
Viewing 221 - 240 of 356 results

Of hourglasses and moon dancers · 11:07am Jul 8th, 2015

I've seen the last episode of FIM and boy was it a continuity blast with the whole party and twilight beeing on panic mode for her perceived lousy friendship(not to mention that moon dancer while not doubt create a lot of shipping fics as well as the lingering existencial crisis that twilight is but one of many clones that Celestia has used trough the years in an atempt to create a worthy succesor) but possible metal gears fics aside(between Twilight, Sunset and Moon dancer we definetely have

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Doctor Whooves Series 1 Trailer · 1:35am Sep 8th, 2018

The TARDIS interior is spacious and bright, with a high, vaulted ceiling and wood-paneled walls studded with fisheye lanterns. The central console is a magnificent sculpture of dark-stained oak and brass siding, with a tall glass pillar in the center where green lightning crackles unpredictably. It sits atop a raised platform, covered in large hexagonal tiles, red, violet, and golden. More control panels form a sort of barrier around the raised dais, with gaps in the middle of each side where

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A Guide to Classic Who Audiobooks and Collections · 10:16pm 6 days ago

Classic Who audiobooks. These are a vital element of the fandom. Put out by the BBC, these are readings of the novelizations, mixed in with a few sound effects and little bits of music. Often read by Doctor Who actors, they are always a high quality production.

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Safety at Work is Important · 4:44am May 10th


I guess my feelings dont matter then · 8:53am May 27th, 2016

Yay ... another day at school, another excuse to cry.
So ... I suppose you want a LONG blog after about a million short ones.
So here we go. My day today

2 AM:
I'm pretty sure someone in the house is trying to kill me, I woke up this morning with my earphones tied around my neck as If I was being strangled. And yet I have no recollection of listening to music the night before. Got up, drank water, realised what time it was and sanely fired up my laptop.

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Review: A Storm of Chaos: A Doctor Whooves Adventure, by: Shotoman · 3:15am Aug 14th, 2015


When the statue of Discord disappears from Canterlot Castle, Celestia asks The Doctor and his companion Derpy to track it down before the Chaos god is freed. But what shadow from The Time Charger's past is it that set these events in motion?

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Actually, I'm Dead - Autopsy: Trixie's condition · 7:07am Aug 17th, 2015

Here we are again, ready o talk about the fic and wasting time I should be spending in updating said fic. For tonight's editorial, I have a different theme from the ones of the last chapter, and it's because it's one that has been present, but at the same time undefined, all along the story; Exactly how is Trixie's appearance right now?

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Doctor Hooves and the Physics of Bowling ‘Hooks’ · 7:58pm Jun 22nd, 2015

You know how the game works. You bowl your ball towards ten pins set up in a triangle, with the aim of knocking down as many as possible. Simple. But the fundamental simplicity does not mean there is little to it, and like all the best games, fanatics have spent years analyzing every detail to determine the best strategy. This is an excellent one to study with the language of physics.

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So, that new episode · 8:24pm Jun 13th, 2015

So, Bon Bon is a secret agent now, huh? And Doctor Whooves and Derpy Muffins are like Doc Brown/Marty?

I have new story ideas!

Oh, also, my thoughts on the episode?

It good.


Muffins! (aka Derpy aka Ditzy-Doo) · 6:55pm Jun 21st, 2015

My fifth story is up, and my lesson learned is that again, deadlines are a good thing. It is teaching me to be creative on a schedule, and in the world of publishing, you have to complete stories and sell them.

I am quite proud of No Fault of Her Own. It took plenty of thought about Muffin's character to be able to channel the essence of her personality and purpose in life. Both her story and the title came to me both within the same five minutes.

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What next for Derpy's Muffin? · 10:52pm Aug 30th, 2016

Hey Wispers!

So if you haven't already, please go read my story, Derpy's Muffin! If not, this may have mild spoilers.

After Chapter 2, when they are supposed to head to Sugarcube Corner, what should go down with Mrs. Cake, Derpy, Twilight, and Doctor Whooves?

I have some ideas for you to vote on:

-Should a huge fight break out between Mrs.Cake, and Derpy, Doc, and Twilight?
-Should Mrs. Cake realize her mistake?
-Should Mrs. Cake come up with an excuse?

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Dr. Strange Review & Misperceptions of Skepticism · 12:10am Nov 6th, 2016

Spoiler content: None whatsoever until the big red Contains Spoilers warning sign, after it only the vaguest possible spoilers for Doctor Strange which should not be a surprise to you if you know anything at all about the character or the movie and also some sundry spoilers for Avengers (2012).

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Charity Commission · 8:31pm Sep 25th, 2016

So as part of a fundraiser for Doctors Without Borders, one of the artists I follow was doing a commission list, it's over now but that's no excuse to not follow someone of such sterling skill, or to not spread the word and/or donate to Doctors Without Borders (Maybe most money going into charity goes to admin and all that necessary evil bollocks, but 1p to the actual goal is 1p closer to a better world and that is at least worth it to me).

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(Fanart) Doctor Sunset Shimmer · 3:13am Jan 9th, 2018


Possibly dying (?) · 7:15pm May 14th, 2018

Over the last month, my health has gone worse. It started with the usual dizzyness I’ve had all my life reoccurringly. And now I can barely leave my bed without having to hold onto something to keep from fainting.
I still visit school though. The past weeks I’ve had one test after the other, so I didn’t have time to visit a doctor. Now my doc is on holidays, and the one representing doc (not sure if this is correctly translated) has deported me via call.

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Actually Marathon streaming FFXIII again for charity! · 12:43am May 3rd, 2020

Okay, we’re going to try this again. I ate a big bowl of oats, I got the DWB doohickey set up, and I’m ready to stream! I may have set the goal a bit high, but every bit helps the international COVID-19 response.

So let’s pick up where we left off with the worst Final Fantasy ever!


Why I write · 6:11am Dec 6th, 2016

I write because it helps me think things through. I can walk around for days or years, accumulating a big tangle of half-formed thoughts, but it's not until I sit down and try to channel them into a story that they start to cohere.

Also cute Derpy and Doctor because reasons

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Doctor Sleep Quick Review, and The Overlook Official Soundtrack · 11:55pm Nov 12th, 2019

I saw the movie, I also have Kubrick's classic The Shining, and the original novels The Shining and Doctor Sleep by Stephen King...

This movie while actually being a sequel to Kubrick's version of the story still has a very Stephen King-like story pace and structure. And I can appreciate the fact that the movie must have been made by someone that is a fan of both Kubrick's Movies and King's literature.

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Five Times the Doctor's Fam Suspected She Had Tentacles, and One Time They Were Proven Right · 8:57pm Jan 23rd, 2019

Hey, all. Do you like fanfiction? Do you like Doctor Who? Do you like weird horror that is actually light comedy wearing a squid mask and struggling to pronounce Nyarlathotep?

I mean, if you're here reading the stuff that I write then you probably like at least one of those things.

So yeah, I made my first foray into fanfiction that doesn't involve ponies in any way whatsoever, and I guess it's pretty alright. Updates every other day. Description and link below.

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Fires in Norcal (I'm okay, Don't Panic Please) · 11:37pm Oct 9th, 2017

I am safe. I am hours and hours from any fires, wanted to let you know, because some discord folks were worried about me. I'm fine, and no near enough any fires to be concerned. However, a friend of mine has likely lost her home, one of my favorite wineries has burned to the ground, and many more wineries where my family are friends with/know the owners and staff are either in danger or currently burning. There is currently one confirmed death. It is 0% contained.

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Viewing 221 - 240 of 356 results