• Member Since 8th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Jan 22nd, 2023


An independent Wolf who's wise, kind, and loving; who only cares for the safety and well being of others. He wishes only to be loved and treated fair. A wondering soul searching for his longed dream.

More Blog Posts6

  • 391 weeks
    Reckoning: Epoch Time Between Illusionary Worlds


    E is Equestria while V is Valley. 7 days on E is = to 2 months in V but when the bridge between E and V are open, time is ≠ to V instead = to E. I must find the time difference between E and V by days...
    6 (d = Days)

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  • 404 weeks
    Manahuu, A Goal has been set...

    I dream of becoming someone who you can look up to and call or cry for when you are in dire need of aid or protection. I dream of becoming that creature who in turn would stand by your side for a cause that is both noble and true for the reason of yours and everyone's sake. And I DREAM... of being a well-known writer, gamer, artist, and acoustic guitarist who later disappears

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    1 comments · 323 views
  • 413 weeks
    A Conscious Breath of Clarity and Respite

    Mana'hu everyone, I apologise for my recent absence and my disappearance for the past few months. I have been taking some time away from writing and the My Little Pony community to think to myself. I understand it has been a long time and for those who know me personally, I apologise for not telling you or helping with your work. I have just worked so much that I need some time to myself. Again I

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  • 441 weeks
    Fading Flames of a Phoenix

    A grim time has appeared in my presences, and it is an upsetting one. Not far in the past, my travels led me to a strange light that lived deep within the books of our world, and this light would shine greatly with speeches and words like no other. This light took the form of a wide bird which would spread its wings far so that the world may see them. It bathed itself in fire and would fly to the

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  • 450 weeks
    Do you wish to be a proofreader?

    How would you feel to be a creature who can make their own decisions in a story? I have been working on a project for some time now and I have no one to share it with. It saddens me to know this; to feel alone in a way. Would anyone care to help a young pup such as myself? One who will be honest and true when speaking their mind. I would like you to be a pre-reader and a huge help for this

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Do you wish to be a proofreader? · 6:52pm Dec 11th, 2015

How would you feel to be a creature who can make their own decisions in a story? I have been working on a project for some time now and I have no one to share it with. It saddens me to know this; to feel alone in a way. Would anyone care to help a young pup such as myself? One who will be honest and true when speaking their mind. I would like you to be a pre-reader and a huge help for this project. I await your answers. Please message me or comment in this Blog if you wish to help this sad pup. I await your arrival with tired eyes.

Report TheSpiritWolf12 · 439 views · #proofread #help
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