
Viewing 101 - 120 of 307 results

It's all about a name. Complete. · 6:53pm Jun 12th, 2016

Greetings everyone who reads this.

It's been a long time since the last time I wrote something, call it lazy, busy, annoying things, there were [and are a lot of because], but nonetheless I'm back and I plan to make it as often as I can [did someone else feel like a deja vu or just I?].

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Some people make themselves very, very unhappy · 9:40pm Dec 17th, 2017

Haven't been around much, but then, you knew that. Busyness, health issues, and frankly a whole lot of depression. Even ponies weren't interesting me very much anymore. I had a ticket to go to EQLA and a party that same weekend, and I did not go to either.

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Last season · 6:17am Feb 23rd, 2019

Oh boy i heard that fim is going to be on its last season well interesting and of course when i grow the balls to start commissions heh well is there other fandoms you guys think i should write for?


WWW: The Greater and Lesser Fandoms · 7:27pm Mar 24th, 2016

Starting off with some informative posts regarding the details of the WWW, this one will be tackling a very familiar subject: the fandoms of the Known Internet. How are they related to the ones we know? How are they structured? What role do they have in the world? And what differentiates them from each other?

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Oh, hey, I'm not dead... · 4:03pm Apr 24th, 2016

I apologize if this blog post seems a bit too rough or defensive, but simply put, I haven't had the drive, the 'oomph' to write as of late. And it's not just for this fandom, but for ALL my other fandoms. I mean, I go to Google Docs wanting to write and as soon as I open up any given document, my mind just blanks and I can't write a damn thing.

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I Finished the RCL List from 2013-Aug. 2014 · 8:52pm Apr 30th, 2018

Way back in August 2014, when I first joined this site, I put every story that was in the Royal Canterlot Library at that time into my "Read Later" list. For a few days/weeks, I read all of them at a steady pace. Many of them I enjoyed, some I didn't, but they were all very interesting to read.

Then, at some point, when there were three stories left, I stopped.

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To those who are afraid of the future of MLP · 6:01am Aug 10th, 2018

Let me discharge some words of wisdom having come from the Sonic Fandom, The OG PPG era and now this MLP era:

As many of my esteemed colleagues in this fandom have said, it bears repeating:

Creativity cannot be boxed in. It cannot be stifled. it cannot be destroyed.

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Why do you think that the early YouTube parodies of FIM that was either bloody or scary from the early days of the fandom is nowadays considered tame by today's standards? · 11:31pm Sep 25th, 2020

Do you guys and gals think that the YouTube Parodies of FIM (Like Smile HD,, and that were bloody and scary back when they first came out in the early days of the fandom, is nowadays considered tame by today's standards in the year of 2020?
Why and how?
Answer away!


Goodbye forever I guess, that's if I re-find my spark · 3:44am Dec 28th, 2016

I've promised a lot of things in the past and I know I have yet to do any of them but with the way things have been going for me, I don't know if I'll be able to fulfill anything that concerns with MLP again. I've lost my spark in it a year ago and so far the new things added with MLP like the characters, LOE, Spruce the Douche and etc. I'm not feeling what I used to back then and I've started to slowly move on from it as a whole.

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This is how RWBY fans work... · 12:29am Feb 26th, 2017

I don't excuse myself from this truth.

Report SuperKamek · 217 views · #rwby #fandom #fans #shipping #ship #meme

Let's Talk Fandom Crap That Probably Only Irritates Me (Part 1) · 6:35pm Apr 25th, 2018

We all love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It's the reason we're all even here on this site, after all. And most of us like Equestria Girls. And, of course, we all like making up stories about these characters and places that have captivated our imaginations.

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TODAY #33 · 2:59pm Apr 19th, 2018


Antonymph Drum Cover · 5:03pm Apr 11th, 2022

For those of you who listened to my unhinged rambling last week. Really gotta dial in that snare tone...

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Hey did you all hear? · 1:56am Jul 25th, 2020

Apparently, we're In hybernation/dead right now. Just ask this pony fan.


Friendship was magic: How Bronies are preparing for the end of My Little Pony · 11:18pm Aug 28th, 2018

Hello all,

So, uh... I didn't mention this in my last blog, but if you were at BronyCon, you might remember me mentioning that I was working on a project. Or, possibly, I may have asked you for an interview or some pictures.

Well, all that was in service of this:

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Hugo Award Nominees for 2017 have been announced! · 3:28pm Apr 4th, 2017

The nominees for 2017 Hugo Awards, presented this summer at Worldcon 75, in Helsinki, have been revealed!

Here's the official announcement video, from Worldcon 75's Youtube channel:

And if you prefer to get it all in a text format, you can go check it out at Tor's website, here:

Hugo Award finalists announced.


Tumbleweed talking Tumbleweed, Part Three! · 1:34am Jan 29th, 2018

Because nobody asked for it, here's part THREE of my 'director's commentary' of my fics.

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'Ello! - An Introduction · 1:36am Jan 12th, 2017

Hey peeps!
I'm MyNerdyRomance (or Sammeh, Sami, Sammie, Sammy, Satan, Mini Me, Short Stack, Luffy, An-Annoying-Sis, Nerdy, Spork, Sampai, Sami the Senpai, Moose, Squirrel, and I think that's it... idk) and I suck at writing. That's the first thing.
The second thing is, if you haven't seen yet. I write many different fanfictions on different accounts.
DevanArt: None Yet and No Art At The Moment

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Mind the Gaps. · 5:28am Feb 13th, 2018

It's probably no surprise to you, dear reader, that I am something of a nerd. I mean, it takes a special sort of personality to write hundreds of thousands of words of fanfic based on a kid's cartoon, right?

Also, I dig Star Trek. Or, uh, parts of Star Trek. I hear good things about Discovery, but I maintain that the best Trek show was Deep Space Nine. And the best character on Deep Space Nine (if not all of Star Trek)?


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I Just Realized Something · 2:27am Apr 1st, 2016

I don't really talk to you guys at all. By talk I mean actually talk to you. Most of the time I never ask you questions or feedback on ideas and I never use this for anything but updates.

Maybe I could change that.

With this in mind, allow me to ask you all a question: how did you join the fandom? More specifically, what led you to discover ponies? It's always nice to hear other brony's "origin" stories.

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Viewing 101 - 120 of 307 results