• Member Since 17th Feb, 2016
  • offline last seen Feb 2nd, 2019


Just a simple guy trying to live in this crazy world.

More Blog Posts4

  • 286 weeks
    Are there any professional editors here?

    I know it's been awhile since I've posted anything (blog or otherwise) but I thought I'd make a post asking whether there are any professional editors who could look at something non-pony related. Having gotten some feedback already on the blog post I wrote from people who are either friends of mine, or simple acquaintances, I thought I would follow the advice one of them gave me and find an

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    0 comments · 194 views
  • 371 weeks
    Becoming a proofreader.

    I'm sure there are a lot of proofreader on this site. However, would having one more for people to turn to when the others are busy really be so bad? I thought I could use what I've learned these past few months to good use by helping others with their writing?

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    0 comments · 264 views
  • 421 weeks
    What I have been doing these past few months.

    It has been awhile since I have started the fan fic called Alone at Sunset. The reception so far has been well. I need to edit certain parts of the prologue but those are minor. During these past few months, I was working on and off on chapter one. I thought I had pretty much completed it but a friend of mine gave me a suggestion on how to make chapter one better and longer.

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    0 comments · 216 views
  • 435 weeks
    My first blog, chapter 1 help, and various other things.

    I'm going to be honest with everyone who will read this blog; I don't like posting garbage online. I like what I say to have a purpose, to make people think. However, it doesn't always work out that way and I wind up posting some stupid shit that winds up pissing people off or teased or what-have-you. Getting teased, trolled, and having the stuff you post online criticized is fine. After all,

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    6 comments · 277 views

Becoming a proofreader. · 9:43pm Jun 11th, 2017

I'm sure there are a lot of proofreader on this site. However, would having one more for people to turn to when the others are busy really be so bad? I thought I could use what I've learned these past few months to good use by helping others with their writing?

My starting rate is $5.00 a page. This seems like a reasonable price starting out. The rates I looked up were $40 dollars an hour with $0.02 - $0.03 per word. That seems a bit too expensive for the average fan fiction writer, don't you think?

If you would like to get in contact with me, my email is: corsinirosario@gmail.com. I am also on Twitter @TwiSparkPhil. Or you can send me a message on here. I am also on Discord if you would like to talk to me on there: Sophia Phillimina#9052.

I look forward to helping you improve your writing.

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