• Member Since 7th Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Now offering free proofreading/editing sevices. See my blog for details.

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  • 136 weeks
    Now Offering Free Proofreading/Editing

    Hey everypony!
    I've been a part of this community for many years now, and I'd like to give back however I can. To that end, I'm now offering my services as a proofreader to whoever needs them.

    The services that I'm confident offering include:

    • Spotting typos, including those that word processors would miss (e.g. there, their, they're; sight, site; breath, breathe)

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    3 comments · 207 views

Now Offering Free Proofreading/Editing · 10:13pm Dec 16th, 2021

Hey everypony!
I've been a part of this community for many years now, and I'd like to give back however I can. To that end, I'm now offering my services as a proofreader to whoever needs them.

The services that I'm confident offering include:

  • Spotting typos, including those that word processors would miss (e.g. there, their, they're; sight, site; breath, breathe)
  • Spotting awkward sentences and helping to reshape them into something that flows more naturally
  • Other technical issues such as verb tense consistency and inappropriate use of passive voice

I also can help with:

  • Punctuation and formatting of dialogue
  • General use of commas and other punctuation

My experience on FimFiction includes:

  • The Truth Behind The Storm by MistyShadowz. ~7,500 words, ~10 hours of editing. My main focus was on typos/grammar issues, reworking awkward sentences, and the placement of commas. Here is a link to some of the author's previous work for comparison

I'm most interested in shorter fics and G5 fics, but I'm willing to be a bit flexible.

So, if you're interested, go ahead and leave a comment here or send me a PM!

"To your valor, my sword, and our victory together. Long may the Sun shine!"

Comments ( 3 )

How do you do a collapsible list on here?

On fimfic? I don't know.
If you mean that bullet point list that I have in the blog post, It's not collapsible on my end.

That is a shame because I have several lists that I want to put up in a single blog post but if posted as I have them now would shrink the scroll bar on the side to virtually nonexistent.

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