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There's nothing worse for a pegasus than falling.

[CHALLENGEFIC]: Under 3000 words, not about Twilight or the Princesses, and NO TALKIN'!

Featured on Equestria Daily, 7 May 2012.

Chapters (1)

Follow-up to "The Things We Leave Behind"

After years and years of hard work, Rainbow Dash has finally achieved her life's goal: becoming a member of the Wonderbolts. But when things don't go entirely as planned in her first Wonderbolts Derby, a promise from her past drives Rainbow Dash to tears. Will Rainbow Dash be able to overcome what she calls her only fear with the help of friends both old and new, or will the pressure simply be too much?

Title inspired by the song by SoGreatandPowerful.

Thanks to all of my proofreaders! You know who you are.

Chapters (1)

In the aftermath of one of Pinkie's parties, an innocent query leads Dash to question why she's still living with Pinkie Pie. Why does she feel trapped when there's nothing holding her back?

And how many buildings can Pinkie Pie destroy before insurance companies stop covering 'acts of Pinkie Collateral Damage Pie'?

This story is an indirect sequel related to Where Earth Meets Sky, but can be read just fine on its own. It simply assumes a previously established relationship.

Chapters (6)

Rainbow Dash is torn between fulfilling her dreams and acting on her feelings for Twilight Sparkle. Does Twilight not feel the same way, or is she simply oblivious to Rainbow's intentions?

Cover art by http://jewlecho.deviantart.com/ !

Chapters (1)

Something is definitively up around here. Applejack and Fluttershy have been spending a lot of time together without the rest of the gang. Well, Rainbow Dash is on to them! In fact, she is sure this is the no-good friend-stealing Applejack's doing, and she will not stand for this - whatever this is.

Also, Rainbow Dash wears a corn hat.

Chapters (4)

Sometimes, bad things happen to good ponies. A year following a tragic incident, Twilight Sparkle returns to Ponyville to visit what she has been missing - her town, her memories, and most importantly, her friends. But will everything be as she remembers it?

This story has a sequel titled "In History, Maybe".

Chapters (1)

Luna has had enough of Celestia's games, and has found the perfect means of revenge. Using a long-forbidden spell, she transforms her sister into little more than a small filly, all so she could pull the greatest prank ever. Unfortunately, she soon learns that before you fool around with dangerous magic, you really need to read the fine print...

A sequel can be found here.

Chapters (18)

Scootaloo has always been a filly with big dreams, but can they all come true?
At the very least, she can always follow in the hoofsteps of her hero, right?

(For an amazing follow-up/side-story, please read Shine by The Descendant.)
( Muffinz has written an awesome instrumental track here: EQBeats Page. Check it out!)
(Another great song here written by Fifths89 over on Youtube: Tiny Wings. Give it a listen!)

Chapters (4)

Twilight Sparkle prides herself on following and sticking to her plans, but she isn't as organized as everypony thinks. Her master list, the plan for her life, has an item that she has never been able to check off; and the time has come to fix that. How hard can it be? All she needs to do is go on a date and get a kiss.

Now available in hard or soft cover!

Chapters (13)

When Octavia and Vinyl Scratch decide to combine their respective musical styles into a new genre that will celebrate not only their talent, but also their unique bond, they feel confident that they're the pioneers of the new age. So when the two find their music challenged by another pair of musicians, they set out to make sure that theirs is the best. However, the rival two aren't bad artists themselves, not to mention they’re certainly not… of the same persuasion as Vinyl and Tavi. In the snow-wrapped streets of Manehattan, can they risk exposing their new found -and still taboo- relationship, or will they be doomed to second place?

Incredible cover art by JackiePhantom13! DA: http://jackiephantom13.deviantart.com/

Link: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/04/story-mixing-relationships.html

Chapters (12)