Jesus Stories! · 3:23pm Jun 14th, 2019
Does this really need an explanation? If so, these holy stories feature the famous son of God himself, Jesus.
... That's about it.
Does this really need an explanation? If so, these holy stories feature the famous son of God himself, Jesus.
... That's about it.
I've delved in Christianity quite a bit. My knowledge of the Bible is waster than that of an average Christian. But Christianity itself never felt right to me.
You know how some whites get offended when they hear the fact that Jesus was black? I always felt that way every time somebody mentioned Jesus's humanity.
I don’t know what’s up with these religious dreams of mine. After my out-of body experience, I now dreamt about Jesus and his apostles.
I was digging the ground, for some reason. I found a map. It was all dirty with mud, but it was legible.
The map had a marking on another location, so I went dug there as well.
Hello, folks! Jade Dawn here, back again (and about time, too!) with another movie review.
And seeing as how today is Easter Sunday (well, at least for all of us living here on the East Coast of the United States), I thought it only fitting to write a movie review about the Son of God Himself.
Not for a good reason, but because I wanted to flex this list of phrases that I made. Nobody will see the list, but just in case, let me know if it reminds you of anything or if it inspires. I've been in a darker frame of mind for some time, so hopefully this will help alleviate some of the edge.
Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross! -Philippians 2:6-8
Christ is Born!
Up to Boston. An hour and a half flight later, and I'll be with my uncle to go to the temple together.
See, the closest temple to me is the Washington DC temple, only 45 minutes away, but that's closed for renovations. Same with the Philadelphia temple, which is the next closest one. That one is a three hour drive. And after that, you might as well hop onto a plane and go anywhere in the country for your needs.
So many of you know i'm Mormon, some of you might not. I just thought to share this Christmas message with all of you who share my belief in Jesus Christ. Those of you who don't, your still welcome to watch and see why I believe in a savior if you want.
Mary Christmas, and let us try to remember the reasons for the season. #ASaviorIsBorn.
As this glorious day comes, I wish you all a great time and I hope that you get a blessing day with your loved ones. I'll share with you some Christmas song that are sang here, enjoy:
Mi Burrito Sabanero
Niño Lindo
Niño Criollo
Last night a friend gave me moonshine. Just got out of the hospital an hour ago. It fits! Oh, and have this.
Twilight was nervous, and that annoyed her greatly. She'd gone through the process of becoming a vampony herself, why did it bother her so much that she was going to see her friends experience the same?
I already have to remind me that I decided to do this to become more consistent with my blogs. So, let's continue with Yui.
While at the orphanage a woman with an important mission comes to our duo (no idea how she found them). A gullible idiot managed to let himself be trapped in a secret high-level dungeon and they have to save him.
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example of those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. 1 Timothy 1:15-16
(Everyone in my YouTube comments) It's Pony Jesus!
Moi. Jesus camp was awesome. I am a bit tired, though.