
Viewing 81 - 100 of 307 results

Proof is Irrelevant · 6:52am May 6th, 2016

(Ranty ramble incoming x3 Foul language warning.)

Just a late ass post before bed xP

Anyhow, over all my years in this fandom. I've come to realized that proof, most the time, is utterly worthless.

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The iPone has arrived - and people are spontaneously combusting · 10:14pm Apr 9th, 2021

I think the new pones are ridiculously cute, and a smartphone (regardless of how it works - we're officially in the far future after all) with a hoof-indent for better, uhm, handling is peak adorable. That's got to be one of the next inventions in the Track-Switch verse, for mankind's ongoing quest to become more accommodating to ponykind.

I'm very much looking forward to this. Not because I expect a great movie, but because I expect to be entertained. Same as with the last movie.

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Report Celefin · 298 views · #iPone #Pipp #g5 #fandom hate

Fuck racist fandoms · 12:29am Jul 7th, 2020

Nothing I can add to this.


Dear Princess Celestia...thank you · 9:45pm Nov 24th, 2015

Dear Princess Celestia,

A few weeks ago, I learned a very important lesson about friendship. Strangely enough it was a lesson that your sudent had learned not too long ago.

See this?

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Moondancer is Controversy · 8:12pm Jul 4th, 2015

Who here loves Moondancer? Who here has loved her even without ever appearing in the show even once? Who here has written about her in some form or another? The answer to all those questions is; me.

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The Best Things This Fandom Has Done For Me · 12:08am Nov 9th, 2017

Hey guys!

So, in light of some recent events, I've had a lot of time to reflect on my life and all that it has offered me. I know it sounds cheesy or maybe even over the top, but in no small part, this fandom has hugely influenced the direction of my life over the past few years.

So, given that truth, here is my list of the best things that have happened to me because of this fandom.

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What do we call the shipping of Vinyl Scratch and Octavia? · 10:23pm Oct 11th, 2015

Seriously, I have no idea. I know, of course, that Soarin' and Applejack create my favorite pairing of SoarinJack and the first my little pony fanfic that I ever read was part of a AppleDash series. I know the name of many more obscure shippings as well, such as TwiFire, RariDoo and LunaMac, but I don't know the name of one of the most unchallenged* ships our fandom has to offer! It's like not knowing that Rainbow Dash is the victim in Cupcakes!

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Horsing Around Forever · 4:54am Oct 10th, 2017

My thoughts.

I just came back from my third viewing of the My Little Pony movie, this time with a friend. The first two times were with my own fillies, and I thought to myself how ponies have been such a bridge between myself and them. There's a fandom, and in it everypony has an opinion. Episodes are dissected, characters examined, motivations questioned, and yet the little ones...just enjoy it. No frills, no expectations, and no complications.

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Help! My Heart is Full of Pony! - The Negative and the Positive · 4:56am Aug 23rd, 2017

When I first heard that the newest generation of My Little Pony was gathering an adult fan base, I presumed that it would be because the show had some kind of edgy self awareness to it - that it would deliver the sort of sardonic humor that pushed the boundaries of children's television back in the 90's and early 00's.

I gave pony a shot thinking I might end up liking it somewhat ironically.

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Fanfic that ISN'T about magical horses? · 2:13am Aug 18th, 2017

Sadly, no, this is not an announcement for that Leverage/Batman crossover I keep on telling myself to write, or the Captain America/Steven Universe crossover (I mean, they're both named Steve, they both have a star symbol, they both use shields ... ) or any number of other vague ideas I have percolating at the back of my brain.

Rather, in lieu of being actually productive, I thought I'd turn to my dozens upon dozens of loyal fans, and ask a question. Namely:

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100th episode is COMING! · 1:04pm Jun 13th, 2015


Help! My Heart is Full of Pony! - PSA - Respect Your Own Art · 5:59pm Sep 4th, 2020

A brief public service announcement for every artist, musician, craftspony, writer, creative type in the fandom, (and frankly, for creators everywhere).

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Final post · 4:28pm May 7th, 2019

I have officially left the fandom and most likely not returning. I thank the fandom for what it has done for me, but I can no longer stay in it. It has from what I have seen become very toxic and I can no longer handle it. I know that some of you will flame me for saying that the fandom is toxic, but it is and everyone needs to realize that. The fandom's motto was 'love and tolerate', but from what I have seen it hasn't been shown since season 4, or maybe longer. Again, that is from what I have

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furries and fandoms · 2:14am Mar 31st, 2020

henlo. it feels like the ponyverse is as slow as it's gonna get these days, and we are wondering where to congregate or poke our noses into looking for work in other fandoms or with fur-folk in general. as a pone-liker, fur-folk are some of our favorite to interact with, as we seem to be on similar planes of arbitrary fixation.

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Why Is The Brony Fandom So Big? Also, My Personal Experience With The Show. · 4:00pm Nov 11th, 2015

As you can guess from the title, I'm going to be talking about the brony fandom. It's something that's both confused and amazed me for a while. I'm also going to be talking about my own personal experience with the show and the fandom. I don't really care whether or not anybody actually reads this, because I just want to get my thoughts down.

My experience with the show:

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This Fandom Has Been Amazing To Me · 3:17am Oct 30th, 2016

Hey guys!

So, I could go on all day about why there haven't been any updates. I know for a fact a lot of you are waiting on an update for my Spike and Starlight story, I'm Your Villain. With good reason, considering it's been months since I've touched it. After a lot of nonsense, I can finally promise some new things on the horizon. So there you go.

But, this blog isn't about that.

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Season 5 Retrospective · 12:53am Jan 8th, 2016

Right, so it's been a month since I last checked in, and at that time I said I'd write a couple blog posts. Well, the holiday season came at me like a ton of bricks, what with its real-life obligations and so forth. I wish I had been able to put some time aside for writing, but I'm honestly pretty bad about that. But that's all over and I have more free time than usual. So, like I said last time, I had some thoughts about Season 5, specifically everything after "The Lost Treasure of

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In retrospect, it's kind of funny · 12:18am Mar 9th, 2016

End season with multiple AUs and provide the fandom with an abundance of fanfic material

Have the shortest hiatus yet.


It's all Hasbro's fault . . . that you got what you wanted · 5:39pm Jun 18th, 2015

I know it's popular among some people to blame everything on Hasbro. If it's a good idea, it was the writers. If it's a bad idea, it's Meghan McCarthy. And right down at the bottom, BLAME HASBRO. Hasbro and their evil toyetic ways crush Bronies' dreams, forcing MLP to be --shudder--a little girls' cartoon.

Think again.

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Random thought... · 5:38pm Aug 2nd, 2018

Why do fans of kids shows insist on rigid continuity and timelines for everything... and yet, they're perfectly fine with the main characters not aging in primetime animated series like The Simpsons, Family Guy, or Bob's Burgers?

Has it never occurred to anyone that FiM and Equestria Girls is operating on those same rules? The characters just don't age and time doesn't move forward unless the story dictates they should?

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 307 results