
Viewing 21 - 40 of 108 results

Justification (Hitting someone for reasons) · 4:44am Mar 27th, 2021

I posted a blog just like this one long ago...

It already deals with the concept of when you are allowed to strike someone...

-In Self Defense
-To help someone being beaten

Yet my haters and detractors have this complex where they people are justified to hit you just because they find you annoying, or not up to their standards... No, you are not justified to hit someone.

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New Gaming Series: Casual Failure · 1:21pm Oct 12th, 2017

For those few of you out there reading this who would be interested in watching someone who's been playing video games since he was 3 or thereabouts struggle to deal with a mad scientist, I've started what I'm hoping will be a lengthy online series called "Casual Failure".

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Merry post Christmas everybody!! · 2:55am Dec 27th, 2015

Hey guys! Ya'll enjoyed the holidays? I sure didn't find it bad! Lemme know your funny Christmas stories, hehe. Anyways, SRE is undergoing a bit of maintenance, but new chapter will be out by monday. Look forward to a "heated" battle hahahahah- *BANG* X.X yup, the trigger needed to be pulled on that one. I just hope I didn't "burn" that line. What? Are you beggining to "boil"? Its not good to "blow a fuse", maybe you should just "fire" up some "hot" coco. It'll definitely "warm" you up a

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Elements of Failure Audio Reading · 9:45pm Oct 31st, 2017

Just in time for Nightmare Night, the "Elements of Faliure" fanfic reading has been completed for you all to enjoy.


Friendship is Failure idea (The Invisible Pony) · 7:05pm Oct 13th, 2019

It's an idea I've been wanting to try for a while, it may be a long movie like some of my FIFs

THE INVISIBLE PONY (Not like the Invisible man)

Concept is simple...

Many years ago there lived a great pony wizard and his apprentice (An orphaned pony) Then, one day, while mixing special potions, the wizard's place caught fire and burned to the ground, and worse the unstable potion poured onto the apprentice which rendered him totally invisible.

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Hearths Warming Battle Author's Note (Dealing with Suicidal People) · 10:57pm Dec 7th, 2023

A lot of people are confused, (or in some cases deliberately being assholes) about my handling with Suicide in my stories... thinking that I actually ENCOURAGE suicide, or say you should never try to help anyone.

That's not true at all...

You're just reading fiction, and then stupidly comparing it to how someone would behave in real life. All this fanfiction stuff I do is just me being a dick to the characters. It's not real, nor is it an image of what's real.

In real life...

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Mane Characters And OCs · 8:52am Sep 22nd, 2015

Sorry to ask people, but if you've got the time and if anyone bothers to read these, could I get a brief opinion on one thing.

Been planning to get back into writing stories for the website, just a couple more funny one shot tales and a rather lengthy one. The more pressing of them involves the use of Rainbow Dash, albeit briefly, and fitting it around an event the series introduced. It's only a small bit but I wanted to ask better writers, well, if this is a good idea?

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Friendship is Failure (Lazy or Stubborn) · 2:58am Jul 12th, 2020

A lot of my FIF characters are real jerks whom people deem "Lazy to improve their lives"

Well, as was explained in another blog...

1: They choose not to because they DON'T LIKE or DON'T WANT, and pretty much DON'T NEED said "Improvement" they're content with their own style, and think they have a good beat on things.

2: They are not seeking happiness, (Don't like, don't want, don't need)

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2020 · 2:33am Sep 10th, 2020

I hate this year. And not for the most obvious reasons. Anyone who has been keeping track of my activity on this site probably remembers my choice words for 2018, which I still hold up as the worst year of my life. But if 2020 does not outright dethrone that year, then 2020 is at the very least the most miserable year of my life thus far. And the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t even a significant factor in it.

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What does Friendship is Failure teach? · 7:03pm Oct 12th, 2019

Even though Twilight ONCE tried to ward off Pinkie Pie from harassing Cranky Doodle to be friends with her, (A FRIEND INDEED) look what she did during AMENDING FENCES with Moondancer-- trying to force her ways onto someone who wasn't interested and not bugging off until she got what she wanted.

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War of the Worlds: Sad News · 2:24am Jun 22nd, 2015

Well... guess I should finally get this over with. So for those who have followed this story and have been patiently waiting for more chapters to come, I have something to say. That something is that I am quitting the story.

Yes... I am cancelling, War of the Worlds... sadly.

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Today's my 25th birthday... yay... · 12:44pm May 19th, 2017

Like the title said, today's my 25th birthday. An entire quarter of century I've been on this world... and what do I have to show for it?

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Readers are Morons (TV Tropes Friendship is Failure) · 5:41pm Nov 8th, 2019

I already did this with The End of ends, now let's go round two...

People keep thinking that since I have TV-Tropes page, that automatically makes me bad, but the truth is, just like Encyclopedia Dramatica, that site is run and setup more by idiotic trolls and morons who couldn't read or care if they tried.

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Friendship Is Failure (Rejecting Twilight's Help) · 4:36am Jun 21st, 2020

Author Avatar characters don't seem to understand why Twilight is trying to help them and assume she's forcing her opinions on them only for them to force their opinions on her.

--from my TV-Tropes page (which was edited as usual by those idiot haters who can't tell the difference between their asses and a hole in the ground)

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Dealing with failure/A name change for my most recent fic/some inner working of Piquo · 11:56am Jul 31st, 2015

So. I've come to a conclusion. My stories will never be popular on this site. My most recent story was an experiment on a duel story, that is two stories told with one set of words. Depending on how you read it changes which story you are reading.

Was it a perfect story?
Was it a decent story?
I'd say it was decent and when people checked it out they liked it.

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New story incoming! Also, I edited some stuff for people. · 11:28pm Nov 29th, 2015

In the last writeoff, I took fourth place with "Collapse Failure", which wasn't too bad for my first time ever entering one of these things.

After some cleanup work, I've got a version of it ready for here on FimFiction, too! Check out the cover art:

The story will probably go up on Tuesday, so be watching for that.

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How in all the various hells can I possibly publish this? · 5:31am Jan 7th, 2017

That feeling you get when you have a story completed, proofread, edited, and generally have pulled together a consensus it's ready to publish, ready to send out into the world to be seen and read by the anonymous masses...

Then you sit down with the doc open in one tab, the web form open in another, and start getting ready to copy it over, chapter by chapter...

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So yeah... (Chapter 7) · 6:57pm Jul 10th, 2016

Well... I was close to finishing chapter seven... then realized it was terrible. Now I'm down from 12k words (which was about 70% completion for the chapter) to 3k. The massive scrap wasn't because I'm a perfectionist or anything (Payday 2 killed that part of me long ago), but because I genuinely didn't think the direction I took the chapter was good.

I think my struggle to write is due to both a lack of alcohol, and a dispassionate association with life at the moment.

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Oh Great, I Forgot Everything · 7:13pm Nov 28th, 2015

So I started re-writing some of the pieces that I had intended to post to FIMFic.

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I failed my driving test... · 8:25pm May 11th, 2022

Bad news, everyone.

I failed my driving test. I didn't just fail, I bombed. Apparently, I was "too anxious" behind the wheel. Don't these cretins know I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder? It's in my file!

I am allowed to try again in 28 days; on June 8th.

Better luck next time!

Viewing 21 - 40 of 108 results