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Fuck Nintendo · 10:32pm Jun 3rd, 2012

That's it. I'm done with Nintendo forever.

(I'm talking about the WiiU stream http://www.nintendo.co.jp/nintendo_direct_pre_e3_2012/en/index.html)

Report knighty · 648 views ·
Comments ( 70 )

Soo.... Nintendon't?

Wii U announcement? I'm hearing it on a stream but it's hard to hear what they are talking about.

What did they do to make you so upset?

Any particular reason? I know they've pissed me off a number of times...so what's got you over the edge?

I don't get it. Why are you pissed? It looks fine to me.

Erm... what's the matter with them? The only thing they've done recently is annouce the Wii-U. Idk how that would get you pissed. I don't think you'd care, personally, but at least I don't... so I'm not sure how this would get you mad...

Graphics sucked ass anyways. :ajbemused:


I always hated the Wii.

I was done with Nintendo the day they announced the Wii. Such a waste of potential.

I completely forgot about the conference until now... :facehoof:

OFFSHORE... I didn't know it was so bad that they'd need to be offshore to hide from the angry fans

152351 People like you make me sad :fluttercry:...

152354 I always found the mechanic interesting. Are we going to have a problem? :twilightangry2:

152375 Exactly. Graphic whores who don't care about fun, story, and music, only about the graphics. I hate people like that. And that's 99.999999999999999999999999999999999% of my school last year!


152378 nah. Lets be friends :twilightblush:

152375 cry me a river. PS3 kicks mega ass and you know it. :rainbowdetermined2:
Best gaming graphics to date and FREE online gaming. :trixieshiftleft:

I immediately thought he was targeting me with this and I came to rage about it (politely of course), now I just feel sad.

152388 PC is better. Thats common knowledge. that is all


strange japanese commercials

152403 LOL! Wut ar u retardedd? Mac is best and your stupid fucking ass knows it! Go eat your own shit! :trollestia:


HA! I beat you to something for once!

Victory is mine!


why are we having a competition?
does the competition even exist?

152403 i actually have to agree, considering i do not own a PS3.
...assuming the PC has the capacity to run the game to its fullest.


It exists if you BELIEVE enough.


I don't care enough

is it just me or does that look like one of the controlers from the sega gensis back in the 1990s but only with a screen?

http://www.videogameobsession.com/videogame/Genesis/hardware/Sega_Genesis_Arcade_Power_Stick-AFTER-01.jpg <- example.

I own both a ps3 and a WIi, And I play dozens of retro and new games on my computer. Graphics dont matter much to me, they are cool,but all I want is a fun game. Im looking forward to the WII U.
-is a person who can play Portal 2, UMVC3, and then hop on to my DS and play Intellivision lives-
Old school is the best school. [thank Computer for Emulators ^_^]

152386 :yay:
152388 I'm not saying the PS3/Xbox (and can't say anything bad about PS3 concidering I own one myself...) are bad in any respect. Wii's still underapreciated though :trixieshiftleft:

152558 i agree. i'm actually suprised they havent been declare a weapon, considering how many things have been been broken/destroyed by them. :rainbowwild:
they are a TV's worst nightmare! :rainbowlaugh:

152388 Shit, wrong comment. What I meant to say is that graphics don't matter to me. PS3 is great, and so are the other systems (old and new). To me, if the game is good (great graphics or shitty ones) it's good in my book :twilightsmile:.

152569 i can respect that, and totally understand. :moustache:

but for me, the better the graphics, the better the game. :twilightsmile:

I agree

Nintendo just needs to stop making such terrible consoles

Imma Pc guy, on the internet.

I don't always rage about a video game company...

But when I do, I run an online fanfiction site for people who like ponies.

:derpyderp2: Wow, even I don't understand me.

There's brave men knocking on our door. Let's go kill them!

:facehoof: That "Nondescript action figure" is CLEARLY a home brew. And not even a high quality home brew like those over in the Transformers fandom makes, to say nothing of our own custom pony crew. No, THIS is clearly a low quality job of the worst order. Even odds say he managed to gum up the articulation with that paint job, if not disable it altogether.

...oh, wait, was that video depicting nerds as socially inept man-children? :derpyderp2:

Yeah, I can see how Knightly would want to go Cupcakes on Nintendo's ad campaign. :pinkiecrazy::flutterrage::twilightangry2::ajbemused::rainbowhuh::raritydespair:

This is why I stick to my older game consoles.

152573 no offense but thats kinda why i've almost completely stopped playing new console games and have stuck with older ones instead. its all about graphics primarily nowadays and thats it really, i don't want games that have the best graphics but can be beaten in 3 days or less (which outside of RPG games, thats how long a lot of newer games last me), i want games that last despite the graphics :/

153082 i find no offense in this, and i respect your opinion. :ajsmug:

I agree... I gave up nintendo 2 years ago... i respect your diligence on hanging on to it until the last stop! :twilightsheepish:

Umm, Virtual Consol, SMG, Sonic Colors, SSBB, you can use multiple types of controllers, and Skyward Sword just to name a few things right with it.

You're either 1)a dumbass 2)no true gamer or 3)both.

Ha ha ha haha ha NO EVERYONE KNOWS PS1 AND PS2 are the best!!!!152403 <--Same to that guy


I'm sorry I don't see anything in that comment box.

reading up on this a bit more now and well, if it requires internet of any kind to use then i can't get it. (even if i wanted to try it which i'm not too sure i care to)

153138 meh, not wanting to start an argument in the comments but i'd like to point out something concerning pc vs consoles in gaming: console can't be modded/upgraded to aid with things like lag and in some cases get the best graphics quality whereas pc's can be modified endlessly making them vastly superior... well, if you make it with enough power. me, i can run a ps2 game on the pc and the only problem is my laptop isn't powerful enough so the games are all real sluggish (no lag, just slow), and no sacrifice otherwise. can't do anything like that on consoles... um and (feel free to take this to PM's) did you guys know that the game skyrim, even the console versions, contains around 2-3/4 of the entire continent of tamriel in it?


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