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Applejack reached up with a fore hoof to touch the brim of her hat. It was habitual, almost unconscious. She could feel, nestled safely underneath the hat, her two most precious treasures--a single blue feather and a small snippet of purple mane.

They were precious, more precious than anything besides her family and her farm, because they were only pieces of them she'd ever have.

Chapters (1)

The world spins, years pass, and everything comes to an end. Except Celestia. She sits on the shore of the last ocean, watching and waiting for her own chance at death. Because everything comes to an end if you wait long enough, and Celestia is patient indeed.

Chapters (1)

She never expected to see a golden chariot flying over Ponyville. She never expected just how much her life would change. She never expected Twilight Sparkle … and Twilight Sparkle most certainly never expected Pinkie Pie.

Chapters (7)

This is another fic I originally published to deviantART about a year ago. Like An Entwining of Hearts, it was then posted to Equestria Daily in October.

It's a two shot somewhat comedic shipping fic, focusing in on the Twilight/Pinkie ship. The basic plot is that Twilight gets bored and ends up reading a dating guide. Not knowing much on the subject, she starts to go around look for a date. Pinkie eventually gets involved.

Chapters (2)

Written for a small inter-author challenge of prompt fics, the prompt given here was 'Pinkie Pie exposes a conspiracy'... it's just not quite the one full of shadowy government agencies to the crown that she thought. Instead, it's something much more personal and close to home.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie's crush on Rainbow Dash is possibly the worst-kept secret in all Equestria. Rainbow doesn't really pay it much attention, though, until Fluttershy asks her to make an important promise. It sounds easy enough to keep ... but a promise, like love, is often harder and more complicated than it first appears.

Warnings for: Adult pony alcohol consumption, romance, and possibly implied consensual adult sexual situations. Involving ponies. As one does.

New cover image added 12/19. Picture is courtesy of my Beloved Spouse.

Chapters (7)

When Pinkie Pie disappears overnight with a mysterious gem, Twilight Sparkle will do anything in her power to find Pinkie and bring her back safe. But can Twilight find her in time, or will Pinkie's disappearance put everypony in Equestria in terrible danger?

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle isn�t dead.

But she's not exactly alive either, and there�s only one pony who can see her, can hear her, can prove that Twilight still exists. Unfortunately for Twilight, or perhaps fortunately, that pony is a certain pink baker and party planner.

Image by Coyoterainbow. Link: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/233/a/f/good_life_by_coyoterainbow-d47eeub.jpg And no, I have not seen Ghost. Improved summary courtesy of Donny's Boy.

Chapters (4)

Twilight and Pinkie have gone around in circles trying to admit their feelings to each other. Will a day of baking cupcakes finally change things between them for the better?

Chapters (3)