
Viewing 161 - 180 of 938 results

Quick update, read? · 8:25pm Mar 30th, 2016

So just a little update about why my writing will be on hold for longer than I thought.

As you may or may not know I'm a college student working two jobs as well as trying to write on here and run a youtube channel, all of which takes up more time than I have in one day. I have also been working for several months on illustrating a kids book for a professional author, this being something I have never done before its taking a lot longer than it should.

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Update · 6:27pm May 3rd, 2017

I am currently hard at work doing some editing, haven't written a blog in a long time so I thought to write down everything that is going on.

-I have been reading my story line (what the base of what The Legend of Lee Roy will be, in its barest form) and I decided to make a huge turning point in the story more sad, its just too good and human to put in. So keep an eye out for the sad tag coming to the story in the future.

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So... Why it took so long... · 1:50am Aug 21st, 2017

So... I took a while to actually write more Locksmith. As it turns out I had another story idea which I was working on. It's kind of getting long since it got to 15k and rising. I'll post it later but for now Locksmith is back and two chapters are left in the Atlantis arc.


Voice for Moaning needed in Animation · 6:32pm Apr 27th, 2022

Hey there guys and gals.

This is a bit of an unusual post so I am hoping more for gals for this specific post (or males with a very feminine voice). I do dabble in art every now and then. Not nearly as much as I do in writing seeing how writing is, to put it frankly, more profitable. And I would say I am simply better at writing than at doing art, so that might play into this too.

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We're still not dead! -quick- UPDATE · 9:42pm April 7th

It's April already? Golly.......I'm sorry for keeping everyone waiting. Life has been so busy and while everything on my end has been fine, I've been very busy helping friends and loved ones over come some personal obstacles the past few weeks. Regardless to say, I'm solely attempting to get back to work on the Equestria Chronicles, and apologize for the lack of updates. Thank you.


I think maybe I should hide under a rock... · 9:34am Sep 17th, 2016

... because this week is not off to a promising start...

So "today" being Friday (yes, I'm aware it's after midnight and technically that means it's Saturday now), it was the first day of my work 'week', so let's just pretend it was Monday for me... In typical Monday fashion, things went horribly awry in pretty much every way possible.

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Ever have a day in work... · 9:30am Aug 11th, 2015

...where you just can't be fucked?

Then someone comes along and asks you to do a job where you essentially get paid to do fuck all, and for longer?

I did today!

Yep, there's yours truly's ugly mug. I am currently getting paid to sit in a van whilst waiting for customers to collect their online shopping.

The guy who was supposed to be doing this has been sent on deliveries, as we had a driver go sick.

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Story Notes and a Bonus! · 12:13am Sep 25th, 2017

Coming soon--a new story! Which I hope will give you a few chuckles.


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New Username & Avatar · 5:29pm Oct 5th, 2017

I've decided to change both my username and avatar for this month. Now if you excuse me, I've got some important things to take care.


Tales from the Archive · 3:24pm Dec 1st, 2018

What's up, anyone that still follows me. I was digging through my google docs recently to clean some stuff out, and I stumbled upon a bunch of old working documents. Since my writing days (for MLP at least) are pretty much behind me, I figured I'd make them available for anyone who cares enough to look at my outlines and writing process. I'll just post them as I come across them!


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First Year of Uni is Over · 1:18pm May 12th, 2017

I have officially completed my first working year and not a moment too soon.
The stress and anxiety has nearly flattened me. I now have a substantially long summer holiday ahead of me and I intend to make the most of it.
I am now continuing with my fimfic and am open to drawing requests of follower OCs.
I'd like to thank all of you for getting me this far and I hope I can do something to repay you at some point. :twilightsmile:
You're all fantastic! :pinkiehappy:


Happy Christmas! · 3:41pm Dec 11th, 2019

Alright, so this is where we are.

I am working on all my chapters, it is going forward, but for the rest of December I will focus on The Legend Of Nicholas. This is because I only have december to finish it, and I don't think I can do that with my work and the short timeline.

I'm sorry for those of you who are waiting, I know it is annoying, but none of the stories out there are dead, so please stay patient.

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Quit my job... · 9:05am Mar 17th, 2018

After three months of overtime with no end in sight I quit my job.

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Ah... cripe! · 3:08pm Jul 29th, 2015

So as it turns out I'm NOT done with college yet.

One of the professors miscounted and I STILL don't have enough for my scholarship yet.

And this is a Maths professor, mind you. This is inexcusable.

Well... I dunno if I'll have anything out by August now.

Well at least I don't have to do any more exams, thank god. But now... I'm not sure. I mean, I almost have what I've been asked ready, so I might have this wrapped up sooner.

I'll let you know if I have something ready by then.

Report rcmero · 200 views · #update #story #college #work #shite

Projects · 9:45am Sep 13th, 2019

So right now i am working on some different story projects.

Projects in progress!

  1. The farmer and the god.
  2. Don't have a title yet, but it gonna be a hero themed one.
  3. This one i am excited to try out as it is a choose your own adventure style.

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Hopefully I release a chapter of something new · 8:34am Aug 8th, 2020

Looking at my entire next week of no work (thanks, virus) I have ample time to finish a chapter of a ship I've been kicking around for a bit. Don't know why but I seem to do this a lot when bored- write out of boredom. Oh, well. More content. I always hate first chapters though since the story always seems to take a life of its own and the first look in a story can be difficult.


Break · 1:47pm Feb 2nd, 2020

Hey guys, sorry I have not posted this week.

I actually wanted to post two chapters this week, I had it all planned out. But there is some problems with work, they are maybe trying to cheat me out of my money, so I have a meeting with my union tomorrow to look over the paperwork. It has just taken up a lot of my energy since I had to dig out a lot, go over work laws.

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Work... · 4:53pm Nov 28th, 2019

Ergghh, my work suck...

It's amazing they act so bucking surprised there is a Christmas rush, asking the last minute, like 15 minutes before you can go home.

"Can yous stay extra?!"


Erghhhh.... Let me just say I look forward getting my bucking paycheck tomorrow!

Anyway, that is the reason for the delays, i'm sorry, I am trying to write as much as I can, but truth be told, I am tired when I get home, so it never be more than 1.000 words..

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Story Updates. · 4:49pm Dec 28th, 2020

So, the want to make story updates and the inspiration to write has been eluding me as of late. I've been marathoning a few series such as Beyblade, watching Game Music Videos/GMVs on Youtube, and work has taken up most of my weekends.

Also, our kitchen is being remodeled due to mold, so I can't play Xbox at the moment, which actually works in my favor.

So, here is a list of chapters I am currently writing or will start soon.

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Working with a dash of work · 8:10am Sep 17th, 2019

Well my farmer and the god story is moving along nicely! I should have the next chapter out either today or tomorrow! :D

I have also started work on my hero story, though i will not release the chapters before i have my cover picture or have maybe two chapters ready and the third well on it's way. Right now i am just writhing the prologue for it.

Anyway, back to writing.

Viewing 161 - 180 of 938 results