
Viewing 541 - 560 of 628 results

SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG IN SONIC BOOM (No, not that Sonic Boom. Ugh!) · 8:48pm Nov 15th, 2015


Good night, Night Vale · 1:04am Oct 14th, 2015

night everypony :coolphoto:
i would stay up later but my mom wants me off my laptop
so night everyone :ajsleepy: thats a sleepy face btw


(waves) Yep. Still here! · 1:45am Oct 17th, 2018

Hello everyone! This is just a blog post to let you know that I am, in fact, still around. Also, more importantly, I am writing another story. It's just been slow-going. The simple explanation for my recent silence is just that I've been getting used to my new job. Part of that is just adjusting to a new routine, and the other part is the crushing existential angst of switching careers and wondering if I made the right decision and just need to grow into it, or if I'm just settling for

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State of the Human, December 2017 · 2:31pm Dec 6th, 2017

November was a good month for me, both for writing and in meat space.

Writing-wise, I put out three stories last month. This is a new record for me. Seriously, I'm more inconsistent than quality in a DC superhero movie.

The last story I posted in November did... Well, astoundingly well. I expected to get a few chuckles and then have my story get buried by others of higher quality.

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Read It Now Reviews #87 – What Went Wrong?, A Curious Case of Immortality, Rainbow Dash Comes Out To Her Friends, The Challenge, Proverbial Roses · 10:06pm Jul 14th, 2016

Howdy folks!

With BronyCon in the rearview mirror, I’ve been feeling productive of late. While waiting on Thursday night for my roommates to arrive at the hotel, I started editing an old writeoff story of mine, and managed to finish it off and post it yesterday afternoon:

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Shovels, How Do They Work? · 3:38am May 16th, 2020

Y’all may remember from yesterday (technically, really early this morning) I lost my shovel, found my shovel, broke my shovel, bought a new shovel, and then broke that shovel, too.


Naturally, our tale does not end there.

Nor, fortunately, does the collection of shovel-themed pony pics.

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Illusions · 6:47pm May 26th, 2020

Yesterday, someone linked me to a r/WritingPrompts thread on reddit with an interesting prompt that inspired me. The prompt was "It has long been believed that the Illusion school of magic is by far the weakest of the schools. You, an acolyte, begin to suspect that it is in fact the strongest school, and the elder illusionists have been going to great lengths to hide this."

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Mechanic: Pentastar Oil Cooler · 3:41am Feb 28th, 2022


About that sequel... · 3:57pm Feb 1st, 2016

Hey folks,

First I want to say thanks again for enjoying A Whole New Responsibility, the love you've all given it really has made the entire process worthwhile, and I wouldn't trade it for the world, however... I've read a lot of comments and several PMs in regards to the last chapter, and a fair amount of them are talking about a sequel, well I think I should tell you right here and right now.

It's not happening.

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Coming Soon, This New Year's Eve... · 8:27pm Nov 28th, 2022

Dewdrops on the Grass will be proud to present not one, but two long form stories!


Even as I stood I kept my gaze steady on her, sharp pain biting into my heart like a set of fanged jaws. “Amelia, I’m sorry it was my magic–”

“Thank you, Ensign, that will be all,” she cut me off sharply.

You've watched.

“Good. We’ll want to do the same on the Enterprise, then,” he said. “Last thing we need is a warp core breach.”

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COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund · 7:53pm Mar 23rd, 2020

Blog Number 70: Coronavirus Fund Edition

Just a brief message this time, because this info might have been buried somewhat in the previous blog post.

I also want to let people know there is a way to donate safely to the World Health Organization if you want to. That's the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. A link directly to the official site is included below:

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crush update · 1:40am Jul 29th, 2018


Yes there will be a Stalk Me While I Write Today · 6:21pm Feb 26th, 2017

Despite picking up “con crud” at Gallifrey One last weekend, I am crawling out of my cave of misery to livecast today. Being with friends always makes me feel better. Even minutes after waking up from hernia surgery years ago, I wanted my friends there around me. Everyone was saying, “you need to rest” and I said, “Screw that. I’ll sleep tonight.” It works. I got out of the hospital the next day feeling weak but so much better for their company and fun!

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Sonic Boom TV getting a 2nd Season!?! · 3:44am Nov 10th, 2015

So, the game was utter horse shit, we who have seen or - very sadly - played it will know this fact.

But the TV show Sonic Boom has been very much the opposite. While Sonic fans everwhere despise the Sonic Boom game, they all shout out in praise for the CGI animated cartoon version. And seriously I don't blame them.

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ep 100 · 6:04pm Jun 13th, 2015


I Really Need To Ask You Guys To Do Me A Favor · 1:03am Jul 21st, 2015

So I was planning on going to Bronycon this year. It sounds like a cool thing, I suppose, but the big draw was seeing a lot of awesome people while I was there. parasprite, Brasta, Akumo, possibly RainbowBob, and a whole lot more awesome people are gonna be there., and we were gonna have an awesome time.

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So Markiplier's just watched some tentacle porn... · 4:29pm Nov 28th, 2015


Next "Iron Horse" Chapter is Delayed · 3:01am Apr 15th, 2017

I'll get right to the point: I found out this morning that my grandfather passed away. He was 89 and on the wane, so it was sudden, but not totally unexpected. I'm holding up all right, but I'm making an emergency flight home to be with the family.

Between that, some work stuff I have to take care of, and all the other stuff involved with this sort of thing, there's no way I'll be able to finish this next Iron Horse chapter. It has been worked on, but it's not there yet.

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Hey, another blog from UniqueSKD (since that's all he's good for these days) · 10:18pm Aug 15th, 2016

So I haven't written any stories for some time now due to fading interest in writing, and because of those damn dirty clopfics getting more attention than other stories, but I've been thinking of maybe having another go at writing again, maybe this time doing some stories for Unique since it had been something I really wanted to do for a long time before. I wanted to write a decent story for my character but despite having ideas I was never able to figure out how to write them out.

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11/01/2016 - Still Kicking It · 3:48am Nov 2nd, 2016

Hey everyone. It's been about two weeks since I said anything (or posted new chapters, for that matter). My plan, of course, is to keep writing for the foreseeable future, but it'll be mostly when the muse strikes me. A recent emotional upheaval of my own making has sidelined me, and it's going to take some time before I recover fully from that (if at all). I haven't not been writing; I've written some words to explore various ideas knocking about upstairs, but none of them have been words for

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Viewing 541 - 560 of 628 results