
Viewing 1 - 20 of 40 results

New story that I'm announcing a day after release since I'm lazy · 6:15pm Nov 10th, 2020

Party Hard!

New story, and actually kinda proud of it. People thought it was good so I'm actually publishing something (shocker, I know).

Report Esalen · 101 views · #sparkler #pointlessblog

Second Best featured... · 12:55pm Jun 14th, 2015



Any particular reason this got featured? I just sorta wanted do address something the episode did not in the fact that Sparkler was sort of given the boot completely unintentionally by Twilight as an organizer. Given Twilight's my fav of the Mane Six but I've only actually written for her in one or two fics.

I seriously didn't think it'd get the attention it's getting...:twilightoops:

Well...thanks for liking the story guys. :twilightblush:


[Preview] Once Upon a Time . . . · 8:19pm Apr 8th, 2017

For your entertainment, here is a preview of the new story I previously mentioned that I'm in the process of writing. I hope that you all enjoy! ~ Mares Guyver

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria . . .

. . . there lived a lonely unicorn filly named Sparkler.

Sparkler was not like most fillies. Unlike other children her age, Sparkler didn’t have a mother, or a father, or a family to love and call her own.

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There won't be a new chapter for "Aunt Millie" this week anymore (Post contains SPOILERS!) · 7:55pm Feb 12th, 2017

I'm making this quick. Unfortunately, worst has come to worst and there won't be a new chapter for "Aunt Millie" this week anymore. Well, not everything that causes that is bad, but it partially is.
There are several reasons for this. One is finding back the drive to write and the discipline for daily writing after the stressful weeks that are behind me is hard. Another one is a spontaneous outbreak of depressions I suffer from currently.
And a third one, well, is this (SPOILERS):

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REMINDER: "Aunt Millie" returns today! · 10:23pm Nov 12th, 2016

Hello, my fellow followers, this is just a quick reminder that "Aunt Millie" is going to return today! Writing on Chapter 4 has started:

Progress is being made as I write this and the chapter will go up as soon as I'm finished! Hold out, it's only a few hours more now and the hiatus of "Aunt Millie" will be over!


"Aunt Millie": Chapter 11 Preview! · 7:56pm Mar 24th, 2017

Just a few minutes ago, I finished writing the new chapter of "Aunt Millie"! It's already proofread and formatted and up here on
Release is tomorrow, but until then, I will provide you all with a short preview for what is coming up.
Find it below. It's the final version, too, this time, since the proofreading process has been finished already:

Dinky let out an exhausted sigh as she was finished, squeezing her big sister tighter.

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Back from Movie Land, but still in need of a bit of relaxation before I return to "Aunt Millie" · 5:43pm Feb 25th, 2017

Basically what the title says. Just a quick heads up about my writing progress.
The first initial hype about the movie infos has died down now after two weeks and I slowly get back to writing.

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Chapter 2 of "Aunt Millie" has arrived! · 10:51pm Jun 18th, 2016

Here it is! Almost two weeks after starting the fic, the second chapter of "Aunt Millie" is now out!

And with it, there comes the introduction of Lily Longsocks, our super strong, house-lifting, hedgehog cutie mark-wearing filly!
What is she going to do? How is her relation to Dinky? And what about her personality?
All these questions get answered in the new chapter!

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"Aunt Millie" is back! Here comes Chapter 9, "The Calm"! · 12:57am Jan 15th, 2017

The wait is over. Following "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!", the second one of my currently on-going fics, "Aunt Millie", returns as well with a new chapter!

This chapter turned out surprisingly short. Originally, I wanted to write much, much more, twice as much as what you can read now, but then I decided against it and rather chose to make two chapters out of what I have in mind.

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Anypony in the mood for some muffins? · 9:17pm Nov 18th, 2016

Deliciously healthy, aren't they? Yeah, I don't want to have them either.....


Chapter 4 of "Aunt Millie" has to be delayed until next week..... · 12:29am Nov 7th, 2016

I don't like it to announce that, but as opposed to what I said a few days prior, the newest chapter of "Aunt Millie" will be delayed until next week, most likely Saturday.....
I really wanted to write it today, but I don't feel particularly good this weekend and I couldn't bring myself to write something down.

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Chapter 11 of "Aunt Millie" is here: "Escalation"! · 9:45pm Mar 25th, 2017

Now the time has come. The eleventh chapter of "Aunt Millie" is here:

And our weather forecast for today shows us Hurricane Sparkler coming in from the south and hitting the lands of Millie in the evening.
Citizens of Ponyville are advised to take shelter in the basement and to stock up on food and water.

And with this chapter, we are also getting close to the end. There are two more chapters left after this one.

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The penultimate chapter of "Aunt Millie" is released: "Millie-free Day"! · 12:55am Apr 2nd, 2017

And now it has arrived. After slow progress because of mental distractions that wrecked me on Thursday and decreased my writing pace, the twelfth chapter of "Aunt Millie" is now here:

And it is the penultimate (How much I love this word!) chapter, meaning, we're getting very close to finish now. Soon, this fic will be wrapped up and reach its conclusion. Thinking about it makes me sentimental.....

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Chapter 8 of "Aunt Millie" is here: "The Peeved Mare" · 8:43pm Dec 22nd, 2016

Chapter 8 of "Aunt Millie" has arrived for you to consume, my dear readers:

And with this chapter, we reach an important point in the fic. We are now finally at the moment that inspired this whole story and I ensured to portray it perfectly, second by second and frame by frame.
"The Peeved Mare" has arrived and the chapter is exactly what the title says. Have fun reading it!

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Chapter 6 of "Aunt Millie" is sneaking up on you: "Morning Business" is here! · 3:55am Dec 4th, 2016

And we continue with "Aunt Millie"! Chapter 6 has left the printing press and is available for your reading pleasure:

In this chapter, we have Sparkler being more brash and..... the return of Lily Longsocks! What shenanigans has she in mind this time? Read Chapter 6 to find out!

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Chapter 1 of "Aunt Millie" has reached 1,000 views! · 1:41am Jun 12th, 2017

This just happened. Noticing that the first chapter of "Aunt Millie" was getting really close to 1,000 views, I camped on the fic with F5 today and now, the fic has reached this milestone!
It is now exactly on 1,002 views:

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"Aunt Millie": Chapter 5 "Confrontation" is here! · 2:40am Nov 22nd, 2016

And the events surrounding Dinky and Millie continue..... Chapter 5 of "Aunt Millie" is here now:

A lot of things would be spoilers if hinted at here, so I'm keeping this vague. There is someone new in this chapter, someone you've already seen in the past and who attentive eyes will have spotted in one episode of the show.
Also, Sparkler returns home from work, so things will get interesting.

Have fun with this chapter!


A Storm is Coming..... "Aunt Millie" returns from its unwanted hiatus! · 1:10am Mar 13th, 2017

You read that right. "Aunt Millie" is finally back on track! Chapter 10 is out now:

While the last chapter was calm, this chapter will be rough.....
Cold front Millie heads towards us, bringing us a storm and very low degrees this night. Make sure to take shelter from Hurricane Dinky when it hits the coast of Chapter 10 later tonight.


"Aunt Millie" delay: The Explanation I owe Everyone · 1:17pm Feb 7th, 2017

So, here I am, with a huge delay for "Aunt Millie", an unannounced even, despite me promising I would never do that again..... At least, I should give everyone who waited for the fic to update in the last three weeks an explanation of what happened:

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Chapter 7 of "Aunt Millie", Cemetery Filly, is ready to read! · 11:10pm Dec 18th, 2016

And "Aunt Millie" continues! As announced last week, the next chapter is now here and ready to be consumed!

A simpler chapter this time, easier to digest than the previous ones, a short and easy read before we deal more with Millie.
Just watch out for zombie fillies..... They are always out there and reading makes you an easy prey!

Viewing 1 - 20 of 40 results