Alive and stuff · 11:49pm Mar 31st, 2020
So, um, yeah, I'm alive and all that. Didn't mean to be gone for so long - really, I was just planning to take the week off after that last log-on on February 12th, but then there was a whole chain of (admittedly for me, not-so-) hilarious events that began with me spilling water all over my laptop's keyboard, and ended with me being unable to even turn it on (I ordered the part I'm pretty sure I need for it a few weeks ago - it was originally supposed to be here by today, but everything's gone
(Late, I know, but) Thanks man, haha!
Ok, lol (sorry, but I don't recognize you)
Again, late reply, but yo!
Yep, I am!
Indeed I did, haha
Hey, you posted a story!
Aren't you the guy who posts episodes to Dailymotion?
Oy, hey there!