
Viewing 1 - 20 of 172 results

Revision Time! · 10:26pm June 28th

I have come to see that much of the first few chapters in AGTMAIU are kind of clunky and I don't want them to be anymore. I'll rework them so that you don't have to wait a year for an update tho.
Love you guys!

Also I'm adding the fucking profanity tag

Report SplitSquid · 14 views · #revision

Chapter 5 Revision Complete - 6 Underway · 9:30am January 29th

What it says on the tin. If you were waiting for Chapter 5, go read it! :flutterrage: Please. :fluttershysad:

I’m a little over halfway done with rewriting 6. Unlike with chapters 2-4, I’ve been able to salvage most of 5 and 6. A lot of the work is reframing the same events from the original version, recontextualizing it, and some of it is shortening things, trimming the fat.

The last chapter that should need significant rewriting is 7. :rainbowdetermined2:

Report Sir Mediocre · 101 views · #Revision

Update: Am Slow, Not Dead · 10:09pm March 3rd

I probably should have said this a few weeks ago, but I took an unintended break from rewriting things.

Translation: I burned myself out writing close to 50,000 words of mostly-original narrative over the span of two and a half months.:pinkiesick:

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Report Sir Mediocre · 94 views · #Revision

Tada! · 1:23am Nov 27th, 2023

Chapter 2 of To Bellenast was a pile of garbage.:pinkiesick:

So I completely rewrote it from scratch. :coolphoto:

It’s much shorter now, it has better pacing, better characterization for everyone involved, less pointless exposition, less clumsy narration, and a couple pieces of foreshadowing for things later in the fic, which were present in the original draft, but which I failed to execute properly.:twilightsmile:

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Report Sir Mediocre · 127 views · #Revisions

Catatonia Update · 9:56pm Dec 28th, 2015

Just a quick blog saying that I have had another editor, the awesome Wing, go through and help me make changes that were needed. There are some new aspects but the overall story is the same. Feel free to point out any issues as usual.

Thank you.

Report RF and AG · 411 views · #Revisions

More edits to the latest chapter of SAPR · 6:07pm Mar 25th, 2019

So, since nobody liked the revisions to that scene and they were even more vocal about it than they'd been before, that entire scene is now gone. It has been excised and it didn't happen, the chapter now starts with Gilda. This will give me more time to consider how to achieve the same ends by better means without bringing a halt to forward progress.

Thank you all for your patience and your frankly expressed views.

Report Scipio Smith · 470 views · #revisions

Tale of Two Sunsets Revisions Done · 7:29pm Mar 31st, 2022

I've taken the critiques from most people who have contributed in giving feedback in how my Tale of Two Sunsets story was set up, and I've finally revised every single chapter with more unique titles, better word choices, and more respectable lengths, without really altering the story that much. Please give it a read if you get the chance, as I plan to add more chapters soon.

Report HumanSunset63 · 297 views · #Revision

Revisions, Revisions, Revisions · 6:40pm Nov 13th, 2023

Say it three times, and they shall appear!


Chapter 5 was ~21.5K words. It is now ~15K words.

I’ve been looking more seriously at the first half of the story a lot lately, with a fresh perspective thanks to some much-needed criticism from friends and fellow writers.

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Report Sir Mediocre · 127 views · #Revision

Chapter 4 Revision Finished · 7:57pm January 21st

Go read my fic! :flutterrage:

Chapter 4 was a real piece of work, but absolutely worth it.

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Report Sir Mediocre · 135 views · #Revision

Brain go brrrr! Just not in the way I hoped · 5:58am Dec 24th, 2022

I need to finish the chapters I've been working on and start editing the next one to release.
Opens up the first chapter and starts making edits
No, that - that is the wrong chapter. That isn't one of the new chapters, that is the oldest chapter. What are you doing?
Uses available energy making good edits to the older content, and is left unable to work on anything new

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it continues · 6:24am Mar 22nd, 2016

As in many cases in life one must tear down in order to build back up. Such is the case for An End to Ignorance. The prologue and chapter one have both been edited now and are here to stay, chapter 2 is going to take A LOT of work, and I am trying to figure out how to salvage it to some extent and not just delete the thing entirely. I hate to do so, what a waste of 6000+ words. Anyway, what was previously the "interlude" is now its own separate story. What I want to do most of all, and what my

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Report Tsunogami · 403 views · #progress #revisions

Heart of Stone Revisions. · 10:02pm Dec 4th, 2016

So I have finally begun revisions on the Heart of Stone. It will take some time, considering its a four hundred thousand word story that only makes sense. When I do post them it will be done in blocks. Each Act will be treated as it's own book. Most of what I'm doing is editing, as well as word smithing. Though i will also be trying to strengthening the plot lines that are there, and eliminating ones that never panned out or weaken the story over all.

Report TheCrimsonDM · 357 views · #revisions #update

Dialogue Revisions & Other Fun Maintenance · 4:02am Jul 16th, 2015

Dialogue revisions and sentence structure revisions will take place in Wandering Through Realities before Chapter III: "The Aeons Torn" is published in the coming days.

The urge to revise has grown on me such as a strange Kenyan rash would. Now that I have the story successfully submitted, people get to read the Prologue and Chapters I & II to get a feel for the story while the changes take place.

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Report plsnobully · 273 views · #story #revision

The Fanciverse: Notes on Characters (revised) · 10:12pm Mar 16th, 2021

Alrighty, so, I now have a good idea of where I'm going with this universe, and here are the characters, some removed, others edited for the sake of correction. (Please i need a better name for Sapphire Flower, help me out, eh?)

Fancy Mark - Earth Pony
Sapphire Flower - Pegasus
Evergreen - Unicorn
Dirt Patch - Earth Pony
Clypeus - Changeling
Vanta - Umbrum
Ardutho - Zebra


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A Quick Update. · 4:02am May 3rd, 2018

Expect a revised chapter 2 of my Fate/ Go Day story soon.

Report Inazuma · 304 views · #update #revisions

Latest Chapter Has Been Revised · 2:16pm Mar 1st, 2017

After thinking about it more and reading a comment from Commander Darklight again I decided to not have Twilight's friends go with her instead just having spike with her. Just wanted to let you all know! I think it will be better this way anyhow.

Report DracoBrony · 311 views · #Revised #Revisial

Chapter 6 Addition · 6:24pm Jun 26th, 2018

To everyone that is following me because of Helljumpers, due to my own dissatisfaction and Venerable Ro's correct observation that the pacing was way too high in the chapter I added Day 12 and Day 14 to chapter 6, that means There are an additional 1500 words of content now in chapter 6. I'll also notify anyone else in chapter 7 about this addition, it also means I broke 20000 words! :yay:

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PSA: Regarding the First Chapter of Black Sun Nation · 10:25pm Mar 16th, 2016

This is just a quick little notice to anyone who has already read or is planning to read Black Sun Nation. Currently, the only chapter that's out is the first chapter, but after a day or two of reviewing it with multiple (one in particular) peers, I've changed some things. It's not completely different, there are just some key story elements in the text that have been reworked so that they work better.

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Changes to two old stories · 1:58am Jun 26th, 2017

I finally rewrote the final chapter of "The Magician and the Detective", taking into account Karen Joy Fowler's critique. (I changed the tea references in chapters 8 and 10 to lavender tea, to remove any doubt

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Report Bad Horse · 658 views · #story #revision

Chapter Revisions Continue · 1:23am Dec 27th, 2023

I finished and published a completely rewritten Chapter 3 of To Bellenast. If you recently read the original version, you have my condolences. It was awful.

I promise the new version is an order of magnitude better. It’s 1/3 the length, has no pointless fight scenes, no plot contrivances, and no unnecessary exposition (there is a teeny tiny bit; I wanted to keep it to the absolute minimum, but these bits are vital).

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Report Sir Mediocre · 89 views · #Revision #Rewrite
Viewing 1 - 20 of 172 results