
Viewing 221 - 240 of 471 results

Fallout Ponies? · 5:57pm Sep 10th, 2015

Hey there amigos! For the past few days I've been doing something that has nothing to do with updating Sky's Changing Secret, I've been building a Fallout and MLP crossover fic's universe. On the first day, I was entirely convinced that I was not gonna try a Fallout Equestria side fic, but now I wonder whether or not I should use the Universe I'm creating or whether I should try a FO:E side fic. I'd like all of y'all's opinion on this idea of mine. I will definitely keep trying to update SCS

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Zen-mode ScifiPony Writing Advice · 11:28pm Apr 22nd, 2017

A member of my new FimFiction writing group, ScifiPony's Writer's Training Ground, asked me about deadlines, specifically about missing them. Here is the advice I gave:

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Revising a Story · 11:23pm Sep 13th, 2017

With the hurricane madness over, it's time to get back onto Displaced into Nothing. To get myself back into the story and remember what's been said already, I've decided to do that revision I was talking about in one quick binge. To prepare for that, I've written another blog post of advice to gather my thoughts on what I'm doing...

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The Case of the Mystified Mystery Writers · 3:33am Jan 24th, 2018

Hello everyone!

Well, another Monday has come and gone, and with it has come some new chapters, both in Noire and in Letters from the Homefront. I'm glad that some people seem to enjoy these stories, and it was good to hear some positive feedback in Letters! I hope that you all are looking forward to next Monday as much as I am!

However, that's not what this blog is about. This blog is about sharing another project of mine that's been in the working for several months now.

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“Don’t Be Figments” · 10:54pm Aug 10th, 2018

I. History

I’ve been around this fandom for a while—six and a half years, to be precise. I joined back in February of 2012, during the second semester of my sophomore year of high school. Before then, I hadn’t really thought about posting anything I had written online—most of it was shitty Warcraft 3 stuff, or some random dreams I had. But the show had opened a new door for me, even if I didn’t realize it at the time.

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I need some advice about world building. · 10:38pm Nov 14th, 2019

Ever since I decided to join the fandom I have tried to catch up on every single piece of Mlp lore. And it has been overwhelming to say the least. Not only 9 seasons of episodes but also several comic books and other expanded material which just so happens to include both contradictions and several alternate realities.

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Writing something serious · 10:00pm Jul 22nd, 2016

Let's say, (hypothetically speaking, I'm probably not going to go through with this) I decided to write a sci-fi fic that I've been thinking about for ages. How do? I only write troll fics for a reason, that reason being I'm awful at telling stories. I'd appreciate advice

Report AuTiSm · 173 views · #Fic #advice #meme #ayy lmao #help #plz

New Blog: No Politics, Just Writing Advice, Tips, and Tricks. · 6:34am Mar 5th, 2019

So I started a blog called Non Political Writing Discourse. The aim is simple, to talk about writing without any political agendas behind it. I just made a blog about the character Hit from Dragon Ball Super and why he's such a cool character. If your interested in checking it out, please click on the link here: Character Spotlight: Hit

And as always thanks for reading. XD

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Don't Panic and Carry a Style Guide: Preliminary 1 · 5:33pm Jan 12th, 2022


The purpose of this guide is to teach you, the writer, what you should and shouldn’t do to assure the quality of your stories, and to show you how to best communicate with other authors as well as your audience. We, the authors of this guide, understand this will come across as telling you what to do, but that is the point of any style guide or anyone offering advice. There are many ways of creating and viewing storytelling. We are merely providing our viewpoints on it.

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Writing 101: Allow Inference, Don't Dictate—What is "Show, Don't Tell" and Why Is It so Important? · 10:07am Mar 2nd, 2017

I know what you’re thinking, Jimmy (do you mind if I call you "Jimmy"?). “cleverpun, this subject has been covered a hundred times before, by authors who are way better at writing than you. What could you possibly tell me that I don’t already know?”

To that I say: this topic is so important, that it is worth having as many perspectives as possible. Hopefully this longer-than-average blog post either provides some new insight into the topic, or at least reinforces its import.

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Need Writing Advice! · 7:48pm May 1st, 2020

What do you guys think about working on more than one story at a time? Is it more productive or is it too distracting? Let me know in the comments!

I've got so many ideas for stories, but I really want to make sure the one I'm working on now gets updated regularly, whats a pony to do?


A Discourse on Writer's Block (or: Wherein the Author Hates his Stories with the Fire of A Thousand Suns) · 2:56am Sep 18th, 2016

I'm sure you've been there, too: You're writing something, and you keep spending time on it, and every time you stop and check your wordcount, it hasn't changed much. Or, you spend most of your time working on the story by not working on it, instead sitting there and brainstorming and/or cursing various aspects of the story and/or yourself for just not getting it bloody written.

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Long time no see! · 8:13pm Apr 23rd, 2016

Hi my pons!
wow, can't believe that I wasn't on fimfic for over 18 weeks :twilightoops:

sorry dudes, I am on my graduation year, and I have quite a lot on my hoofs :facehoof:

So yeah, now you can easily find me on my deviantart, where I put up my images, and lurk around daily :rainbowwild: <- my deviantart

For those who don't know-deviantart is a site where pons put up their art : drawings/sketches/crafts/photos-anything :yay:

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[Writing Tips] Remember This About Your Writing · 2:21am Feb 13th, 2016

If you think that your own writing is boring and predictable, that's because:
1)You wrote it
2)You’ve read it like eight million times.
Others who haven't read your words before won't have this issue.
EDIT: But it also doesn't hurt to have people read your stuff. People you trust to give their honest opinions.

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Going on Instinct · 5:56pm Jul 2nd, 2015

Copied from my Wordpress - fimficwriter.

I just wanted to share a writing article I found by Katla Hower, which has a couple of points I feel are especially relevant to fanfiction.

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Writing Advice: “How NOT to Write” 2 · 4:01am Dec 31st, 2015

A while ago, I posted a blog covering one of my unpublished stories; the ideas that spawned it, aspects of the writing process that did not work, and why I ultimately chose not to finish it.

Today, I hope to do the same with a different story. Each story presents its own challenges and eccentricities. Today’s story is different enough that I hope it will teach different lessons from the previous one.

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Making Art versus Being An Artist—Skills that many fanfiction writers neglect · 11:45pm Sep 2nd, 2013

I don't opine too often, but I've been mulling over a particular issue lately. In the fanfic community I have encountered good writers and bad writers, but I think the bigger problem is that I don't encounter as many good artists.

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I need to say this. · 4:33pm Sep 27th, 2017

I'm sorry for the lack of updates. I've been busy with my stories and my Junior year in High school.

But rest assured that updates will continue. And I plan to keep writing here.

Problem is...

I have no idea what I need to write next.

I have so many stories swirling around in my head, but I can't write them here because they're not pony-related.

To be honest guys, what do you think?

Where should I go from here?


Update · 7:09pm Jan 24th, 2018

As you may well not know, my Grandparents are getting divorced. My Grandfather, whom, is leaving our household for another woman. His old GF back in highschool after finding her again. Almost leaving us with nothing until a court date gave us a fixed income and the ability to do things that we couldn't do in the months prior. My grandmother, Sister, Dog and I all live in a moderatly sized home in one of the high selling areas in North-East Dallas. Anyways Enough of the bad news...

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RPG Tips With Crimson #2: Make the PC's into Villains. · 8:07pm Jun 28th, 2018

In the beginning there was a Game Master, and over the course of seven days he created a perfect world full of intrigue, villains, heroes, and magic. Then on the seventh day he invited Players to come and create Player Characters to act as their avatars in the Game Master's perfect world. Within three hours the once perfect world was destroyed by these supposed heroes going on a murder hobo rampage. To the NPC's of this world, this was the first sign that the end was to come. To the Game

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Viewing 221 - 240 of 471 results