I write Remnants with a friend and some other crap that isn't as good. I am here to share them with you.
"Gold for the merchant, silver for the maid / Copper for the craftsman, cunning in his trade / 'Good', laughed the Baron, sitting in his hall / But iron - cold iron - shall be the master of them all."
I'm an old-school MLP fan, glad the new show is doing great.
I'm guy who sometimes writes fanfiction. I like bacon.
I am the Storm Scribe. Let my words thunder across all creation! Let my imagination rain down and bring life to new worlds and adventures. Above all else, may you enjoy what meager gifts I bring...
My friends call me Spectra! Everyone else says "Ah, how did this horse get in here!?"
I write. I read. I fave. I ship. I love Changelings. Princess Luna is best Princess. Twilight Sparkle is best Mane 6. The Doctor is awesome.