
Viewing 81 - 100 of 438 results

Even More Readings · 8:42pm Nov 2nd, 2019

So that's a surprise to see while you're at a convention. I can't watch yet, but Scribbler did a full cast reading of A Fleeting Light in the Darkness and its sequel Glimmer of Hope in the Black.

Go, watch.


I need encouragement · 1:51pm Sep 19th, 2016

I feel a bit shitty, and I can't drink. I hope your days have been good. I made a striped wolf on Saturday and plan to make more. Yesterday I had dance practice and it was so much fun! I'm doing my best to stay positive. :pinkiesmile:


a new beggining · 5:45am Sep 5th, 2019

So, this is it, all the episodes of season 9 have been seen by someone outside fo Hasbro now, due to different release dates and leaking and such< i haven't seen them all, but what I have seen tells a similar story, some bad ones, and some very good ones, and again, judging episodes based on season and using that to judge a season as a whole is very flawed, see my last blog post, but that's not the point.

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Good days, bad days · 4:22pm March 4th

Hi everypony, it's been a while since the last update of my story :unsuresweetie:. My life has been in a dumps for a while and I had no motivation the last few months. I'm sorry for the break I will try not to disappoint all the folk who followed my story and give you and update soonTM.

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I Should've Done This A Long Time Ago · 8:09am Nov 18th, 2020

Well, you've read the title well enough on its own and yet you're wondering about why it's there all of the sudden: after all, my previous blog was over nine months ago and even then, this should've been done a long time ago; nevertheless, it's about time for an update since I'd taken the liberty of writing some new stories recently as well as currently writing more as of currently. In any case, I feel nothing but a heavy pressure gathering up inside of me right now since I have a hard time

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Are you ready for Season Six? ‘cause I ain’t! · 9:07pm Mar 23rd, 2016

There seems to be a lot of crap going on at the moment with me…stuff I let pile up and stuff coming up. While easily more than half my followers and friends hope against hope that King Sombra has something to do the Crystal Empire’s weather mishap, I aggressively ignored putting hope in my heart while keeping busy on FIMFiction.

I’ve always had a problem with pacing myself.


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Important News: Moving House, Story Slowdowns and Potentential Projects · 4:49am Oct 22nd, 2015

Surprisingly, the tag "moving" is rather small.

As the title may suggest, the most important reason for this blog post is something that will affect my productivity quite drastically. More at eleven.

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Legends of Everfree Trailer Thoughts · 5:06am Jul 23rd, 2016


Top Five Guitar Solos · 10:22pm Sep 4th, 2016

Okay, just for fun I thought I'd make a list of my top five guitar solos






What's yours?


Very Concerned. · 12:45pm Aug 27th, 2019

Sometimes, I see or hear something, and I step away to think about it before responding.

This was one of those times.

Did... did I just see propaganda on FiMFiction that equated anti-fascism with Nazism? :rainbowderp:

Did I just see a pro-Master Race group, insisting that the “lesser races” in its stories (earth ponies and pegasi) be subjected to the torture and tyranny that their “inferior genes” deserve? :rainbowhuh:

I’m still processing.

What. The. Hell. :unsuresweetie:


HEY! IT'S ME! NOT AUSTIN! · 11:54pm Mar 3rd, 2018

Well, hello everypony. This is a real first for me. I usually don't make blogs. Well, I used to not write, but now I'm creating a novel based on a story I love. Seems that there's a first for everything. So, what I came here today to talk about is FoE: A Song of Hope. So, if you've been wondering where the new chapters have gone, and you're not someone who can read very big bold text, then you may want to know that I've been rewriting the chapters for the story recently.

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Oh the Humanity · 9:19am Jun 2nd, 2016

This is just my Thoughts about our own world and as a species, For so long we Humans fought each other and have been corrupted with Greed and Sins,

So I think to myself why do we kill our own Brothers and Sisters, our own flesh, blood, and DNA, WE are Humans and still we cheat, we steal, we kill only for our own needs and wants.

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Some good news regarding my health. · 5:09pm Nov 15th, 2019

I apologize but I have been a bit sluggish in updates recently because it's been a rather crazy week. I'm working on the next chapter for My Sister, Cozy Glow and I'm liking it so far. :pinkiesmile:

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Dawning Hope fan art! · 8:22pm Aug 19th, 2022

Got this awesome piece of Dawning Hope fan art from a friend, LionPatriot. Very happy with how this turned out. :)


Unseen, Unheard Fanart for Nocturnal Reverie! · 12:49am Oct 25th, 2022

I hope you like it! I haven't read past Chapter 12 yet so sorry if this isn't very relevant anymore. Anyways the URL for the images wasn't working for some reason so here's the link instead:


Holy Crap, am I a Distracted Turd · 5:51am Jun 5th, 2023

Seriously, I've been playing WAY more video games lately (Xillia 2 and Binding of Isaac, mostly), and binging on a lot of youtube stuff. Mostly TearofGrace, because he's hilarious and people should watch him more.

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Still on break... · 9:43pm Nov 18th, 2015

For those of you wondering, yes, I'm still around, and yes, I'm still very much on break. However, I will also say I'm cooking something up. What that is you'll just have to wait and see.

Otherwise, the month has been alright. Nothing too big, nothing too small, too busy, or too hectic. Just is.

Hope you all have been having a decent November.


Sunset Shimmer · 8:48am Jul 2nd, 2015

I'm sure this open love letter for Sunset Shimmer is the first of many, as she is my current infatuation and I can't stop thinking about her. Aside from being hot, adorable, and having a large repertoire of facial expressions, it's how sincere she is that sells me by the end of Rainbow Rocks.

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The recent ep gave me some ideas · 10:08pm Jul 31st, 2016

So after watching the recent episode, which was hilarious in it's own meta way, I got a couple ideas for a convention chapter for AR2. So far, my idea is just what would happen if Derring and Ahuizota went to a convention for the books he wrote. I don't know if RD will be there, and if it will be regular or r63 RD.

However, it's going to have to wait as several other fics are biting my ankles for me to work on them. I'll try to sneak in some words where i can, but don't expect it soon.


An Open Letter to Beethoven's Suicide Note · 4:08am Feb 19th, 2018

This blog I wrote on April 7th, 2016 that was posted on the group's forum: Anti-Depression Ponies. At the time, I wrote this in order to give those that are depressed a lesson from the past by the one icon that I admire: Ludwig van Beethoven. In this blog, I wrote a response letter to his now famous suicide note that he wrote back in 1802 when it became clear that he was going deaf. From here, I'll sharing with you guys

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 438 results