• Member Since 4th Sep, 2014
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You don't need a vacation, darling. You need a new life.

More Blog Posts52

  • 146 weeks
    Happy 20th anniversary, Lord of the Rings. Stories, anyone?

    Sweet Celestia I'm old.

    What are your favourite LotR crossover fics here on fimfiction?
    I still remember 'The White Rider', an amazingly written fic that sadly was never finished.

    Anyway. :b

    6 comments · 217 views
  • 159 weeks
    Next Generation? Oh yes please.

    Must say I loved the movie, it gave a shitty week a wonderful end and I still have the fuzzies 20h later. That hasn't happened in a very, very long time. Watched it with my kids and other half, and we had a blast. Characters are great, the music is good to great and always fits, the jokes landed. References and also themes that will go over most kids' heads but are satisfying and often funny to

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    7 comments · 327 views
  • 176 weeks
    Six years and a day ago...

    ...the one thing happened that made me write my first fimfiction story, Northland.

    TThe Last Pony on Earth
    One day, Earth. The next, everyone is gone and I'm a pony. What the heck is going on?
    Starscribe · 105k words  ·  2,108  84 · 27k views


    I got a a really nice comment on it today and now I feel both happy and sad.
    At my current pace the next chapter of Northland should be out at about May 2025. :ajsleepy:

    7 comments · 248 views
  • 183 weeks
    The iPone has arrived - and people are spontaneously combusting

    I think the new pones are ridiculously cute, and a smartphone (regardless of how it works - we're officially in the far future after all) with a hoof-indent for better, uhm, handling is peak adorable. That's got to be one of the next inventions in the Track-Switch verse, for mankind's ongoing quest to become more accommodating to ponykind.

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    22 comments · 330 views
  • 185 weeks
    Not dead, new story, lots of coffee

    So, yeah, I'm not dead.
    I had a really, really shitty time that recently ended with me losing my job, which I hated.

    Apparently that sudden freedom was what was needed to lift my writer's block and I wrote a new story, that may or may not be a one-shot.

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    9 comments · 270 views

Happy 20th anniversary, Lord of the Rings. Stories, anyone? · 9:10pm Dec 19th, 2021

Sweet Celestia I'm old.

What are your favourite LotR crossover fics here on fimfiction?
I still remember 'The White Rider', an amazingly written fic that sadly was never finished.

Anyway. :b

Report Celefin · 217 views · #lotr
Comments ( 6 )
Author Interviewer


I refuse to accept it

Those movies just came out recently, they are modern marvels of filmmaking and storytelling released within the last ten years. :|

...Twenty years? Uh.
Well. Well, yep, what do you know. Twenty years.
For some reason, I'm flashing back to that time I was visiting a museum with my dad, and he commented to someone there that we'd previously visited in... some year I'm forgetting now. And a child nearby excitedly piped up that they'd been born in that year.

(And it seems like "Wait, that's how old now?" moments are happening more and more frequently for me nowadays, too. Funny how that works. :D)

(I'm not thinking of any LoTR/MLP crossover fics at the moment, though, sorry.)

I was on travel when I saw the first movie. Not much else to do than hang out in the hotel, so instead I went to the nearby mall in Melbourne, Florida and plopped my butt in a seat. Couldn't think about anything productive for the rest of that day! Absolutely sparked my imagination.

Spent the rest of my free time that trip plowing through the trilogy. Had no trouble with The Hobbit. The Silmarillion required an act of pure will to get through the parts that were drier than toast.

Yeah, the Silmarillion is something else :b
I never finished the LotR books to be honest. Tolkien's style bored me to death back then, no matter how epic the story.
Heh. Maybe I should give them a try again.

I completely agree with everything you said.
As a small follow up to top that:
Two days ago I watched Indiana Jones - Raiders of the Lost Ark with my 9-year old. He absolutely loved it. As any normal 9-year old would :b
Then I checked when it was released.

Author Interviewer

now I know how the guys looking into the Ark felt D:

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