
Viewing 121 - 140 of 219 results

Delaying My Fireteam Freelance Thoughts + Other Updates · 7:10pm Aug 28th, 2020

Just a quick update, but I’ve pushed my post on Fireteam Freelance back a few days. It’ll come out next week. Why?

So that there’s more time for readers to post their thoughts to the reader feedback post. A day (less, really) isn’t enough time for most people to respond, and most people react when they hear that a newer, larger post is coming by just ignoring it.

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Writing and Meta 01: Minor fixes and initial character representation · 8:01am May 31st, 2017

Now, first of all, as I already mentioned before (or should have mentioned at least) I consider a current version of the story a draft. As my writing skills are mediocre at their best, my intent and it's execution may just turn to be a completely different things. So, I'm going to do a slightly controversial thing here. I'm going to describe at least some of my intend behind the certain points of the story. As I'm obviously avoiding significant spoilers here, but I think that a more direct

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Looking For Feedback! · 7:27am Jan 19th, 2020

Hi everyone!

To those of you that read my stories, I'm wondering: what do you like to see from me? Do you like second-person cuddle oneshots? Do you prefer the comedy stories I put out? My romance CYOAs? I've only written a few longer stories, but are those your favorite?

And, while we're at it, any constructive feedback on my writing? Any repeated mistakes you've noticed?

Just figured it's about time to elicit some opinions!


Where Stranded Went Wrong … and Right · 9:13pm Dec 3rd, 2021

Well, I figured I’d better do something to have more content this week than Being a Better Writer, and I wasn’t feeling another OP-ED today since I’d rather finish another writing project, so how about we talk about that other writing project for a moment?

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The State of Progress as of the end of September · 12:30am Oct 1st, 2021

I don't usually know what I'm doing, but I do know that by telling you guys what I've done it helps me to remember to do things.

I tend to write on more than one story at a time, so I figured I could make a blog post like this to give you guys at least some idea of what's to come next and what I'm working on. And, as an added bonus, this gives you guys another way to interact with the world's okayest fetish writer.

Update: Making Them Fit (WIP Title) went from 0 to 1457 words.

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Frank up against a new and frightening foe!? · 3:53pm May 3rd, 2023

In The Slash Of Truth - Chapter 12, Frank wanders down into the darkest depths of the motel with only one thing on his mind: BLOOD!

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Being a Better Writer Topic Call Ongoing! · 6:47pm Oct 5th, 2020


Yeah, I’m taking this Monday off. From Being a Better Writer. For three reasons.

One, it’s been a while, and a break sounds kind of nice. I churn these out almost every Monday without fail, year round save the occasional holiday, so yeah, a break actually sounds kind of nice. If you’re still itching to read something BaBW today, I’d say hit that search bar on the side and find one of the hundreds already up!

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An idea - FEEDBACK PLZ · 2:20am Feb 9th, 2017

So I just recently published THIS Over on Friendship Shorts which is where I put ideas for Discovering Friendship and while the idea itself isn't canon to the main story, IT IS some things I've been thinking really hard about for the Future of Discovering Friendship. So I

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Beat 'em up · 7:05pm May 6th, 2016

So I decided to have a competition with a friend of mine. Lyre4Lyra. I want to have more followers and my story have more views than his. :trollestia: can we do it? IDK but if you read Foal Fable - Equestria Called maybe I can get over 160 views. Tell your friends! Hit that follow button, please. :twilightsmile: On the other hand I was quite surprised that I managed to get a 4th chapter out in such short time.

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Bluebird Update: I'm tired · 11:36pm Mar 13th, 2022

So, hello again, it's been well over a month since the last chapter of Bluebird, huh? I know someone asked about it in the comments section but the next chapter is on its way, as of writing it's been sent to the editor, who will take as much time as they need to look it over. Once they are happy with it, it'll be up.

To hold you over, I thought I'd make a few things clear to you all:

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The Fate Of Morning Meir · 10:26pm May 17th, 2019

I have been wondering this for a long time now, and I'm sorry to say that I still don't know the answer to this question:

Should I continue making Morning Meir stuff?

Morning was my first original character for a storyline and when I first made her I loved everything about her, and was invested in her story. And I still am! But the question is....well, is anyone else?

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Welcome to the Wild: The Bi-Weekly Update · 10:37pm Feb 17th, 2021

Hello readers! It’s Wednesday, and that means a small news update on how things are ticking along!

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Revising a story & User Harassment. · 3:59pm Nov 10th, 2023

Twin Moon collides is being revised and reposted later. I have other things to work on at the moment.

I had a few on the story that did't have the ability to see the source of image, despite it being very clear when you go over the source. Got annoyed with the constant whining, blocked them. Dont waste my time with your foul mouth and mighter than thou remarks.

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Chapter Update - Do Ponies on Earth Have Magic Dreams?” · 6:12pm Oct 3rd, 2020

Another brand new chapter today! Nothing ground breaking, but it’s back to the cute characters I really enjoy writing the most. I’ve got another in the works already, and that should be out next week.

As always, I really appreciate any kind of feedback, I’m working really hard on trying to get some, and even just something small would mean the world to me.


How To Google Docs · 6:50pm Jul 25th, 2018

Because it comes up a lot in the writing-help rooms on Discord, here's how to easily share your writing to get feedback without having to muck about with user-specific permissions.

1. Create a Google Doc that has the writing you want critiqued in it.

2. At the top right of the document's edit screen, click the Share button:

3. Click Advanced:

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Touching things up · 1:44am Mar 29th, 2016

Starting Chapter 14 for What They Expect to Give tonight. Hoping to hit close to 1.5k words. I got a little sidetracked tinkering with this new drabble series I'm doing featuring two background ponies. I'm hoping to put that out there soon. If you're into slice of life and comedy, PM me! I'd like some feedback on what I have so far. It's not much--just 1k. I'm trying to break out of my comfort zone.

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Feedback? · 9:29pm Feb 14th, 2018

Since a fair share of my followers also participate in the Lunbra group, I'd figure that I'd toss this here too. This thread is looking for feedback on a potential folder change that will bring new content in, and it could use all the comments that it can get. The thread is here.

Thanks for clicking on this~


one-shot (and please help?) · 9:37pm Feb 13th, 2016

Started a cute one-shot thing. Not done with it yet, but it could serve as a prelude to my FlutterDash fic. It feels like it's shaping up all right, and it might help convince people to give my longer story a try. I don't need my stories to be featured or anything, but it'd be nice if they weren't being so harshly put down.

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Hello... is there anybody OUT there... can you hear me? · 6:30pm Apr 20th, 2020

I have come back from the dead! If anyone who still follows me or who can see this, I'd like to hear some feedback in the comments. I am going to continue my story "The Storm's Challenge" (eight years after I started it... imagine that). I have a pretty solid outline of a story in mind, so I hope to finish it within a month.

How has everypony been?


It’s Time for Another Being a Better Writer Topic Call! · 8:38pm Nov 17th, 2021

Hello readers! The time has come! Please insert a long, echoing cry of “has come!” there if you so choose.

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Viewing 121 - 140 of 219 results