• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013
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Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

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"Aunt Millie": Chapter 11 Preview! · 7:56pm Mar 24th, 2017

Just a few minutes ago, I finished writing the new chapter of "Aunt Millie"! It's already proofread and formatted and up here on FIMFiction.net.
Release is tomorrow, but until then, I will provide you all with a short preview for what is coming up.
Find it below. It's the final version, too, this time, since the proofreading process has been finished already:

Dinky let out an exhausted sigh as she was finished, squeezing her big sister tighter.
With every detail Dinky described, Sparkler felt a fire blazing up inside of her more and more. Now, her face was distorted in anger and hatred. She gave her younger sibling a last squeeze, then slowly pulled away from her and looked into her face. “Do you feel better now?” she asked.
“A little,” Dinky said in a weak voice. “But, Sparks, I–”
“Don't worry,” Sparkler interrupted her, gently moving a hoof over her cheek. “I will take care of this, once and for all. It's time to have a talk.”

I feel like I will have to put a storm warning in the announcement blog entry tomorrow again.....

Comments ( 1 )

Sounds good. Who's a good big sister? Sparkler is!

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