
Viewing 1 - 20 of 41 results

Hmmm... · 1:02am Jul 21st, 2015

Was considering cosplaying at whinny city pony con, but I'm not sure what pony to go as. I go to thrift stores all the time so just about any pony is good...

However I'd prefer dying my hair over a wig. I've worn a wig before (to be Pinkie Pie!) and its annnnnoooooying

Who should I go as?

Report Normal · 336 views · #halp

HALP ME PLS! · 9:05pm Sep 21st, 2015

Anyone out there good with names? Cause I need one. .

The character I'm trying to name already has one, but I don't like it.

Brief description:
Owner of a dating service, wears a pink vest and knows Prench.

So, if you have a name, pls let me know. I'm just about ready to publish the chapter.

Report Paradox Theory · 257 views · #HALP

I really wanna finish and publish Shattered Rainbow, but... · 11:29pm Apr 8th, 2017

1: I currently have little motivation,
2: I ended up finishing Lab Horse faster than I thought.
And 3: Writer's block. I'm not used to writing sad stories. :facehoof:

Report TheMajorTechie · 232 views · #halp

This evening I'll get drunk and write · 6:45pm Jul 19th, 2015

Here is the google drive link where I'll be writing it if anyone wants to watch. I jotted down some quick notes on it already which you can see there. Anyone with the link should be able to leave comments but not edit. Suggestions are welcome and I'll make sure to look at those before and while I write.

Report Normal · 230 views · #halp

Hey, Guys, I Need Some Help · 2:11am Jul 29th, 2016

Does anyone have any good images of human Applebloom looking at least remotely badass? She can't have any pony characteristics whatsoever. Bonus points if the picture also includes Scoots, Sweetie, and Diamond.

I need it for a story. Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Thanks for all the suggestions, but I ended up going with an image I found through a reverse image search of something submitted by Daydreamingwatcher. Thanks, bud.

Report chillbook1 · 392 views · #Halp!

Help me find some stories? · 4:08am Aug 5th, 2020

It's been a damn one and a half month by just laying on this hospital bed and got to watch Jokowi mad again. But meh, that's not important, you see from this blog right here I post about a request for some stories for me to read while waiting for my condition to go any better. The thing is, I ran out of stories to read again. Any suggestions?

Report TasteDaRainbow · 194 views · #halp!

The Writer's Weakness · 11:45pm Aug 12th, 2016

So as is with everything that everyone does, it is hard to do it flawlessly without practice. There will always be a small mistake that appears meaningless in the grand scheme of things, but may be of monumental proportions to the one doing the mistake.

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Happy Freedom Chicken Day to my Murican readers · 11:30pm Jul 4th, 2018


...whut · 10:39pm Oct 10th, 2015

Help me explain this


Post 162 ~ Is anyone a medical professional? · 9:48pm Mar 11th, 2016

Hey guys, I'm a little worried. About 4 years ago these two large growths appeared on my chest and they haven't stopped growing. They're about the same size and protrude from my chest by about 8cm (4 inches) Is this something I should see a doctor about? If anyone thinks they can diagnose the issue I'll gladly send some pictures. I really hope it isn't anything serious.


Update! King of Goobers needs some new locomotion · 7:24pm Oct 30th, 2015

Greetings my friends! I have a new GoFundMe... I have another but its not being used... much, ehehe. Anyway, I have this new one because I need to obtain a new bike so I can see if I can snag a job down in town at the store that's be opened... I think, not sure but it'd be nice to actually go into town and look for a job, even if its a shitty one working a register in a town where I might get shot in the butt :P

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Report Dustchu · 311 views · #NeedaBike #help #donate #halp

*defeated author noises go here* · 1:57am Nov 28th, 2016


So, between not having time to write (thanks, holidays and fucking relapsing!) and a general block, I'm doing this.

If there is anyone who can read what exists of chapter 3, and give me feedback on the content along with me explaining the other relevant bits, pm me. I'm at a loss , because I know what I want but what I have is kinda not what I want.

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Report Some Jerk · 441 views · #Halp #prereader #begging

So, would anyone like to help me develop a Fictional World? · 1:39am Oct 16th, 2015

As the title says, i would like to know if anyone would like to help me develop a fictional world.

Specifically, i want Races, Species, Civilizations, History, those kinds of things.
PM me or reply here if you are interested.


So boooooored! · 6:21am Sep 8th, 2020

Shoot me a pm. Plz. I'm that bored.

Report Leafy · 142 views · #Halp #boored #random

I can't focus on writing · 2:52pm Jul 14th, 2015

What should I do?

I've been trying to write for days now, and though I have these amazing ideas, my brain feels like it's high off of some mary jane from the moon. I can't keep it wired on the task at hand for long.:fluttershyouch:

It's like there are turbines which are supposed to be turning, but they're jammed it seems.:facehoof:

Report Julia · 436 views · #writer's block #halp me #plx

One sentence. · 9:56pm Jun 13th, 2017

Starswirl knew nothing of friendship.
Cadance nodded smartly, dozens of crates each stamped with the simple logo of ACME of Equestria laid out before her, and levitated a crowbar up to eye level.
"While dragging you to the bottom will be sweet, I’m glad I don’t have to savor it with the taste of vomit in my mouth."
They spy the Crystal Palace on the horizon, smoke rising.

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Aaaaaaaa · 4:01am Sep 10th, 2018

My heart wants to make a new fic, but my mind is telling me to finish this one...
But it'll take yeaaarsssssssss.


Barb or Spike · 6:19pm Feb 2nd, 2017

So, that HIE fic I am working on has hit a snag. Do I use Barb, or do I use Spike? Either can work, but keep in mind he/she is older in this story, young adult, etc, etc.


Who Wants to do the Editing/Prereader Thing for me?! :D · 7:51am Dec 24th, 2016

I have a thing and need it read because it's almost two in the morning here and I can't trust myself to look back and be rational about the shtuff that I write!!! :pinkiecrazy:

Who wants-ta du-it?!?! :rainbowkiss:


Reading Format For My Stories. · 6:26pm Jul 19th, 2018

Hello, dear reader!... Or passerby, whichever!

Here is something I wish to discuss. In my story, I write like so.

"Hello, Captain." I say.

"Hello, Generic Bob." The captain replies with a smile.

"Lovely day, isn't it?"

"It is."

"Yeah, anyway, was wondering if I could borrow some sugar?" What did I just say?

Here is the thing. Some people call this format uncomfortable due to the spaces between lines, paragraphs, etc.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 41 results