
Viewing 181 - 200 of 346 results

I've been doing some bad things for Book IV... · 5:09am Aug 17th, 2015

...and you'll know in just a few weeks.


Seven... · 10:07pm Aug 17th, 2015

"Do you really think you can challenge me?"
"Oh hell yes."
"You have no chance, Seaman Dusk. I am more than human now. I am powerful, I am invicibl--"
"I have a Fabrique Nationale P-90TR with 5.7 JHPs, and they will go in you and leave a nice hole going out! You may be powerful and invincible...but I am a SIREN! You died the moment you faced me!"

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Eh, why not. · 4:00am Aug 28th, 2015


I'm liking writng Sunset lot recently... · 9:38am Oct 17th, 2016


Ten... · 10:47pm Aug 10th, 2015

"Hey, I'm just saying that my daughter has a hotter career than mine right now...and you don't even have a career. Personally, I'm proud that you'll be the next Wreckingba...on second thought, maybe you should aim higher than her."
"Dad, I haven't even thought of that yet - and if the people staring through the window are any indication, I'm still not sure I want to do it!"
"Well, what did you have in mind, dear? Zookeeper? Model? All-powerful sorceress?"

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Cartoon Network's Taking a Huge Risk · 11:35pm Sep 4th, 2017

Look, you can like Teen Titans Go. I'm not gonna mock or insult you if you do. I personally don't like it. The reason is because I know it's a parody show, but it just does a poor job of being one and it only lands a few jokes and episodes. The writers know what their criticisms are, but they just refuse to improve. I want this show to better cause I know it can be better than just "below mediocre" IMO.

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Starting My Freshman Year Come Wednesday. · 6:48pm Aug 12th, 2016

My new high school is huge, and my class locations are... unfortunate. Most of them are right on top of each other—my homeroom's on the second floor, my English class on the third floor, my geometry class on the fourth floor, and my locker at the bottom floor, all in the same building. But my other two classes, Phys Ed and Spanish 2, are on the other side of this huge-ass school. Not only that, but there are two gyms, and I don't know which one I go to.

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Disposal Mummery · 12:59am Jan 1st, 2021

Judging by the lack of reports on a miraculous wave of healing energy sweeping across the world from the International Date Line, the new year won't automatically make everything better. But being better than 2020 isn't just a low bar to clear, it's an archeological dig to even find the bar. We sure as hell didn't see this year coming, but let's do what we can to make next year that much better. Here's to what may come.


10-Year Anniversary Blogamadoodle · 3:56pm Oct 11th, 2020

Hey, guys!

So I'm a day late and a dollar short on this, but I figure it's still a milestone worth blogging about since, you know, this was probably the single most influential thing in my life. Whether that's true or not, this fandom's been quite the influence on me as a person and my general outlook on life. I have much to thank for the people I've met and the things that I've learned from my time in it.

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Chapter XIV of "A Game of Kings" First Draft is Complete! · 11:17pm Aug 15th, 2015

That is correct, y'all!

Chapter 14: in which Twilight and the Mouse King finally have their dinner date.

You all know things aren't going to go well. Or will it? Or won't it?

You'll just have to wait to find out!


A year has passed and my work is finally ready · 3:39am Jun 27th, 2017

Hello, everyone. It's been a year but I never thought I would come back.

So yeah, the new story I've worked on is finally here at last. Well, I have to wait till it gets approved first but if you want to know how big of a story it is, it's at a whopping 24,000 words. My biggest one to date and I hope it's one that people will like.

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Ya'll should read this if you're feelin' a little lonely. (To my followers/friends/acquaintances) · 6:13pm May 2nd, 2018

If you're my friend, it means I like you for who you are.

If I can laugh with you, then that means we both have messed up, dirty minds. :rainbowlaugh::ajsmug::yay:

If I tell you I love you, you're something else than what I'm used to. :heart:

If I call you my brother or my sister, then we're a shared spirit of craziness, and I like it. :pinkiehappy:

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New Short! "Pips and Seeds" (cute, fluffy ship-fic) added to "Scenes From A Hat!" · 7:37pm Jul 6th, 2022

A trip to Manehattan results in a chance meeting that involves cute banter, a little light romance, and ponies with funny accents. Check out the latest addition to the "Scenes From A Hat" anthology! Pips and Seeds is now available!

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A New Destiny Sequel · 8:30am Feb 16th, 2021

Hey guys, as you all know A New Destiny has been completed, and despite it being a wonky mess with lots of errors, misspellings and lots of grammar errors it's still my baby and I cherish it very dearly. Now I mentioned A New Destiny was done, but Suicune's story is far from over. SOOOO I am proud to announce the New Title of Suicune's story.

A New Destiny: Wrath of The Elders

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Christmas Advent Calendar 2018 Day 23 · 6:50am Dec 25th, 2018

On the 2nd day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...2 nutshacks...again...


It Begins · 9:59pm Oct 14th, 2023

Hello everyone.

Today I am proud to present the beginning of the Storytelling Adventure for Ponyville Ciderfest 2023; a little ditty titled, simply "Opening."

(Written by yours truly, of course. Edited by Vivid Syntax and Sonicsuns)

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The OGL 2.0 Has Been Leaked, But Don't Fall For It, It's A Trap! | Roll For Combat and Community Backlash · 3:29pm Jan 13th, 2023


The Ciderfest Mane Story is Now Live! · 12:29am Nov 26th, 2023

I promised a storm, didn't I?

The main story (or "mane" story, as this punny fandom prefers) was my baby. I wrote over half of it, and edited the rest. I'll post a deep dive on it's production and design later, but for now, consider this post a hand guide on how to read it now that we've clogged up the new stories bar with 6 entries across 3 different fimfic accounts!

Prologue - Opening

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Preach Electric to a Microphone Stand (HI GUYS I'M COMING CLEAN) · 12:21am May 7th, 2018

Hi there! Full disclosure: this is an alt. My main account is this one, and my name is Aragón. Or at least that's my usual nick around the site. This was a bit of an experiment.

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Happy Thanksgiving. · 2:46am Nov 27th, 2015

Now, I'm gonna get back to watching Batman: The Animated Series. I've been liveblogging it on tumblr for the past couple days and I'm honestly having the BEST TIME. It's not only been a trip down memory lane, but also fun to watch because omfg there were so many bad puns I LOVE IT. I'm not as far as I want to be, but I'm close to reuniting with a childhood favorite of mine:

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Viewing 181 - 200 of 346 results