
Viewing 141 - 160 of 313 results

anyway so yesterday i felt like death hjsdjsj · 6:37pm Mar 18th, 2018

being sick is fuuunn
doesn't help that i have today to finish too many things (tomorrow, i have to return a library book i'm about halfway done with, AND turn in a redo for a research paper that I haven't even started TRYING to fix, AND finish all my mid semester exams)
so yeah fun


Good news! · 5:17pm Sep 7th, 2020

I am no longer sick!

I got infected with COVID-19 and been quarantined for several weeks now! Sorry about the lack of updates on my part.


Next Chapter Incoming! · 8:13pm Aug 21st, 2021


Sorry for the delay everybody! I had hoped to get the chapter out today, but I've been sick and have not come as far as I would have liked to.


The next chapter will be out tomorrow, so not a terrible long delay. I hope you guys will enjoy it.

Cue the Theme Song! :pinkiecrazy:


A bit more time... · 4:39pm Jun 8th, 2022

Hey guys, I was meant to get the Bluebird draft ready by today, but I had a bit of a setback. The first half of my holiday was great, a lot of people and fun was had at the convention, but then I got food poisoning on the last day. I was literally out of it on the one completely free day I had to work on it, and then I was camping for four more days so I couldn't work on it then either.

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New Chapter, and Kofi · 8:28pm Jul 15th, 2023

Going to get the Kofi out of the way first, since it's going to be a boring explanation and I know you all want to see the exciting stuff, but I really need to talk about it because I don't feel like I can just slap a "Please buy me a kofi!" on my author's notes without one. I'm not begging for money. But my household could use a little bit of extra cashflow to help with things.

Kofi ->

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Sleep deprivation · 12:27am Oct 14th, 2015

So I've gotten about ten hours of sleep in the last three days. I would give you an daily amount of hours but I'm to tired to do the mental math. I'm exhausted, from mid terms and I have a pretty big essay due in less than a week that I haven't bothered to start on. And I have about a million other things I could probably bitch about endlessly, but am too tired and lazy to do so. I'll probably be on for maybe another hour or so if anyone wants to talk. Warning: I'm tired and pissed, so if you

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The Cold Ends With Flu · 1:56am Nov 17th, 2015

Brownie Bun's experience with cold medicine's pretty similar to my own.

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I'm sick. · 7:59pm Sep 28th, 2016

So, I'm pretty sick. Not going to make that deadline of finishing I Thought She Knew before the end of the month. Might need a few extra days. Might be in podcast, depends on how much my body hates me by then. Don't expect much story unless I get more feverish and write new Living With Twilight Sparkle is Weird.
And for those waiting on the end of PNO, believe me, I'm working on it. It's just hard to edit when you can't think or see straight. You know I don't encourage that method of editing.

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First Blog, Story update. · 9:48pm Apr 16th, 2016

Yeah first blog, WOO. So as the title may suggest this is my first blog on here. I decided to do a blog to just say a few things. First, my story, Sunset's Shelter. I wanted to give a quick little update for anyone who is really curious as to what is going to happen. I just finished writing the second chapter and am going to have one of my closes friends check over it and make any edits it may need. Hopefully it will be ready in a matter of hours (she was out with family when I asked about it.)

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#BringJunebugBack/First Story · 5:44pm Feb 5th, 2016


Hey everyone, welcome to my second blog post. A few weeks back I read a post on Equestria Daily about a lesser appreciated background pony named Junebug. So then I thought that for my first story I'd write about her. I'm almost done and hope to post it by the end of the weekend, maybe even today since I'm sick and I might as well do something meaningful with my freetime (instead of playing Agario all day). So expect that story to come out soon.:pinkiehappy:

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New Berry Punch Story · 9:39pm Jul 2nd, 2017

It's here, if you want to read it.

Yes, it's from that same sort of series about Anon and Berry and their relationship, but it's a side story that's kind of stand-alone. No, there's no sex. There's no happy. It's.. a story of catharsis for me, focusing on Berry Punch's illness. It's not a happy fun sill story in any way, and it's just kind of depressing incarnate. Read at your own risk, it's not one that'll make you smile.

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This well and truly sucks · 9:28am Jan 4th, 2017

Went home yesterday because I was too sick to do much more than lay there and be miserable at my friend's place. My sadist of an aunt had me use nose-spray meant to clear sinuses. I only remembered how much it burns after I used it. Spent the next three hours groaning in bed as my head felt like it was going to pop like a balloon, and all the brain juice combusting at the same time

... Okay, that was a bit graphic even for me.

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I'm not dead. · 11:56pm Mar 4th, 2016


Just slightly sick again. Sorry.

Those updates I promised will be coming soon!

Brohoof /)

Report ModMCdl · 206 views · #modmcdl #seems #to #be #getting #sick #a #whole #lot

Sometimes we just can't. · 5:23am Apr 20th, 2020


Blarg, sick. Delays and voting. · 11:59pm Mar 15th, 2016

You know, I had a feeling I was going to be falling sick. Saturday told me, "I think I'm getting something. Gotta finish this all 100% before it takes me out"

Instead, I ended up playing Smash with Calico and getting my ass kicked. And then I got sick.

It's nothing too serious, but then again I'm not pushing myself.
I should be fine in a few days (at least, I really hope so)

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Equestria Girls= Awesome! · 1:52pm Aug 2nd, 2015

Yo, so..I know I didn't update yesterday. I was ill once again, yes the dreaded bug that I thought had been vanquished came back with a vengance. I spent the entire day in my bed all snuggled up watching MLP, however I had to stop every so often because I'd either almost vomit all over or I'd become so hot that I had to get myself a glass of water from downstairs. It was a nightmare, but I am glad to say that the bug has gone. I'm totally 100% better now!

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Well, it's official. I have c*vid · 1:44am Dec 14th, 2022

Hello, everyone.

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What it Means - Blogspot · 10:52am Feb 11th, 2017


My thoughts on 'Sing', its controversy, and Illumination in general. · 5:19pm Jan 21st, 2017

Hey, all. Been a little busy, a little under the weather because of a 24-hour bug (literally; fever broke out yesterday, starting to go down now) so fics have been slow. Expect a ramble on the success of Warrior Meet soon, or the progress on Rainbow Dash and the Shameless Self-Insert, or lack thereof, on both counts.

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I'm alive... · 6:22pm Oct 3rd, 2016

Uhhh...argh...I think I'm alive. Got clobbered two Fridays ago with a nasty throat-to-sinus-to-lungs, butt-kicking plague that forced me to take two days off work and still has me coughing my lungs out. Now my poor hubby Tale Weaver got hit with it last Thursday, so for days we were both barely functioning enough to make a whole pony between us :pinkiesick:

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Viewing 141 - 160 of 313 results