
Viewing 1 - 20 of 185 results

need a proofreader · 5:34pm Feb 14th, 2016

Need a proofreader for my stories btw. All my saved links to proof readers are expired and iam not sure where to find new ones.

Anyone know where I can find a resource, they need to be alright with mature and dark (not extreme stuff though but I guess that's all relative)

Report Ikujekon · 578 views · #proofreader

I Now Come With... · 7:26pm Jul 3rd, 2015

... Proofreading! Yay! I'm a proofreader(though I still need one of those for some of my stories...), and I'll proofread your story!

One condition. I must know about said story and see if I like it. I'm not a genius, and I might not get what your story is about.

I'm already a proofreader to another story! So please PM me. I'll even help newbies!


Proofreading Services Reminder · 6:02am Jul 26th, 2018

I just want to remind everyone that if they have a story that needs proofreading that I'm here and available to take their story. I work only with gdocs and only make suggestions for each author to make changes as they see fit. Just pm me and I will working with you.


ok, · 7:58pm May 27th, 2016

im going to start on proofreading stories tomorrow! thanks!

Report The loser · 324 views · #proofreading

Searching for a Proofreader · 9:38pm Dec 11th, 2018

Hey everyone. As you might have seen, I have started publishing my first Story.
And to my great shame, you might also have noticed, that I have made many mistakes in spelling, grammatical or sentence structuring.

I am from Germany and even there I have some problems, due to a "Lese Rechtschreib Schwäche" ... (if I am correct, it translates into dyslexia) ... which is no excuse for my mistakes, just an explanation ...

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Report Nethiri · 266 views · #Proofreader

Proofreader · 6:31pm May 27th, 2016

ok Im now a small time proofreader! I only do small stories mainly and large stories sometimes, and I only proofread on fimfiction, like give me a password. im not a editor.

thank you!


Looking for Proofreader(s)! · 3:02am Jul 26th, 2015

Since Wandering Through Realities is nearing the 10K word milestone in the coming days, I think it would be good to seek out proofreader(s) to detect the mistakes or inconsistencies that I missed.

If you are a proofreader (or can link me to one), please drop me a line!

Whoever proofreads, as per tradition, will be featured in the story description and on my profile.

Name and address withheld,


Proofreading · 2:49am May 18th, 2019

When I first started translating the story to put on Fim Fiction, I began to wish I had done so earlier! Now I have to go through it line by line! But on the upside, it did give me an opportunity to find spelling errors, punctuation mistakes and read through it again. I'm STILL finding typos, even though I've read through each chapter at least three times!

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Report Kamahido · 244 views · #proofreading

Becoming a proofreader. · 9:43pm Jun 11th, 2017

I'm sure there are a lot of proofreader on this site. However, would having one more for people to turn to when the others are busy really be so bad? I thought I could use what I've learned these past few months to good use by helping others with their writing?

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Let's try something new · 7:14am Sep 30th, 2022

I'd like to slowly reintroduce myself into the fandom again rather than just quietly read from the shadows. Granted, the community is much, much larger than it was when I was hopelessly invested into it, (we didn't have a Discord, we had an IRC, and there were maybe 7 or 8 regulars) so I can't hope to know everyone, but I at least know of something I can contribute to the community: proofreading.

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Report oblivion2k · 116 views · #proofreading

Now Offering Free Proofreading/Editing · 10:13pm Dec 16th, 2021

Hey everypony!
I've been a part of this community for many years now, and I'd like to give back however I can. To that end, I'm now offering my services as a proofreader to whoever needs them.

The services that I'm confident offering include:

  • Spotting typos, including those that word processors would miss (e.g. there, their, they're; sight, site; breath, breathe)
  • Spotting awkward sentences and helping to reshape them into something that flows more naturally

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Do you wish to be a proofreader? · 6:52pm Dec 11th, 2015

How would you feel to be a creature who can make their own decisions in a story? I have been working on a project for some time now and I have no one to share it with. It saddens me to know this; to feel alone in a way. Would anyone care to help a young pup such as myself? One who will be honest and true when speaking their mind. I would like you to be a pre-reader and a huge help for this project. I await your answers. Please message me or comment in this Blog if you wish to help this sad

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Report TheSpiritWolf12 · 466 views · #proofread #help

Finally got a good honest review · 4:21am Dec 22nd, 2017

And I'm glad for it.

Now to get onto fixing everything.

Anyone willing to help?


No proofreader? Open proofreading? · 11:03pm Jun 26th, 2019

Edit: I think I have enough volunteers for pre-reading/proofreading, thank you, everyone! :pinkiehappy: I will keep this blog up, but just wanted to note that the response was better than I thought! /endedit.

I found a proofreader for my next story and on the last chapter they read, they said that—aside from some preferential suggestions and a few typos—they could almost make the argument that I don't need a pre-reader.

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Going forward · 3:56am Dec 1st, 2016

So, I just posted the final chapter to my first story (with an epilogue coming soon after, but still). While I'm glad I got the story out, I sorta wish I took more time with it. I wanted to put something out, because I have a tendency to dawdle and/or be incredibly nit-picky with how I write. Thus leading to wait periods of several months, if I'm lucky. This entire story was in development since April, or so, mostly because I wanted to iron out the plot, but if I hadn't done that before hand,

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Proofreading Services: Enhancing Your Content with Precision and Excellence · 12:04pm Jun 5th, 2023

In today's fast-paced world, effective communication is paramount. Whether you're an academic, a business professional, or a content creator, the accuracy and clarity of your written material play a crucial role in conveying your message. However, even the most meticulous writers can overlook errors, typos, or inconsistencies in their work. That's where professional proofreading services come to the rescue, ensuring that your content is flawless, polished, and impactful.

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Who Needs an Editor And/Or Proofreader? · 3:27am Aug 1st, 2015

If you need one, comment on this blog post or give me a PM!

I was originally going to give out five slots, but decided to push it down to four since I'm also somebody else's editor (I can do more than one, trust me).

1. Rosegamer
2. Twilight Phantom


Pre-readers Please · 5:01pm Dec 5th, 2016

The first two chapters of Everything She Loves are finally up! Once again I apologize for the wait, though it was a little out of my hands. But now we need to discuss something.

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Report FeatherB · 422 views · #editors #proofreaders

Proofreader wanted! · 4:26pm Mar 7th, 2016

So...yeah. I'm new here. I would like to ask someone to overlook new chapters of my first story: Ponies/Transformers: Cybertron Boys. It's an MLP/Transformers crossover taking place in both Equestria and Earth and I've only got the first chapter up. I would very much appreciate a proofreader for later chapters. Thanks.

Report Quick-5 · 267 views · #help #proofreader

Looking for proof readers · 5:37am Nov 8th, 2018

Due to some issues with my grammar, I am looking for anyone willing to proofread and check my work. If interested, please let me know via message, as I could miss it in the comments.

Thanks- Bockscar

Viewing 1 - 20 of 185 results