
Viewing 141 - 160 of 235 results

Soon... · 8:32pm Nov 18th, 2019

New story won't be today, but it'll be soon. I have to finish editing now that it's ported to Fimfiction.

Family-friendly, in a manner of speaking.

Will it be super-controversial as before? Buck if I know. I no longer lay claim to the pulse of normal people. :pinkiecrazy:


On the Subject of Electric Cars, Commuting from Place to Place, and Writing the Frigging Horsewords · 7:09am Jun 5th, 2021

So, Chapter One of Pound and Pumpkin Save Sugarcube Corner is gonna go live tomorrow. I've been working on it constantly over the past week, and at time of writing, it's almost done, with only a couple more paragraphs to go. Hopefully, it's good - I've got some neat little shenanigans lined up for the twins to get into.

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Posh Responds To Three Year Old Criticism of a Four Year Old Story · 8:20am Jan 4th, 2017

My ego, having swollen to the size of an overripe pumpkin over the course of the last half-year, drove me to Google Jelly God recently, and I came across a review of it from several years ago on a blog that is apparently managed by someone named Chris, which I think is actually a pseudonym for a colony of crab people.

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FINALLY! · 11:50pm Aug 6th, 2017

Good news everyone.

I've finally, after much bashing my head against the keyboard, managed to finsh the first draft of Hot Dam - Chapter 3, alongside Beetle & Blood - Chapter 5.

Going to send the GDocs link to the pre-readers/editors after I wake up tomorrow.

In the meantime enjoy some funky bass.


New Story/Chapter: "Consuming Darkness" (Guest Chapter) · 4:49pm Jul 15th, 2020

My pal Zontan over at "Quills and Sofas Speedwriting" wrote a cute, very funny story. As a challenge, I wrote a continuation! He loved it and decided to publish it (with my permission of course)! If you like my comedic, feelsy writing, I'm sure it'll be up your alley. (Also, check out Zon's other stories when you get a chance, like Truth or Dare or his darker story The

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On a (Somewhat?) Lighter Note? · 1:05am May 4th, 2019

At some point I was really bored and did some searching for something other than a Shoe0nHead video for stuff about cover it. AdobeSpark is this free thing that you can use to try and make stuff. I stumbled across it and tried to play around with cover art on my stories. I'm not entirely terrible at it?

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WIZARDS. · 7:38am Aug 16th, 2016

Okay, I'd like to do this. There are currently ~4 pending stories that range from semi-written to almost ready to publish right now. I'd like to finish them all. I'll see what I can do. This is now known as Project Cleaners, the stories are not at all related except that they are all drafts.

Until then, here is my comeback song.



I'm Back! · 6:17pm Jun 1st, 2016

The computer was broken so I spent the past couple of days hand sewing bralettes. I'm so excited that it's pride month! I just don't know how to celebrate since I'm not out to everyone and I can't really go to events. I might just talk about girls with my friends. It's nice to talk about stupid shit people say to bisexuals with bisexuals


Status Update - Detrot: Become Equine · 8:08am Jan 22nd, 2019

Yikes, okay, hello again.

I'm just checking in to let you all know that I'm not doing nothing, and I'm, in fact, writing stuff. I just wish I wasn't so lethargic at times.

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Update on Stuff · 12:21am Mar 30th, 2016

First of all, I apologize to anyone that has been disappointed by the fact that I have not uploaded a second chapter to Appledash: How it Would Happen. It feels kind of pompous to type this as if I'm addressing a large audience. I know I'm not really a popular writer on this site, but I am partially writing this for myself, and also, there are probably some people who would have liked to see a second chapter. And, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but it's probably going to be a while. To be

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Your Unconscious and You | After Two Years · 1:46am Nov 13th, 2019

I really wanted to fix the monstrosity of a translation this is and edit some stuff for this anniversary, but my uni year is ending right now so, eh, you can guess I've got no time and a mockup to finish. 

But I've got a new story to make up for it!

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Untitled non-pony short story · 6:29am Sep 16th, 2019

I don't like Wattpad when it comes to posting anything other than trollfics so I'm just gonna leave this here for y'all instead. :twilightsmile:

“H-hello? Is… is anyone there?”

The walls creaked with a mechanical whirr as the girl stood up, bracing herself against a support beam as she broke out in a fit of coughing.

“Anybody?” she called again, taking a shaky step forward as the creaking sounds continued around her.

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Alive and stuff · 11:49pm Mar 31st, 2020

So, um, yeah, I'm alive and all that. Didn't mean to be gone for so long - really, I was just planning to take the week off after that last log-on on February 12th, but then there was a whole chain of (admittedly for me, not-so-) hilarious events that began with me spilling water all over my laptop's keyboard, and ended with me being unable to even turn it on (I ordered the part I'm pretty sure I need for it a few weeks ago - it was originally supposed to be here by today, but everything's gone

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Recovery is Pony Horror · 1:41am Oct 7th, 2022

So, in my last blogs I talked about recovering from the hardest burnout I've ever gone through, a debt accrued over seven years. I realized most of that really was the drive to monetize my work. It shaped everything I had been thinking about my writing for years, now, in subtle and unsubtle ways. Becoming financially stable through other means let me massage all those knots and work something out.

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Huh · 9:49pm Dec 16th, 2021

Christmas is in a week…



I have no idea how to end my Jinglemas story


Twilight Metal · 8:18pm Nov 12th, 2015

Well, I got another kick going on, so bare with me on this.

One day, Discord lets it slip that he's not as young as he says, he's not a thousand-some-odd, he's old as time and space.

He also let's it slip that Equestria wasn't his first world, as a being of chaos he's spread bits and pieces of chaos across every possible reality.

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A Poem for a Poem · 2:39am Mar 19th, 2018

Do you know Nobody? He’s my best friend,
Once befriended, we'll be friends 'till the end.
He’s right there when I wake up in my bed.
“Hey, have a nice day, Ben,” Nobody said.
Nobody and I, going out to town,
Don’t feel lonely ‘cause Nobody’s around.
We go to the shops to try some new clothes.
“Looks good,” says Nobody, keeping me close.

Night-time: the club with Nobody and I,
Nobody watches me, keeps a close eye.
Nobody helps when I dance and I drink.

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Cringey Pony OC Challenge · 6:21am Jun 13th, 2018

Look anyone who isn't over the age of 50 or so clinically brain damaged to the point that they're on permanent life support knows that Princess Changeling Rainbow Magic Pants and Cassandra are the two best pony characters that have ever been conceived of to the extent that Lauren Faust cries herself to sleep every

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Original Fiction Reviews #1 – Elantris · 7:30pm Jul 12th, 2016

While on the plane to BronyCon, I ended up finally getting around to reading my first non-Wheel of Time Brandon Sanderson novel. Elantris was the first novel he wrote, and isn’t part of a series, so I figured I’d start with that.

It may not have been the best choice.

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What Irks Me The Most · 6:29am Dec 17th, 2016

Okay, it might just be me and what I've noticed, but it's actually bothering me.

People disliking without saying why.

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Viewing 141 - 160 of 235 results