
Viewing 301 - 320 of 391 results

It Feels Rapey, and it Breaks My Heart -- The Harem Comedy, Greatest Mistake when Writing Romance · 9:19pm Jul 15th, 2016

Live-reading of this blog, by Imrix.

I’m not good at romance. My idea of a contraceptive is a fake telephone number. I date girls with glasses to look at my reflection while we fuck. I blow raspberries while eating girls out.

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The Ideology of My Little Pony · 1:20am Jul 5th, 2021


Longfic Recommendations · 4:46pm Sep 22nd, 2021

I know you all know me as someone who only writes oneshots, but longfics are people too, and I have a couple to recommend written by some very talented people. Having preread both of these fics, I can safely say they are fantastic, and you are in for a treat.

EChildren of the Sun
Our Goddess has told us we will finally reach the surface today, after nearly a thousand years' wait. As her Prophet, I will be the first to see the sun again. I can only hope Equestria is still up there.
Silent Whisper · 25k words  ·  232  5 · 2.3k views

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Wing, Feather, Magic and Oppression · 12:13pm Feb 16th, 2022

So, these days, students can opt out of saying the Pledge of Allegiance?

The only reason I'd opted out of that, isn't because I feel that the US is an oppressive nation. No, it's because I don't feel it's oppressive enough!

No, seriously, I've been advocating for certain things for decades by now. You know, real oppression, not what the blacks and transsexuals whine about supposedly experiencing.

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Here's what happened yesterday. · 7:09pm Aug 4th, 2016

I wanted to call a friend, telling them about how I've been feeling pretty shitty lately. They didn't pick up, but I needed to do something to feel a bit better. That's when I finished my hooch. Half a juice bottle, to be exact. I started to feel the buzz, but it still didn't feel like enough. That's when I decided to call whiskey for help, too. And then I had three shots of vodka. You see, I come from a judgmental family, and that made me scared shitless of people's

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Can somebody explain to me the appeal of Hatchimals? · 11:52pm Nov 20th, 2016

I work part time as a back room guy at Target and I arrive at work an hour before work - there's parents already forming a line out the door for these damn things and I'm struggling to understand the appeal of the miracle of plastic egg hatching - particularly the fact it seems the actual 'hatching' is a one-way deal since these online reviews show the egg does irreparably shatter even though the top and bottom halves are hard plastic. Like, once the bird thing grows to 'maturity' or

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New Complete Horror Story! "The Thing at the Edge of Sleep" · 5:11pm Jun 22nd, 2016


SURPRISE EXTRA CHAPTER!! · 6:39pm Feb 28th, 2018

Yup, that's right! A little bonus prologue chapter I had made a while back when I needed a break from writing the chapters for part 6. I hope you enjoy it, and hope it helps start to tie everything together.

An Epilogue will be posted next week to finish off the story.


looky look · 9:30pm Oct 4th, 2018


Blog post no. 69! · 10:20pm Jul 12th, 2016

Let me tell you; I tried it forever ago and it was not as fun as it sounded. :rainbowlaugh: I feel a lot better today. I had friends over, and they helped me dye my hair. It looked a little like this. While I waited for the bleach to work it's magic, I gave one friend cornrows and the other those v shaped pigtails. It was really fun, and I noticed that I'm getting better at doing other people's hair. Once I go

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Why Supporting Putin Is The Morally Right Thing To Do. · 12:35am Mar 18th, 2022

Why Supporting Putin Is The Morally Right Thing To Do.

You heard that correct, leftists. Supporting Putin is the morally right thing to do.


Supporting Putin and his war in Ukraine is treasonous to the US.

But according to you, leftists, the US is a systemically racist and evil nation unworthy of your support.

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On "Canterlot Boutique" · 8:47pm Sep 12th, 2015

...I dislike Rarity episodes. Quite a bit. I like the series and its characters because they're not superficially girly-girl and stuff, but the Rarity episodes move off in that direction more often than not by the very nature of Rarity's profession. I wouldn't exactly say it's a BAD thing for the show to cater more to its target audience, considering I and most people here are decidedly not such, but I literally do not care about the fashion aspect of this universe. As such, I'm not

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Everfree Northwest Day 1 · 9:18am May 19th, 2018

I hung out with a bunch of people since I got into Seattle on Thursday. A partial, horribly incomplete list would include:

Xepher (rooming with him, cool dude as always, fair bit of presence IRL. Good at running panels, very efficient and good at sparking/spurring conversation)

Winston (Cool dude as always; a bit quiet, but nice to hang out with and chat with. He’s on the staff, so secretly rules over us all, like Xepher)

Mudpony (I’ll read that story, I swear!)

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What We Write About When We Write About War · 9:16pm Nov 21st, 2017

I've never really looked at my own body of work and tried to suss out a general theme. As far as I know, I don't really have an identity as far as what I write, at best having one for how I write. I don't know that you could sum my work on Fimfiction up in one sentence, the way you could say that Majin Syeekoh writes irreverent comedy with intermittent navel-gazing, or that Carapace and friends write fluffy romances about the contrast between sour and sweet. Of course, if you can, feel free. I

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It's a thing! · 8:33pm Jan 13th, 2018

To the people who voted that I didn't post enough cross-dressing Sombra, there's now a new story up - just something silly and sweet - with Sombra in yet another dress. Also, Luna. It was really fun to just... write, and to revisit Sombra's wonderful first person perspective (which will appear once in Enemy of Mine, it anyone is curious) as well as to get a piece of fluff out there.

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This Hampers Me Way More Than it Should · 1:53am Oct 5th, 2016

Whenever an author updates a linear story with a chapter placed earlier than what was the latest chapter before it makes my mind lose grasp of where the heck the story was going.

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Real Talk... · 1:53am Jan 13th, 2020

...does word count affect how likely potential readers will, y'know, actually read it?

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Offense · 4:11am Mar 12th, 2021

"If you've that easily offended, you deserve to feel that way." - Adán Druego


awareness post · 9:57pm Sep 3rd, 2022


MLP Among Us · 9:35pm Nov 18th, 2020

Viewing 301 - 320 of 391 results