• Member Since 4th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen January 9th


You don't need a vacation, darling. You need a new life.

More Blog Posts52

  • 161 weeks
    Happy 20th anniversary, Lord of the Rings. Stories, anyone?

    Sweet Celestia I'm old.

    What are your favourite LotR crossover fics here on fimfiction?
    I still remember 'The White Rider', an amazingly written fic that sadly was never finished.

    Anyway. :b

    6 comments · 225 views
  • 173 weeks
    Next Generation? Oh yes please.

    Must say I loved the movie, it gave a shitty week a wonderful end and I still have the fuzzies 20h later. That hasn't happened in a very, very long time. Watched it with my kids and other half, and we had a blast. Characters are great, the music is good to great and always fits, the jokes landed. References and also themes that will go over most kids' heads but are satisfying and often funny to

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    7 comments · 342 views
  • 191 weeks
    Six years and a day ago...

    ...the one thing happened that made me write my first fimfiction story, Northland.

    TThe Last Pony on Earth
    One day, Earth. The next, everyone is gone and I'm a pony. What the heck is going on?
    Starscribe · 105k words  ·  2,115  84 · 27k views


    I got a a really nice comment on it today and now I feel both happy and sad.
    At my current pace the next chapter of Northland should be out at about May 2025. :ajsleepy:

    7 comments · 256 views
  • 197 weeks
    The iPone has arrived - and people are spontaneously combusting

    I think the new pones are ridiculously cute, and a smartphone (regardless of how it works - we're officially in the far future after all) with a hoof-indent for better, uhm, handling is peak adorable. That's got to be one of the next inventions in the Track-Switch verse, for mankind's ongoing quest to become more accommodating to ponykind.

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    22 comments · 369 views
  • 200 weeks
    Not dead, new story, lots of coffee

    So, yeah, I'm not dead.
    I had a really, really shitty time that recently ended with me losing my job, which I hated.

    Apparently that sudden freedom was what was needed to lift my writer's block and I wrote a new story, that may or may not be a one-shot.

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    9 comments · 289 views

The iPone has arrived - and people are spontaneously combusting · 10:14pm Apr 9th, 2021

I think the new pones are ridiculously cute, and a smartphone (regardless of how it works - we're officially in the far future after all) with a hoof-indent for better, uhm, handling is peak adorable. That's got to be one of the next inventions in the Track-Switch verse, for mankind's ongoing quest to become more accommodating to ponykind.

I'm very much looking forward to this. Not because I expect a great movie, but because I expect to be entertained. Same as with the last movie.

That said, this is just so incredibly sad:

How do you prepare someone for the very real possibility of death threats - for the crime of designing a cute pony differently to someone's entitled expectations? Seriously... the state (of parts) of this fandom.

Report Celefin · 369 views · #iPone #Pipp #g5 #fandom hate
Comments ( 22 )

The state of any fandom really, this sort of thing really does seem to attract the monomaniacs.

Posted a "Take a deep breath, y'all" blog a few minutes ago. But there's a reason I avoid Twitter. Freaking people, man.

It's called hyperfixation for a reason, sadly.

I blame 4chan.

That and this weird obsession a ton of guys have with settings being set in stone.

Comment posted by SQA deleted Apr 9th, 2021
SQA #5 · Apr 9th, 2021 · · ·

Yeah, it is pretty cringe how people are reacting. Especially considering that by that very designer's own admission it was a corporate mandate and their hands were tied.

Not to diminish the sadness of someone threatening death over a cute pony, but this kind of toxicity exists in every fandom. I'm a part of the furry fandom, I'm a brony, I'm a Trekkie, I'm a, uh, Warsie, I'm a Whovian, I love all kinds of shows, and it never fails that when even the most minor of changes occurs, there are some "fans" who scream in rage, like when Jodie Whittaker received death threats for being the new Doctor. Even if you really don't agree with the direction of the series, there's *never* an excuse for that kind of absurdity.

I've been trying to give them encouragement in the MLP threads because to me it looks cute! I mean, if I end up not liking it, I have G4 and all kinds of stories to enjoy, there's nothing to lose. I can only hope the positivity ends up outweigh the negativity by a vast majority. I'm tired of this toxicity, too. No one deserves death threats for wanting to make people happy.

I didn’t like what I saw of Pony Life, so I didn’t watch it. If people enjoyed it, good for them. Not my thing, but not everything has to be.

What I see so far of G5 looks super adorable, and if when we get the finished product it isn’t great, I can ignore it or I can write fix-fics, no problem. Or do my usual focus on background characters that I like and write about them.

I wasn’t a huge fan of the idea of EqG, but the movies I watched, well, they had more songs than I liked, but other than that they were pretty good. Some of the shorts were excellent.

Pony cell phones are fun to imagine, although perhaps I’m biased on that.


I mean, if I end up not liking it, I have G4 and all kinds of stories to enjoy, there's nothing to lose.

Yeah, this. I’ve got several years worth of reading in my RiL, which honestly I’ll never catch up on, and if it turns out G5 has zero redeeming qualities whatsoever I can keep on writing G4. If it’s good, so much the better, I’ve got writing fodder and so do lots of other talented authors.

People. Are. Clueless. Nitwits. Evidently, many of them think that actors come up with their own lines, and artists can throw in any sort of thing they like into a scripted production. Yes, I don't like what the phone hints at,* but the design itself is clever and pretty. And people are angry at the artist? Fekkin' hell. :facehoof:

* Corporate dictation of content.

Yeeeep. Bit more nervous but still cautiously optimistic about G5, myself.
But Twitter?
Once again glad I'm not on there, just from what I've been hearing secondhand.
Good grief, at least get mad at the people actually responsible for this, not the artists, if you're going to get mad at anyone. And I think it's early even for that given how well G4 was able to roll with some of Corporate's punches (and it's not likely getting mad at Corporate at this point is likely to change anything, either -- and if it does, there's a fair chance it'd just be panicked disconnected flailing out of this and into some other problem).


Not to diminish the sadness of someone threatening death over a cute pony, but this kind of toxicity exists in every fandom.

Tomb Raider fandom and the 2013 reboot. Lara Croft with human limits and, most importantly, without big boobs. Complete and total carnage. Or Mass Effect 3. So yes...

The hate is just as wrong there, but for MLP it just makes me a whole lot sadder. That's not logical, I know. It's just... how can people like that even be fans of something like this?

Anyway, I'm not expecting much of G5. Don't see any reason to despair yet either.


I didn’t like what I saw of Pony Life, so I didn’t watch it. If people enjoyed it, good for them.

Same here. And I also never liked EqG.
Do I feel cheated or that I've somehow lost out? No. As you say, G4 is so massive it'll probably keep me occupied for the next decade. Who is still talking about the last movie? Other than the character of Tempest, I found it pretty forgettable. Good fun, very entertaining, but ultimately nothing that defines FiM for me in any way.

So yes, if G5 sucks, it'll just be G4 SoL forever. :b
I'm cautiously optimistic though. There's also going to be a ton of beautiful art. I mean, there already is.

At the last GalaCon VA panel, there was this guy who asked if the VAs 'would accept it if their characters were to be used in a new series that goes against the canon and if they'd decline to voice them'. Yes really.
The look on Tabitha St Germain's face was priceless. 'Uh. Uhm. Well. I'm... not going to turn down a job that pays my bills?'
Like, some people appear to think that Hasbro employees are irreplaceable superstars who decide how MLP gets developed. Same with artists.

Corporate dictation of content.

For a show with the main purpose of selling toys to non-fandom customers... I guess that's sadly inevitable.
At least they've got some actual fans on the design team.


Good grief, at least get mad at the people actually responsible for this, not the artists, if you're going to get mad at anyone.

I get that MLP means incredibly much to some people... but for me, life's too short to get mad about something like this. The anti-woke culture war battle lines have also already been drawn, based on a few seconds of animation and a still.
Like. Seriously.

Wonder what they use as a power suply. Exploding mana batteries? Or stuck with electricity cos the magics gone?

If they have so called smartphones, wonder if that means the Tree Of Harmony got corrupted by a computer virus, which broke magic?:scootangel:

As an animator I worked on a few hit games during my career, but the vast majority were forgettable or flops, even if they got released. When I finished up one, the studio or client would offer another game to work on, and you can bet your life I happily took the mind-numbingly boring but extremely lucrative job of drawing a thousand frames of fish swimming for Super Black Bass Pro Fishing Game on the SNES. (Nobody ever sent me death threats for making Barbie look too skinny, so I suppose it was a different age.)

Sadly, the reason FiM was so good was that the corporate suits didn't give the slightest damn about the contents. To them, it was just a 30 minute commercial for their plastic toys. That's why Lauren was left alone to create a unique and wonderful fantasy world—at least for a while.

When I worked at another game company, the suits in the marketing department got involved in the sequel to a huge hit game I'd worked on. They utterly destroyed the franchise by dictating bizarre content and micromanaging the day-to-day stuff of the sequel, guaranteeing it would be a flop. Meanwhile upstairs, a brilliant game designer was working on the ugly step-child of the company's projects, and turned that into a mega hit—because she was left alone to do what she did best.

TL:DR, Suits ruin everything, and fans who blame artists for suit decisions are frikkin' idiots.

That would be awesome, but I'm sure it won't be anything that interesting.

I guess that sums this up perfectly.
Now I want a beer with you and hear more about your work history. :twilightsmile:


If they have so called smartphones, wonder if that means the Tree Of Harmony got corrupted by a computer virus, which broke magic?

That would actually be awesome (and reminds me of a story idea I had years ago).

Oh, those too? Greeeeat. [facehoofs]
Like, what even is there to get really upset about so far? No, rhetorical question, please don't answer that; I have better things to do, at least, and it sounds like you do too. :)
I do hope the show staff aren't getting hit too hard by the, ah, more vocal and unpleasantly so sectors of the fandom, though.

:rainbowlaugh: It would take me at least three just to get through the Atari years!

Three beers on me then, I love this kind of stories.
Too bad there's a big pond between us, otherwise I'd say let's meet up at GalaCon next year.
Anyway, cheers. ;)

I travel a lot (or did before the plague), so it's not an impossible thing!

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