• Member Since 27th Jun, 2012
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I write pony words. Millions of them. Some people actually think they might be worth reading. I am very thankful for that. Also, I have a Patreon now?

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    My birthday

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  • 16 weeks
    So I asked Gemini AI...

    To summarize the story TD the Alicorn Princess. The result I got was... interesting.

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  • 26 weeks

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  • 38 weeks
    Editing help

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    Let me know if you'd like to help. Any extra eyes would be highly appreciated.

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I try, I really do. · 2:33am Nov 19th, 2015

But some days I wonder if it's worth it. The last chapter of The Prince was very negatively received by a lot of people. In fact, people just don't seem to be liking The Prince in general, because there seems to be this perception that because the characters are possibly making mistakes (you know, like real people do in high stakes stressful situations where there is no clear-cut right answer) that I must be a complete idiot who doesn't know what I'm doing. Is the story perfect? No. Is any story perfect? No, but I like to think that I really try to get good, interesting stories out to you guys.

For over three years. For free.

People don't trust that I might have some really good stuff planned. Nope, it's just he's an idiot because the characters aren't acting the way that I think they should act.

I'm going to be honest here: if I could go back and do it, I wouldn't have put the war in at all. In fact, I'd have found a good way for TD Alicorn to end then be done with it. Nobody seems happy with it, but everyone begs me for updates then trashes the story in the comments once I finally do push through all of the medical crap I'm going through and update for you guys.

I dunno. Am I just overreacting? Reading into things that aren't there?

Report BronyWriter · 1,258 views · Story: The Prince ·
Comments ( 113 )

Well, I for one really like they way The Prince is going. Stay strong man, and don't pay attention to the haters.

I've liked it so far.

I like to mess with the people who are negative about my stories because their head coon clashes with mine. Write for yourself first of all. The moment you start writing for other people, you just make it harder on yourself. Some people complain because it is a good story, but something somewhere disagreed with their thinking and they resort to being whiney five year olds.

Write on! Ignore the fools who mock good storytelling!

I've typed out million-word stories that I've never released because I realized that the direction I've taken was stupid as hell and I couldn't be assed to go back and fix everything.

Don't worry about it, your characters seem alive.

Dude, you've seen the comments on my latest update right? I know where your coming from. You need to remember that you're the writer. You are the one whose writing the story you want to write. How you go about it is your choice, be it loved or hated. Never regret the path you take in writing a story because it's your way of writing it and your way of showing it to others. There is nothing wrong with a character being "human" as I will say it. They make mistakes, they have problems, different personalities, just because one character doesn't go the direction that somebody wants doesn't make it right or wrong. It makes it your way! You are free to decide what happens and where to go! Take the criticism and accept it, learn from it but never shatter or be controlled by it. Because of people bitch because their fandom world view is not being done they want don't give any crap about them. Instead give your all to those who give you respect, kindness and enjoy your work for the sake of it being work.

And besides It's a fanfic. And Rule Number 1 of Fanfiction is that it can be anything you want!

I think that the story is pretty damn good to be honest, I do think though that TD should have stayed female. That would be my only beef, and that has nothing to do with the plot-line anyway. So you're doing fine in my book, keep it up. :pinkiehappy:

Dude, I think your story was amazing. I know you have good stuff planned anyway, so the readers shouldn't whine when you write something they disagree with. I, an many readers that don't complain, always wait for a chapter of The Prince, so that should tell you that your story is awesome.

I'd say those people are the vocal minority.

Most people are here because we like reading your stuff.

I... Might not be the best person to speak, but I'll toss this out there. I stopped reading back when it was the first story, when he was just settling into the whole "being a princess" thing. You made yourself into an alicorn, which threw up big red warning flags, but you won me back with how it went realistically, instead of "I'm a pretty pretty princess and I'm gonna play games with Luna and go pranking Celestia".

But I think you went way too hard the other direction. I noped out when it started turning into pony Game of Thrones. I already don't like Game of Thrones—I feel like the whole franchise is a playground for Mr. Martin to write big battles and impress Hollywood, and there's no actual point to it, they'll all die at the end because he'll give up—and blending that with ponies didn't make it go down any easier.

So, simply put, I stopped reading. Call it personal opinion, if you like, but I just plain think you went way too hard at realistic, and most people don't want that in their pony.

I thought the whole thing has been pretty awesome. I can't see what's to complain about. It's baffling.

Yep, totally overreaction. Don't stop writing, I beg of you.

If it makes you feel any better, I'm following The Prince to the end. Bad or good, I'll keep following the story until you mark it Complete.

I really enjoy the way the Prince is going myself.

You really are doing a great job and just ignore the detractors and just do what you enjoy. =3

3552162 Fair enough if "Game of Thrones" type stuff doesn't float your boat. No hard feelings if you stopped reading because of that. :twilightsmile: Though one thing:

You made yourself into an alicorn,

TD is not my self-insert. I have worked very hard to distance him from myself, to the point where I've cut whole characters out if I thought that it might resemble me too closely.

I know exactly how you feel, mate, my story "Lazarus the Rise of Man" has had similar reactions on nearly every chapter. Because I have military characters in the story apparently by some people's points of views I am not allowed to give the grunts (marines) any human emotion or make mistakes. It's as if they have to follow every single order they are given and must always conduct it correctly, if not I'll be swarmed with complaints and down votes.

All I have to say is... cue cheesy line.

Keep Calm, and Carry on.

Don't let the extremist tear you down, just write what you want to write. If they don't like it, let'em go. You can't please everyone! Trust me, I learned that the hard way. Besides, I looked at some of the comments and it appears that the people speaking out against your story is nothing but a minority, instead of them focus on the majority of readers. However, do not confuse the people who are speaking out to others who are giving constructive criticism.

Now if you excuse me, I have a Citadel I need to maintain.

If it's any consolation (it probably isn't), it's not just you.

I've noticed that this seems to be a trend right now with readers losing confidence in stories because the characters do things the readers don't want them to; as if just because the story is free, the reader is somehow entitled to fill the role of producer.

And apparently, Sues are in-style with producers this year. Or at least, a portion of the readership here spontaneously forgot what it means to have a protagonist be "reasonably challenged." I guess this means that they aren't reasonably challenged unless they are Kenshiro facing down Nameless Mook #837,496.

I can only speak for myself, but I actually enjoyed the new chapter. I wasn't bothered by any mistakes TD may or may not have made, because it would be boring if the characters kept stumbling onto good fortune. That said, I also didn't have anything really important to say about it, so I didn't. Things happened, things will continue to happen. Thus is life. I trust that you have a plan, because you have to have spent infinitely more time thinking about the story than I have. Weeks can go into a chapter that a reader can finish in an hour, after all.

The only criticism I could level at the chapter is that there wasn't enough of it, but I rarely think otherwise about any story I read right up until the epilogue. Sometimes not even then.

You do you, guy. This is fanfiction, and you make it for your entertainment. You share it because you think other people might enjoy it. (And because there is a niggling little voice in your head that says it would be weird to write it and then keep it to yourself and it just. Won't. STOP. TALKING!) If you're tired of catching flak, then... well, have fun writing something else. Until you set up a patreon or some silliness like that, you got no obligation to force yourself for my enjoyment. Even if I might want you to.

I love the story as it is and how the story line is shaping up.
I say let the haters keep hating and keep going as is after all they are only hating there selves.

I don't really ever talk here on fimfiction but for what it's worth I happen to like the story so just ignore the haters and keep doing things the way you want.

I still have this on my primary story list, and read any chapter as soon as it comes out. The latest chapter hasn't changed that.
I don't really like political stories much, but this story doesn't go purely in that direction, so Its not something I am likely to stop reading.

You have put a lot of effort into ensuring that TD's alicorn status adds problems and challenges, rather than roflstomping them.

Well, if you say so. It's just that it's an assumed trope with most human-in-Equestria stories with male main characters, you understand. Apologies.

I comment on stories because I want to help the author improve, and let them know I'm enjoying their work. If your story is shit, I'm not going to bother commenting and wasting my time. I also hate writing pure comments of praise because it tells an author almost nothing, and even the worst authors will get sycophants telling them how they're amazing authors who can do no wrong. So why am I going to make such stupid comments, instead of writing something of substance.

In my comments, I did not attack your writing as such. I didn't say "wow you can't write for shit", or how your prose is bad, your grasp of English is awful, or how you can't write a decent character if your life is dependent on it. I argued one thing: that there was a logic error in the story, one that threatens my suspension of disbelief. When you rebutted those points, I argued why the logic behind your reasons was flawed. Logic stands on its own. There is no point in taking it personally.

Now the answer can be, yes some characters are being stupid. People sometimes make massive mistakes. If characters are to reflect real people, then they can also make massive mistakes. Characters can also be weak. It could also be the case that actually yes there is a flaw in the story, but it needs to be overlooked to make it work. It's extremely difficult to write a story with absolutely no plot holes at all. And you know what, it's fine to admit that. I've known authors who have done that, and said that going back to fix it would involve an infeasible amount of rewriting. That's fine, I respect their honesty and acknowledgement.

If you want people to mindlessly tell you how amazing you are, fine. I'd lose a lot of respect if that was the case, but I'd honour that.

I did not see a single comment in there from "haters" and whatever bullshit terms your fans have thrown around on this blog post. And that kind of illustrates my point. Look at the comments above. Someone has offered constructive criticism of your story and they've dismissed it as haters, or whining. You've taken it too personally instead of taking a step back. All this contributes to why there are so many shit stories out there, because of this hugbox mentality.

(Also see the downvoting cowards who don't say anything to your face because they're too fucking childish and can't stand having their feelings hurt.)

Never even read the story, but here's all you gotta say:
"If you don't like it then write something better."

Or you could try using this one:
"Stop reading along if it's that much of an issue."

I like it. I don't know why people don't.

I am sorry, this must be really hard for you.

3552231 I never mentioned you by name. Your comments are just the latest thing.

And do I want 100% praise? Of course not. If that's all I got... well, read my first few stories to see why I like constructive criticism and want to improve.

And by that I mean please don't ever read my early stories. :twilightblush: They're crap. I cringe when I think about them. if it weren't for people like you telling me if I'm going off the path, I'd have never gotten to where I am, and I'm thankful for that every day. Sometimes I just feel that a lot of people don't trust that I've put a lot of thought and effort into the story and I know what I'm doing. Sure, I make some things up as I go along (and I've come up with some of my best stuff as a result) but I do have a lot mapped out for the war. My problem comes when people just call my characters and my choices stupid. I'm not saying that you are the lone reason I think people hate my story. Far from it.

All I can say is this is one of maybe 10 stories I read out of 30+ that I will stop what ever I'm doing to read if I know a new chapter is out. So please just keep doing what you feel you need to do.

My uninformed suggestion is to take a vacation. Put the ponies down for a week or two, and spend that time thinking about anything else. When you come back, you'll be refreshed and ready to decide what to do about all this.

My only complaint regarding The Prince is about the slow update pace. That is all.

I'm accustomed to reading stories that start off on a low burn and take time to set the stage before kicking into action. As a rule, the eventual payoff those stories offer is well worth the lengthy setup. The Prince gives me the impression of being that type of story. So go ahead, keep doing what you're doing (but, you know, a little faster. Please?), and I'll cheerfully keep reading.

Wait, the latest chapter was recieved negatively?! Why?

Unfortunately, the people who like the story and where it's going are the silent majority. I hardly ever comment on any story, not sure if I have ever on yours but I want you to know now that I love the story and what you are doing with it. Thank you for taking your time to write it for us.

Its sad that comments from people that are not happy are in the majority becuse those that like the fic stay silent and want to see what happens without to much interference becuse they belive in the writer, or dont got something creative to write (comments of "more" and "awsome" gets old fast).

I for one like the Fic and hope it lives for a long time.

I'm not seeing too much in the comments of The Prince, honestly. In any wase, I don't know the whole situation there (As I only read through the first page or so before posting this) but I wouldn't worry too much.

As for what I'd do when I disagree with your choices? I put in my two bits, make note of what I'd do, but I know that I'm a spectator at the end of the day. You are a more experienced writer than I am, and I trust that you've thought far enough ahead that any major blunders a character makes has some purpose.

But really? What does any of my comment mean? At the end of the day, you make your own decisions. And I'd say you have a lot to be proud of here on your 'portfolio.'

All I can really offer is my best wishes. :pinkiesmile:

Haven't started reading this story yet, but all I can say is try to ignore that crap.

Constructive criticism is one thing, but this sounds like bashing for the sake of bashing.

Simply stating you don't like some aspect of the story and then bashing the author doesn't help and just makes you looks like an ass.

My only complaint is how OP Equestria seems, in addition to the deus ex machina that came from Tulip.

I have to say, even though I'm behind reading for the prince because of a multitude of other things, I absolutely love The Prince. I love how you write and the realism of the characters you create and how you actually look at the Characters point of view for things instead of some other authors who put their own view over the characters. I.e the moral quandaries of a peace loving race using horrid tactics like napalm.

Just wanted you to know that man <3

I enjoy reading your TD stories and The Prince is no exception. To be honest, I wasn't expecting anything to come from the war introduced in TD The Alicorn Princess, but at the same time, it's another thing in TD's new life that he needs to overcome and grow more as a character.

I'd like to see some more focus on the more lighthearted Life of a Non-Brony, but you're the author and if your muse points you more toward The Prince and TDVEG, that's fine.

As far as the people who are lashing out on you over stupid crap, forget them. Do what you feel like doing.

3552368 I am actually 2100 words into the new Life chapter.

The truth is a lot of the commenters on this site are jerks who only want stories to go how THEY want, thinking they can dictate to other authors because they're apparently too lazy to write their own stuff. I personally like The Prince and your other TD stories, and think the story's doing just fine.

3552236 Or you could definitely never ever use either of those. That's how you start a huge war in the comments, because those are both challenges against the opposing party. That's not any way to solve anything, it's how you start shit, especially that first one.

And I haven't started on The Prince because of some life stuff going on for about half a year now, but I liked the direction you seemed to be going in. I like your writing, and I'd say I trust you to have a plan. Though if you are getting a ton of comments about you not having a plan, maybe that means you have to be a bit more obvious with your cues towards an overarching event. A lot of times, something seems really obvious to the writer because they know the end goal, but not to the uninformed reader. I'm sure you already know that, but maybe it's something to consider. Then again, I haven't read The Prince (yet), so feel free to disregard this.

I think maybe some of the negativity is a reflection of the whole ISIS issue, especially with the recent attacks in Paris. It's not you, its the people who, while reading, seem to want the war with the griffons and minotaurs to go they way they think we should be handling ISIS.
hang in there.

I discovered your TD series a week into my account first being on FimFic, I spent day after day eating up every scrap I could of your work, and when Prince was released I was very happy. I honestly love the work you've done on it and it is by far my favorite branch of TD's story. I don't know where the hate is coming from man, but I don't think it is deserved. I believe you have a vision with your stories and I guess some people just don't get that? Anyways, I like your work, I would like more of it, and don't let people dilute your vision.

At the end of the day this is your story, you tell it the way you want too. If people don't like it take it with a grain of salt and keep doing what YOU want to do. I find your stories very good so keep going with what you have.. :twilightsmile:

And yet they do keep coming back so you must be doing something right.

I've had to have some questions, and misgivings ironed out via reply trains with you, but the answers you gave convinced me and I can honestly say that I trust you enough to see where this story will pan out in the long run. I wouldn't keep coming back, or take the time to comment if I didn't.

It's probably been said already but...haters gonna hate.:applejackunsure: Especially when they feel they have the rock-solid shield of anonymity. :ajbemused: (psst they really don't) Some of your stories I like more than others, but I really do like all of them.:twilightsmile: My advice: Be happy:pinkiehappy: Keep calm:coolphoto: And brony on:rainbowdetermined2:

Whelp this is news to me because i freaking love the prince :pinkiehappy:

I enjoy The Prince and I am always happy to see an update for it. Are there some flaws? Sure, but we read the story because we like it.

I love the story. I just remain silent because you write well enough that I can't think of anything constructive to say.

I for one love this version of TD's story. It's in my personal top 10, and while I might not have commented on every chapter, I have definitely enjoyed it through and through.

If you have to take a break, then by all means, do so, but don't be discouraged by a bunch of 1's and 0's translated onto a screen from anonymous strangers on the interwebs (because that's technically what all comments are). You should hopefully enjoy writing as much as we do reading it.

...just don't take too long of a break, I really wanna know what happens with TD :rainbowwild: :rainbowlaugh:

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