chapter!!! · 3:44pm Oct 2nd, 2016
A Prank Gone Terribly Wrong has a new chapter added, The Doctor Is In!!
A Prank Gone Terribly Wrong has a new chapter added, The Doctor Is In!!
The first episode of S11 will air October 7. I guess this officially confirms the rumor that Doctor Who will be switching over to Sunday broadcasts! The first episode is reportedly titled 'The Woman Who Fell to Earth'.
I'm just so happy to finally have a release date.
Hello again. Episode 27 of Doctor and Ditzy’s Science Theater is finished. This time I will be riffing Night Fall Equestria by FLUTTERxxDASH Chapters 1-3. A revenge story where Twilight turns to the dark side to exact revenge on Chrysalis and Sombra for killing her years earlier. A pretty silly story that tries too hard. I kind of enjoy it though. It's pretty over the top when it comes to violence and language. It's kind of
Happy Friday the 13th everypony! I thought on a day like this that I'd grant a sneak peak at one of the characters that will be featured in my upcoming fanfic "The Blood Doctor".
Hello again. This time we will be reading a fic called Book 1:Changing Patterns by natis120. This is a fic about a changeling OC that spends most of the fic angsting and suffering for one reason or another. Oh, and the Mane 6 are married and have kids for no real reason. And everypony is antro. Again for no real reason.
Chapter two's already over twelve thousand words! And its not even half way through! Guess I have no choice but to split every chapter into two parts, huh? . Oh well, at least I get to upload part of the chapter sooner. Super excited for that!
Stephen Moffat's departure has been confirmed.
Series 10 will air in 2017--meaning Doctor Who is on a one-year hiatus--and will be Moffat's final series as showrunner. Chris Chibnall, creator of Broadchurch, is replacing him as of series 11.
Welp, finally, DOCTOR is half way finished. Meaning that segment one is only going to have eight chapters consisting of over 30,000 to 50,000 words per chapter. I don't want the chapters to fall below or above those numbers, that way the chapters could be big but not massive and also not too small for a Doctor story. Though, when I say that I actually mean that I have written up to chapter five and am nearly there to chapter six. However, only parts one through three of chapter four has been
And what does Violet do? She thinks things out.* In the spirit of forward thinking, rather than write the epilogue next, I'm planning to rewrite the earlier chapters of Doctor Whooves and the Auton Invasion of Equestria a bit - iron out inconsistancies, that sort of thing. The edits will probably all be done simultaneously in the next few days, as I'm planning to do it all on Libre Office on my computer, then paste it in en masse. If anyone feels like re-reading the whole thing to pick up the
This has been on my mind for awhile now. I've started DOCTOR one year ago and I'm still stuck in segment one of the story. I'd have thought I would have been in segment three at the least by now but my story is only halfway through of segment one. And it isn't because its difficult or I have writers block or anything like that. The biggest and main issue is time, I just don't have enough of it. I am a Youtuber and that's where I receive all of my income from. However, my channel is still small
The ending of the latest chapter has been tweaked a bit and the next chapter to DOCTOR is finished, is currently being edited, and will be uploaded very soon. Probably within the next couple of days.
Sorry for the long wait, but we are finally coming off our hiatus!
Sooper excited!
Today is my birthday and by the time your reading this it is probably August 1st or reading this in the future.
Today is special day and I will do a stream on Twitch and on YouTube please go to
Part two of chapter four is nearly complete! Just needs to be edited and it'll be ready for upload!
DOCTOR: Lullabies: Part One (C5S1), has been published!
The final part to Lullabies will be posted today, within the hour. Hope you enjoy it
One, Two, Three Steps has been published! Click the link to read it!
Of course, the reasons I don't act like that is because A. goading people into committing suicide is against site rules. And B: I already grappled with my fair share of suicidal ideation (especially since many artists like Vincent van Gogh and Wertpol took their own lives) so egging people on into killing themselves would seem hypocritical on my part.