rd, 2018

Hey, all. Quick reminder that the Changeling Blood sequel is being worked on, it's currently planned to involve interviews at all the Mane Six's homes (but not always with the Mane 6, make of that what you will.) It's coming along about 500 words per day, when I'm not second-guessing anything or needing to outline before moving ahead.

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"What the hay is a Pokeyman?" · 10:11am Mar 21st, 2021

All too often in Pokémon crossovers on this site, I’ve seen the plot grind to a screeching halt so the Mane 6 (or whoever) can ask what a Pokémon is. This isn’t limited to crossovers, either. Once I read a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon fanfic where most of the first chapter was the protagonist asking his partner about every single Pokémon mechanic. No characterisation, no actions, just back-and-forth dialogue. ​I’m going to make a point of not doing this in Forging Our Own Paths, for a simple

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Pet Peeve #001 - On the matter of humming. · 5:51am Jul 8th, 2019

This might not be worthy of a blog. Okay, well, it might be. I just wanted everyone to know my displeasure with a certain... thing I've seen cropping up in people's writing.

Jason hummed. "Well, I guess things couldn't possibly get any worse."


"Hmm, well, I guess things couldn't possibly get any worse," Jason said.

Which one of those two sentences do you think flows better?

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Personal pet peeves when it comes to erotica · 1:32pm Nov 18th, 2016

With the possible exception of comedy, erotica is hands-down the hardest genre of writing to get right. One slip, and your perfectly crafted sex scene immediately goes tits up. As a connoisseur of fanfic, I've read many a terrible sex scene or erotic fic in my time, and have compiled a short list of the things that I personally cannot stand to see in any form of erotic prose.

IKEA Erotica

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Review #32 - Somewhere Only We Know, Nightmare's End, Breaking Peeved · 4:10pm Jan 3rd, 2017

And another 3 stories... getting close to 100 done, aren't I? Don't worry, I have something planned... But, enough about that. Here are today's:

Somewhere Only We Know by PatchworkPoltergeist
Nightmare's End by EchoWing
Breaking Peeved by Bad Horse

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Top 10 things I hate about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Wa · 4:04am Jul 30th, 2020

This was just something that's been in the back of my mind, but if you're curious, no, I don't hate the show, I still love it for what it is and the fans that are still keeping it alive. These are just my personal gripes looking back at the show, so if you don't have a problem with them, that's great. More power to you. And I'll be going from very minor nitpicks to VERY huge problems, at least to me, personally. So get your popcorn or french fries ready, because this will get pretty salty. And

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A Royal Problem, various thoughts · 5:50pm May 21st, 2017

It's been a long time coming that we have some proper insight into the lives of the princesses. What sort of feelings and times left behind. Just some sisterly interaction! How will this measure up then? Let's find out!

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Ramble #2 (of Many): Bucking Peeves · 1:01am Jun 16th, 2016

By which I mean the word peeves me. Welcome to Wanderling's Ramble Time, where I go off on tangents about Pony Things that have caused me intense thought. Last time it was about Zephyr Breeze and his surprisingly accurate portrayal of anxiety.

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Chapter 8 of "Aunt Millie" is here: "The Peeved Mare" · 8:43pm Dec 22nd, 2016

Chapter 8 of "Aunt Millie" has arrived for you to consume, my dear readers:

And with this chapter, we reach an important point in the fic. We are now finally at the moment that inspired this whole story and I ensured to portray it perfectly, second by second and frame by frame.
"The Peeved Mare" has arrived and the chapter is exactly what the title says. Have fun reading it!

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Read It Now Reviews #83 – Breaking Peeved, All Better Now, Make It Better, A Brief Glance at the Papers on Luna’s Desk, Peachy Pie and Misty Moon Keep the Realm Safe Until Dinnertime · 6:59pm Jun 9th, 2016

A lot of people I follow came out with new stories yesterday, and in the spirit of not procrastinating, I actually read them. :pinkiegasp:

Today’s stories:

Breaking Peeved by Bad Horse
All Better Now by OCalhoun
Make It Better by Twinkletail
A Brief Glance at the Papers on Luna’s Desk by Chuckfinley
Peachy Pie and Misty Moon Keep the Realm Safe Until Dinnertime by Pascoite

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Death Valley Author's Notes · 3:26pm 6 days ago

So! Death Valley is complete. The longest planned single thing I’ve written. It’s quite a bit more intricate than Hinterlands and Urban Wilds: a longer narrative, an obscene amount of foreshadowing and Chekhov’s guns, multiple plotlines going on at once and interweaving across a larger cast of characters, frequent callbacks and callforwards, stuff like that. Why? Blame Edgar Wright.

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Viewing 1 - 14 of 14 results