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Soooo... · 3:19am Oct 12th, 2015

So, about 2K worth of hockey gear was stolen from me today. Just...gone. San Jose police have been notified, and I'm going to go hunting flea markets...but it's unlikely that I will ever see this gear again. Most of it is replaceable, but my stick and jersey were customized and...special to me.

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Report anonpencil · 385 views · #people are shit

Youtube readings ^w^ · 9:03pm May 1st, 2016

So far two very nice and talented people went ahead and read some of my stories

They are not the best in quality but I love them ^_^
someone was kind enough to read my stories and present them for all the internet to see
I am exceedingly thankful for their talents and their efforts. I get to see my stories come to life ^_^

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Report Sanguine Eyes · 384 views · #Good people

How stupid do you have to be to be a contestant on Family Feud? · 6:51pm Jan 1st, 2016

Steve Harvey: "Name a kind of doctor who should never ask you to take your clothes off."
Female contestant: "A gynecologist."

This beats the lady who answered "orange" for "name a yellow fruit" by a landslide.


Gotta love people sometimes, ep 2; · 10:18am Nov 27th, 2017

One of the managers I work with is the kind of person who likes the sound of his own voice because no one does. Granted, he can get the job done but that doesn’t mean I like him.

He called out to me, jokingly, last night telling me to hurry up when I had plenty of time left to which I told him to cool his jets. He chuckled replying; “You know, you’re lucky I like you.”

To which I replied, dryly; “Mate, you act like I care.”

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Report darkstone57 · 240 views · #Some people

Because even as the world ends... · 7:51pm Feb 9th, 2021

... some bitches gotta be cartoonishly evil fuckwagons.

User SweetBanana is being kicked out of their home for being trans.

During a winter storm.

During a plague.

While trying to go through college.

Help if you can.

Report Nyronus · 185 views · #I hate people

Signal boost: Elephant in the Equine room · 7:37pm Dec 31st, 2017


Or, maybe I will be here. Who the hell knows? · 4:06am Mar 3rd, 2023

As of now, my primary plans and backup plans for the weekend just got shot down. An hour after I went to fill the car with gas.

People talk a big game online, then when it comes time to meet up, or they come down from their manic episode, and then they vanish.

I hate it.

I hate it, hate it, hate it.

Report milesprower06 · 373 views · #rant #people suck

These two have old accounts, and I found them with only 1 follower each! · 2:25am Jan 22nd, 2020

I found 2 people with only one follower each, so I decided to follow them. Why don´t you do the same and follow UberKittyCat and Party Ballon!? Thank you for your support!


Just a Thought #2 · 2:12pm March 6th

Appeasing hateful people or otherwise letting them get away with their hateful actions only gives them fuel to keep being hateful.

History proves this right (ex: Adolf Hitler and what had caused WW2).

Deal with hateful people fairly and decisively. Don't wait.

This has been a thought.


Going to talk about crappy things again, I'm afraid. · 8:14pm Sep 17th, 2015

Not sure what it is about the fact I dated a psychopath that people have to make it all about them.

For instance, my housemate lent me a book called "The Psychopath Test." Now, reading about the inner workings of psychopathy doesn't upset me, because (for one thing) it arms me with knowledge I need to avoid ever making the mistake of letting one of those shitbags into my life again. And I enjoyed the book.

No, what upsets me is the implication that people should "feel sorry for them."

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I now feel like a real writer · 9:01pm Oct 6th, 2015

Why? Because I have now joined the (not very) exclusive "Not Recommended by Titanium Dragon Club" for We Who with Songs Beguile. TD's review is quite interesting, and can be read here. I don't agree with it, of course, as I happen to think WWwSB is rather a good story -- but that doesn't mean I don't value what

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So · 1:51am Oct 25th, 2017

yknow how I used to be depressed and stuff?

ha, that never changed. :rainbowlaugh:

tired of faking it. Ugh.

Report Sleepy Panda · 422 views · #i hate people

It is hard to be armchair anarchist :( · 10:04pm Jul 9th, 2020

Well, mostly armchair.

Thing is, with all this laugh directed towards 'keyboard warriors' I don't think you can fight modern problems like this:

or at least 'fight' can't be ONLY like this, because a lot of oppression happen via symbolic and other channels.


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Report Andrew-R · 163 views · #politics #anarchism #people

Some People Sicken Me. · 5:22pm May 22nd, 2016

Warning: Angry Rant Ahead
There will be cursing, ranting and eventually, sweet-sweet satisfaction at letting it all out.

So, I'm hanging out, writing on a forum, and suddenly my mother starts shouting for me. My grandfather is having some kind of fit - likely his blood sugar - and I needed to run, literally sprint, to the store to get him some Orange Juice to bring his sugar back up.

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Guys, Calm Down. Jim just trolled someone on Twitter and EqD took it seriously because they're idiots. · 4:39pm May 25th, 2016

If you haven't seen this EqD article yet, I advise you to take it with a grain of salt.

If you have seen it, I advise you to take it with a grain of salt AND consider the source.

Guys...Big Jim is trolling on Twitter. VERY OBVIOUSLY trolling on Twitter.

WHY Equestria Daily thought this tweet was newsworthy, I have no idea, but they've blown it out of proportion and created a panic.

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Something to make you smile. · 8:09pm Oct 2nd, 2017

Okay, after today, I think a few things to make people smile are in order. I was planning to do this eventually, but right now I think it's needed more than ever. So, for us car geeks, some loveable car porn. (But don't worry, I've got something other than beautiful cars planned for everyone else.:twilightsmile::raritywink:)

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Theodore Roosevelt Sutherland, my first Ponies After People character · 8:57am Nov 6th, 2018

Name: Theodore Roosevelt Sutherland. He likes to be called Theodore as it is an uncommon name in the post-Event world. He hasn’t taken up a post-Event name.

Age: Before the Event he was a 36 year-old man, and is now is an immortal male sphinx, technically called an Androsphinx

Gender: pre-Event Male / post-Event Male

Species: Human male pre-Event and now male sphinx post-Event

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Beginning Chapter 2 · 7:41am May 4th, 2020

Due to me not having work for the foreseeable future and the general reaction to the story, I'm fast tracking writing chapter 2. Was going to take a bit longer of a break, but well, decided not to.

Be out sometime. Don't know when. Maybe this month if lucky. Probably next month if not.

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Getting sick of this... · 5:08am Aug 20th, 2015

You know, there's a reason why I don't go on any forums here anymore. Basically because for whatever reason someone will find a reason to hate me. I have enough of that just being here in the first place sometimes.

Ironically, this is what got me into the fandom in the first place, this site. So it makes me pretty sad to see that most of the popular new fics are just clop. And not only that, this community pretty much shattered my self confidence in so many things. Yeah, yeah I know:

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Report R-ootie · 499 views · #politics #hate #users #people

You know, I had high hopes for this year. Had. · 1:38am Jan 9th, 2017

Eight days. Eight. Motherfucking. Days. You're already slipping, humanity. Maybe it really is too late for us all. . .

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